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Green Poet

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Everything posted by Green Poet

  1. ...Seriously? I'm the insomniac dayvig. I have infinite shots that can be used once per day phase by messaging a mod when they're online. I killed FFM and Shinori. I have OC with Wen, which is why I could verify his action and kept pushing for a town read on him. I'll go over kirsche and Eury's replies when I have time. Not terribly liking how Eury switched her vote to me so quickly, but I'll read it more thoroughly later and see if it's warranted. Breezy > kirsche > Paladin > Eury.
  2. If you think Terra confirming Wen's track is reason enough to clear the both of them, then my confirming Wen's track also clears me... but you don't come to that conclusion? And even then, Terra is in no way clear for having killed Euk. We only know that he certainly killed Euk; we have no way of knowing if he was simply just the one who carried out the mafia NK. And in Junko's case, we have no one claiming to have investigated him, so we have no way of clearing him as doc. I like that you're posting analytical content now, but your reasoning for wanting to clear each of the people that you do is rather shaky. This line is really quite concerning. I'm clearly keeping the details of my role hidden so that scum can't use it to prioritize their NK. Keeping knowledge of town PRs hidden is the opposite of suspicious behavior. Yet you find my precautions suspicious, as if to imply that I should fullclaim? How would that help town? And why would I elaborate on my claim when so many of us believe I'm town, and I'm not in danger of being lynched?
  3. Looked at the edit to SB's flip. Yes, it's essentially a given now that he died because he tried to recruit scum, which makes his associative reads very important. This is his last list of scumspects before he died, which tells us that he didn't try to target Sky, myself, Junko, nor Wen. We also know he didn't try to target Mistuki nor Euk, who flipped town, so that leaves Terrador, Breezy, Eury, Marth, and kirsche. At least one of these people are guaranteed scum. In terms of activity level, those five were going about Terra = Eury > Marth > kirsche >>>> Breezy. Thus, either Terrador or Eury is highly likely to be scum, especially given their high townie-like activity the last day phase and tendency to be the correspondent that SB wanted.
  4. ISO'd Breezy, and I'm feeling better about a lynch on him today as well. [spoiler=Breezy] -Made 13 posts since game start. -Eight, arguably nine, are game-related. -Most are content-less posts that attribute his inactivity to his skimming ("Wow, did I really miss Refa's claim? Sorry." "I must've missed that when skimming Refa's claim.") -Explicitly states that he's riding the Refa wagon here, on the reasoning that Refa could revive FFM. Sure, that's true, but says nothing about Refa's alignment; it's simply a line of logic that rides the conclusion that FFM is dead and thus a potential revive target, which was common knowledge. The case on Refa is weak and arguably illogical, and it feels as though Breezy's just trying to coast through the game. -Posts like this feel padded, as if posting for the sake of posting. It's essentially saying "Let's go scumhunt, guys!" while not scumhunting himself. That brings me to the last point: -Breezy has offered no scumreads at all other than his wagon jump on Refa, which I deconstructed above. So yeah... not looking too great atm, Breezy. His last post suggests that he'll be back later today to contribute; hopefully he delivers. Going to ISO kirsche and Marth next. Getting scummy vibes from the former, and I need to take a look at the reasons why a lot of people have scumreads on the latter.
  5. Pretty sure I've addressed this at least twice so far, once in response to you and once to Eury. I'm asking my townreads and lurkers to post because I feel that their posts would be the most reliable, and telling, respectively. How is that scummy? If you believe that I'm a voyeur variant, then aren't you ceding that I did target Wen, who targeted Terrador? Terrador confirmed Wen's action, thus confirming mine. Then, why would scum!me choose to investigate Wen, who was under suspicion by Marth, Junko, yourself, Eury and Terrador D1 and could thus easily be mislynched D2? Scum investigators should have targeted people like myself, Eury and Terrador, who'd been the generally assented townreads of the previous day. I'd only investigate Wen if I was town, and thus your case on me contradicts your belief of my role. Why are Terrador's cases poor, and how can you qualify that judgment with a single display of logic from him? Clearing someone because they made one good point about setup speculation, and not anything to do with their nightvig claim, seems like pretty selective reading to me.
  6. I'll probably have to head out soon. ##Unvote in case the influencer acted, and ##Vote: Breezy because I don't think we're going to get words out of him unless he's about to be lynched. However, I can see a Bluedoom wagon forming that I wouldn't be terribly opposed to consolidating my vote with when I return. *curtsies* Take a look at my scum play in ITTD; I literally can't act for my life.
  7. I'm starting to think that Breezy is very likely anonymous-lurking mafia. The fact that he hasn't been poked or subbed out yet (as far as I can tell) implies that he's active, and I've also seen him posting on other SF sections. @Junko - sorry, what exactly was your case against Marth, again? There's only one post I'd like him to explain, namely this: Reconsider what?
  8. ##Unvote First things first - no one tell Junko in-thread who to protect this phase. Knowing that scum likely has a strongman kill, our best case scenario is to game WIFOM. Next - I ran some mental calculations, and we absolutely need to lynch scum today, or we'll hit LYLO tomorrow, assuming that another three townies die N2 and protection doesn't have priority in case of doctor death.
  9. That reminds me, mafia is very likely to have at least one Strongman kill, if we take everything Refa's said so far as truth. And that reminds me, I've been seeing Paladin lurking for quite some time now...
  10. Possible slip here? ED2, you questioned the legitimacy behind tracking because you seemed to think that tracking was done via profile visits. Now, you seem to think that you "wasted your time" because of "role related stuff," leading me to think that you investigated Shinori. Why would a townie feign ignorance on how investigative roles/night actions work if they used such a role during the previous night phase?
  11. Maybe. It seems highly likely to me that a potential daySK was trying to set up a good town dayvig fakeclaim by shooting both FFM and Shinori, whom some towny-looking people were accusing early on in each day phase. Uh... sorry, could you elaborate? Isn't our cop dead?
  12. Junko's right; DaySK is actually looking pretty viable right now. You think they're out of shots?
  13. Euk wasn't online at the time that votals were changed. Unfortunately, I have no idea, since I've never played a game with you. I don't believe you're a scum dayvig, though, as you'd have no reason to kill FFM and having four or five lethal mafia is ridiculous.
  14. I'm seriously wondering if he got tailored or something. That being said, I'm going to go over his associative reads now. He most likely tried to get a lynch on his investigation target. I think the protocol is to hide the flips of modkilled people, so no; I'd say this was either a dayvig or daySK.
  15. This was the issue I had. If I'm a nightvig, I'm going to factor each day's lynch into my decision of whom to kill, as well as all of the associative reads and last-minute posts that come with it. Terrador's pre-mediated kill looks suspicious to me because it a mafioso would prepare justification for a townie kill they're forced into outing, whereas this is pretty abnormal behavior for a town vig that's part of the uninformed majority and thus should always be re-evaluating their reads on the fly, with an open mind. Also, Terrador never openly stated Euk was one of his scumspects, and more or less avoided mentioning him throughout the last day phase. That being said, I don't think this merits a vote from me on Terrador, because his reasoning for ultimately vigging Euk is arguably solid, and subjective. Cut. Going to read Terrador's most recent post and see if anything's answered there.
  16. Requesting votals. If the influencer hasn't acted yet, it should be: Junko Enoshima (1) - kirsche Shinori (1) - Terrador Voteless - everyone else
  17. Seconded. I've played two games with Shinori, one where he was the doc and the other where we were scumbuddies, and he does consistently skim and lurk regardless of alignment. But his aggression (if you call it that? meh) and use of caps is new to me. I've never seen him use emotion appeals, at least.
  18. I highly doubt Junko would think to feign ignorance of how night actions worked if he was a dayvig, though. Also, dayvig speculation should stop now. Publicly deducing who it is will only hurt us, and it was clear from FFM's kill that they know what they're doing.
  19. Wait, who's saying you thought Refa wasn't scum? And Refa was pretty much sunk by the time he started making slips. Not saying that's indicative of you bussing (dropping purposeful slips honestly doesn't feel consistent with Refa's policy towards exercising WIFOM), but basically your suspicion of Refa doesn't clear you as town. I'm merely lending credence to Wen's night action. Claiming my particular role might satiate your curiosity, but isn't going to help town :/
  20. Yes, he can. If you're dead but your faction wins, you still win along with them, unless you've been modkilled. After this game I'm totally going to have to PM you links to some mafia wikis, lol.
  21. You seem... awfully prepared to answer for your Euk kill. I would have killed an inactive/lurker (lookin' at you, Breezy) if I were you, and find it questionable that you thought that he, BBM and Marth were poor targets because of your alleged nullreads on them. Going to read this more intently when I get the chance.
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