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Everything posted by PM ME MARIANNE ART

  1. Can someone explain the appeal of Henry x Olivia? They don't fit at all, Inigo could be better, and their supports are not that great. Isn't it INCREDIBLY convenient how Olivia HAPPENS to get cursed out of the blue? Don't get me wrong, I love Henry. He's one of the best characters in the game. I just don't see the logic in this pair specifically. Anyway, thoughts?
  2. Why do people keep complaining about my comment about not fighting before when I ALREADY TOOK IT BACK. Stahp. Thank you.
  3. Gregor gives Laurent Vantage, AT, Sol and he already has vengeance, so he's the perfect sorcerer. In the event of Tiki breeding, Inigo would lose a lot of assets he would gain from the Avatar. If anyone else, he would just be a watered down Laurent. I suppose Henry!Inigo would be a good DF, but the avatar is still the best choice.
  4. I'm going to say Avatar/Olivia is the best option. Inigo needs the versatility because he'll be a frontliner. Laurent gets everything he could possibly want from Gregs. Avatar/Tiki is good, but that will hinder Inigo.
  5. This is exactly right, but if you want a physical Inigo, which is what most people do, go Virion. Plus great supports.
  6. I know, but it's just original class tree, not whatever the game says. Anyway, I changed up my pairings to better adapt to the original class tree. These changes being Lon'qu!Severa, Ricken!Laurent, and Stahl!Owain. Just so the hardcore min-max people know, I know that these are not the best. I made a thread about the best a while ago, and that's what I use for L+. Please do not give me tips for the first gens. I'm open to tips about the second gens though.
  7. Alright, I was just like, "ZOMG SUPPORTS" when I made this. What second gen pairings would be the best? Anyway, I decided to do a original class tree run, so just disregard that last post. New classes/Marriages GL!Lucina + Hero!Inigo Wyvern!Gerome + Mana!Nah Sage!Laurent + GM!Morgan Falcon Knight!Cynthia + Sage!Brady Taguel!Yarne + Hero!Severa Swordmaster!Owain + Sniper!Noire General!Kjele will be paired with Hero!Donny. This sound good?
  8. Once you get to a point, Rogues 3 will give the same amount of exp as LB3, and thus, because of the less difficult enemies, the only grinding you should do on Rogues 3 is LB manuel grinding.
  9. Oh, sorry, I read sage as a skill. Anyway, what do you think of these classes? Sumia!Lucina- Great Lord (Married to Inigo) Henry!Owain- Sage (Married to Severa) Avatar+SKL!Inigo- Hero (Married to Lucina) Gregor!Brady- D. Fighter (Married to Cynthia) Donnel!Kjelle- Paladin (Forever Alone because nobody likes her) Chrom!Cynthia- Falcon Knight (Married to Brady) Stahl!Severa-Hero (Married to Owain) Fred!Gerome- Wyvern Lord (Married to Nah) Olivia!Morgan- Grandmaster (Married to Yarne) Kellam!Yarne- General (Married to Morgan) Lon'qu!Laurent- Sage (Married to Noire) Gaius!Noire- Dark Flier (Married to Laurent) Vaike!Nah- Mana (Married to Gerome) EDIT: Disregard this, I decided on original class tree run with different marriages (For the 2nd gens, at least)
  10. I really wish people near me had this game. Streetpass? I currently lack a main file, but I'll probably make a new one on hard because luna+ is BS on chapter 3.
  11. I just use assassin Lucy, because, to quote my least favorite character, "I'm a man."
  12. They're not much stronger, even from hard to lunatic. You can very easily solo CoY3 which guarantees 3-4 level ups if you have paragon. LB3 has a lot more, though.
  13. MU took her fire. Thunder broke from the water trick and C2. Stats are 12 STR, 9 MAG, 11 SKL, 11 SPD, 6 LCK, 16 DEF, and 8 RES. Avatar + Kellam leaves Fred screwed epicly, but I think if I fight in the hallway, I can probably do it. I'm thinking Fred+Kellam at the entrance, and MU+Miriel can stand behind them.
  14. The fic is nice. Good job! If you're still looking for pairing suggestions, Gaius/Olivia fits, Fred/Panne has nice supports, and Henry or Donnel/Tharja should work. Henry because two Plegian Dark mages, Donnel because he seems like the only person she actually likes other than the avatar.
  15. I can't beat chapter three. If I can just beat this, I will curb stomp the rest of the game from grinding. I tried following the guide, but Miriel doesn't have a weapon, and only Fred and MU have any training at all. No matter the skills and their partners, neither can survive an enemy alone without insane luck, but by then the other side is approaching too fast for me to beat. Please help me.
  16. Not if you separate so Donnel is right in front of him. EDIT: Doh, I missed.
  17. So basically, the more second seals you use, the less exp you get?
  18. There's one in the top left corner that you can corner easily by driving Fred + Donnel up there and separating so that Donnel is in front of the archer.
  19. Why sage!Brady? It's not a bad choice, I love sages, but I figure you might as well have him as a DF so he can utilize Gregor's awesome STR. I was planning for him to have GF, LB, AT, Aggressor, and luna. Assassin. Probably will want vantage, luna, DG+, maybe Swordfaire or astra.
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