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Everything posted by Ephidel

  1. Lyn is easily my favourite, then maybe Micaiah. Third would probably be Eliwood. Blade Lord FTW!
  2. I was pretty stunned when I saw Ashnard move, but I guess I was kind of relaxed after the Battle Prep screens and the fact that it seemed like there was less enemy units. No-one died though, and my Physic, Fortify and Ashera Staff spammage made him very easy. I personally thought him as pathetic as Fomortiis, except I thought Fomortiis was more impressive (filling the whole screen and that). Giffca + Ike + Nasir = Ashnard's Funeral. ;D
  3. I think it depends on the mythology tbh. Greek, Roman, Norse etc. Different names for the same things. Nergal doesn't sound like he's from any of those though....
  4. I'm glad I'm not the only one! At least I won't be alone when I'm locked up for being insane. :P I've already done it once on Easy, but I wanted to get it done on Hard as well. o.O And yes, it is boring, but it feels good when you can send a (previously) pathetic unit into a battle and watch them slaughter loads of enemies that would previously have OHKO'd them.
  5. I did it 16 times..... Not that I want any praise or anything...... (;_;)
  6. Am I the only guy who sent Brom to the South and made sure Nephenee killed at least 95% of the enemies in that Chapter? ^(?_?)>
  7. It'd be easier to say what games I DON'T play! I generally suck at Beat 'em Ups and I don't like "huge anime eyes" RPGs. The only reason I can stomach Fire Emblem is because I the anime is never too far and the gameplay is phenomenal. Most people in FE have normal sized eyes which is acceptable imo. I tend to like Strategy games, though I play (and am good at) FPS, Racing & Tactical/Stealth games (like Hitman/Splinter Cell/Rainbow Six). I've been playing games since 1988 and I'm definitely one of the oldest people here. :'( As for my "connection" with the name "The Black Fang", I might share that information when people know me better. ;) Anyone got a 360? I'm still pretty pissed off about Castle Crashers costing 1200 MSP. Is it big enough to justify the cost, because Bionic Commando : Rearmed (which I owned and beat on the NES <3) was only 800 MSP and as Castle Crashers is a Flash Game (more or less) I don't expect it to be long. Anywayz, if you have gaming questions, feel free to ask me. Though I've only ever owned Nintendo consoles (until last August when I got my 360). Oh, and I'm from the UK btw. So everything costs shitloads more where I live.... >_>
  8. Not a fan of Goth Zelda on Brawl then? :'(
  9. Damn, that was unlucky. I can imagine the frustration. If someone (intentionally) damaged (and caused the deletion) of any of my FE Save Data, I really couldn't be held accountable for my actions afterwards. It's pretty easy to get back there though if you turn off animations and skip cutscenes, I just get some kind of sadistic pleasure out of watching Cormag lancing an Elder Bael over and over and over again! ;D Otherwise it wouldn't take me half as long.
  10. I have to admit, I was the same at first, but after extensive playing, it's new features are well implemented. It's like a slightly harder version of SS with no Gheb (thank God) and a class system that lets you spam your favourite unit classes. RD is still my favourite though as it's hard to abuse and has deeper and more intricate gameplay. And I agreed with Ashera on morale philosophy..... ..... forget I said that..... >.O
  11. I'm DETERMINED to abuse Lagdou Ruins on Hard and actually Cap EVERY STAT with EVERY CHARACTER, and max out EVERY weapon level even to fill the bar for S Rank when that character already has an S Ranked Weapon. I kinda felt like I wanted a challenge and I also wanted to abuse everything to it's maximum. The Draco Zombies can still be a pain even on Hard with 20/20 characters, but they rarely actually kill anyone (in which case I reset, which puts me back at Floor 1). I just will not claim to have TOTALLY beaten SS until I have every character maxed out in every possible way imaginable. That said, I still need to finish it, barely 5 characters are maxed out at the moment.
  12. You're thinking of Naglfar there. I <3 Dark Magic though, I even trained up Pelleas on my RD HM run (Yes, even to 20/20).
  13. I think they mean Siedmund, the Flame Lance. It's Ephraim's Sacred Weapon. This game is too easy tbh, either of them can destroy Fomortiis with ease.
  14. Runesword because it's evil, like me! ;D I usually save them both too much so I rarely end up using them.
  15. What? In the cutscene?! D: Otherwise you just shouldn't bother with Athos *cough* because he sucks *cough*. :D
  16. Rekka no Ken : 10+ (due to getting 100% Support Conversations). Sacred Stones : 7 (approx). Path of Radiance : 16+ (Got Ashnard, needed to replay for RD carry-over data). Radiant Dawn : 3 (My 360 eats up my time since I got it). Shadow Dragon : 2 (Well, I'm on my second playthrough on Merciless).
  17. QFT! Just waste stat boosters on your main Lords (and make sure they're 20/20) and use the inevitable "legendary weapons" (OMG =0)! Easy as π!
  18. 2-3 for knowing that even though I'm so close to both of those Paragons, I won't actually get either of them for AGES! D: And 1-8 for being such a pain, especially when you can't just use the characters you're training. Also, any Chapter where the BK hogs EXP, WHY can't I disarm him?! >_>
  19. Agreed. Mostly because I just prefer Micaiah though. Interesting to finally have a Base Female Class that can use Light Magic. Plus, Soren's character art in RD is ass. :P
  20. This, more or less. The BK can't move as far as Ike and his ranged attacks are a lot more survivable. I've never had Ike die on this Chapter, in fact, I find it hard for Ike to die at all. :/ Haar got killed once by going via the North-West and trying to wipe out the DB though (Damned Magic Users >_>).
  21. Thanks for all of this help. I appreciate it. As for Arenas, this is the first FE game where I've ever accepted a 1400 wager and won with ease. It really is incredibly easy on Normal. I guess I hope that they haven't altered the Arena difficulty on Merciless, as it makes the Arenas seem more like sidequest than a main part/facility of the story. That way, at least the Arenas could be treated like a separate entity altogether. I like it when games allow for freedoms, but I guess it opens it up to abuse and thus can spoil a challenge.
  22. Dark Druid aka Evil guy w/ master plans of destruction. (n_n)
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