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Everything posted by solrocknroll

  1. I actually prefer the idea of a general Tome rank from Shadow Dragon on way more. I especially like how Starlight and Aura were usable by Mages and how Bishops used Anima. I think that making Dark exclusive to Sorcerers and Light exclusive to Onmyoji/Sage with Anima being usable by either is my favorite idea. Maybe have Nosferatu, Mire, Flux, and Ruin vs. Lightning, Aura, Shine, and Purge.
  2. idk if you're joking but this is the actual train of thought I see here especially because at the end of the support they both smile, meaning that they really understand each other and even then, this is not some huge controversial thing imo. i mean, olivia and henry or donnel didn't get as much issue as this is seemingly getting right now
  3. not only is Zera saying random things about other m that are entirely subjective but he also said that skyward sword had too slow a text speed which is lol other m and fusion are my favorite Metroids and link's awakening and skyward sword are my favorite Zeldas
  4. It's a Revelation support, and I'm never getting Revelation, so this doesn't bother me in the first place. Even then, Beruka and Saizo's personalities are well defined enough that no one needed a conversation about how messed up their lives are. The silence only lasting a small time makes it feel real. I actually get that they understand each other even sans speech.
  5. I don't think Nohr and Hoshido being literally black and white is a bad thing. I'm playing both and I find the complete differences to be amusing. It would be worse if it turned out they weren't that different after all. Gray morality is boring and I'd prefer it to be clear cut. You and I side with Nohr probably for the characters or gameplay. That's the point. It's an SRPG, not a morality test and idk why people have difficulty seeing that. I'm also having trouble seeing people forsake one version for the other when both perspectives are unique. It makes me laugh seeing people who've solely played Conquest bash Ryoma or Takumi or people who have solely played Birthright bash Xander or Camilla. I mean, feel free to dislike them, but at least see the story from both sides before you make a decision. It's why I really don't like Revelation. It adds a wrench into the two sides tbh.
  6. I think Camilla is great. She may have a large rack, but that's not all she is. I can count tons of villains who get T&A focus. Cia from Hyrule Warriors and Goetia from Xenoblade X comes to mind. That doesn't make them bad, that's just the developer's minds. I found Camilla sweet. I think her design is really pretty. I wanted to play Conquest just for Camilla and Elise more than anything else. They're so kind.
  7. Fujin too stronk Admittedly, I prefer to use Setsuna over him for some reason, but Takumi's a nice companion for her.
  8. "Azama is <3" that's about the best slogan anyone can come up with tbh we all know he's the best
  9. I enjoy the way it works enormously. I like having the option to go all out offensive or to get the paired stats. The Dual Guard meter is also great. It lets me know when an attack can be nullfied of course I'm playing Normal and I'm playing Birthright so take with a grain of salt
  10. I'm using Azama and I think Great Master is actually really good for him. I neglected to turn him into a Dread Fighter early enough, but he's legitimately gained strength almost every level. Great Master's strength boost upon promotion is also great. I've had good luck with Setsuna, so I don't think she needs to be relegated to pure support. However, I agree that Sakura is a good mother for her. I might marry him to Sakura. piggyback question: who would Setsuna make a good wife for
  11. Best OST in the series IMO, and I enjoyed Awakening and Shadow Dragon's OSTs too. I think my favorite theme from either game is Dusk Falls. It's a shame that you can't have it play in a Hoshidan My Castle.
  12. I'm playing Birthright and the damage that Jakob can do is unreal. I'm fairly certain that Shurikens are my new favorite weapons in the series. Felicia' not as good with them, but she's a better healer. That's about it with them.
  13. ok besides, why give favouritism to a character I don't even like when I can give it to Jakob, Saizo, Sakura, Azama, Orochi, and Setsuna, the amazing brigade Rinkah is completely inferior to any Dread Fighter of any merit. Even Hana would likely end up with more strength.
  14. Rinkah is total garbage I'm using Setsuna and she's still more workable than miss 2-damage-on-Normal it's sad when you're trash even on normal mode
  15. I've got two Dread Scrolls as a few candidates. I'm on chapter 8 and I'd like to use Azama, so maybe him? It'd help Jakob, but I love the Butler outfit so much that it's hard to change him. I could use one on Kagero later. If it's any consolation, if Azama or Jakob gets it, he'll go back to Great Master/Butler when he can, but Kagero will stay if I change her.
  16. lol this argument is really pointless and that much vitriol isn't necessary obviously if you picked x game you probably dislike one of the older brothers and maybe some of the other family too. you probably disagree with their ideology which is why you picked the version you picked but Xander wasn't in the wrong for sheltering his younger sibling from the world and Ryoma wasn't wrong for trying to discount te kidnappers of his younger sister besides, everyone knows the younger and older sisters are the best anyway ;) As for characters I dislike, I can't really think of any besides Hans. [spoiler=Chapter 3 spoiler]DC Douglas has a godly voice and Hans murdered it i mean I'm sure gunter's a good character but DC Douglas
  17. lol classic is no more important than casual or even phoenix just because someone has fun differently doesn't mean that it "isn't fire emblem" I also think that suggesting Hard/Classic to someone new is not very good advice because they'll hate the game.
  18. I don't really care about morals or anything. Birthright has more classes I like such as Basara, while Conquest has characters like Niles, Charlotte, Keaton, Arthur, Effie, and Camilla. The only Hoshido characters that I REALLY like are Kaden, Azama, Sakura, and Rhajat. Picking was basically choosing classes vs characters I'm still going to play through both and skip Revelation though.
  19. Considering FE3's space limitation for names and such, playing in Japanese probably wouldn't be that different.
  20. Um... Who might you be referring too? Hayato? He's not desirable either. Sakura probably makes the best Onmyoji, but she starts as a Priestess.
  21. I'd have to ask why though obviously cheese or tomatoes or x item don't fit under the four original types, so why would it take a while before it was adopted in the west i think the five right now cover pretty much everything
  22. What are your avatar and signature image from? I love the animation and colors because pink is actually one of my favorite colors

    1. claire


      My avatar is from something called pop drop candy (my friend showed it to me I don't know it that well)

      And my sig was in suggested google images when I looked up the avatar

  23. Probably Spear Master/Basara. I love naginatas and spears so the choice was easy. They're also much more visually diverse than Soldiers, but that might just be because they're new and exotic. Lances and magic is a cool combination too though.
  24. Kana and Soleil still have S Supports and get the benefits; these supports just happen to be platonic now. You can reclass and stuff using Partner Seals or whatever they're called, it just doesn't end in romance.
  25. DLC is Awakening-style. EXP Map, gold map, blah blah You can get Elincia's Gambit, that ballista map from FE1, and some Gaiden map in Pack 1 with the Grinding stuff. Before Awakening has Chrom, Lissa, and Frederick and is free now. It gets you a Marth or Lucina class item.
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