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Everything posted by solrocknroll

  1. excuse me you're a hell of a guy i mean, my my my you're like pelican fly i mean, you're so shy and i've lovin your tie you're like slicker than the guy with the thing on his eye
  2. This is actually a place where Awakening whips Fates for me. I still remember "Don't speak her name!" or "But what if I can't?" I also remember vividly the themes like Duty, Divine Decree, and I'd-Serenity or Purpose. The support music was really effective, yet I've never really noticed Fates' soundtrack. There's a bit too much Lost in Thoughts All Alone in like half the music for me. Conquest's soundtrack from what I've seen has Dusk Falls which is actually one of my favorite themes, and Dark Wastes, which I find kinda meh. There's good themes in every game, but Awakening's is the one still planted in my memory.
  3. New Mauville. It's locked until after Groudon/Kyogre now, but you can still fight Pokemon in the entrance because the door is pretty far away. You can catch Magnemite there, or you can get it in Swarms really early on
  4. i think sceptile, camerupt, magnezone, crawdaunt, altaria, and starmie that sounds pretty good and balanced
  5. if you're attempting to credibly argue, don't call people "lowest common denominator." Nothing in this world makes me angrier than that. It's like when people call other people trashy or slut; that makes my blood boil. Sure, I'll identify as lowest common denominator though. I enjoyed skinshipping. Just because it's not a "real problem" does not mean that it's bad. I play games to escape from reality, not to see even more atrocities. That's why I primarily play harmless, safe games like Animal Crossing, The Sims, or Cooking Mama.
  6. I've played pretty much every game since FE3 dude. Thracia's the only hard one. Genealogy is especially easy. Gen I gives you Sigurd, Quan, Briggid, Jamke, and Lachesis to murder everything. Gen II gives you Seliph, Shanan, Ares, Faval, and some other good kids like Lakche or whatever. I only play easy games. My favorite series are Mario, Pokemon, Kirby, Yoshi, and Animal Crossing. Insulting is a little ridiculous. I certainly hope Kirby's Epic Yarn or Mario Party didn't insult you either Edit: this just hit me in the face, but man the concentrated elitism in this post. I sincerely hope you don 'to actually judge people based on how they like their hobbies to be easy because that's a little much
  7. The localization is the only thing that really matters. I cannot speak Japanese, so I am not going to try to cross-compare with a language I don't even understand. The localization made Corrin a very well-rounded character that the Japanese version failed to do. By that merit, I much prefer the name Corrin to Kamui. Kamui sounds generic.
  8. what flaws exactly? Birthright is pretty much the perfect game in every area. It isn't awakening, but it's still great. It has perfect map design, great characters like Orochi, Kagero, Setsuna, and Azama, and it's easy. I hate hard games, and I've actually been routed before on Normal/Casual anyway. I'm never playing conquest so I don't really care there.
  9. They're actually more eagle and stag. Those two species are connected to Norse's great tree Yggdrasil. Zygarde is too because it's Nidhoggr. The connection is indeed there.
  10. Yes, but you implied Corrin was villainous which isn't the case. Corrin has a ridiculously bad reputation for no reason. You site the Japanese version for evidence, but the Japanese version tends to have worse writing. If you want Corrin's personality, just look to Smash Bros.
  11. god these "memes" are way too meanspirited to be funny yes, the plot and characters are sometimes bad, but do we need to constantly address this? and please, don't respond to this post with strikethrough, it makes you look passive aggressive and it only serves to make your argument look worse
  12. please stop trying to paint Corrin as this evil figure because just because he isn't competent all the time does not mean he is evil
  13. I actually used one on my first run. it was the epitome of useless but I guess it was cute There are too many water types I like this is giving me difficulty: Starmie, Crawdaunt, Kingdra, Lanturn, Tentacruel, and Ludicolo are all on my radar
  14. Awakening's still better to me than Conquest or Revelation in every conceivable way. Birthright is almost as fun, and the cast is great, but Awakening's cast will still be my favorite in FE history.
  15. funnily, pretty much every character but like Camilla, Elise, and Niles react with confusion. After bonding with them for a minute, they then get used to it and you grow closer. It was never meant to be presented as something disgusting or sexual before marriage, when the quotes all change.
  16. i made a team list for alpha sapphire but I wasn't satisfied so I scrapped it just someone please tell me what to use I beg you because the Hoenn Pokedex does not make me happy. right now I have sceptile and kingdra locked in. maybe medicham??? for perspective, my crystal team is typhlosion, electabuzz, miltank, exeggutor, donphan, and lapras. my platinum team was infernape, floatzel, bronzong, porygon-z, scizor, and weavile. i need originality like that and hoenn isn't giving it to me
  17. alternatively, child hunts anyway, skinshipping is not presented as sexual before marriage so I really cannot understand why people hate skinshipping so much
  18. Lol there's a 0% chance of this happening everything that nintendo learned from the 64 and GameCube where they tried to be "different" backfired xenoblade x barely fit on one dual-layered disk. does anyone actually think that cartridges wouldn't be three steps back it's going to kill third party if it is true
  19. anyone else see the generic labeling of Atlus as evil or whatever Atlus makes more games than just Conception dude Edit: On fanservice? I love fanservice of all types so I'm happy about it. Wish fanservice was more even instead of so male-targeting, but oh well
  20. are you actually reading people's posts and on a related note: what makes provocative and lewd a bad thing. Nicki Minaj is provocative but she's also the queen.
  21. So? What does that change? undertale porn exists but that does not make undertale bad I'm pretty sure porn exists of everything so try not to judge something based on that
  22. did you seriously just ignore everything I said to rant about Fairy Tail, one of the most harmless anime around I'm done here Edit: @maybe um yeah I actually totally forgot about Persona but otherwise there's nothing. But Person 3 has four movies and Persona 4 has two series so shrug.
  23. so do you also dislike Animal Crossing? F-Zero? Kid Icarus? Xenoblade? Kirby? Pokemon? This can go on infinitely. Your idea of anime is hentai. Sorry to say this, but it's flat out wrong. Anime is diverse and is not hentai. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamtaro This is an anime. If FE makes you think of this, that's a positive thing.
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