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Everything posted by solrocknroll

  1. trilo is the worst character in the series Ben is also a complete creeper who uses his puppet to hit on an underaged, affluent girl
  2. I like Farewell, My Turnabout and it is why Justice for All is my favorite Ace Attorney
  3. there's literally zero source for esp or poison also as someone who actually likes Kirby please do not let Zera's fanatical ravings dissuade you from playing the series
  4. honestly I'm dumbfounded that he ignored every single post after fuccboi's lol How do you even do that
  5. I like SA2 solely for the music tbh rouge has some killer bossa nova
  6. I love every Kirby game but I'd highy appreciate it if you'd stop talking about the game especially in comparison to that other random game you enjoy too much; it makes me as a long time Kirby fan not want to play it
  7. I loved Sticker Star and I think this looks amazing.
  8. that's an actual fallacy and doesn't have anything to do with Thomas You also just used the exact same fallacy yet again edit: also that's solely seasons 13-16 because 17 and on are great. For proof: Legend of the Lost Treasure
  9. https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/no-true-scotsmana real Mario RPG? All you need to be a real Mario RPG is to be both Mario and an RPG. It succeeded on both counts. Feel free to think that it won't live up, but a true Mario RPG? Edit: Blame Casuals? iPhone casuals do not play Mario RPGs. I myself am a casual in that I play games for fun and without difficulty. I also don't think you're moved enough to put your messages in really large font
  10. The antagonists single handedly ruined those games for me tbh. All of them are annoying and loud. They all follow the same tropes and random humor. Dimentio and Fawful especially fell into that trope. Paper Jam has Bowsers, Kameks, Juniors, and the Koopalings, so I adore it. That's the style I enjoy. Nobody beats the King after all.
  11. I need dubs. I don't do stuff with subs, so this is highly disappointing. I'd even prefer dub only to sub only. Not the best way to build hype, especially since it looks like cutting costs considering that it bombed in Japan.
  12. Mario and Luigi? I disliked M&L for all the same reasons I dislike TTYD. It shares plenty in common. I'd also say that no, you can't get that from just any Mario game. IntSys has a particular writing style that shined through in humor like with Wiggler's Scrapbook or the Things Dealer Toad. The settings were super fun and followed the style that I love from Mario.
  13. this title is everything I like about Paper Mario Colorful, stylized, pretty, Mario and Peach are front and center, battles are against fun and tradition enemies, world based puzzles, and most importantly no annoying partners. It'll be the bomb if there's no Fawful/Dimentio-esque villain. I can't fathom how characters so random can even be written.
  14. Color Splash is amazing, Kirby is slightly weird but fine I guess, and everything else is old hat lol It's funny to see how adamant they were that Samus still had a major role
  15. It looks amazing. I adored Sticker Star and this looks similar yet different. It's great. Edit: also lol this game will not bomb and sticker star was fun
  16. There's a difference between finding extremists and disrespecting the beliefs of a whole set of people. Forcing them to eat bacon and draw Muhammad would not only be an easy test to pass, but it flagrantly disregards a religion. Are you going to force someone who's Jewish to eat non-Kosher to enter the US?
  17. idk I really enjoyed Birthright's plot It was sweet and simple As for Awakening's plot, I liked chapters 1-11 but the Valm arc is where I always stop when I'm replaying the game
  18. New model, likely based on official art. Of course, a Bravely character is highly highly unlikely. Dragon Quest is more popular and has what I assume could be characters that works, and this is operating under the assumption that Squeenix and Cloud will even return.
  19. You can keep holding out hope, but Munchlax being in the anime did not mean that Gen IV would visit Hoenn in the post game, and Zoroark in the anime did not mean that Gen IV would go to Sinnoh in the post game. I see Perfect Zygarde thrown around by fans, but how much does that actually mean? Team Flare in the anime uses their regular outfits and not a possible sequel's outfits. Zygarde being a Gen VI Pokemon does not stop Gen VII from being distinct. Ash-Greninja means literally nothing and could easily be anime-exclusive. Volcanion could have its event be in X/Y or ORAS but activate something in Gen VII. Celebi and the Shiny Beasts operated under the same philosophy in Gen IV. AZ's Floette is the only loose end outside of creepy pasta-bait like that Hex Maniac in the building, and it could easily be announced in June and given in October or something. I highly doubt this means anything. This Gen was just as long as previous gens and I can tell that B2W2 probably spoiled people and made them expect followups. Kalos left no actual loose ends that can't be addressed in this game. This isn't even mentioning how we don't even know of Zygarde isn't anime exclusive. Gathering Cells would be majorly annoying gameplay-wise and I can't see how you'd slip between the forms. Would you keep the cells in a bad? Where would the Core go? Is it a Pokemon? I barely think it would even work.
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