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blah the Prussian

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Everything posted by blah the Prussian

  1. At one point the Gypceros actually stole my map. Im not kidding. I was pretty much fucked for that hunt, needless to say.
  2. True. I definitely think Hoshido is unrealistically good. A purely evil opponent, however, is not a bad thing so long as you execute it realistically (like, for example, the Jacobins in the alternate history Look to the West)
  3. Hello and welcome back to Pokemon Firered! Today, we challenge the sixth gym leader, whose annoying gym puzzle would take way too many screenshots if I was to document it! We start this update off in Saffron Gym. I'll just cut ahead to Sabrina, for the sake of your time and my Photobucket storage! And here she is in all her glory, Sabrina herself! I wonder what she has to say? Guderian, get the straitjacket! Look, ma'm, I know it can be upsetting, but you legitimately need a psychiatrist. Psychic powers just are not real. Now, you are going to come with us and we are going to help you. Okay, so maybe that wasn't the best way to word that. Look, I want to help you. I'm your friend here. Just ask Guderian, the turtle I named after one of the top Wehrmacht commanders in the Second World War. THAT's good evidence to my trustworthiness, right? Oh god, what the hell is that? Guderian, put that thing out of its misery with bite. See, madame, if this is your idea of company you need serious mental assistance. A moth? Now, seriously. throwing an innocent moth out to fight is just asking for it to die. It never stood a chance against Wolf Pack's flame wheel. Oh Arceus! Get that thing away from me! Wolf Pack, get out of there! Blitzkrieg has just the thing for you. Perfect. Ma'm, I know it can be hard to accept mental illness, but I hope that with the help of the asylum you can move on from this tragic phase in your life. Next time, we head out to see, and get extremely lucky with a certain legendary bird.
  4. I don't know if Nohr would be unrealistically evil. I mean, Nazi Germany if it was in an FE game would be called unrealistically evil.
  5. There are as many as it takes to destroy international Communism.
  6. Wait, what do you mean by wanting his friend's position? That wasn't in the prompt.
  7. The farting monkey is one of the easier monsters though. I hate the Gypceros, because of the fucking tail.
  8. The good news for the Republicans is that people like Trump and Cruz might not be Republicans for much longer, depending on if tithe party fractures completely.
  9. While the sentiment here is nice, I can't agree. In my mind, the best way to honor your brother is to remember him like he was, the good and the bad. The thing is, it wont matter how you remember him, so long as you remember him as your brother.
  10. Can I do a biography of a historical figure who was very much a sidekick to someone who I definitely consider a hero?
  11. His support with Lissa is I must say one of the only supports that is actually really good. Like, it provides character development for both, and it has him get over his flaw in the best way.
  12. Well guys, it looks like this is it. The Dawnists are finally moving on the last refuge of sanity in all of Tellius. I'm being deployed near what was once Crimea with my unit. He airforce will prevail! Our jets should smash those stupid wyverns! I may die, but there is no way I'd rather go than in service of Empress and country.
  13. Franz Joseph hated Franz Ferdinand and it didn't prevent WWI. The question is of course who will get the blame? Presumably it would be an easy target, but it is questionable if Etruria would not react. It would be interesting to see how this war would go, considering the strength of both sides.
  14. Aron. Name it Triplehaube, because it has the three spikes as Aggron like the Prussian spiked helmet.
  15. I really can't say I've gone through something like this. My grandpa died when I was very young, but I don't really remember him. One thing I will say, though, is please don't think God is doing anything to you. One thing that never helps in this situation is blaming yourself.
  16. Man, Shuuda, you need to be more tolerant of ninjas. Don't be like Donald Trump.
  17. Happy birthday, good sir! The forums would probably be a more unpleasant place without you.

    1. Integrity


      i'll take probably!

  18. And so decided to become bronies. However after coming to terms with the fact that Pickelhauben are way cooler than ponies, they
  19. Uh Battle Spot is against real people.
  20. If you could change one thing about history, what would it be?
  21. They bonded over their mutual foot fetish. They had picked up this fetish because
  22. Hello and welcome back to Pokemon Firered! First off, unless something happens I will not be doing the post game. Anyway, last time I beat Woodrow, again, and now the time has come to defeat Team Rocket once and for all! Unfortunately. President? Ah, you poor man. You are obviously poorly versed in monarchial hierarchy. You see, my good man, you can't get what you want by talking to the President... You must answer to the King. L'etat, c'est moi. Kangaskhan is made short work of by Wolf Pack. Well gee, I wonder who won this one. In hindsight, I totally should have had The State fight Nidoqueen as a reference to the War of the Spanish Succession, where the France of Louis XIV fought the Great Britain of Queen Anne I for domination of western Europe. Of course, Nidoqueen lost here, so it isn't necessarily completely true to what happened historically. Shocker, I know. You know, I don't think even the Nazis ever said something along the lines of that. Why? Because they knew it would make them sound stupid. Congratulations, Giovanni, you are officially dumber than Hitler. I'm not Imperial Japan, and you certainly aren't MacArthur, Giovanni. acArthur was even dumber. I don't care how many times you bring up Inchon, he single handedly brought Maoist China into the Korean War. Without that, We probably would have kept North Korea. The next time you see Kim Jong Un make a speech, blame it on MacArthur. Oh god, now the corporations will love me. No handouts for you! How about you buy me Kanto? That would be nice. That is NOT Kanto. Next time on Pokemon Firered, we come to terms with our non ownership of Kanto.
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