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blah the Prussian

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Everything posted by blah the Prussian

  1. Some people think that Route 4 is supposed to be Ground Zero. That theory is obviously bullshit, because last I checked ground zero didn't have fucking hippos.
  2. So last night I had a very odd dream where the German monarchy was restored after a referendum that Merkel or someone like that was boasting would lead to a Republic but it actually led to a monarchy or whatever. I was so happy, man, I wore a fricking Pickelhaube to school and sung Die Wacht am Rhine everywhere. Then me and my monarchist friends Tom and Sebastian had a huge ass party at my house, and then we got wasted as fuck and I think My Little Pony was involved or something, but I don't actually know shit about that show so I could be wrong. Then I woke up and when I realized it was all a dream I got kind of emotionally devastated. That and not being able to see Deadpool today because I forgot my ID like a dumbass ruined my day. So yeah, what's the weirdest dream you've ever had?
  3. Yeah, you know what would help Black people move up in the wealth ladder? Them getting the money that they should have gotten if not for racism. It wouldn't cost the taxpayer anything; the companies with the racist policies would foot the bill. I don't disagree about street cred (I'm a monarchist, I love being respectful towards authority) but I will say that that is already being done, at least in the inner city communities where it is most prominent.
  4. The honorable Mr. Coates explains it much better than me, but in effect many black families are still suffering from the effects of racism, particularly in the South. I will say he jumps the shark by comparing reparations to reparations from West Germany to Israel, because the cases are different for a variety of reasons, but it remains a good article:http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2014/06/the-case-for-reparations/361631/
  5. Thank you! Welcome to the forest. Don't go near Serious Discussion unless you are prepared to have your worldview shattered.
  6. I prefer Slowking, for obvious reasons. Soon, this team will be going all Third Coalition on Team Plasma's ass!
  7. Agree with you here, but IIRC Pogroms, or at least the worst wave of them, happened because the Russians thought the Jews had killed Alexander II.
  8. Awesome, it made it to the finals. Come on, guys! Make this the little story that could!
  9. Well, do Clinton or anyone else support reparations?
  10. It would appear that there has been a double post. In any case, I suppose that this makes Lenora the Hienkel HE 178, given that that was just about the only thing that could take the Spitfire.
  11. Thanks to everyone who voted for this. I'm too lazy to check if this actually won, but I don't care; having fun writing this and knowing that people had fun reading this is good enough for me!
  12. What was this experiment? It sounds interesting. Edit: Okay, not sure how to feel about this. On the one hand, it definitely demonstrated something. On the other hand, it was obviously traumatic to the kids and, as others have said, it was possible just an issue of someone suddenly getting power and not being able to handle it. Still quite interesting.
  13. Damn, can't believe I missed this for so long. In any case, my wall of comments: First off, props for naming as ivy Kaiser without me having to tell you. You get a Gold Star! Second, Team Plasma are ginger Nazis? So, basically, Sinn Fien? Third, the next powerful Pokemon you catch you should name Kronprinz. Looking forwards to seeing the Kaiser retake his throne from N the IRA Nazi!
  14. Sorry for the double post, but Trump and Sanders both won New Hampshire by a large margin. If it wasn't clear that they could win before, it is now. Link: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-35538361
  15. True; neither is Sanders. Trump has his own problems, though, that make him as much of a dick as any other politician.
  16. I always have found that strategy games in general are better as screenshot LPs. For advice, I am decently sucky at Civ so I'm afraid my advice wouldn't be exactly useful.
  17. Ooh ooh actually I forgot the best female character of all time: Princess Anne from Roman Holiday. She sacrifices her love for her duty as royalty, which, as you can guess, appeals to me. Really, though, such a movie would never be made now, with female characters instead whining about individualism instead of womaning up and doing their duty. Also, no there are plenty of non Japan female characters that are fine; my guess would be that you disproportionally watch anime so you are not exposed to the better Western female characters. Basically, just make a list of everyone Cartherine Hepburn has ever played and you have your list, as well as plenty of characters better than most of what Japan makes.
  18. Yeah, pretty much this. I don't really blame any of them, except for Trump maybe. The problem is that politics creates an environment where the ones who are most willing to sell themselves out, stab their morals in the back, and lie win. The only thing meritocratic about a Republic is seeing who has the most merit in lying.
  19. He isn't going to do that. The Socialist Party of America hasn't been a thing since it's heyday in the 1900s; it stopped being relevant after TR did his thing. In any case, Sanders knows that Clinton winning is better than Trump winning, so he'll stay out of it.
  20. "Catherine the Great: A Short History". Yes, I am a nerd.
  21. It was more of a prediction than anything, although I may yet have been proven wrong. Regarding Mosquitos, apparently there's actually a way this guy developed to kill all mosquitos, by developing a mosquito with a kill gene in it and having it fuck all the other mosquitos. Then, the kill gene is activated and the next generation of mosquitos who all have the gene, all die.
  22. Yeah, I dont support supreme executive power, but you do score points with the Monty Python reference. Regna Ferox is especially weird, being a weird mix of Rome and the Khanate of the Golden Horde. Plegia could be Arabia, but that interpretation is basically only because they are in a desert. Valm is a bit harder to figure out; their cavalry focus and the fact that before Walhart they were a political nonentity suggest the Mongol Empire to me. I would also say that the French did have some part in starting WWI, but that is for another time.
  23. I would actually recommend getting a new dog before the last one dies. The neighbor's dog was like my best friend that day; dogs are great with helping with any kind of grief.
  24. Well, I would argue that it regressed when all the monarchies were abolished, but that has little to do with religion, except in the case of Iran.
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