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Green Poet

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Everything posted by Green Poet

  1. ##Vote: Polydeuces Because honestly having to decide in this situation sucks. Will be back within an hour.
  2. This game hurts my brain. There isn't enough out in the open to safely determine whom between Euklyd and Refa is scum. Looking elsewhere, Poly and Junko are the two relatively un-confirmed people left over. What're everyone's thoughts on those two?
  3. Well, Shinori claimed one post before Euklyd did. If they were scumbuddies, you'd think they would coordinate that sort of thing.
  4. Are you saying you would be willing to do it?
  5. All of this assumes you are town, and none of us can rely on that assumption. I'm not saying that we should lynch you, just that testing Junko's role for the hammer vote would be more advantageous to town than hammering you conventionally. I don't understand why you're disagreeing with that. Also. . . why hasn't scum turbo'ed Refa yet? :/
  6. No, if there's a majority that for whatever reasons agrees you should be lynched, it is towards the town's wincon for you to use the phrase and hammer. Otherwise that forces us to hammer you without testing Junko's role, and we'll miss out on information. We don't know if there's really a ghost vote on you, since you and Junko could be scumbuddies. If you're at L-1 with the alleged ghost vote, and you then say the phrase but don't die, then someone will hammer you, and we'll know to turbo Junko tomorrow. If you do die, you will have cleared Junko as town and thus provided town with information, furthering town's wincon.
  7. Need to consider more things. So first, ##Unvote Flips bearclaw - doc Eury - hooker FFM - selfguard Phoenix - omniguard eclipse - turbolyncher Iris/Marth - inventor Claims Wen - informant (proven by eclipse flip, cleared town by Shinori) Elieson - neighborizer (proven to eclipse, Shinori and me) Me - beloved variant Junko - vote voodoo (proven if Refa flips town) Euklyd - rolecop Shinori - JoaT (claimed permahooked after Darros) Refa - hijacker bomb (proven if Euklyd flips scum) Poly - tracker variant Darros - tracker (claimed permahooked, permahooker's existence all but confirmed by Shinori) To me, Wen, Shinori and Darros clear each other. I still think Poly is scum; actionfishing still wasn't justified by his results being given to people that visit him. Even with that role, he should've declared it, and then anyone who visited him could've reinforced that they got his results. And of course either Refa or Euklyd is guaranteed scum. Junko has the scummiest role left, though I've been null/townreading him for most of this game. On the off-chance that we decide to lynch Refa, he should self-hammer through use of Junko's role.
  8. Yes, I can verify that I'm part of a neighborhood with Shinori and Elie, and we're fairly established by now that everyone in that is town. @Darros - what I said then doesn't really apply anymore since Shinori did actually claim permahooked N2, which I forgot. My rereads aren't helping. I still don't see why scum!Euklyd would try to start a 1v1 with Refa, basically announcing to everyone that there's at least one scum between them. I also don't see the benefit in Refa claiming bomb over BPV, sans the slightly greater tendency of bomb to be town than BPV. . . Ugh, this is confusing.
  9. He turns super WIFOMy and starts throwing out chains of nonsense tells/votes. See P3 mafia late-D1. I don't think I can actually make a good judgment off this since that's the only game I've played with Refa in which he was scum. . . and he'd been partially playing an anti-scum wincon before the mechanic got removed, so he was sort of screwed there no matter what he did.
  10. I was going to say that Darros invented the role to prevent himself from having to give tracker reports each day. But since Shinori claimed permahooked. . . eh. Never mind. I need to stop getting people mixed up.
  11. If no one claimed permablocked on D2, Darros is scum.
  12. . . .Wait, no, he didn't. I'm stupid. Gimme like five minutes to figure things out again.
  13. Pretty much a Euk and Refa 1v1 right now. Going to ISO both to see what I can find. But as of right now, I see no reason for scum!Refa to fakeclaim BPV over bomb, as BPV isn't scum-exclusive. ##Vote: Euklyd
  14. Okay then. Based on rolespec alone, a Junko + Refa + Darros + Poly scumteam is possible, but very unlikely. Junko and Refa could be linked by inventing the voodoo role, Darros and Poly could be linked by inventing the permahooker role, and Refa and Darros could be linked by the hijack hook claim. I think a Darros + Poly + ? / 1 SK is more likely than this, though. I believe Shinori's claim. Wen seemed likely to be town based on eclipse's flip, too.
  15. So you should've gotten one message warning you about it, right?
  16. So you targeted Refa specifically during N2? And since you don't mention anyone else who shouldn't say certain words, I assume the effect only lasts for one day? I think he added "don't" just so that it technically wasn't asking you. I guess you should go ahead and say the phrase and then ask for votals so that we can test Junko's claim? If you drop dead, or something other than what he said happened, then we lynch him. I purposely phrased it that way to draw NKs. Any townie, short of a bomb, is worth more alive than myself. And Refa's claim checks out with Darros/Poly's claims of being hooked, so that's fine.
  17. Darros clarified that his role was permanently nulled, so unless something's changed, he's never getting his results. Poly's role is the one that gives results to people who visit him, not targets him. So this contradicts what Darros said. It's possible that Eury hooked Darros N1 and prevented his role from going through the same night, judging from her scumread on him. Also, I don't think Wen is likely to be scum based on how he gave info to eclipse, who flipped town. And, uh. Since we're in LYLO and the only conventional PR that's likely to still exist is cop, whereas there are four scum. . . I'm formally requesting massclaim now. As for me, I fullclaimed ED1. I have no beneficial abilities that compensate for the negative effect that comes with me being lynched.
  18. And Poly, why do you want to know if anyone visited you? The only reason why I can imagine anyone would want to know that would be to help construct a better fakeclaim.
  19. My bad, didn't see that the first time. This unfortunately doesn't clear anyone as town, since the role probably refers to Marth's and he flipped before the information was outed :/ eclipse said there were eight townies alive at the end of D2, so that now makes five. Since it's potential LYLO rather than MYLO, this probably leaves three mafia and one SK, which would explain the two townie deaths per night. Also, why do you think SK hunting > mafia hunting right now?
  20. Shinori, did you receive any info, then? You said you were "told some flavor stuff" in your first post this phase, but what eclipse was told last time was a town number check. . .
  21. Okay, so. Iris flipped town, and because of that, I'm not really interested in lynching Refa, as much of my case on him was based on the assumption that they were scumbuddies and that he was behaving accordingly. That's no longer the case, naturally. Is there anyone else who can claim to have been permahooked? Because unless this permahook ability is something that scum!Darros and scum!Shinori invented together, the lack of CC will clear them both as town. By PoE, I'm rather leaning towards a Wen or Poly lynch today. Also, did anyone receive either of Marth's last items? Neither of them really have utility for anyone now that we know what they do.
  22. Did you get turbo'd too? Oh, and what actually was my alignment that game? Do they reveal those on flips?
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