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Everything posted by solrocknroll

  1. The more accessible part is the best part of the thing. I've played every game but 1 and Gaiden, but I still really love the direction the series is at right now. If accessible makes it more like my favorite series like Kirby or Animal Crossing or Pokemon in terms of how accessible they are, I'm all for it. As of right now, I still find Normal/Casual Birthright to be pretty difficult. I got routed on Kana's paralogue because the enemies were all like level 8 promoted and I wasn't ready for that. Hopefully this means the Avatar and marriage are here to stay then. Kozaki is also part of the success so he should stay too.
  2. bam, the console already paid for itself then. if you enjoyed those games then the console was worth it. besides, you can just buy stuff like $20 Pikmin 3 so it's not the end of the world if you buy a nintendo selects game and don't like it
  3. slightly annoyed about this news not the delay, no. the fact that Zelda will be ruling e3 for whatever inane reason we still need pikmin 4 or whatever and idc when it comes out. i just need it. Sunshine HD would also be pretty cool
  4. I still remember how I planned on saving Life in that one EiMM for the fun of it but Faust powers sold me out
  5. 1. Favorite Smash characters? 2. Any favorite TV shows? 3. Do you like Parks and Recreation? 4. Do you like the night? 5. Impressions?
  6. By that same merit, don't think that your personal skill means that everyone else's experience will be like yours. It's factually too difficult for some people. I waited for the Offspring Seal and the first time I played Kana's paralogue I got routed. On Normal/Casual. It's not easy to everyone and if TC doesn't think it's easy, that doesn't mean they need to "git gud"
  7. I still think you should have gone for it either way especially since he didn't give any indication that he thought you were female, right? he might have thought you were a guy anyway
  8. Congrats to Spain. I made a fatal error by killing Strawman but that role was pretty good honestly.
  9. agendas? really now? what honestly are you talking about?I do honestly believe that if someone did have a good life, then it's harder for them to comment on someone else's hardships without witnessing them in at least some way. It'd be like if a non-depressed person told a depressed person to just get over it. They legitimately would not understand. A character's sexuality can change. Jem's Kimber and Stormer are lesbians in recent stories. Korra and Asami likely didn't find out about themselves before each other. Those are two different situations from this, but a character's sexuality isn't set in stone. This particular situation would be pretty nonsensical because there's no insinuation in any form. I agree that this example doesn't make sense, but what about Raven and Lucius if FE7 was remade? If this remake flat out made their subtext into text, would that be change for the sake of furthering an agenda? As for the ellipses thing, it's probably the only real downside to Fates' localization. Even then, at least it isn't a mistranslation. Besides, I see people ignore all the good translations like Pikmin 3, Xenoblade X, Splatoon, and Paper Mario: Sticker Star just because of an instance of Doge in Tri Force Heroes.
  10. all three trainees are horrible units so that analogy became worseespecially since you're implying they aren't as important and are as such just trainees. an expert on awakening is still an expert woah this is a generalizationnot only is nintendo not tumblr, but you seem offended that tumblr even exists if you use terms like check your privledge in a parody. even though that's often pretty legitimate because a lot of people don't realize they have a good life compared to other people and if seliph and levin did kiss, ignoring the hebephilia involved here, how would this be a problem exactly? are you implying that Niles and Rhajat were bad additions or something? i'm also not seeing the downside to ellipses because suikoden ii had more ellipses than any media you'll ever read and people still love the story
  11. also I have to admit that after looking up Gaiden's cast they need massive redesigns because ugh the design rehashing is unreal just get Kozaki on them They also probably need new personalities and people like Robin probably need new names. I'd love to see Camus in Kozaki's style tbh as well. FE1 had a design rehashing problem which was fixed I guess with BS Akaneia Saga because Tomas and Sedgar look kinda unique but need more work
  12. The most memorable one is probably the FE7 commercial for how little sense it makes. Seeing the other FE7 ad is also hilarious. They both say to trust no one when being an FE protagonist means blindly trusting everyone The Thracia ad is also pretty cool but I see it too has been posted
  13. I'd remake Gaiden using Fates as a base. I'd have My Castle be a physical part of the world map and I'd allow grinding or whatever. I'd have an avatar, but instead of choosing a gender, you use both. Male goes with Alm, Female with Celica. They're siblings and you can decide both of their names and designs. Both would have a limited romance category, but both genders could romance Alm or Celica. I'm pretty sure the two of them don't canonically end up together, so if they do I'll pick different candidates. As for children, I'd probably leave them. I might add a few characters like Shadow Dragon in paralogues to buff out the cast. Branching promotions would probably exist. The classes would be pretty different though. Witch would be a Dark Mage promotion and Dread Fighter would replace Bow Knight. I'd probably have Ballistician as an Archer promotion just so Jake can be in the game with Anna. If I made a new game, it would be based on Archanea probably. It would have your typical blue haired naive lord fighting against the evil kingdom/empire with the help of their friends and resident Jeigan and Avatar. I'd base most of the characters on archetypes, so you'd have stuff like the perky female Peg Knight, the royal lady Troubadour, the shirtless Mercenary, and the brooding and dark Myrmidon.
  14. Who cares though Subaki's pretty obviously male just by his design alone. Even if he wasn't, why would it affect anything. You say you don't like referring to fictional characters by the wrong gender, but I'm fairly certain that you'll probably refer to a real person by the wrong gender too. These designs are really diverse and aren't even that difficult to figure out. Oboro doesn't even look tha masculine. Libra and Lucius were purposeful. You also thought Ekhidna was male which makes no sense. Just looking at Ekhidna would tell you she's a woman. I also see that you called men wearing dresses weird so I'd like to ask if you think women wearing suits is weird. an example being Zoey from Pokemon
  15. Balder but no Shulk? Whether Elma would be a good character or not doesn't really excuse that. Especially since you added characters from over the hill series such as Saki and Isaac instead of having two Xenoblade characters. Which is not exactly a major issue. Xenoblade will continue expanding in the next few years.
  16. erm, that technically isn't true. Ike is technically a noble due to Greil's status. People consider the world building good because the other FEs are probably their vantage points, and Jugdral blows it out of the water anyway. The background information on Archanea also made it very well built. RD was in 2007 when the Wii was a baby. Smash hadn't happened yet, and I don't even think Galaxy had come out by the time RD did. Both would be killer apps to the level of Twilight Princess or Wii Sports were at launch. The DS had been out for many years by the time SD was out. Your argument isn't exactly objective anyway. Calling SD terrible and Tellius the best games ever is a textbook example of bias. I don't really care about either from any real standpoint, so I'm not biased. Regardless, Shadow Dragon got less advertising than either but iirc still sold better. Tellius continued the nosedive in sales started by SS, and SD's deficit too large to make up. SD wasn't even that bad anyway. It wasn't a modern game but it was easily enjoyable for what it was. As it stands, it was a lot like an Advance Wars title. In general, I dislike the pedestal FE7-10 are on by the fanbase. They're liked because people started with them more than anything else. The Kaga games are much less played and have many superior elements.
  17. You should make sure your own house is in order before you try to give someone else advice. Especially since language is fluid, and a message can easily be deciphered with imperfect grammar unless it's just purely incoherent.
  18. There's no such thing as "anti-bias" because bias is bias on either side of the spectrum. I'd also say that Tellius got a fair shot. Tellius isn't even that interesting so it isn't like people missed out on the experience of their lives. Tellius definitely was basically the same stuff people could expect to see from FE. If anything, Shadow Dragon should have been advertised more due to the DS's large install base at the time. That way, we would have received Heroes of Light and Shadow in the first place.
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