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Green Poet

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Everything posted by Green Poet

  1. Looking over the votals now, I believe I'd actually unvoted Elie some time ago? In any case, ##Unvote And. . . three votes on bear? Going to go over the cases of the people who've voted him when I can.
  2. ISO'd bearclaw and Darros. Got things that need doing, so this is likely all I'll have time for until tomorrow. [spoiler=bearclaw]Early case on FFM seems well-founded. Points out his OMGUS and overreaction, but I don't see why he doesn't vote FFM. "That post['s logic] is so off I don't even think it's scummy" sounds to me like you're not willing to vote solely because of WIFOM? The FFM case was solid, and you haven't explained much as to why you think he's town/not worth voting. bearclaw then votes Poly for tunneling FFM. He deconstructs Poly's listpost, and I think it's a good analysis; we're still waiting on Poly to deliver scumreads, other than his existing read on the ever-popular FFM. Null leaning town. I'd like to know what bearclaw currently thinks of FFM. [spoiler=Darros]Begins the game with lots of irrelevant posts, and two prodvotes :/ Votes FFM for "not contributing" and scumreading Elie, which was apparently bad because Elie voted him? Unlike the vote on Shinori, it was clearly not a reactionary vote, so I don't see what the problem is. Mentions Elie a few more times, but only in reference to other players. What are your current thoughts on Elie himself, Darros? Claims that FFM's avoiding answering questions (?) and thus strengthening his (Darros') scumread. Feels pretty tunnely to me, and I am seeing FFM answer things quite often. Meanwhile, he gives Eury and Wen's inactivity a passing mention? If you say you can't form an opinion about them until they post more, why don't you seem to care about whether or not they do post more? Somewhat bothered by Darros' play so far. Would like to hear more from Poly.
  3. My last post covered what most stuck out to me out of the recent posts, but I suppose there's always more to be read. I agree that it was odd how Poly's posts had focused exclusively on FFM and my claim. His most recent listpost doesn't explain too much about why each of his reads are where they are, though he did say we'll see more from him over time. Worth keeping an eye on. I don't like this. Iris' sole stated reason for voting Poly was that he didn't end up delivering on a one-sentence statement on how he was planning on rereading Elieson and herself, behavior which is essentially lack of activity and shouldn't be a tell. And, of course, a case like that is fundamentally flawed in that it mistakes negligence/forgetfulness for scum intent. I'm also not liking the cases on Darros right now, as he's seemed fairly townish to me so far, though I haven't ISO'd him intently myself and should probably do that soon.
  4. So you find issues with Iris and Elieson's posts. . . but decide to prodvote bear? Why is he more important than people whom you think may be scum? Unless you've picked up on PR crumbing, I don't see why not? Are you talking about the last sentence at the end of this post? That's rather nitpicky by itself; is there anything else about Poly that makes you confident in your vote on him? Would like to see more from Eury; the one non-RVS vote she's made isn't very recent, and felt rather opportunistic in the spirit of getting on the FFM wagon.
  5. My role will not stop scum factional kills, and is in no way a good "exchange" for town, as they gain no benefit from my role triggering. Maybe there was a miscommunication somewhere down the line, or scum!Elieson could've tried to spread this misinterpretation to make an accidental beloved lynch possible. It's against scum's interest to redirect attention to themselves, regardless of whether or not the person in question is a scumbuddy or townie. This sounds like something a townie would say, imo. It's ED1; I don't see what the problem is with being uncertain. Voting someone because they have weak ED1 reads is probably the easiest way to get a D1 mislynch. ##Unvote I don't think Elie's said anything worth lynching over. I don't agree with his case on Iris (nor Iris' case on him) but for now, I don't believe keeping my vote there will help much in catching scum. Going to look over people I haven't discussed soon.
  6. I'm saying Refa's higher activity this game makes me think he's town, not scum. This is based on meta, so it's inherently a tentative read. Also just realized my RVS vote's still on Elieson. Going to ISO him and see if it's worth keeping that vote there, as my initial doubts weren't terribly thorough.
  7. I thought you were suspicious of Iris and Elieson? Why is a prodvote warranted here? I'm surprised he hasn't, though he did say something about being cautious because he wasn't entirely sure yet. It's similar to bearclaw, who had issues with FFM's play, just not enough to merit a vote. I don't think this sort of behavior is scummy, really. The way this is worded feels like you're trying to encourage FFM into listing suspicions about Shinori? I don't really like this FFM wagon; he's far more active than he was in P3 and is posting content as opposed to queries about game mechanics, so I think it's far more likely he's just making common newb plays. I think Refa seems fairly town-ish, though this is largely judging from his activity level and meta. If I really had to guess scum at this time, I'd point between either Iris or Elieson, though this is admittedly a weak feeling I'm getting here. The reasons they're exchanging for voting each other don't seem very telling to me ("contrived reasoning/condescension" as a scumtell; waffling a vote on Refa appearing scummy as early as ED1?) and I wouldn't be confident trying to see from either side of their argument. It feels. . . artificial, I suppose, though not necessarily scummy.
  8. Just skimming stuff now. Will post content in some hours. Refa, why do you think Shinori's obvious town?
  9. Yeah, that's what I was wondering. The intuitive response, I guess.
  10. Someone else claiming this role wouldn't exactly be a CC, considering how this beloved variant isn't a power role nor common. Why do you hope that Wen isn't the vig this time?
  11. If I waited instead and there ended up being a wagon on me, for me to say "you shouldn't lynch me or town will get X drawback" sounds far more like a fakeclaim than if I'd simply got it out of the way now voluntarily. I don't really see how it's different from a miller and such, but eh, I guess the consideration's subjective and potentially WIFOMy anyway. The only thing that really bothers me about FFM is his post #159; like Shinori said, offering analysis of one's own posts is very easily misleading. I don't see the rest of FFM's posts as scummy more so than just questionable play.
  12. This vote was OMGUSing pretty hard. I don't see why scum would have any reason to make themselves this noticeable, though, so I don't feel comfortable voting FFM now. Basically what bear said: However. . . No, a townie doesn't value their own life over finding scum. Over-defensiveness is a generally reasonable scumtell because scum do have far more reason to avoid being lynched than town, who instead examine cases on themselves to find scum.
  13. lolelie <3 It's only for lynches. I believe I'd said it before, but people can vig/NK me and it will not incur the penalty for town, though of course I would prefer if that didn't happen either.
  14. Spent the half hour or so since I read my role PM trying to devise a way to prove it sans actually letting myself be lynched, and nothing comes to mind. If someone wants to expend an investigation on me for whichever reason (e.g. someone's afraid that I'm bomb!scum fakeclaiming beloved to lure vig kills) they may as well do so. I am not a miller of any kind and should theoretically return correct results to sane cops though there might be a framer or something and this could turn out like SF3 D3. I think that covers everything? If anyone has an idea that would let me prove my role, please do advise. And hello there, Phoenix; welcome to SF mafia!
  15. Yes, except that all town members' actions on the night of my lynch are nulled, instead of the following day phase. Let's dayvig you again and see what happens!
  16. Doesn't mention me; clearly trying to distance self from scumbuddy. Not that I'm scum but yeah ##Vote: Elieson Now, in seriousness: Part of my role dictates that if I am lynched, all townies will be unable to act during that night. Do not lynch me; if you must see me dead for whichever reason, vig me or something instead. I thought that this would be crucial to claim in the beginning just like any miller/hated role.
  17. . . .Wait, so I might be in this game's flavor? Interest level has suddenly risen edit: actually, no, this must've been put on queue long before I started playing. ~sigh~
  18. Oh, yeah, they were great. Kept trying to find a good time to pop in and say this as the game went on.
  19. Still barely the 18th in this time zone, lol. Happy birthday to the four of you!
  20. I see... Might not be my place to say so, but this setup really could've used some more checking.
  21. I actually thought the same as well after my first game... but then ITTD happened and I learned to appreciate how hard it is to fake effort. I actually ended up clearing Eury and Terra in my mind all the way till mid-D2 mainly because of how many walls they posted. No idea how I'm going to fake half the effort I showed in this game for if I roll scum next. Gonna get lynched D1 off meta alone for sure xD Did it not include the bit about him dying in the case of targeting scum?
  22. It's funny; I was trying so hard to come up with some way to tell you using insomnia to protect Wen instead (game ended before I came up with anything good though). Why can I only convince townies with my fakeclaims, gg me.
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