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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. I leave the arrangements in your hands!
  2. I do what I want and I don't know omgmhgghhhhhhhhhg;;;;;;;;ddddddd;ddf
  3. idk whats going on but I agree
  4. I haven't seen them but it wouldn't surprise me
  5. Thats rough, buddy At least they're suppossedly improving drop rates??? A shining beacon in the turd pile???
  6. This is asssssssssssssssssssssss I just wanna clear a bunch of missions already
  7. oh wait another maint coming up gdi
  8. I'm playing it just fine right now, loading times still are a bit slow though.. :/ I wonder how long its gonna take until its safe to use apples
  9. THAT MEANS A LOT thanks you too EGG!!!!!!!! I love this so much this is a great plant
  10. I'm fond of carrots and green bell peppers Thats good!!!!!!!! And holy shit I have no idea they looked like that that is funny WHOA
  11. I might be willing to try eggplant idk I'm esp picky with veggies
  12. what does anyone win by getting to me first anyway lol
  13. That works yes!!!! anything can be considered a race if you try B)
  14. .....and theres blood in my nose no wonder it felt icky :| I AGREE
  15. oh about the racing thing I believe in you Shirley I'm sure there is gotta be a race out there you can beat him in also my allergies are killing me oh god
  16. I haven't played it so I wouldn't know personally but I heard he was p bad for the most part in H/A so his rarity makes sense I guess
  17. Well its not like our dynamics are any different now most of the time lol, but YEAH I get what you mean that was a reason why I didn't want him to find out how I felt bc I thought it'd be pointless to confess anything but he's known for over a year now anyway yeah Pride is a weirdy and hard to guess!! OOOH I getchu what whaddya mean by that
  18. No use in logging in until later probs, I'm just glad I got to see the identity of assassin EMIYA bc someone ascended him really quick
  19. I-I don't know what you mean by relatable but omg
  20. comparisions - you can set both of us on fire - sick burns contrasts - I'm not used by the military - not sticky
  21. OH thanks guys that explains a lot sounds like something
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