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Everything posted by solrocknroll

  1. RD's art style isn't realistic at all Have you seen any of the female characters in RD Awakening's females are arguably more realistic than RD. There's no Sully or Kjelle equivalent in Demure Women Emblem
  2. I see Ana say that Trump isn't politically correct and implies it's an upside. But how is that an upside? I believe that all people should attempt to never offend one another, but it's one thing for people to make jokes in their homes. It's another thing for politicians to say whatever they want and risk offending people. There's a reason a lot of Republican politicians are hated, and it's because of gay/trans people more than anything else. Sexuality and gender are important to topics to be politically correct, and race and religion are just as important to protect. IMO, it's a major negative that Trump doesn't sugarcoat what he says. No one should ever have to face the possibility of being offended because of who they are.
  3. so like, I was expecting the phase to be over so I wasn't following this, but I'm going to go on reading what's been said since I went to sleep last night.
  4. Note to blah: this plot point is not nearly as bad as Thane makes it out to be. At this point, the amount of vitriol towards Conquest's story is unjustified and it's far more interesting than "least liked in the series" Which isn't a good thing at all because I think that there's way worse plot twists in other FEs
  5. My idea: There's a cluster of four or five countries on a small-ish continent. Tensions between some of countries are high. One country, who's military has a ton of Wyvern Riders and Cavaliers, goes to invade the other countries with the help of an ally. The Lord is naive and his country is attacked, forcing him out. He takes up his sword and goes with his Tactician the Avatar and his older Paladin assistant. Maybe his sister can also be involved. He begins to meet some people around the countryside such as a siblings who are red and green cavaliers or a youthful archer. He also meets some people from villages and maybe even a sell sword Myrmidon. He eventually goes to his neighbor and asks for support, which he receives. From there, he moves into the third neutral country and ends up befriending it. There might be some slight trials and tribulations, but he then moves to the fourth country who is helping the big fifth country. After dealing with the fourth country, he then goes to his home and liberates it. Our main lord also makes friends with the resident loli dragon. Her evil species are occasionally enemies fighting our protagonist. She is very helpful. From there, he takes his forces and moves into the big empire. The mad emperor's forces oppose him, but he manages to make it to the emperor. The emperor has an sorcerer assistant. The two of them fall in battle, but an ancient dark dragon arises for the final battle. The dragon is slayed and the prince now gets ready for a peaceful world. We see our ragtag group's future with their spouses and then roll credits.
  6. I wouldn't say that this means anything, but when Masuda showed them working on the bird, one of the women said Yayakoma, which is Fletchling's Japanese name. I have no idea what he responded with, but it might be a clue as to whether or not that bird is new or not. She also said that she wanted Mega Weavile, though I doubt that really means anything.
  7. SB's bothered by mysterious OC player which does make sense. I still think that I'd need to know more about this OC player than I already do to make an informed decision. I think your reads are pretty solid. Truth be told I haven't really noticed Strawman or Elie so far and I could probably sheep what you feel about them. Otherwise, we have pretty similar views (Cam, Manix).
  8. I claimed Miller immediately because I know that it isn't helpful for a Miller to keep their role hidden. It messes with Cop results and only really exists to weaken cops. I'd rather claim now and possibly be NK'd than waste a use of Cop.
  9. Quick question: Who is Dmnt and where are they? Pretty sure they're facing a force-sub based on Mitsuki's content rule.
  10. Any questions you need answered, I'll answer. I think SB's post was really vague. He said that it "wasn't genuine" which doesn't really make sense to me. I'd like some elaboration on why he feels that way. Last time something like this happened, Randa ended up getting out of it. I actually forgot to Unvote last post tbh. I wouldn't say that YOLO is worse than SB. ##Unvote ##Vote: SB
  11. I feel that eclipse has a nice, authoritative tone that feels town. If there was one person I would be positive for town, it would be her. Manix also has some well made posts. As for scum, I don't know how I feel about YOLOSWAG considering that he only recently returned to make content, and SB's case seems poorly constructed. That's about it for me so far. I'd also say that everyone else is null for me ATM.
  12. You aren't in Hoshido for this paralogue though iirc. Mozu's roster says that she's from a Nohrian village, which doesn't really make sense but oh well
  13. Realm of Mirrors and Kirby Mafia 2. Town both times.
  14. I've only played two games. I got lunched my second day in the first game and day one in the second game.
  15. Yours was before Manix acknowledged what was said. Yoloswag voted anyway even though it was obvious that a wagon was piling up. Your vote doesn't mean as much because you've made very good contributions thusfar.
  16. if it means anything, I'm googling terms that I don't know as I see them. I actually didn't know what RVS was before I saw it in-topic.
  17. I honestly don't really know how. I've responded to almost all of the points made, and I do agree with Cam about how I haven't done enough. If anyone, I have reservations about Yoloswag who jumped on the Manix wagon after it was already stated to be one with an ounce of justification. He also hasn't posted since. ##Unvote ##Vote: Yoloswag
  18. I think an actual lynch is looking pretty unlikely from the pace of D1. Nothing's happening. I'd really enjoy it if there was some way to kick start conversation. What does everyone think about the progression so far? Making reads is pretty impossible as of right now.
  19. Agreed. I'd like to avoid the usual "day 1 lynch-a-go-go" mislynch that tends to occur near the end of the phase. The phase isn't going anywhere, which isn't a good thing.
  20. I don't. It was just pointing out where a joke wagon went too far. I don't expect accidental lynches tbh. Eh, I mainly was looking to spurn discussion based on how joke voting went. I really don't want a mislynch because it could end up like Kirby Mafia 2 where the scum run away with it. It's imperative to create content that helps the town as soon as possible. The RVS page had lasted for multiple hours without any headway.
  21. 1. Yeah, but Manix hasn't done anything yet. One whole post is her entire content. 2. I realize that it's RVS, but this is pretty haphazard behavior. I haven't really ever been around for a true RVS, so I don't know if this is standard procedure or not. I also agree that there's nothing can be gotten from what's been said so far. Where would the line end between RVS and serious votes? I'm guessing that there has to be some way to draw out real content. The Manix train just seems poorly developed from my point of view.
  22. did we really reach L-3 already from RVS
  23. why would anyone broadcast episodes of a series in order unless it makes sense to put it in order airing random episodes makes for a better viewing schedule than always knowing what comes next. It's always fun when Band Geeks randomly comes on, but it wouldn't be as interesting if it was in sequential order.
  24. I don't like Ike or his outfit so I'm probably not buying this but Idk if anyone else noticed this but this is insanely rude.
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