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Green Poet

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Everything posted by Green Poet

  1. No, it only means he'll be lynched if the day ends and the votes stay as they are. The influencer's work. You should switch to Sky with us.
  2. It's probably between myself, Eury or Terrador. That said, I would strongly advise anyone not to try to kill me.
  3. Naturally, my opinion on this changed once we re-examined the votals and realized the L-2 possibilities. Also, BBM offered meta on Paladin after this post, which contradicted my impression there. He can do that? Which post are we talking about?
  4. Pretty sure anyone who's ISO'd me can attest to the fact that I never expressed a thought that you were town nor leaning town, and that literally everyone who's given a read on me so far besides yourself is leaning town on me.
  5. Now that I think about it... the L-2 role wouldn't be very usable to quickhammer for scum for a majority of the game, as it would incriminate everyone who voted on the L-2'ed person. There are basically only two scenarios in which I can see scum wanting to use the L-2 ability in a way that wouldn't make their alignments clear: 1. Townie X is about to be mislynched by popular consent. Role is used to bump a mafioso to L-2, and the scum previously riding the townie X wagon fake being hesitant about lynching X. The rest of town proceeds to revote and lynch X, making scum seem innocent. 2. In *YLO, mafioso Y is about to be lynched by popular consent. Role is used to bump townie Z to L-2, and scum quickhammers them. Neither of these happened when the role was used earlier, and everyone pretty much immediately unvoted. Thus I think that the motivation behind the role was simply to facilitate an SB lynch, and that Paladin is the influencer. ##Vote: Sky_Paladin There's too much on him now for me to pass as simply confused town/opportunistic hunting. Mitsuki, if you're there, could you confirm that your doublevoting ability is just that, and absolutely nothing more?
  6. Ohhh, that would make sense. I thought mayor was the role that influenced votals. And yeah, it was Mitsuki who claimed doublevoter. Assuming that the process wasn't random, five seemed like the maximum number of votes that the influencer (just going to refer to them as this, I guess) could place on any one person, as he did with SB and Breezy. So if their maximum vote influence is actually L-2, then using that role in conjunction with Mistuki's would be an extremely powerful combination, which most likely indicates that the influencer is actually the alignment opposite of Mitsuki's so that there isn't a huge imbalance in town's democracy/power.
  7. >.< Yeah, this sounds likely. Now that this dynamic has been removed, though (presumably because FFM died)... I really don't know what Refa's alignment could be. It's just dependent on how this game's makers decided to interpret Yoshino's personal affiliation.
  8. I'm not bothered by Breezy much, actually. The five votes that were placed upon him by the votal influencer makes me think that he's not someone who's a threat to town. I looked up P3 stuff, and I think it's moderately safe to encourage whoever is Junpei to go ahead and target Refa. Spoilers for P3 follow:
  9. I'm fairly certain they weren't. Refa reiterated that his role does have a relation to the Junpei role in #341, which is far enough into the game that jokes like that should cease.
  10. "Fixed That For Myself." Refa, could you tell us more about what happens once Junpei targets you?
  11. Makes sense, yeah. As I said earlier, FFM later proceeded to vote Refa on the grounds that he was joking too much, which is odd as it's what he's criticizing people for doing prior to #73. Thoughts on this, Refa?
  12. I'm... not actually seeing anything relevant there. It's just FFM talking about Refa, which is a little odd since he votes him later, but what does that have to do with SP/SB?
  13. If we're talking about who I think we are, then yes, she matches who Refa could be crumbing. But she's more of an antagonist than a neutral character because of her motivations outside of her romance with Junpei, and I don't really think that Refa would bring this up if it would incriminate him.
  14. If we get 7, then the phase immediately ends and people have to stop posting as soon as the seventh vote, or "hammer," is cast. If we get 5, the phase doesn't end, but that voted person will be lynched when the day naturally ends. Good idea. ##Unvote for now, just to be safe.
  15. Okay, so shortly before FFM died he seemed to randomly vote Refa, and said afterwards that it was because Refa had been keeping up his jokes/joke votes for longer than he should've. It could be him trying to preemptively distance himself from scum!Refa. wrt Refa specifically, now... SB tried to pass it off as a joke, and only elaborated on his claim seriously when I and Wen asked him to. I don't think one could say that his claim was very voluntary, or that it ensures much about the truth of his claim. Refa doesn't want SB to fullclaim, but is confident that SB is indeed ITP? His post gives me the impression that his mind's already made up about SB, and wants to avoid everyone else finding out about SB's role if possible. That being said, I do also think that Paladin's tunneling is bad. Enough's been said about that; I'm going to wait for him to post again before commenting more on it. ...Huh? Are you implying that you know something about Junpei's ability? I'm not sold on anyone yet, but my lynch priority is Paladin > SB > Refa >>>>> Junko at this time. Junko's sort of hanging there for me right now because of how generally directionless yet frequent his posts have been.
  16. Here. ...I hope I linked that correctly. Anyway, still in the middle of ISOing others myself. Feeling sort of odd about Refa right now for some reason.
  17. Scum typically only knows who isn't scum, and the roles shared among themselves. A scum rolecop could exist, but it's far more likely such a role is a night action.
  18. This post bothers me somewhat. How would scum know who the vig is? How does FFM's death indicate that there's more than one third party, rather than simply a vig? And I think it's fairly certain that the votal switcher is scum, given how many times it's been stated that they need to claim now or be seen as scum later on. When was it suggested that this vote influencing ability was random, though? The influenced votes on SB didn't seem arbitrary at all. You seem to have a preconception as to how this ability works...
  19. It was probably a dayvig who was reading the thread and noticed the general suspicion towards FFM. I think it was a good kill and we shouldn't be worrying about this person. Why would you panic if a game's in L-1 on someone who's not yourself?
  20. ##Unvote I'm not a doublevoter or anything similar, so this pretty much ends my capacity to test votals.
  21. I think we can rule out Paladin as the votal influencer. Regardless of his alignment, his open willingness to see SB lynched makes it improbable that he would force this lynch anonymously.
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