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blah the Prussian

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Everything posted by blah the Prussian

  1. Actually, I liked that about the story. N and the player are both fighting for their ideals, and, unless those ideals are very bad, there is nothing wrong with that. The end has N learning to accept that different opinions exist, but his opinion was still valid; his only problem was trying to force it on others by stealing Pokemon. Ghetsis, on the other hand, doesn't fight for an ideal, he fights for himself. That is what makes him evil, his self serving nature, his inability to do anything that doesn't benefit him. Basically, Pokemon is against Atlas Shrugged, and even Generation 1 had a better story than Atlas Shrugged. In any case, I won't deny that there were some problems; the drill castle was stupid, and it wasn't really made clear why N is a King; does he have royal blood or something? Honestly if I lived in Unova I would totally be on N's side if only to make Unova a monarchy, but I digress. I also wish that the Sages had battles, but whatever. Overall, though, Black and White had a good story for a kid's game, and I really like its theme.
  2. What exactly does Ryouma have to do with Shinzo Abe?
  3. Well, actually, Fates kinda stole the whole two versions thing from Pokemon, so there.
  4. Yeah, Team Flare especially was stupid; Sycamore being cool with Lysandre basically declaring he planned to murder everyone was pretty bad. I thought that Black and White's story was decent, though; what was your problem with it?
  5. Well, that was unexpected. In any case, hopefully the new games are good; we really don't have much to go on now.
  6. I wish, then America would be a monarchy.
  7. Two ideas I had: Write a sequel to one of your previous stories Write a story that is about the relationship between two friends
  8. I can't vote, but if I could I would only vote for Clinton if she was running against Cruz or Trump, and then very grudgingly. I really don't want her in office.
  9. Nothing specific, but China is going to be much worse off than RL Japan. And yeah, I'm excited for the postwar too, because in planning it out this was where I really got creative. Generally speaking everything here has been analogous; Russiais the US, Germany is part US and part Britain, the USSA is the USSR, Sinocentric China is imperial Japan meets Nazi Germany, etc. After the war, though, things get a bit more random. There are not analogues anymore. Some teasing in the form of prominent quotes from the postwar era:"I have a dream that one day, a man will be free to have his own thoughts, to own his own property, to be free at last!" "The Isles have fallen to heretics! We are the last true Britons!" "I swear, by my life and my love of it, at I will not fight for anything less than full equality." "It is a period of civil war. The benevolent GALACTIC EMPIRE is fighting against a coup from the totalitarian FIRST ORDER." "Mr. Cerano, build me this wall!"
  10. Ah yeah, falling off the horse sucked, especially if it was into any sort of water.
  11. Oh, Henry V was quite good. But why is it a nightmare if you're the English? Agin court was a crushing English victory.
  12. Sorry for the obscene amount of time it took me to get off my arse and write this. I had a bunch of RL stuff to sort out (the Projectile Motion Investigation can get a chainsaw up the ass) but in compensation, have a special edition mega update! Chapter 10 Beijing, Nanjing, and the end of the war China entered 1939 firmly on the back foot. It had failed to break the joint Japanese-Korean defense of the Korean peninsula had repelled every attempt the Chinese made to break it, and the front was tying up more and more Chinese soldiers. Meanwhile, Zhukov had put the Chinese into full retreat in Siberia, and they were being beaten in Southeast Asia by India and Japan. It was with this in mind that Wang Jingwei ordered for the first time a draft to take place in China. Standing before a massive delegation of the Sinocentric Party, Wang demanded “Do you want total war?” to thunderous applause. China would certainly need total war. On the Siberian Front, January, February, and March would be referred to as “The Long March.” It was an apt name. The Chinese army, defeated at Novosibirsk, marched forlornly across Siberia. The length of the Chinese supply lines meant that there was no city for hundreds of miles that the Chinese army could have resupplied in, so they were forced to march for hundreds of miles. Along the way, they were repeatedly attacked from the air by Russian dive bombers, which took a massive toll on their numbers. Of the 3,000,000 Chinese forces originally assaulting Novosibirsk, only 500,000 limped back into Chinese Mongolia. China had been dealt a terrible blow. Unfortunately, Wang Jingwei was both able and willing to trade territory for time. He still occupied large portions of Siberia, and it would take Russian troops 6 months to fully reassert control of occupied Siberia. That would be more than enough time for Wang to raise a new, conscripted, Chinese army. He planned to withdraw from East Turkestan, Manchuria, Mongolia, and Vietnam, fortifying only the core territories of China. By the time the Allies had fully occupied those areas, in February of 1940, Wang had at his disposal a force of 15,000,000 men. He was ready for China’s total war. “Not since the invasion of Genghis Khan,” Jingwei declared, “has China been in such danger. The mongrel Russians are merely the inferior Europeans and the vile Tatar’s bastard child! They are the most barbarous of Europeans, and that is saying something! The Japanese and Koreans have been led astray by the Europeans. Their rightful status is that of tributaries of the Master Race. They shall pay dearly for their treason! Finally, the Indians! They are the only Asians who are inferior to Europeans! They were colonized twice: first by the British, and then by the Americans, who gave them the disease of Marxism! They are worse than Europeans, they are traitors to their fellow Asians! They will be dealt with accordingly!” Yes, Jingwei was that batshit insane. The Allies, namely Russia, India, and Japan, had not been idle. Facing Jingwei’s force of 15,000,000 was an Allied force of 20,000,000 (10,000,000 Indians, 7,000,000 Russians, and 3,000,000 Japanese) had prepared a joint invasion of China. Following the Chinese withdrawal from Manchuria, Korea had been fully liberated by Japan, and the Japanese army in Korea had been freed up. The Allied strategy against China was a simple envelopment plan, with the Russians and Japanese advancing from Manchuria to the Yalu River, the Indians pushing into Yunnan and Guangxi, and the Japanese forces in Vietnam launching an offensive north to take Nanjing. This was to take place in the space of a year. These expectations would quickly prove to be unrealistic. The Allied invasion of China, Operation Overthrow, would be the bloodiest campaign in the history of the world. The Allies had also drawn up plans for the postwar in Asia. The Indian leader, Subhas Bose, demanded an Indian sphere of influence in Southeast Asia. The Japanese also demanded their sphere of influence, largely to satisfy the pet project of Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida, that being the East Asian Trade And Mutual Defense Organization (EATAMDO). Korea had already eagerly signed on to the treaty, and Yoshida wanted Japan’s conquest from the Chinese sphere of influence to be included. Thus, the signatories of EATAMDO were the Empire of Japan, thee Kingdom of Korea, the Republic of the Philippines, the Kingdom of Malaysia, the Kingdom of Cambodia, and the Empire of Vietnam. At the urging of Yoshida, Gerd von Rundstedt convinced the Dutch Queen WIlhelmina, in exile in Berlin at the time, to agree to grant the Dutch East Indies independence as the Indonesian Royal Federation, which was also included in the pact. This left Bose with Burma, Thailand, and Laos. He also wanted a cut of China. The Allies, however, could not justify arbitrarily carving up China based on purely ideological lines, so it was agreed that China would be a fully neutral power. In practice, this arrangement was not to last more than a 2 years. In March of 1940, Operation Overthrow commenced. Immediatly, it did not go as planned. Baron Wrangel himself travelled to the front to take command of the assault on Beijing, but the Chinese had turned it into a fortress city. Chinese soldiers, some of them as young as twelve, fought for each and every room of every floor of every building. After a month, the Russians had only made slight inroads into the city proper. Wrangel’s brutal tactics of firebombing seemed to confirm Wang’s rhetoric that the Russians were barbarians. Meanwhile, in the South, the Indians were not having much more luck. General Mohan Singh, commander of the Indian end of Operation Overthrow, was finding out that supplying an army of 10,000,000 in Yunnan was something of a chore. Progress was extremely slow, and the Chinese guerrilla war in the area was met with great success. The Indians were firmly bogged down in Yunnan. After six months of the Battle of Beijing, with very little progress being made, the Japanese Field Marshal Tomoyuki Yamashita suggested a new strategy. The Japanese army would land at the city of Tianjin, just to the southeast of Beijing, and encircle the city. Yamashita was very much successful in this endeavor. On September 13, 1940, the landings began, and by October 21 Beijing was fully encircled. It was then that the event that would change the course of the Chinese campaign and enable victory took place. Wang Jingwei and his Sinocentric Party henchmen had long since fled the city to Nanjing, which had been the de facto Chinese capitol ever since the beginning of Operation Overthrow. The Xuantong Emperor, however, despite being nothing more than a puppet for most of his reign, had elected to stay in the city. After the encirclement of Beijing, however, the Emperor decided to finally rule, not just reign. He ordered the city and its defenders to surrender to the Russians. Unfortunately for Xuantong, it would be one of the last things he ever did. Wang, when he found out, was furious. He ordered his most oral men in the city to murder the Xuantong Emperor and his family. As Wrangel’s men marched through the city, the entirety of the Qing Dynasty was murdered to a man. Wang immediately claimed that it had been the Russians and Japanese who had committed the deed. Unfortunately, the people of Chine believed him. Despite these setbacks, by February of 1941 the Russians had advanced to the Yellow River, just south of Beijing. Wang ordered the next phase of his defensive plan to begin. He had kept half of his troops in reserve, to keep them fresh. Now, he planned on using them to destroy the Russian army, negotiate a peace with Russia, and turn south to face the Indians. It was a plan conceived by a delusional mind, but it had the potential to inflict serious damage on the Russian army. The attack began on March 29. The Battle of the Bulge was and is the largest engagement in human history. On one side was 1/4 of what remained of the Chinese army, three million men. Facing them was a combined Russo-Japanese force of 2 million men. They were commanded by Georgi Zhukov, the hero of Siberia. Wang had not pulled any punches with his commander selection, either. He had placed the brilliant Li Zongren in command. Zongren was also a celebrated commander, and had every intention of doing whatever he could to save China. The Battle of the Bulge was a clash of the titans. Zongren began his attack with a simple human wave. Hundreds of thousands of elite Chinese troops forded the Yellow River, all along its mouth. The Chinese navy, meanwhile, sailed into the river, and bombarded Russian positions on the other side. The Russians held out as best as they could, but but the Chinese had captured several key points on the other side of the river by the end of the day. After a week of fighting, a pair of strong bridgeheads had been established. Zhukov knew that he had to do something fast. Zhukov made a furious phone call to the office of a Marshal Konstantin Rossokovsky. Rossokovsky was until then relatively unknown. That, however, would soon change when he executed one of the most daring operations of the war. Rossokovsky commanded the other half of the Russian army, the one that was advancing through the Chinese Western Steppes. He had the bulk of Russia’s tanks, and Zhukov knew that this would be great asset. He asked Rossokovsky to come to his aid. Wrangel confirmed these orders. And so, Konstantin Rossokovsky did the action that would lead to dozens of films (all of which, except for the awesome Malkovitch one, are grossly inaccurate) and would also get him Badass of the Week a few weeks ago. Rossokovsky took a total of ten tank divisions and drove across the Chinese steppes. Deep behind enemy lines, he consistently evaded capture and plowed through any opposition he encountered. He finally reached the battle on May 4. By that time, about half of Zongren’s army had crossed the river. Rossokovsky launched an all out assault on the other half of the Chinese army, while Zhukov launched his own counterattack. The Chinese were caught between a hammer and an anvil. On July 16, Zongren finally surrendered. The Russians turned around, and rested. They had to resupply their exhausted troops, after all. Meanwhile, in the south, the Indians had finally succeeded in pacifying Yunnan. They advanced into Guanxi, where they met up with the Japanese army in the south. Wang’s army was gathering to the north to defend Nanjing. Within the Chinese cabinet, there was quite a large amount of panic. It had been confirmed by the bombing of Paris that the Germans had the bomb. The question was whether or not Russia had the bomb. In truth, the Russians did not. However, Wang told his people that they did. “If the mongrel Slavic barbarians are not driven back,” he screamed at a rally in Hong Kong, “they will destroy the Chinese Race with their nuclear weapons!” This had the effect of whipping more and more Chinese into a patriotic frenzy. Every village now became full of soldiers. The Allied advance was slow, almost reminding of the advances during the First World War. They had not reached the final cluster of important Chinese cities in the south (Guangzhou, Shanghai, Hong Kong, and of course Nanjing) until the winter. However, at this point, it was clear to essentially everyone that Wang had lost. Everyone, that is, but Wang himself. By February of 1942, the Chinese were broken. Indian forces took Shanghai and Guangzhou, and the Japanese took Hong Kong. In all of these cases, the Allies were faced with a lot of resistance, but not resistance of a high quality. In many cases, the Chinese would have no ammunition, and so would charge tanks with bayonets. Finally, on April 5, 1942 the Russians began their assault on Nanjing. Wang had his highest quality troops (the ones who were not children or old men and who had guns) to defend the city, but the Russians pushed forwards through it all. Finally, the Russians reached Wang’s bunker in the center of the city. He had shot himself dead, along with almost all of his cabinet. The only one left alive in the bunker was his terrified secretary, making her by default the leader of China. Russian troops marched her to the Russian headquarters, where she was compelled to sign the Chinese instrument of surrender before Wrangel. She was then released from captivity. Wrangel was said to have put his fountain pen down, looked up at Zhukov and said “Well, George, it was a terrible chore, but it appears that we have won.” WWII was over.
  13. Maybe so; it's impossible to predict, really, how economics will change when unpaid labor in the form of robots exist.
  14. Agincourt? I'm assuming you're French in the dream if it's a nightmare. Honestly, though, the Eastern Front was a nightmare for the Soviets and the Germans.
  15. "Bernie Sanders should be President! Of Sweden!" -Marco Rubio Then, suddenly, the clouds parted, and King Gustavus Adolphus descended from the heavens with a massive artillery battery. "Sweden is a monarchy, you limp dicked little bitch!" He yelled, and opened fire. Rubio didn't stand a chance, as he was crushed by Swedish arms. Okay, that didn't actually happen, but it would be pretty cool if it did. Seriously, though, Rubio can't get the form of government of one of our key allies in the Baltic right. If Putin makes a move on the Baltics, the Swedes are going to be the ones protecting them.
  16. Oh my god, can we please not get caught up in theological arguments here? Speaking as an agnostic, I think he's a good guy and that's about it. The Vatican hasn't been relevant since 1870 (long story, that one, that is even more irrelevant) and I'd like it to stay that way. Also, this isn't just motivated by my Prussophilia and that Prussia was Protestant.
  17. When the time comes when robots are capable of doing all unskilled labor, chances are there will need to be a basic income. The corporations don't have to pay the robots anything, they should be willing to pay extra taxes to support the workers they just laid off.
  18. Yeah, Prague is a lovely city. Sinderklasse is a tad bit more complex, though, since his elves are based on Moors, who were the victims of the usual anti-Islamic propaganda that the Vatican was spewing out, and were slaves; the Dutch were big practitioners of slavery. Of course, the Dutch were doing slavery before it became so racially charged, so it isn't really the same. I do find it racist, personally. Did you even read my post, madame? I never said Europe was free of prejudice, but it is hatred of an ethnic manner, not of a racial manner. Also, no, I do not believe that racism against the French is a large problem in Britain. It stopped being a big thing after the Entente Cordial in 1904. I never said that there is no prejudice in Europe, just that the prejudice against Muslims is not racially based, and that White privilege does not exist in Europe. The groups that left Europe, however, did not leave it because of racial oppression, but because of ethnic oppression. The Nazis, too, were not white supremacist, but rather Germanic supremacist. Neo Nazis are different from original Nazis in that way. The Nazis also didn't get ahold of very many Africans to kill; the Rhineland Bastards were IIRC the only ones. Finally, I at no point said that there is a racism free place. Please read what I actually said before you comment in the future.
  19. So as you would know if you read my location (which I recommend, it's a fascinating read) I have been living in Europe, specifically Prague, for the past few years (I am American, though I prefer "rightful subject of Her Majesty"). During that time, I learned a lot about European history, as well as what Europe today is like. I also noticed that, on this site and others, Americans and to a lesser extent Canadians and ANZACS, have been applying the theory of White Privilege to Europe. Now, to get this out of the way: White Privilege is very much something that exists in America. However, it is not present in Europe or anywhere else in the non-Anglo world. The thing is, in America, there is a general White culture that exists; that has been melded as a result of the immigration from Europe. However, in Europe, whiteness has very little meaning, because, and this should be a no brainer, a Pole is different from a Spaniard. This effectively means that there can be no white people in Europe, because there is no unified White identity. In the UK, for example, the far right party, UKIP, has a huge hateboner against immigrants of all kinds. Now, when you think immigrant, you probably picture a bunch of Syrians, Iraqis, and Libyans. However, that is only half of the story. There are Polish, Romanian, Spanish, and other European ethnicities who are immigrants within the UK, Germany, and other more prosperous EU countries, and they get the same shit that Arabs do. I would also argue that the bigotry in Europe is less about race and more about religion. For example, Hungarian PM Viktor Orban declared that he would allow all Christian refugees into Hungary, but no Muslims. The thing is, though, the bulk of the Christian refugees are just as Arab as the Muslims. What makes me so mad about this is that it's another case of people making assumptions when they have no understanding of the actual situation. If Americans would actually bother to see what is going on, rather than just seeing White people vs Brown people, you would not be hearing about White privilege in Europe.
  20. Well, yes, but a history nerd. The kind that always themes his Pokemon teams around great leaders.
  21. Well, even if he gets off his life is still effectively ruined. And yeah, Tukvarz, charging women who make rape accusations when the defendant is found not guilty is a great way to prevent even more women from coming forwards.
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