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Everything posted by Erk

  1. Oh man, for serious. It was a banner fucking year at the old Bender family.

  2. Oh man, for serious. It was a banner fucking year at the old Bender family.

  3. http://www.littlepeoplemusic.com/mickey-mouse-operation Here's the album on their site.
  4. Check out the album Mickey Mouse Operation by Little People, pretty sweet instrumental stuff.
  5. HOLY SHIT YOU MONSTER. You've got a good 3 inches on me, at least hahaha... Something interesting? Well, I go to the beach everyday to listen to the waves and seagulls, I'm self taught at guitar, Every wednesday night I loiter around my town with some bros and hos and we make sick music, I play a 3 gallon water bottle as a drum, I've never played a FE that came before 7, I'm a camp counselor for middle schoolers, I haven't had a girlfriend in two years, uhhhh...I'm friends with nestaling and emraldfawx on facebook.
  6. I used to wear this bracelet, that a really close friend of mine made for me. I wore it for 4 years straight, only taking it off to fiddle with it when bored. When it broke, I did kind of feel like I had lost part of myself, but eh, that's probably the only case where I would.
  7. ur prety cool eye guess ow y r u so cold u like bit me oh haaaaay big boi ;))) i aint tryna go to you I liek yew two <3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHb4gs1hwck lolzzzzz.com.org WOAH BIG BOI WOAH Mostly evertym the world is a bad place cuz men like kony and hitler try and kill all of the christian and stuff <33333 I'M A MAN PA, I'M A MAN i'll laek ur statuz 5ever (mor than 4)
  8. frikken elie called me an annoying kid. du meh.
  9. That's some creepy shit, hahaha. And it's funny because I just looked out of my 3rd story apartment window to see like seven stray cats all in the middle of the street (It's 1am here)
  10. But not in bed. They usually finish first.
  11. It's funny because I actually did have some wine.
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