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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. Konami is the publisher, not Capcom. And I don't know about the other systems but the physical copy of the PS3 version is 30$ while the digital version is 20$. But anyway, I'm not really sure if Ground Zeroes would be the best place to start with a MGS game because the length and price is going to be a turnoff for someone who hasn't gotten to the series yet for sure and you probably wouldn't enjoy the story as much, I'd suggest starting with the older games first and see for yourself if you want to consider buying it then and theres a possibility you could find a used copy thats cheaper by then if you want. I don't have the game yet, but I don't mind the price too much because of how slow and overly cautious I am in MGS games anyway, so I'm sure that and the side-missions should keep me occupied for a while though I can see why people are hesitant to buy it. I seriously doubt it will become a trend though, just seems way too risky for companies.
  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHIRLEY we all love you but not as much as me
  3. Its okay! I don't really play it myself because I'm terrible at fighting games. The movie is just pretty much remembered for the acting alone haha
  4. Ohhh, I see. But yeah I was trying to reference a quote from that Street Fighter movie because I happened to think of it because I saw the word Tuesday, lol
  5. When I said "your" I was referring so SF itself but I worded it all wrong I think ...I sure screwed up that one =(
  6. For SF, the day Fre graced your forum was the most important day of your life. But for Fre, it was Tuesday. also grats
  7. Where my group with some nickname where everyone acts like they've known you for ages or matching avatars with a friend at
  8. All I know about Yoshi's Story is that I rented it as a kid once and sucked ass at it
  9. I like how the streamer is just haphazardly putting on different things, I'm finding this way more entertaining than TPP itself.
  10. Ehh, not all that much. The most unattractive thing looking thing about me is how I'm stuck with a default expression makes me look perpetually stoned or bored and therefore not all that expressive.. other than that I like my eyes and I'd describe myself as just "average".
  11. I don't know how I'm still speaking either. Same, mostly. though I might change my name from time to time in the future but I don't plan on changing my badge unless a Stahl or Maribelle one gets added in the future maybe(I keep hearing that there WAS a Maribelle badge that mysteriously dissapeared.. Who knows.) though its something I'm mostly too lazy to pay attention to anyway \o/
  12. I usually want to change my avatar regularly because I get bored of my current ones fast, but I usually don't bother until weeks or months later Hell, I feel like changing mine right now
  13. >: Well that was sudden, though I'm glad Parrhesia is continuing it. Take care though! I'm pretty sure he actually said a few pages back that he'd do it in the future before deciding to close it, at least ask the OP before making comments like that because I dunno it just doesn't really seem fair to assume someone was being rude over not posting just one question(which technically got posted now anyway) unless I'm missing something here..
  14. I do and it throws me off for like a week or two Give me my extra hour of sleep back you heathens
  15. whoops Pay attention to me I do, as in I give a shit about you. Whatever you do with your avatar is your business.
  16. Uhh, well I don't really mind either way. I don't think I'd be all that good at Scrabble though I think I played it once and forgot how it went. I feel you also hi
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