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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. Ahh, well you'd better! I'm also pretty eh, but I feel a bit better today They're relevant I'm sure there are people who are willin' to listen if you explain I'm still here, just slow
  2. Z MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN WHAT IS UP BRO Why not? Positivity is always good, sounds like a win/win to me-- unless its making you uncomfortable for some reason then nevermind but overall I think people just want to help you to feel better
  3. People like you Breezy, theres no shame in soaking up in compliments k also gdi I hate it when kids are in the house, I mean I don't let it show because thats a terrible thing to do and I hate when other people are jerks to kids but I'm so irritated on the inside ;_;
  4. I'd rather be completely hairless, I could just wear a wig for my head I'm already completely insecure about my body hair as is and hate that I have to shave so much :/
  5. its ok, i woulda done the same if i wasn't such a cheapskate and had a wii u, my love for tales is 2strong ;_;
  6. I'm still bitter over Lloyd being reduced to a Mii fighter costume lol >_>
  7. I don't really care either way it was nice having something that made me go "didn't see that coming" though
  8. ..I'd read Dinosaur Comics but theres so many of them with a new one pretty much everyday(unless they stopped) that it'd take forever to catch up ;_; I tried reading Homestuck up until the one recentish huge pause, but the plot never made any fucking sense what with all the different timelines and people dying and coming back and shit, I hated having to decipher all the trolls' and any other unique character typing quirks in the chatlogs and it seemed to get more pander-y with more forced jokes and love triangles and people hooking up with someone else constantlyyyyyy.. 2muchclusterfuck thats about it
  9. S'no problem. Naps are nice, I'll probably just play games later for the time being or something. Oh, lol
  10. I love apples but there are none around q_q Just my mood. Lol, its kind of a drag to do but I must fix it @_@ Ahhh. Hooray for being occupied.
  11. Ain't feelin too hot, also a bit tired but I'm gonna stay up anyway to try to fix my schedule (again) How're you?
  12. Yeah, probably.. I overheard her talking to dad on the phone about it earlier, so clearly she hasn't dropped it. She asked me about it again too and I was able to explain better this time and I think she got it, but I don't really know. =_= Just gotta hope nothing bad happens when dad gets home, though I did tell him about it before she got to and how she was overreacting earlier in hopes it'd help.
  13. Yeah, also thanks I'd like to believe that I'm blowing things out of porportion and its not the end of the world, but I don't know. My mom is so damn irrational. I can't even remember how the most of the conversation with her went besides me having a full blown panic attack and of course like most people she assumes hesitation/stuttering = lying ugh... My friend said he'd personally call and explain the situation himself if it came down to that, I just don't want to lose him. I'm honestly afraid to get to bed and then wake up out of being confronted again/some shitstorm starting up just wanna keep sleeping
  14. No anime or one even announced as of yet, but theres an animated PV for the first single Only other things that have been going on is monthly magazine scans with more info about the girls, a 2nd single coming out soon with You as the center since she won in the polls, and a voting thing to decide the three mini-groups
  15. Ruby Kurosawa from Love Live! Sunshine!! im kind of a hueg fan of the franchise
  16. EAST is a better sounding word do that do that
  17. Medea Lily is in FGO gacha now after cleaning the new map but she looks massively underwhelming which makes me sad because I wanted her ;_; plus 4-star which means quartz rolls only I've still yet to play any FF games, just have X that I got from my cousin after she moved out of state but I haven't touched it. I don't think I'd wanna bother with Mass Effect either because I think if you make wrong decisions it can come back to bite you and you can permanently lose party members? I also thought I heard about people not liking any of the endings from 3 and I don't wanna be dissapointed. I was mostly just curious about Garrus anyway rip But yes I know what you mean Great, great. o/
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