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Everything posted by solrocknroll

  1. Rating: Catria Katarina Celica Palla Eirika Alm Roy Elincia Lyn Est Micaiah Marth Ephraim Ike This probably isn't everyone but oh well. Catria is the bomb with Katarina and Celica not too far behind. I would use a DLC Catria badge if one existed. On the other side, Marth's wearing Lucina's clothes and has a boring face, I just dislike Ephraim, and Ike took sword hand too literally. Everyone else is somewhere in the middle.
  2. Finished Dual Destinies.

    1. solrocknroll


      My thoughts: interesting, but doesn't seem very replayable at all. I adore the Trilogy and prefer it. I would still go play Bridge to the Turnabout again, but Turnabout for Tomorrow has nothing left after you do it because there's so few cross examinations

    2. solrocknroll


      I loved the Mood Matrix, and the lack of Psyche Lock spam was pretty great. A certain seventeen year old should've done more though. At the beginning of the trial she just kinda disappears because why not

    3. Jotari


      Should have had case in Germany where Phoenix recruited Athena and fought Franziska.

  3. I actually like Xander and Corrin's conduct in Conquest. I think a lot of people here have difficulty realizing just how difficult it could be to confront a parent that they trusted. Xander knows that it's wrong, but can't really do anything. I see comparisons to Duessel (who I don't like), but Xander is basically Camus with different reasoning. I also don't find "take no prisoners" that ridiculous. Hoshido and Nohr are opposing nations. Conflicts are bound to arise. Nohr is only the bad side because Garon and friends are there. I would assume that actually taking prisoners instead of killing anyone in your way is less efficient in times of war. Nohr obviously doesn't care about Hoshido's well being, and why should they tbh?
  4. And? I never claim to not be. I think those people are totally lame for criticizing my favorite dub in the history of dubs, Xenoblade Chronicles, and it soured me on dual audio as a result. I'll never pretend to be something I'm not Also my ace attorney thing still stands because the defence attorneys get three voice clips max and the prosecutors get one so why even bother. especially in the original trilogy where Ben Judd's Phoenix was positively perfect. I didn't even mention Persona Q, but Yukari and Mitsuru have some of my favorite voices in gaming and I adore Tara Platt. I'm finding it hard to dislike Persona's dub in the first place. The cast is superb.
  5. I'm glad dual audio is gone just because of a bad experience. People using Xenoblade's inferior Japanese voices and then people whining when the godly Xenoblade X dub didn't let them go to Japanese. People are utterly spoiled by dual audio, so it's nice to see Nintendo not cater to those crowds. Import if you feel that strongly. lol how petty can you get to undub Ace Attorney which has almost no voicework I would usually never use the term weeaboo but here it seems appropriate
  6. No one but Dark Pit and Alph. Everyone else should stay how they are. Dark Pit needs a total overhaul and Alph needs to become a semi-clone. Diversifying Dr or Lucina would just make them Luigi and Roy.
  7. I actually adore Lowenthal and think that he fits Marth pretty well. It would be better than the ever dwindling supply of Midorikawa clips considering Marth like loses voice clips every game tbh. I agree for Cloud. It was probably just like the music. fun fact: Midorikawa voiced Oliver in the Japanese dub of Thomas and Friends from seasons 3 to 7 the more you know
  8. Lowenthal and Burton should pick up Marth and Cloud, but Fukuyama should stay as Roy. If Mother 3 by some miracle gets localized sometime soon, then Roy will be the only Japan exclusive fighter left. I'd also like Little Mac to get a different voice. A teen from the Bronx should not have a distinctly Japanese accent.
  9. I don't actually know anything about XCOM 2 but I do know that Adam Howden has a role so it's probably perfectly good
  10. Sandshrew is especially great. I absolutely love Sandshrew. also uh I second trubbish
  11. I think I might have done something wrong oops I didn't talk to like anyone but oh well
  12. I'd rather you not quit. I enjoy playing with you, and I don't win very much either. Maybe we could play together? Idk if you even like me though because I'm probably way too blunt with people
  13. Reina's actually Japanese for bright flower. It's also Spanish too, but it does fit in weirdly enough. Granted, I would prefer Yugiri, but it's okay. I kinda agree for the most part, but I think Kagero and Fuga look really bad unlike Ryoma or Saizo which fit fine. On the other side, I like how Rinkah looks better than Rinka, and Subaki doesn't make me mad at all. I kinda like it.
  14. Radiant Dawn? All you have to do is take Titania's and give it to Ike.Not that that matters. It's based on counter-attacking and not the skill.
  15. I hope that Bayonetta and Cloud never get nerfed. I'm maining them and IDC if they end up being too good. They're by far my favorite characters to play and I don't play competitively. As such, I don't care about balance and just want my favorite characters to be good. Shulk feels almost vanilla in comparison tbh
  16. FairwayGamers And that goes out to absolutely anyone. I'm hoping to bulk up my friend list tonight.
  17. I'll remain skeptical. After EBB though, I wouldn't put it past Nintendo, and this year is M3's 10th anniversary. I could see the effort going into translation, but I won't get my hopes up. This is some mighty selfish reasoning. Buy the game because it's one of the best ever made, not for some ulterior motive. EarthBound =/= FE. Not to mention that this topic is for Mother 3, not FE6.
  18. Same. I have some stuff to do in the next two hours but I want to totally participate in this revelry. Especially since it'll be my first run as either.
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