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Everything posted by solrocknroll

  1. None because FE has weird body types for villains. Either horses or old magic men. If I had to, it would be Gangrel. Other FE antagonists would be really awkward, but Gangrel would have speed and the Levin Sword. could you like not all you ever do is complain about awakening and fates please get over it
  2. Yeah, America is not the only country in the world. A universal release is a necessity, and it's selfish to even want it to cater specifically to you. Japan is always the first priority in the first place. Also, I have it way worse than you. I won't be back at my dad's until Sunday night, and I'm not even inconvienced by the time zones tbh. I'll fine with getting them at 8:30.
  3. I think that Jigglypuff needs a damage buff on everything. She needs major fixes in order to be even remotely relevant. lol that's not going to happen
  4. I wasn't even planning on posting in this topic but what the christ
  5. that intro though This looks really good though. I really enjoy Pikachu's voice especially
  6. I'd say that making things easier for people is positive. Common Core, for instance, helps a lot of people who could fall behind otherwise. Safe spaces are only positive. I mean, you pay to go to college. Why not offer the option to those who feel they need it? For instance, games becoming easier is only a good thing. I prefer Skyward Sword to older Zeldas. I adore Kirby, especially Epic Yarn, and I prefer the magical Galaxy to 64. I can't play hard games. I don't enjoy them, so easier games is a trend that only helps me. To put things into perspective, I'm still stuck on Mole Knight's stage in Shovel Knight. It's really difficult.
  7. Getting my code on Wednesday. This is something I can't afford to miss; Mew hasn't been given out since HGSS iirc
  8. I still think that Howden would make a killer Flannel. I mean, look at Flannel's looks and personality. You know that Howden's the only person allowed to voice him omg that and Howden is quite good looking himself so I wouldn't be opposed to him being in this game in the first place
  9. I'm about to play in like 10 minutes. I'll be around for at least an hour, but I might also be playing Shantae and refreshing this page on end if no one's around. Edit: It's been about an hour. I'm not free anymore.
  10. Funny, I seem to see tons of people get by from calling Awakening and Fates bad. The GBA games don't magically get a free pass from criticism. The characters in FE7 are probably the worst parts, with stuff like the worst Christmas Cavaliers, Sain and Kent. Their stats end up worse than even the two from Thracia because lolscrolls or Erk, the guy who gets eclipsed by Pent almost absolutely.
  11. Now THIS is a good post. I think that looking at it from an objective standpoint like this makes me a bit less upset about it's omission. Way better than "I don't like it and I'm glad it's gone" because that's constructive for no one.
  12. Who says they want to go back to those "roots?" They're fine now, thank you. Anyway, Elibe is not the series's beginning in the first place. If you want something like that, wish for Gaiden, not the 6/7th FE games
  13. Hard/Classic for Birthright, Hard/Casual for Conquest. Conquest looks really really hard
  14. Elibe is like the worst FE continuity in the first place. Anything they did would be an improvement. except that Louise thing because that would be weird but it's not fair to assume like that.
  15. How is this funny? Ever since FE4, the series has been about fostering the relationship between your units. A Supports are a non-instant form of marriage. Obviously other stuff matters, but seeing character interactions is the main reason I play anything. Marriage is the natural evolution of supports. Also the guy who said S-Supports mean no depth have never paired Xander and Charlotte.
  16. lol there is nothing wrong with skinshipping, certainly nothing like Conception. Skinshipping is actual bonding and makes sense. It's a custom and it makes zero sense to think it's creepy. This actually happens in real life. Likewise, it's not just the female characters you can bond with, you can bond with males too. Everyone seems to forget this for some reason. You can truly interact with the characters, and just talking just doesn't compare at all. By similar merits, the sibling marriage doesn't disgust me like it does some people. it undermines the theme, but it's wrong to demonise love that probably actually exists EDIT: also there's nothing wrong with lewd things I mean c'mon
  17. Marriage adds so much depth to the series and the characters, and I'm not even counting children. We need marriage like we need Avatars and Reclassing and diverse classes like Fates has such as Basara. Marriage is like the best part of the series, now we just need more same-sex marriages
  18. lol is this body shaming I see Charlotte is an amazing character who deserves to be admired and Camilla's outfit looks really cool calling it trash really shows your true colors and this goes for everyone, so I'm not even addressing other people calling this removal a good thing because I say the same thing to you
  19. Gaiden and only Gaiden. The other games can wait for eternity for all I care, but Gaiden with My Castle, Kozaki, MUs, Supports, Reclassing, and Marriage sounds like a score deal to me. A dream, if you will. No children though. That wouldn't fit Gaiden very much.
  20. I actually prefer not having dual audio, but that's just because I get offended when people criticise Xenoblade's British voices and they should be forced to listen to them. Otherwise, I don't have many other thoughts. Just vendettas I guess.
  21. Yes, but that's real life. Azama's not hurting anyone in universe in the first place. He offends her, but he never does anything but that. A good, old-fashioned awful person can make for a great character, even if they're scum in real life. I wouldn't allow someone to do something like that to a real woman, but the wacky hijinx supports make it slightly hard to care about that situation.
  22. This is an absolutely awful idea, and if you've ever played Xenoblade X, you'd know how something similar to your immigration idea would cause nothing but trouble.It's pretty much discrimination to not allow people just because they aren't "highly skilled." Who decides what that means? The rich and powerful? Yeah, no thanks. If people in the US are too lazy to compete with people who are immigrating and end up being surpassed by them, it's their own fault. They need to try just a teensy bit harder than to blame the foreign boogeyman.
  23. Idk why people dislike characters like Azama or Jakob. I enjoy people who are rude to other people. That Kagero support makes me laugh more than anything. He obviously doesn't care if he makes people mad, and that's amazing.
  24. Birthright: Reina or Scarlet Conquest: Niles or Flora Revelations: Felicia
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