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Posts posted by grandjackal

  1. I'm pretty sure he's referring to individual characters. For example, he's saying he wants one female merc with defense, one that has better avoid, and another with better offense. You don't need to be a Myrmidon to have good avoid and critical ratings.

    Danke Musashi for responding to the post I missed.

    What he said. Female pirate would also be awesome. Give her 90% STR growth. I wanna see just how overboard they'd take it. No pirate pun intended...ok, a bit intended. ACTUAL pirate too, not the Bridget deal.

    Does anyone really mean pun not intended when they say that?

  2. Yes, I do mean those barbarians who were dumb enough to space themselves way apart. The demon dragons then show up. Chiki indeed isn't helping as much as dragonslayers. How badly? Well, considering everyone not an archer or mage should have a dragonslayer when you enter endgame and those units shouldn't be anything purposefully fail...

    By the way, the chapter with the earth dragon and HIM is the time I was trying to HELP your argument. She CAN help with this chapter, I'm AGREEING with you here. People are having trouble doubling the heroes and snipers while having a hard time killing the tough generals. Besides, can't chiki do real actual damage to the earth dragon? Well...with the divine stone at least...But it helps make a safer route to the throne rather than having to go through the drain mage and sniper all at once while having another angle to attack HIM from. See? It helps her...

    But you ARE hyping her here. She's only helping in this one chapter because everyone's having trouble in this one chapter. Outside of that...everyone does better than her and she can't tank as well as one would think thanks to always 0 AS and enemies actually having AS in this game.

  3. Ok ok, I smell BS on BOTH of your sides! Quit getting angry and yelling at each other! Can't you see you're in love!?

    Anyways, to get to my point. Sweet Tooth, in the castlevanian hack of a hero's defense, enemies in chapter 19 are serious hard asses. People have trouble doubling the heroes, Snipers can actually manage crit on your lower luck guys, Generals are tough as hell, there's a fucking EARTH DRAGON there, and HE is no joke either. Chiki can help her thanks to great move, undefendable damage and range, but he cannot hype this because ANYTHING outside the meteor sages can double her, but her resistance helps her possibly distract the meteor sages. She can be torn apart in this chapter, you can't allow her to be targeted. Acting like she can be a tank is a joke and a dumb one at that. But NG, this is one chapter. Everyone's doing fine before and after. After are fail barbarians and when dragons start to actually suck. Chiki's not being any major combat help outside of chapter 19.

    Nathan Graves, in defense of the incredibly obscure and completely anonymous video game character, Warren and Alan have their earlygame use. Alan is helping chip away at the hard-ass dragon knights and tanking them while Warren is helping severely weakening them. Chiki is...having trouble in a chapter where everyone's having trouble.

    Now kiss and make up you two!

  4. I didn't say that it would balance the game, I said it would change the balance to put focus on different units. And I've repeatedly said that sword users would not be directly buffed from this, simply more usable indoors thanks to there not being mounted lance users.

    I'm not speaking about buffing sword users because that's not what the dismounting discussion is about. I'm talking about a gameplay feature that I feel actually affects level design as well.

    If I simply wanted to buff Swordmasters, they would get the static evade boost they need. Nothing to do with dismounting at all.

    Ok, NOW we're more clear here.

    ...It's something I STILL disagree with though. Maybe we'll just not agree on this? Not that we particularly agree on anything

  5. Dismounting is still silly by gameplay mechanics. We just literally got done discussing this a couple pages back.

    Problem with sword users is that their jobs are done by others as it is. Axers can easily smoke axe enemies thanks to hand axes being hax and lancers usually have the defense to handle shots from them anyways. Axers have hammers (not that they need it), lancers again have the defense for the most part. Then axers have the hilarious swordslayer in FE7, have the durability in 9 and 10 while lancers...I feel like I'd be repeating myself.

    Throw in sword users usually have bad durability and are practically stuck at 1 range...Honestly, the GBA ones did it right. Swordmasters get crit, paladins get weapon triangle and movement (though need bad stats to equal it out), heroes just get axes with promotion while generally being awesome.

  6. H5 tier used to look similar to this based on Jeigan, Riff, and generics. A tier list was made anyway when we learned how to play H5.

    A tier list for FE2 is completely possible. People just haven't decided how they want to do it yet.

    True that it is a coical generalization, but I really wouldn't see it too different from this. 5 range is hard to argue against. It gets more different between the other physical classes, the mages and the villager twins that are Grey and Cliff. But this honestly doesn't look too far off to me. Just...Everyone Else thing is too general.

  7. That and the characters have their own use and truly work well as a team. None really seem useless or overpowered (minus fail like Robin and Atlas and greatness of Katua and Paula...and Alm).

    It would be like this.


    The Archers

    Everyone Else



  8. The only lance users you'll see indoors, assuming this is a traditional class setup based on FE3, are Armors and Soldiers since the dismounting rule applies to enemies as well as the player. If this is a game that has Soldier/Halberdier classes running around, then you yourself will have one as well.

    Other units will be bow users, axe users, other sword users, and mages, all things sword users will handle fine. Soldiers suck. Armors have enough weaknesses to offset their WTA over swords.

    Top part is true. Dismounting is still silly. That and there's frustration due to having moved on from this before in this very same topic.

    Soldiers suck, but can still hit swordsmen. Axe users devestate them, mages and bowmen slap them around froma distance and most lancers have the defense to not give a damn about getting hit back from soldiers. Armor knights still giggle at sword damage and can still hit them back. Both usually have a distinct ability to pack a punch too, something most swordsmen can't handle well.

    Does this make up for shitty range and only doing well against the few axe enemies AND the other two being better against sword enemies (lancers take them easy and Swordslayer actually rocking hard)? Not really...personally if swordsmen could grow magic for better magic sword use, I would love them more.

    Delmud fanboi

  9. 50 uses of a Hero Sword with at least 50 kills. You'll be done before they're gone.

    *Sleep Staff* Where is your god now?

    I'm thinking of changing the tier names and giving Roshe his own tier between 'Bottom' and the fail tiers because I think the Bottom tier characters, while having huge flaws actually do have at least a particular use, while Roshe has no use whatsoever that outweighs anything any other character can do besides the tiers below him.

    How about "Has a Nice Weapon" Tier? We could place Astram (alive) at the bottom of it because keeping him alive penalizes you by not having 5 extra chapters of miracle blade, while Samuto can be middle due to sucking and Roshe on top for sucking, but brings a silver lance and doesn't need a promotion item to suck like Samuto.

    Astram (alive) you ask? Well it would be a way to differentiate his contribution to the team considering Astram (Dead) contributes to the team as well. Killing Asmuto forbids you from a free kill sword.

  10. It certainly makes the gameplay sillier. "Hey, it seems I am on a horse where I can easier use lances and still thwack people with a sword, my mount being a tough animal that can take a shot or two and can travel at long distances at speeds greater than I. I'm just gonna go ahead and get off this thing..."

    Also, WTA rids the reason of having things like Armorslayers. Problem with sowrds is that the swords themselves suck. Maybe if there were more lancebusters available that didn't break like twigs and sword users could grow magic to actually put magic swords to actual use...

  11. I do enough hits to press my luck.

    Bitch, we're packing silver lances, we don't fold like paper and you're wielding pansy swords. Hope you don't break that toothpick of a weapon first...

    Anywho, any thoughts on what else to do with the list aside from Kashim>Yubello?

  12. I keep forgetting about FE4's characters because of how little I like them. Not much character you can build with little lines of meh dialogue.

    Aira and Bridget are tough and that I honestly forgot, but most of those men you listed aren't sissies, they just look the part.

    Corple and Sharlow are still little kids. Wolt and Artur are dorks, Shanam's just a moron, and Noah has the personality of a board. Only ones I could really call sissies are Lucius, Gordon, Midir and the emo twins of FE8.

  13. They did, especially when the villain was the only redeeming factor in their movies. (Ursula, anyone?)

    Indeed. I remember seeing most of the disney movies as a kid, though the villain that really stuck out for me was Jaffar. Many villains are pushed to the edge, but how many of them turn into demonic cobras and djinns with the power of the universe in their hands?

    There is something about slimy unrelenting evil I find interesting.

  14. Really now...

    Really now...

    What, we're suddenly not allowed to make jokes at your expense? Lighten up a little, I've been here for barely much time, but it's obvious I'm a lighthearted lovable oaf! Now lemme see a smile there Shannan...

    In all seriousness though, yeah, there's much putting Kashim above Yubello. Any thoughts?

  15. She does, that's why she's in something like Upper Mid for me usually. Her problem is relying quite heavily on Killers to reliable one-round even stuff like Fighters and needing supports + WTA to really have reliable durability (I don't have much faith in supports in an FE7 ranked run, even if they're decently fast).

    Yeah, that and she has some good immediate supports in Lowen and Marcus, Harken and Geitz in a bit, all giving evade and some crit. Her start isn't THAT bad either. Just no offense (as you have stated, but even then she's only using swords thanks to her crap con). But yeah, helping Harken and Geitz isn't a bad thing either. Lowen and Marcus wouldn't mind either. Though they'll be full by then...

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