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Everything posted by solrocknroll

  1. Marth Caeda Navarre Gordin Ogma Minerva Gharnef Hardin Chrom Robin Lucina Tharja Gaius Cordelia Owain Severa Inigo Corrin Xander Ryoma Azura Oboro Leo Bam. Draws from the most successful FEs and has the favorite characters from them.
  2. I also think it's hilarious how the fanbase blatantly favors Nohr. It's pretty much because Hoshido is "too pure" or "not complex enough" even though Hoshido does many honorable things in the story. The small stuff is all that's remembered. Even as an honorable person, what reason does Ryoma have to let Nohr walk all over him? The place is abandoned, and IIRC it isn't even a hospital but actually an apothecary.
  3. It's really hard to pressure Blitz when he he's limited to OC. He's my strongest lead, so idk what to do about that. I'm not reading anyone else that hard. BBM's work has shown that Dorian's slot is pretty town. That only really leaves Gilgamesh for me. I'd like to see some more content from Gilgamesh, but idk what to ask.
  4. Cloud isn't too good what I main Cloud and his recent nerfs messed with what made him great. Note that he isn't even high tier. He's like 13 on the tier list and that isn't crushing. Bayonetta's good but is an excellent character who symbolizes industry growth. I love her as a character so I can handle her being good. This game is better balanced than Melee or Brawl and has more characters than either. Bayonetta is not Meta Knight tier and is not even Fox tier. Jigglypuff is the worst character and she's still more viable than Melee Kirby or Pichu or Brawl Ganondorf or Zelda. The recent buffs for Mewtwo, Zelda, and Samus brought all of them out of bottom tier. Not only that, but this is a crossover. To your small text, Golden Sun is dead and Wolf isn't as special as Lucas. Lucas was in a game that affects everyone who plays it, but I don't think Star Fox Assault is going to revolutize lives or anything. Mother fans also pretty much deserved to be thrown a bone after the poor treatment of the series before EarthBound Beginnings was released. I'm interested in what characters you think are unnecessary that aren't from FE. Every other series needs the characters they have. Rosalina and Bowser Jr are important contemporary characters. Palutena, Shulk, Greninja, and Dark Pit represent new successes for Nintendo in the form of Uprising, Xenoblade, and X/Y. Pac-Man, Little Mac, Mega Man, and Duck Hunt represent the classic side of gaming. Villager is from Animal Crossing, one of Nintend/ greatest and most beloved series. Wii Fit Trainer represents the tru depth of character selection and the embrace of casuals who helped make the Wii a success. What other newcomers are left? All of them have excellent reasons to be here. So Corrin is advertisement? Roy was advertisement. Greninja was borderline advertisement but is now beloved. Shulk's reveal coincided with the reveal of Xenoblade 3D. Ness and Captain Falcon were nobodies before Smash, and Pokemon was very new at the time. Smash Bros has always allowed for contemporary titles to get the time to shine with old favorites. It's kind of amazing how you assume that I'm being paid to call characters good. There's no basis for that at all.
  5. I actually don't know what term means Eclipse. If you are asking where I'm getting my weird theories, they've developed over the course of the game. I do have reads now, though BBM and Blitz would probably switch places on my previous reads list.
  6. Are you visiting castles from Birthright that are playing Road Taken? It had a different pitch in Birthright. There are some other songs like this iirc. Otherwise I don't really know what could cause this.
  7. lol what Too many characters? What are you even talking about? There's someone for everyone. The DLC was also amazing. You have the Pokemon series's front runner Mewtwo, Brawl's most popular first party cut Lucas, Melee's first party cut Roy, gaming legends Ryu and Cloud, the up-and-coming Corrin, and the stylish Bayonetta who has a series with a bright future. The DLC characters are all expertly chosen and implying that there's too many characters makes you look bitter.
  8. BBM isn't a good lynch anymore. I'm feeling much better about BBM than I did about Dorian. He's actually contributing to conversations and is making reads. ##Unvote As for who I'd vote, I don't know yet. I'll look at Gilgamesh or Blitz though and decide if either of them are scummy.
  9. wait so Refa is a hydra Is that a bad thing or a good thing?
  10. To an extent, I agree. However, saying it was bad just because Knight said T&T was too long is just reactionary and not even a constructive post. Funnily, I see a lot of these from that user on the Ftes board where their posts are generally spam.
  11. Cliches are a good thing. I adore the "chosen one" thing because I find it so much more interesting than some random guy getting the great power. Suikoden and Zelda do indeed use this exact same thing. Giving the Master Sword to anyone other than Link would be terrible because Link is the pure and good hero destined to save the world from evil. That's one of the reasons I love Zelda so much; it's formulaic.
  12. I realize I've forgotten to vote even though I've made my reads perfectly clear so ##Vote: Dorian Are we assuming two scum or three scum? Is three too high a number for a 12p game? Or would that be feasible because there's probably a Vig?
  13. Tbh both Refa and Prims are being town-read by me and I see both of their arguments having merits. I'd actually call this a town argument. I don't feel that Prims' behavior was particularly telling in any direction. There's a chancre that Dorian's scum because of the lack of activity. I couldn't make an informed decision in any direction, but I could get behind a policy lynch because lurkers are unhelpful in any capacity.
  14. integrity will warn you bro maybe for 1 point but still
  15. Remember how I posted Blitz's reads without reasons? Yeah, I'm paraphrasing the reasons now because I didn't know how to before. Town: Ms. Bunch - do not agree with how he plays, but is fine with logic Refa - Is scum hunting well and has good reasoning Manix - plays like usual with the stubborn pushes and pushes on weak logic Null: Everyone else Scum: Cam - early content isn't good Prims, isn't playing his hardest and isn't trying SB - Isn't playing optimally and Eclipse has a good case on him.
  16. do you ever make constructive posts As for games, I'd recommend Justice for All. You don't know the big spoiler and it has the best case in the series imo.
  17. I myself don't get it. Did he claim or something?
  18. yessss ema I love Ema and I'm really happy she's coming back. Combined with Maya's return, the cast is starting to really look good. All we need now is Franziska in a capacity similar to Edgeworth in previous games.
  19. My own reads: Town: Refa - strong and plays very similar to Kirby 2, where Refa was pretty much the leader of the town. Eclipse - good at interrogation and has a good tone to her posts. I don't really understand why Blitz would say she scums lipped considering she hasn't done that much to seem scummy. Gilgamesh - Cam played very loosely on D1 which makes sense to me. His questioning was strong for the small bit that he did. I'm kinda ehh on this read but Gilgamesh makes me a bit more confident in him being Town. Prims - sat on Elie immediately and didn't really ever let up. Null: SB - I feel better about SB now because I highly doubt him and Elie would double bus so hard. Blitz - honestly idk. I've talked to Blitz but I haven't really gotten any worthwhile content out of it. Could go either way. Scum: Manix - I dislike Manix's amount of content Dorian - where are you again? I don't think Dorian's really done anything. What happened to Strawman's role PM again? I can't speak any Spanish but it probably means something.
  20. Blitz wants his reads posted so here you go: Town: Refa Freyjadour Manix Null: everyone else Scum: Cam/Gilgamesh Prims SB
  21. Elise dyed part of her hair purple in respect to Camilla. I'd say that Kaze easily had enough reason to change sides, though that comes up in Birthright mainly.
  22. putting that through google translate resulted in some weird results As for the deaths, that means there's a Vig or an ITP I guess. It's probably an ITP tbh, because why would a Vig waste it on anyone N1? I can tell that he didn't use it himself because the only dead person was scum. I'm also confused by how someone would know YOLOSWAG was a reviver. As for Elie, that probably means that Prims is town. There's no way that Prims would bus Elie that hard from that early on.
  23. What's so blinding about magical purple again? I switched to it for a minute and it doesn't even look that bad. it kinda reminds me of satorl marsh from xenoblade. blue skies does too
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