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Everything posted by solrocknroll

  1. What about the "original experience" makes it better than the localization other than the fact that it's original? Obviously you have your Persona 1's and such. Terrible localizations that butcher the games. But you also have stuff like Ace Attorney which tends to read better than the originals. Take Justice for All: head of localization Janet Hsu took out Director Hotti's comments about "fixing" Pearl and replaced them with a nurse because his grabby animation put it over the top. Sometimes, a localizer flat out improves the game by adding nuances that didn't exist before. Fates seems to be doing this to be honest.
  2. I need avatars in my game. I'd hate to play a game without one. Corrin's the series's best MC and I don't even self insert. I want Gaiden remade with twin avatars. This time, instead of picking a gender, one goes with Alm, the other with Celica. They can obviously can't marry Alm or Celica, but that's the extent of that. Oh, and don't let them romance each other for obvious reasons. Make them separated at birth or something. idk I'm not go I don't think children are needed, but Gaiden has a really small cast that's separated the entire time without using the resurrection system. I think it needs a boost in numbers, just not from children. The only other non-romanced characters would be Camus and what's-her-face because I believe everyone else is free. Add My Castle, a ton of groovy supports, fun writing, reclassing through the Mouth of Truths in the Temple replacing resurrection because Casual and Phoenix Mode exist. Honestly, everyone saying avatars are just for self insertion are looking at the wrong crowds. Corrin and Robin have good personalities and good designs. I love their ability to marry anyone, especially Niles and Rhajat for Corrin. I feel that people are really biased against avatars.
  3. I see ten thousand female swimsuits, but what were the male counterparts that were censored? I'd like to see if they were also in need of censorship or the female ones just led them to that decision.
  4. Corrin is my favorite main character and is great fun. Male Corrin is better than Female Corrin and Corrin is a way better name than Kamui. My next favorite MC is Marth. Archanea has some really good characters, second only to Fates. Fates hate is overdone. I hate Ike, Hector and Lyn immensely. Hector and Ike are inferior Sigurds with no actual consequences after the beginning of their games. The GBA games are bland and don't have very many redeeming qualities. FE3 is pretty amazing and one of my favorite games in the series. Kozaki is the best artist in the series. I love marriage. I love children, but they obviously need a rest for a little while. Gaiden should get a remake before Elibe or Jugdral.
  5. They don't owe people answers though. I highly doubt that they intended Kotaku to go reveal it in the first place. They already addressed Soleil, so I don't think that they need to clarify everything because some people feel the need to fear monger. By this point, it's barely a problem and a lesson learned. No need to actually remember this debacle. Nintendo has too much amazing stuff to get caught up in some tiny little instance like skinshipping.
  6. I've noticed that Derrick is the only member of GameXPlain who actually plays games that aren't Mario/Zelda/Smash/Splatoon. It actually kinda makes me mad. If you notice, he's the only one in videos about more obscure or niche stuff even if he isn't good at it. Before Xenoblade X released, he had to have Chuggaaconroy in order to even do discussions at all, and Chuggaa and Masae were the two in the impressions video. He also solely played Xenoblade X as well as older FEs. I've noticed the other two have hideously shallow tastes. As for the names, I feel conflicted. Oni Chieftain would have been better served as just Chieftain. Master of Arms would be better as Arms Master. Especially for Master of Arms tbh. I really don't feel that "of" belongs in a class name. Hoshidan Noble is also weird but oh well. Maybe Hoshidan Heir would have worked better?
  7. I have like 5 mains and I don't even care. It's just a term, and Smash terms tend to be really bad. As such, Jedi can have as many mains as he wants. on the topic of smash terms shine makes me want to cry but oh well
  8. I have no idea what any of this mean, but I love Bayonetta and Xenoblade's stories the most. Whatever they fall under is me. I love Mother 3, but I still say that it's in-depth rather than subtle. The game's story is really important to the message, so I'd say it's a bit above, say, Shadow of the Colossus where the story helps shape the plot but it advances a bit more subtly with the slaying of each Colossus.
  9. Marth is at his best when he's super formal, so no complaints there. I love Lucina's as well. As for Ike and Robin, meh. I couldn't really care less about either. The one thing I did notice is how blatantly Smash they are, and I don't know if I like that. I don't like it when series reference Smash itself such as the Smash ability in Kirby. I do enjoy Kid Icarus's jabs, but that's because it's Kid Icarus. Here it feels slightly... Awkward? I don't know what I mean honestly, but I'd rather they'd be themselves like Enherjar rather than Smash characters.
  10. Zelda's moveset is so old and awful that I think they could be excused for making her really quick with her Rapier and the Wind Waker. Marth and Lucina don't use actual fleurets, so I'd be interesting in seeing blonde Asuna HW Zelda do some stuff. Maybe one day she'll be actually good.By a similar merit, Ganon could use his HW Trident. Otherwise, the balance is totally awesome, and the newcomers were everythig and more. I'm so glad an amazing character like Bayonetta won the ballot. Newcomers like her, Shulk, Villager, and Cloud make this game have my favorite newcomers tbh. My only reservation is that I'd have prefered seeing Phoenix Wright instead of Ryu, but that's a very small thing all the same. Not to mention that Wright would likely have been bottom tier while Ryu is actually high on the tier lists.
  11. they weren't even trying i mean, they could have said "blow into the mic to cool them off" but instead we got "blow gently" and then to make matters worse we also have "blow harder next time" I mean c'mon now
  12. I don't like Sky Knight, but I absolutely adore Kinshi Knight. It's fun to say and also aesthetically pleasing. It fits the length limit too. What would really be great would be if Falcon Warrior became Tenma Knight. Now THAT'S a name I can get behind.
  13. I enjoy how cute it is, but otherwise it it's rather inferior with no real upsides. If you like their supports, do it, but if you want optimization, you should look to marry someone else.
  14. Idk, I don't think it's that serious in the first place. I absolutely adore FE's comical direction that this localization is helping. I can't get behind total seriousness and something like Corrin calling Garon two-dimensional would be funny. I tend to lean towards camp or comedy. Tones like Xenoblade X, Bayonetta, and as of what I've seen, Fates, are what I love. I also really enjoy fluffy stories like Kirby or Pokemon have. For that reason, I really like wacky hijinx supports and prefer them to serious ones. I love Leo's line to Elise. I actually think it's a really clever way to do humor.
  15. I'm probably going to go Dread Fighter on Revelation. My brother's getting Conquest physically just as I'm getting Birthright physically, so Dark Falcons would be hard to come by. I don't really care about the stats, I just like the weapons. I'd love to turn my Corrin into a Bride, but ah well.
  16. Yes, but as a result it isn't fair to nerf her into the ground when some people can't even do basic stuff. I believe that Smash should be balanced for the skill floor rather than the ceiling. I have no real desire to get better, but stuff like Brawl Jigglypuff shows exactly how nerfing a character can ruin them for even a casual player. I never actually win, so it's great to have a character who clicks and is actually decent. I've stuck with Shulk for forever, but he's still kinda clunky even for me. Bayonetta and Cloud changed everything for me. I've also don't really like balanced stages and enjoy stuff like Umbra Clock Tower, Midgar, or Gaur Plain, but that's probably neither here nor there.
  17. I have a hard time seeing Leo's lines as anything but a joke. NoA's writing is wonderfully tongue-in-cheek, and I wouldn't expect anything so blatant. If it had just been "like the adult you are" then I'd agree, but the "that you technically are" is probably just comedy, and IMO they totally succeeded. The writing is superb so far and it has a great localization.
  18. Corrin > Kamui and it isn't even funny

    1. solrocknroll


      it's also funny because I adore Male Corrin and dislike Female but a ton of people pretend Female is the only one who exists

    2. Melissa


      That's fandom for ya

  19. Obviously there's nothing that can be done without ruining the top tiers. It wouldn't be fair to people who like them to have them neutered.The bottom tiers have obvious fundamental flaws and no amount of buffs will save them. Might as well give up now. The only way Zelda will escape the bottom is by becoming HW Zelda with a rapier or something. She's a hot mess. Ganondorf is a slower Falcon, and as such he lacks the one thing Falcon's good at. Jigglypuff is so light and her ground game is nonexistent. All I ever see for ideas for Jigglypuff is a weight boost. Bayonetta is perfect <3 and needs no balancing at all. I can't do any combos with her, so why see her nerfed? That wouldn't be very fair. Not to mention that even Sheik is more pleasant than 64 Pikachu, Melee Space Furries, Brawl Meta Knight, and pre-patch Diddy. I'd rather Sheik dominate the meta game than have people who actually like her have her nerfed to oblivion. Jigglypuff is a major example of this going from Melee to Brawl, and Kirby was ruined in Melee after success in 64. Pikachu is the only character in the series to be consistently good. The rest of the original 12 has characters fluctuate like crazy. However, this game has pretty great balance. Zelda/Jiggs/Ganon/Mii as our shameful bottom tier is way better than Melee or Brawl's balance. Here, Sheik, ZSS, Rosalina, Bayonetta, Cloud, Ryu, Pikachu, Mario, Villager, Meta Knight, Corrin(?), Marth, and Ness can all reach really high heights, and I'm fairly certain that there's more good stuff yet to be found. That's already better balance than most FGs.
  20. Idk, I don't know that the naming conventions really matter to the devs. I mean, think of real life. People name their kids whatever sounds pretty with no regard to where it came from. I actually think that getting rid of the Japanese kid names could totally feasibly happen. For Caeldori, maybe Subaki heard the name and thought it was cute? Obviously Gen I could use Japanese names, but Gen II could have a bit more changes and it still make sense. Shinonome is a little long. I'd be interested in seeing it changed. I prefer Rhajat and Selkie to Syalla and Kinu for instance, and I absolutely adore Caeldori because of how it sounds and looks.
  21. Kinda sad to see Jigglypuff doomed to mediocrity, but I'm pretty sure by this point that it's on purpose. At least this means that Bayonetta and Cloud can never be touched, so I'm happy. Otherwise, this vacation is certainly a good thing. I'd be upset if he comes back and then slaves over Smash again. That's not a very good experience to go from a vacation to what's essentially a prison, so eventually he should ease his way back in.
  22. While I agree that having to NX up wouldn't be the best situation, I'm fairly certain that the NX will get titles that greatly justify the purchase. I know I didn't buy my Wii U for the express purpose of playing Smash but for other stuff that interested me even back in 2012 with stuff like NSMBU and Pikmin and W101 coming the next year. I'd surmise that Zelda Wii U as a port, a Galaxy-esque Mario, and Pikmin at least will be ringing in the NX. Like Pikmin's return on Wii U, expect an older series revival like Advance Wars or F-Zero or something. Maybe a Metroid Prime, a Kirby, or even Bayonetta 3. The amount of stuff the NX will likely have seems pretty large, so I'm sure this situation wouldn't be too terrible to have Smash NX exclusives. But as a whole, I'm kinda done riding the Smash roller coaster for a while. I'd like to channel that hype into other stuff, so hopefully we get a direct this month. Bayonetta was absolutely the perfect swan song and probably my favorite character to play as in the game. It would be the first general Direct without Smash since last January IIRC. I enjoyed seeing all of the stuff from the November Direct, so I'd love to see what other focus comes. That and I need a Kid Icarus: Uprising sequel so I'm hungry to see what else Sakurai has in store.
  23. Yeah. Bayonetta may be a sexual character, but she does everything with style. Not only that, but she's probably one of the best all around people on the roster just based on how she treats Cereza and her friends alone.
  24. Yes, but he's their father. For some people, relativity is enough. Haven't you seen people who will defend their family member even after they've done something terrible? The same logic applies here. also I dislike Sacred Stones so there's that
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