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Loki Laufeyson

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Posts posted by Loki Laufeyson

  1. Yee, Marquess was a French title, was it not? IS just took a word meaning ruler or lord and kinda just put it there to sound fancy. I wouldnt think too hard on it. However, knowing the meaning of that title long before that game came out, i was able to discern the positions of Lycian rulers rather easily. I feel like Uther should have been Duke tho.

  2. 15 hours ago, NekoKnight said:

    Our most hallowed of laws. Hopefully we'll be able to abandon it after FE15 come out.

    With any luck, it will be abandoned long before that. Theres a reason many people grew really indifferent or just plain uncaring about Fates' story and Corrin. Its too exhausting to do the song and dance in discussion when we've talked about it so much.

  3. Fates' advertising was fine. The thing it needed was a free demo, though. That does a lot for interest. 

    I think FE Echoes is gonna do pretty well for a remake title. Considering its keeping all the things that made Gaiden unique and probably polishing them up all fancy. Someone upthread mentioned that some of these things will appeal more to the JRPG crowd, and i think they are right. We'll see.

  4. On 1/19/2017 at 6:11 AM, Nym said:

    It takes forever to get a Silvally god damn, 4 massages and Type Null is still not ready to evolve.

    Give your Type: Null a memory disk of your choice and RAINBOW POKEBEANS and a bit more love. It'll happen. Poor Type: Null came from a pretty messed up past as a lab experiment. Needs the love! 

    Oh man, im new to Pokebank but its pretty wiggy. Ill be having a lot of fun sending pokemon from Yellow to Moon. Oh and the wonder trade shenanigans....

  5. I dont really care enough to hate or like Corrin, so im indifferent. I dont mind their design at all but their personality is a bit meh mostly due to the narrative's treatment of them. But honestly, i just cant care enough either way. 

  6. On 1/20/2017 at 6:56 PM, Ebony said:

    tfw you wanna vent but it involves politics so you dont wanna start that

    i know this feel. I saw a couple of posts on fb today from actual friends that made me question if these people are actually my friends. They made very ignorant and rather reprehensible comments about political matters that makes me very freaking wary of them period. 

  7. Yeah i think that could be the case. A little bit of bitterness in your posts, ive noticed. Link is essentially a shonen hero, that much is true. And the manga series for Zelda has a lot of typical anime junk in it. But a lot of that really isnt present in the games themselves since those are often developed with the west in mind. 

    As for Pokemon, ill concede stuff like Pokemon Go being more for grown ups and the series is aiming to include everyone. But the anime and a huge portion of products made with that name are intended for kids. These two series are really hard to really fling the pandering to otaku labels on. Fates definitely did the otaku pandering and thats really what that looks like. Skinship, suggestive themes, including anime tropes and character quirks you find in non-mainstream anime (hell, some Fates characters have quirks found in ecchi works), etc. But also notice a lot of the backlash in the west about a lot of that stuff and even the outright removal of skinship (now we just hear them talk), and the rather different advertising and showcasing going on with Echoes. No avatars (that we know of), probably no marriage and if theres kids, ill eat my helm. The art direction has a somewhat more subdued vibe to it and not having real skimpy or revealing clothes and fanservice designs going on. (so far. Lets knock on wood, shall we?) FE Warriors seems to be less about panty shots and more about Chrom and Marth wrecking huge hordes of guys. So..maybe they are catching on that that sort of pandering doesnt really gibe well with the ginormous western market. 

  8. That sounds to me more like them experimenting with Link as a character and the scope of that game more than simple pandering. Oddly enough, any kind of feelings Navi has for Link didnt make it in the finished product. Honestly, i think yer a little confused with adding love story elements to a game with otaku pandering. Understandable considering what gets incredibly jumbled up in gamer culture these days. 

    Adults may buy Pokemon stuff and figmas/nendroids and things costing quite a bit of coin are otaku merch. But the card game? My dude...

  9. Yee. Its a good idea to have Vanessa promoted by this time but its understandable if she is not. (promoted 'Nessa can use swords and can handle those pirates on that end of the map) Either way, have Vanessa rescue Seth (and make sure hes got a sword equipped) and ferry him down to the lip of the map where the water is by that village. The pirates will start inching over there but the other guys on that end of the map will start attacking Seth. Since hes Seth, he can handle it. Keep Vanessa from going too far south cuz the archers. (Tana can rescue Vanessa if she winds up left in a precarious situation) Do all of this on turn 1. By turn 2, have Seth park it right in front of the village. 


    In the meantime, there are other pirates lurking on the west side of the map. I cannot recall which turn they appear on but its like turn 4 or some shizz. I think theres also a stinky, edgy myrm with a Killing Edge over there too. Proceed with some caution cuz you do have to break through that lot of mercs and that Sniper guy. Franz is pretty good for this task. He also is the good one to have inching over toward the villages in that end of the map. Edgy Myrm might tink him if hes high enough level. Franz can recruit Amelia who appears on the southern end of the west side of the map. She wont move unless yer in her range and since shes a wet paper bag, one hit from like any of your guys will smush her. The guys around her will move up and Franz can spank em. Have Franz recruit Amelia after clearing out that lot and have another unit either rescue her or drop her off out of the range of any dudes. In the process of making your way to this end of the map, you'll have murdered all the pirates that appeared over there.

    Meanwhile, back where Seth is, Pirates have basically suicided themselves on him so it will likely leave an archer or two trying to potshot him and failing miserably. Seth will be free to visit the village at last and that nabs another Rapier for Eirika which you might want. Kinda worth the effort. 

  10. 6 hours ago, Water Mage said:

    Why do you think so many females fall in love with Link? That's what I meant by otaku pandering, especially considering that Link is an Avatar style of character.

    Pokemon obviously sells well because of otaku pandering. What do you think the Pokemon TGC and other Pokemon products are for?


    Incorrect. At least in the west, girls were falling for Link long before he got the bishie sparkle in manga depictions, yo. Yeah, back in the 80s, many girls who played Zelda dug Link a bit because he was a young hero who saved a princess. Zelda also pandered more to the western audience in those days too and let me tell ya, that wasnt otaku. 

    Pokemon products like the card game and toys and things, i reckoned were for  children given that was the initial target audience, mate. :| Like, come on, all these products like plushies and things...sure collectors are gonna want em but really? You think the majority of that was for mouthbreathing otaku? Marketing to kids fuels Pokemon chiefly.

    As for FE, lmao no these things are not essential to the sales and success of the franchise. What did it, was better advertising, more visibility, Casual Mode, and stuff like that. The shipping aspect helped lure in a certain demographic, but its not as significant as Casual Mode. Casual Mode really changed a lot. It meant that FE didnt need to be relentlessly or unforgivingly difficult (permadeath scared assloads of people off the games). So it was more accessible. This was so significant, wow. Shipping and kids was like CRK said, brought in more young women and girls but i think they came in because of attractive looking anime characters and accessible gameplay. They stayed for the fluff. Fluff helps, but yeah. If FE stopped having so much fluff but was marketed the same way and with accessible gameplay, im sure the series wouldnt suffer THAT much. At least not in the west.

  11. 4 hours ago, RedRob said:

    Honestly, the problem with Peri is more how her insanity is played for laughs, instead of drama like it should be.


    Yeah, which is why she should never be viewed as 'edgy", "dark", or gritty. Because all of this is played too much in the lighthearted sense and thus the intention isnt edginess or even tragedy, but shits and giggles. We arent supposed to take her seriously. That makes me a bit sad cuz theres a hella interesting character potential there and part of the reason i like her. Its just disappointing shes just a "murder doll" for the shiggles.

  12. On 1/19/2017 at 9:29 PM, Chen said:


    QOTD 1118 - Ever been in a long distance relationship? What were the results?


    Nej. I dont deal with that shit. Im too needy physically for that and i cant deal with it so ive never been arsed to do long distance. Hell, its part of the reason i dont further pursue my crush. Hes not horribly far away but the idea of getting involved with someone and not seeing them every day or so, bothers the fuck out of me. 

    1 hour ago, Chen said:

    don't really recommend it

    QOTD 1119 - would you do the manipulating or be the manipulated  submitted by anonymous


    the manipulating

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