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blah the Prussian

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Everything posted by blah the Prussian

  1. Ah, so a follower of filthy WHIG HISTORIOGRAPHY? I would like to point out in all seriousness that the French say hi in regards to WWI and the supposed superiority of Republics. In any case, I thought Ylisse was more like some bizarre combination of Byzantium and Boubon France, cuz of all the culture. Also, spell crack thinks that Bourbon is wrong, but not cuz.
  2. Pay, resetting is for cowards! True tacticians don't press reset!
  3. Oh, Cameron isn't nearly as bad as Orban; he isn't trying to propagandize the history taught in schools. And yeah, the EU really should be putting its foot down more; it may be that the experiment has failed.
  4. Ylisse is a Republics? Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Good other than that though.
  5. Eugenics for fun and profit? Well I do always mary Avatar to Cherche.
  6. I was making fun of a certain faction of the fandom's hatred of Geoffrey. Honestly, I'm not really sure whether or not I wrote this while on acid.XD
  7. Once again, the solution is better punishment. It's really quite simple. Would you propose Sweden start deporting people instead? I would say that the Baathists were using it as a tool, in contrast to Iran and Saudi Arabia, where religion uses the state as a tool. Of course, this isn't all that relevant to the extent to which the Middle East has regressed politically, because, you know, Fascism, but there is a difference. Also, as to your EU point, if Britain, Hungary or anyone else don't want the responsibilities that come with the EU, they should leave and deny themselves the benefits.
  8. Yes, and someone else provided an explanation as to why rape stats in Sweden are unreliable. Did you read that?To Life, come on, man, you should know that Syria under Assad is Fascist, not Islamist.
  9. Fully closing borders and absolutely insane quarantines was never needed, nor was cutting off all travel to and from Africa. You are forgiven.
  10. Yep, Mist is about to have her worldview utterly destroyed by Chiki. The poor girl.
  11. I agree. I was merely commenting on the tendencies of the media, not on the threat of the virus.
  12. A video doesn't do it for me. I want statistics here, none of which Brietbart provided.
  13. They racially profiled him as a migrant despite the fact there was no evidence he was actually a migrant.
  14. And this is from Brietbart. See the problem?
  15. Oh, Ebola was a big deal, and so is this. Its just that the media will absolutely blow it out of proportion and make it out to be the end of humanity like they did with Ebola.
  16. The main problem with teaching the Middle Ages is too much focus being on Western Europe when there should be focus further east. One area that is very important would be the fall of the Byzantine Empire, as it is the root of a lot of the problems faced by the Balkans and the Middle East today. The Seljuk victory at Mazinkert, for example, is why Anatolia today is Turkish. So yeah, I would definitely like to see more focus on the Byzantines vs the Arabs and Turks.
  17. Here we have the next Ebola, that being a disease that doesn't really do much worldwide but everyone loses their shit over and uses as an excuse to close borders.
  18. No confirmation that these people were migrants, asylum seekers, or otherwise. GG Telegraph.
  19. Hildegarde von Mariendorf in Legend of the Galactic Heroes is my favorite female character and one of my favorite characters ever, so that's a thing.
  20. Oh, no doubt. The majority of people, however, are not the latter.
  21. That last sentence is key. When you immigrated, how old were you? At a young age, immersion in a language works wonders for learning it. People from Eritrea are often poorly educated, because the dictator of Eritrea prefers to buy himself a new car rather than pay for his country's education. People from Eritrea and Syria also haven't had a lot of time to learn German; most of them have been in Germany for less than a year. Give them time.
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