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Loki Laufeyson

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Posts posted by Loki Laufeyson

  1. Eirika's. I like her much more as a character (considering shes my favorite lady lord) and the Jehanne arc is A+ goodshit.txt. Ephraim's maps are kinda fun and a bit challenging, but he comes off as a bullheaded prat that can do no wrong, and the story seems to have less heart on his route. The only thing i really like about Ephraim's route is the more thorough explanation as to why Lyon wanted to use the Stone of Grado so badly.

  2. Uh... uh... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_qqrHahOzo

    ...Are you sure that's a good idea?

    I disagree strongly with this video because it is actually easy to miss a lot of kinstone areas. I cant tell you how many times i fused and forgot about the result until i was wandering around in the process of going to the next story objective. Not only that, there are a lot of ways one could have a similar system and make it less obvious as to where the objective is. You also have to keep in mind that many fusions resulted in things opening up before the player even got to that point in the map. The real problem with the Kinstones werent this guy's muttering about imagined handholding, but the fact some of them were missable. Some characters were fickle in the time windows in which they wanted to fuse. And this could lead to potentially missed fusions and that can be highly aggravating. Exploring the possibilities of a system like that would be neat. How on earth would you know for certain that fusing withe the Tingle brothers actually resulted in acquiring an item? (the boomerang) Oh thats right, you wouldnt. (unless you looked at a guide)

  3. I don't quite see it that way.

    Peri's past is world-building. We get a glimpse into the treatment of servants by nobles, the nobles themselves, and a bit about the law. From her supports, the following can be said about Nohr:

    1. Servants are free to choose their masters

    2. Servants are paid

    3. Once hired, the rights of servants are essentially nil

    4. Killing a servant isn't seen as a crime in Nohrian society (or Peri's dad is VERY good at bribing people and disposing of the bodies)

    Which leads to:

    5. One possible reason for Jakob's loyalty to Corrin is because he knows the four things above, and is very grateful that Corrin isn't a complete psychopath

    So for someone who's supposed to be nuttier than a jar of peanut butter, she actually contributes a lot.

    Now, for the sympathetic side. It's clear that Peri adored her mom (just look at her cooking). From the description of her father's actions, I suspect her parents were deeply in love. With her other parent unable to cope with his wife's murder (evidenced by him silently enabling his daughter's misbehavior), it's not a surprise that Peri turned out a little screwy. I think that Peri is stuck at the point in time when her mother died, which is why she acts out like a child, and why her coping mechanism is so fucked up. Yet this is war, and someone who is willing to kill the enemy without having serious regrets is helpful, and Peri has shown that she can handle herself in a fight. IMO what she needed was a parent and some serious grief counseling, and she received neither. Thus, I see her as a combination of failed parenting and support.

    This is literally the way i see Peri. Like, almost exactly. It explains why Xander would have her on his squad. (He explains in their support that seeing her in a tourney made him want to pick her as retainer. The reasons are because she wouldnt back down despite not placing first. And she can think on her feet in situations like that.) Also, if the noble class sees servants in this light, perhaps Xander doesnt have that much of a beef with her past? You are absolutely right about Jakob because he states hes been treated like dog shit before. Not just from his parents.

    I do agree with the criticism that the characters around Peri dont call out her behavior enough, but i really enjoy the character a lot. Including her design.

  4. Literally just how the fandom reacted to skinship being removed. Thanks FE fandom for destroying what little faith I had left in humanity.

    The fandom's reaction to Fates in general really soured me tbh. People were literally going after others for simply liking certain characters.

    every single line of voiced dialogue from radiant dawn

    Ehh Skrimir's lines were alright. Honestly, the ones that make me cringe the most is when Mist speaks and OMFG MIA STFU.

    Emmeryn. Oh gods, Emmeryn. Shes just...ugaghhhhhh.

    Anthony in Fates. Ugh.

  5. A Link Between Worlds is a poor man's Link to the Past. Kinda disappointing after the 20+ year wait.

    this is far from unpopular. A lot of fans believe this. I disagree, however, because im of the mind this game has the best Zelda story out of the lot.

    The Kinstone fusion from Minish Cap is something that needs to be explored more.

    Wind Waker did not feel like an open world to me, due to how you are still forced to do things in a specific order. (you really cant go do the Wind Temple before the Earth Temple and thats fucking dumb.) Not to mention how majority of islands are just little rocks with chests on them. I also abhor how this game's story treats Tetra.

    Skyward Sword is the worst console Zelda to ever exist. Everything about it save for its story, is terrible. Massive handholding to the point that its patronizing the player. Horribly linear exploration. Pointless busy work as quest objectives. Awkward controls...ughhhh this game.

    Zant being barking mad in the end of TP is actually one of my favorite things. He just loses it because he knows hes losing in his objective. Plus, he always seems a bit unhinged and just is keeping a cool head half the time, because hes finally in control of things. Once he loses that control? Bammo, nut bar exposed. I find it kinda awesome and always read it that way. (most Z fans actually hate Zant's personality "change" btw)

    I had no trouble understanding what was going on in that wacky Lanayru scene in TP. You know the one. I also find it a very interesting scene due to what it tells us about Link's mind here.

    2D Zelda > 3D Zelda

    Majora's Mask is the best 3D Zelda to date.

    I really like Zelda II despite its difficulty.

  6. I don't understand the hate against Nickleback. I actually enjoy some of their music. I guess it's because they fit a niche area between rock and metal that people don't like?

    No. Its not this at all. Nickleback is derided as one of the most insipid bands to ever exist and not without good reason. Their songs have no variation whatsoever, the chord progressions are basically one minor and one major in this rocking motion that conjures images of seasickness. The vocals are monotone droning nonsense with no substance. The lyrics are something found in baseless inspirational quotes and Nicholas Sparks novels. In short, its trite, unimagined, white bread bullshit. Theres no heart. No love. Just noise that grates on the skin. How these jokers got a record deal is beyond me tbph.

    Pokemon opinions?

    GEN WUN. Seriously, its like the only gen i played more than once so its my favorite.

    I dont play Pokemon to collect them all. Nor do i play them to do much else than to catch the pokemanz i think look cool. My team pools are usually pretty small.

    I honestly dont care about anything except the pokemanz themselves when it comes to these games.

  7. Cordelia's supports really seem to be hit-or-miss is the issue, and depending on which ones you run into can be horrible or great. I ran into Kellam x Cordelia the first playthrough so I didn't see anything wrong with her, and then ran into Gaius x Cordelia next, and both of those aren't too bad. But then thee are ones like Frederick's support with her which are simply awful.

    Yee. But my issue with her is that shes also really boring, yet also a bit manipulative. Fred's supports with her just make my teeth gnash.

  8. dang, yeah i feel this post. some time last year i started distancing myself from that liberal bubble because i was realizing how toxic it is. this article sums it up.

    i also realized how there's a clear difference between liberalism, which has proven now to be a really dangerous and enabling of the far right, and actually left-wing politics that bernie sanders was introducing in the mainstream for the first time. going to be really politically active now, feels like i kind of have to. democrats are going to need to go through some major transformation and a real left has to emerge to fight back.

    Yarr. Liberalism vs Progressive is basically what its boiling down to. And the left in the US is now realizing this and its making us all really stop and think. One of my friends was being really obnoxious during the race about this. I hate to admit he was right lmao. He went Stein because he couldnt bring himself to vote Clinton. (i couldnt bring myself to vote third party because of the stakes. Otherwise, i would have.)

    Yeah, hate to invoke godwin here, but there's a reason why hitler's party was called national socialists. fascism is all about reappropriating left-wing rhetoric to get the same kind of popular support, but it does the opposite of liberating and scapegoats minorities and poor people instead of the people actually doing the exploiting.

    not saying trump is literally fascist, but at the same time i'm not interested in getting bogged down in the details here because the broader point about far right populist movements remains the same.

    Sweden Democrats. COUGH yee that is a thing and it confuses me, but its a very real thing. Its one of the reasons why socialism is still a dirty word in the US.

    I can understand wanting change, I can understand hating the establishment, I think the U.S. political system is a complete farce, and both parties are a shambles.

    I just couldn't prioritize any of that over LGBT+/women's/etc. rights.

    I read that article yesterday and was really liking it up until it turned smug itself (the last 6th or so) and painted disenfranchised Trump voters as being poor and country, which the polls are disproving.

    But yeah, I'll be aiming to be more politically active.

    I agree. Especially when i heard my brother talk about his former boss, a man he considered his friend, basically berate him and people like him (working class people who were really in the right place at the right time) as basically garbage. Touting on about how people who cannot afford health care do not deserve it. This man makes a high six figure income. Its not just the poor at all. And its not just minorities catching shit from the hard right either. Its really scary.

  9. Yes.

    I was struggling to find the words yesterday, because I do understand the issues people've had with the democratic party and with Clinton. I understand wanting to protest. But voting for Trump is still a vote against anyone who isn't white or straight, regardless of your personal views/problems. My sister-in-law wrote this yesterday, which I largely agree with:

    I am very sympathetic to our much-essayed poor white rural voters who are scared and desperate. I have tried to tell liberal friends who sneer about idiot rednecks to read Hillbilly Elegy, to point out that condescending to people who are genuinely struggling and have no easy way out isn’t making things better, to discuss ways in which liberal policies had unintended side effects that were making the issues they tried to solve worse.

    But the poor white rural voters – as well as, more significantly, the middle-class and wealthier voters who make up a higher proportion of Trump supporters than poor voters - have chosen to elevate themselves by stepping on someone else’s neck. They are doing it deliberately, because they believe someone’s neck has to be stepped on (understandable: this has been true for most of the history of the world) and they’d rather it not be them.

    I have read so many well-intending people talk about how you shouldn’t be upset with friends for voting for Trump and shouldn’t unfriend them (THE HORROR) and need to reach out with compassion them in order to move forward. It is true that to reach genuine understanding, both “sides” must reach out. That means Trump supporters need to extend to us the same compassion we have been told to extend to them, and they have not.

    This bizarre presentation of white Trump voters (again, not as overwhelmingly poor and jobless they’re made out to be in so many editorials) as these fragile beings whom anti-Trumpers must coddle is just as condescending as liberals deriding them as ignorant rednecks. They are humans. They are humans who have made a choice to hurt other humans.

    Nazis were humans who made the choice to hurt other humans. Oooh, look at how I tied that together in a super subtle way! It’s great to say everyone’s entitled to their own opinion and we should respect it but there are a few thousand years of history showing us that sometimes people do, in fact, hurt and kill others because of their opinions. And those people almost never think they do what they do out of hatred or racism or sexism, only to survive.

    They are not doing this from ignorance of the consequences – they know what Donald Trump is, how he behaves, and they approve of it.

    Holy shit this right here.

    I live in a pretty rural area and really progressive thinking isnt exactly the majority here (except for on environmental issues). The reasons why rural people voted this way wasnt just because they didnt know any better, its because they dont realize they too, wil be victimized by their own ideologies. Those voters dont realize they are dooming their children because they will not be afford to pay health care if Trump's appeals happen. They dont realize their food stamps will be taken away and they wont be able to eat. They just angry because they feel like theres no jobs for them anymore. And they seem really fucking stubborn as to why that is and how to fix it. These people do not need to be coddled, they need to be educated. And the establishment fucking failed them on that score, loads over. Racism? Sexism? Its not them, so they dont care. They really, honestly dont majority of the time. Or just dont understand how it feels to be THAT marginalized. Its why even those who arent inherently bigoted are shrugging and saying "he will do positive things for this country."

    Yeah i fail to see how to be quite honest.

    and I've seen more anti-liberal rhetoric from my friends on the left than my friends on the right

    This is happening all over the place. Many progressives voted third party and are getting reamed to pieces for it. I agreed that it was a bad idea to do that this year, but reaming them for it is rather pointless. And im not reaming Trump supporters i know either. (shocking, i know.) Im asking them all W H Y. Like in their own words. And i tell them that they need to understand why people are so outraged. I want to understand what drove otherwise good people to vote for hate.

  10. I actually find the story telling style in the Tellius games to be the worst in the series, mainly because of the actual dialogue. Most characters try way too hard to sound medieval, there are comical one-liners inserted at the completely wrong places ("Rancid butter") and other lines that are plain cringe-worthy ("The beasts wish to consume me!").

    It's hard to explain, but there's something about the way characters speak in the Tellius games that just rubs me the wrong way. I'm glad that ever since FE11 the localizing teams have chosen to use a more casual style of conversation and has pretty much become the norm, because when characters talk to each other in FE11/13/14, I actually buy it. I guess that's the problem with the Tellius games. Nobody talks like that in real life, so I can't really find a way to "connect" with these characters (if that made any sense).

    :(: thats a shame, cuz i always enjoyed the dialogue in Tellius because of its almost Shakespearean tone and quality. Its hammy af and at times really hilarious. "Moldy onions, where did they go?" and the sheer gold that was Bastian's lines. The theatrical style just...it charmed me.

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