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Posts posted by grandjackal

  1. Using it is at the expense of 50,000 funds, though.

    Someone's missed the conversation that's been going on lately. That whole thing was for...well, Sweet Tooth can explain it better, just wait for him or Chainey.

    Basically it's the idea that ranks are handicapping more than anything. It's measurable, but very inefficient. With all the sellable stuff in this game with gems, goddess icons and secret books, funds isn't an issue.

  2. Why?

    Because she's a dancer?

    And Echidna is NOT hot at all, and she dresses like a man.

    Not because she's a dancer, but because she's....well....read her supports, she's...got this sort of personality that many would consider uhhh...one that gets around ;;>>

    Echidna's hot because she's tough. Tough is awesome. Better than the "pretty clones of personality" that plague most of the female characters in the whole series...

  3. Well, that's just Marty for ya, prolly.

    Anyway...where we we? Dart vs Hawkeye?

    It still mystifies me, the enemy had 1 skill, Marty had like 6 or 7 luck. Even if the enemy bandt somehow had a critical coefficient of 5, he couldn't crit (he doubled Marty, but Marty grows pretty tanky so I THOUGHT it wouldn't be a problem...)

    Anyways, lemme see if I can't work some magic on it...

    Hawkeye starts out pretty strong and has a good weapon to go with him. Dart on the other hand starts out rather eh and has shitty equipment to go with his stats (lol, low skill with a hand axe and steel axe). These weapons weigh him down no less. He can't wield steel without running the risk of actually being doubled (thanks to heavy steel axes and meh base speed with low con for an axe user). However, it's not like we can't keep an iron axe for him from earlier to give to him later. So he's rather average to start with the option for range. We can do the same with Hawkeye with a hand axe however.

    Hawkeye has the advantage of some insane bases, even though his speed is rather poor. No training required and he has a good start. However, it isn't like Dart is being a disadvantage unless you don't give him the hilariously cheap iron axe. He's average at start. He grows pretty well too. Definitely better than Hawkeye does. Thanks to the fact that Dart has one weapon choice only, Hawkeye's weapon rank lead is rather null, as Dart has no problem getting it high in the first place. If we're going by efficient play rather than ranks, Dart's promotion item is no biggy as you get it for free. With all the gems and useless stat-up items like Secret Books and Goddess Icons, money is not a problem. Throw in the silver card and then the argument of the ocean seal being expensive is complete bollocks. What's even better is that he has no competition for it so he can promote whenever the hell he wants.

    Let's also think of supports, where Dart just flat out teabags Hawkeye. You see, Dart actually has options that aren't limited and don't blow. Dart has Geitz (Dorcas gives the same bonuses but is slower), who's only other realistic option is Isadora (who makes a great support, darkness and lightning rocks. ), and is generally pretty good in his own right. Then Dart has Farina, who's anima rocks with fire as they BOTH appreciate the bonuses (making Dart get the full 3 defense he can possibly get, good crit and offesne boosts along with full evade, factoring in Geitz with it). Farina is a bit late though. Dart's also got Rebecca and Wil, who give him bonuses he'd like though the archers kinda suck in this game. Either way, Dart has the lovable Fire affinity, so people would definitely like to support him anyways.

    What does Hawkeye have? 3 supports, and all 3 are complete balls. Ninian gives him the worst bonuses possible with supports in game, and she vanishes at some point! Even worse, THAT'S HIS ONLY POSSIBLE A SUPPORT! Then there's Pent, who not only has better options, but this would give the same bonuses Ninian did except it's only B this time! Pent doesn't want. Louise has better options too, but at least she gives decent bonuses to him. 2 attack, 10 crit, 10 hit with some useless crit avoid. Could be better, but what other option does Hawkeye have? Loiuse sadly has better options too, like Rebecca, Heath or Sain (full of people who generally have no better options available anyways). Lets not forget Louise generally sucks. Best bonuses he can get that actually last throughout the game are 3 attack, 20 hit, 15 or something crit, about 6 evasion and 2 defense with supports that don't want him anyways. As far as I'm concerned, Hawkeye's never getting supports ever. Dart's supports are a bit shaky, but they're actually viable options.

    Then factor in that Dart has been helping a bit for longer time without being a disadvantage to the team and absolutely gangsta stomps Hawkeye later, Hawkeye loses miserably. What does Hawkeye have over him, not needing an item to promote? The ocean seal is expensive in a game where money isn't a problem unless we rank run? Well thank god we get it for FREE, or else this would actually be a problem!

  4. Saphy is only considered as h4x as she is because of easy Warp Staff use. It's not much of a deal otherwise since you could easily abuse any staff user to A staves by arenaing Shiva.

    ...Yeah it eats up your turncount and allows arena abuse, but we're talking just an easy completion of FE5 rather than a quick one. Plus it earns tons of money and money is hard to come by in FE5 so it does quite a lot.

    Did the repair staff suddenly vanish from the game?

  5. I guess supports have something to do with it as well?

    Supports are like bond supports (as you probably know, there's nothing like animaXanima or EarthxEarth), they're more for crit rather than the avoid (as at best it's just a measly 10 more). They're already there and they can't build.

    Oh! Unless your character is holding a scroll, your character always has a chance to be critical hit by the enemy. There's that annoying little thing too.

    The fiery clown has a point though, it's hard if you're trying to rank it. A bit annoying otherwise. There's PLENTY of powerhouse characters. Shiva is nuts.

    There's Shiva, Othin, Halvan, Fin, Brighton, Saphy, and I think I'm forgetting others. Dean?

  6. never played FE5. No comment there

    Reason they can kill easy despite suck stats is because as stated, there are a lot of them. HOWEVER, they are also well equipped. You have to deal with armies that have actual authority behind them so they can actually hit you. Ballistaes are annoying as fuck. Then there's the 1 RN system making dodge near unreliable (at least not as reliable as dodge from the GBA games).

  7. Just a small quesion,Why would Jagen like to invite him to become the captin (again)?

    If Arran is the one who you say....

    Very ill, with my story he grows regretful for what he's done and how he's behaved...Last wish to make up for what he's done? Not like there's any hint of him still holding a grudge against Samson in FE3 anyways.

  8. There's a bit of a significant difference here. Athos is here for the entirety of the final chapter; the Bishops are there just for the Dragon. If Athos was there just for the Fire Dragon then it'd be a valid comparison. But it's not.

    I recall trying that but I was never able to do that.

    I'm getting close to the chapter on my current playthrough, I'll try it out to see what happens. Maybe I had given him boots that playthrough....either way, doesn't exactly take him a lot of time.

  9. Right. Since I got the draft of Week 1 of BSFE done, a few other notes:

    - Nyna and Midia were apparently really close - like "BEST FRIEND FOREVER" close. Notably when Midia failed to kill Camus, Nyna was literally ready to kill herself over it.

    - Popular opinion of King Archanea was negative, and Camus did not like him. Assuming she didn't first hear it when Camus told her, Nyna seemed to be in denial of this up until the Palace's fall.

    - The King died at some point during Nyna's escape attempt, but I'm not sure quite when. Either I failed to translate something properly or St. Giga forgot to include the scene in particular. (It's quite obvious that the King's planned to die through the whole act though.)

    - As for Camus, he seemed to desire Archanea to have a fresh start after the king was slain. He acts a lot more like someone trying to take a lead into his own plans in BS FE - likely his "imprisonment" at the end would set up how he becomes in Shadow Dragon.

    - Camus' personality clashes with Midia's. (They did not know each other beforehand, but daaamn do they have some shit to say about each other.)

    Actually, go more into the Camus and Midia clash, since Midia's group is up next with this.

  10. The only reason reclass breaks these two characters is because they're vastly overpowered even without it. The system itself is actually very balanced.

    That's my point, they seem so much more powerful than the others as it is, it seems almost purposeful. Besides, they aren't too powerful as horsemen, just they're vastly greater as generals and heroes. On the other hand, it makes more characters viable while not overpowering some of the stronger units. Aside from those 2...

  11. I bet they didn't even touch H5. I think they went with like H2 at best and figured the boosts to the higher modes were mild. Something tells me if they touched it, they probably wouldn't have gotten far...

    I like how they bash the story then go on to say it feels like a watered down remake. The trading function alone makes this leagues ahead of the original. Indeed, good comparison with Grimoire of the rift, AKA The neverending story of unexcitement. I couldn't even force myself to finish that game. Besides, how many people play a game for the story anyways? It isn't like the whole series has been winning awards for it.

    Then the icing on the cake is how they act like they know what the original was like. Did they just randomly decide to just emulate FE1 first? If they did, I HOPE that isn't what they think the "hardcore fans" want.

    Then let's see...What are their reviews for the other games in the series? I wonder if they glorify FE10's battle save function. If they do, they've no right to bash the simple save function, which only really reduces the time of doing the same thing over again when you mulligan a chapter.

    Reclassing makes teh game easy? Yeah, because using two clearly overpowered on complete purpose units makes the game suddenly easy. But that's just 2! How many have been in the other games that make it a complete joke? 2 in comparison is a nice move forward. Even then, it seemed they were overpowered on purpose. If anything, reclassing makes the game more fair for other characters. It just HAPPENED to benefit two people to overpowering levels.

    Forgive me if I'm wrong, but aren't these "replacement characters" only slightly better or completely worse than the other options you have?

    Bash this game for difficulty, then kiss Grimoire of the Rift's ass, you'd have to be braindead to find that game hard at all. Their reclassing makes the game a joke too! Lol, Seeq Ranger and Human Seer. Even without these two, the game is a walk in the park. Not to mention how boring it is. Talk about taking a long time to get nothing done. It's better than it's predecesors at least...

    This review just turns and eats itself. It's like the writer couldn't make his mind up and so he just decided the problem was hardcore fans wouldn't like it. He never mentions WHY we wouldn't like it. He never even talks about WHAT makes the harder difficulties mildly challenging. Is it the forges? How strong are the characters exactly? Are certain classes overpowered? What is H5 like exactly? Instead he just says it's mildly challenging and throws it off. We can't tell it's mildly challenging just because you said so. Give us reasons, go into detail about it. The review is so vague, it doesn't explain anything aside from how saves and reclassing generally works, that normal gets 4 more chapters and how the gaidens work. It's as if he didn't touch anything aside from normal mode and H1 or 2.

    I'd expect this from IGN, who bashed RD (a game that had it's faults as it is) for it's lack of use of the wii remote gimmick (the wii remote being so bad a controller, it's hilarious) and the inability to use Miis. Yet they gave this an 8.5! I haven't read their reasons as to why, but it's still surprising considering it isn't Halo or a Square Enix game.

    This is why I no longer read online reviews...or reviews in general.

    And of course, I fail at being brief once again.

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