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Everything posted by solrocknroll

  1. all I know is that Kira is the best character in either Layton or AA granted it is due to that beautiful carina reeves voicing her but whatever my fanaticism for her knows no bounds (I even thought of changing my name to Miss Kira, but I wanted to stay the more general Freyjadour for right now just so I could make my avatar Undertale related eventually)
  2. I don't have this game because I don't really have a non-school issued computer or a Steam, but I've immersed myself in LPs like Steam Train's, listening to the music, and looking at art. This game's music is phenomenal, but my favourites are
  3. Considering I have a Dunban Mii, I'd still want Mii Costumes to exist. I would have liked to see the Monado III, but ah well. Shulk already has an alt. also I wanted to see a Fiora Mii Costume but life is sad
  4. I vote Mewtwo and Lucas but it seems captain falco has priority which is meh but w/e
  5. That's not what I myself meant. TC is 19. That is legal in some countries IIRC, but even in those countries they probably aren't supposed to be getting hammered, so I'm pretty sure TC's not partaking in very legal activities. For instance, Japan's legal drinking age is 20. U.S.'s is 21. There's nothing wrong if you're of legal age for your country. Granted, most users on this site break the law such as myself for using ROMs so what can I say. of course since tc's location is in your pants then we may never know
  6. lol at cutting Robin and Corrin the salt is legit real especially for adding trash GBA characters and not cool ones like Chrom or Azura like, your modern fe hatred is so suffocating that it's unreal. I mean, lol Ephraim and Hector. Lyn is only vaguely better. get better taste in lords
  7. your gimmick is bad and will likely get you banned tbh
  8. Poor word choice. I was operating based on what I've seen thus far. Otherwise I really don't have any reason to have said "as always" And honestly, I think Elie needs to commit if he's actually town. If he's scum, he could just sit back and wait. I don't really see him or Zero as having done much of anything, and thus the pressure is on for them to actually explain themselves, or they run the risk of looking awfully scummy. More so honestly than anyone I had pegged just since they're around to explain their own ideas.
  9. the fact that the characters are only from SD/Awakening is a major reason I love this game people like Draug, Navarre, and Caeda have earned their way far more than say Oswin, Mia, and Ferry.
  10. 16. Do you LIKE evidence? 17. Do you LOVE proof? 18. Prove I dropped my glasses at the crime scene! ha you can't prove it
  11. Elice 6 Ethlin 10 Julia 11 Altenna 10 Eirika 10 Mist 11 Sanaki 12 Lissa 10Emmeryn 6
  12. I agree completely about Elieson's inactivity. It's not exactly wagoning, as you said everything I could want to say and more. I think that he could very much use some more activity in the game. Ocean deconfirmed any real suspicions I had, so I couldn't really vote for him anymore. I honestly think that Elieson is pretty much hiding out away from the game. I know that real life is priority, but if he was mafia, then that gives him a perfect alibi. I'd also say that Zerosabers is doing that too. They've made like, what, two posts? Izuhark seemed incredibly frustrated, but whether that was from inexperience or something else is yet to be seen. I'm honestly probably not doing this correctly by conceding with other people's thoughts so much, but ah well.
  13. Has a undisclosed gender and no favorite FE.
  14. EDIT: I also see zero issue with the Fates sisters. Everyone knows them. It's not like they're some mystical spoiler creatures. You have the Smash trailer for one, and all of them are member badges. They'd all probably lose to Mist or Eirika anyway.
  15. I'm not really understanding reactionary too well, but I'm assuming that it means that they went after people early on with little to no leads? As a whole, I could easily see scum being interested in targets, but I also am of the feeling that they wouldn't care that much as long as it was a town. Junko's votes were certainly premature, but I do see that they might just want to see someone go. Agh, I'm now starting to doubt my own reading abilities. I think that I might not be too far off the mark though with my original placings. I don't see any reason to really change with too many people for right now. I'd rather see what the rest of day 2 holds first.
  16. I don't want to flip-flop endlessly about people to vote for. I am changing my vote though to Elie due to a general lack of participation and him lurking. I'd like to see him do a little more, but the whole waiting out thing seems suspicious enough for me. I know Sunwoo also wants to lynch Elie, but I find his reasoning sound enough to believe in what he's saying. ##Unvote ##Vote: Elieson
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