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Posts posted by grandjackal

  1. FAG

    I mean


    Awww, did someone have to abuse the boost spell? You're such a cute nooblet..*pinches your cheeks* a coochie-coochie-coo, who's an adorable little nooblet? Yes you are! Yes you are!

  2. Oh you do NOT want to mess with me. I'm a level 1 unit that you recruit on the final chapter with 0 in all stats except HP which is 1. I doubt you could defeat me.

    Oh, you wanna mess with me motherfucker? Well bring it hommie, I can throw down wit da best of 'em!

  3. A or B?

    I'm currently leaning towards B because I kinda want to try out Miranda, but I'm not sure if she's worth it.

    Route A. You get better items that route, another A rank staff user, don't have to steal the Blaggi Scroll off Amalda, and the badass that is Eryios. A weak mage you get late with wrath is like...a real bad idea.

  4. You smell funny.

    ...*snickers* Ok, wasn't expecting that. You get a free pass, you're free to go.

    See you people? Death has the right idea! You want to bring down furfags, you fight their drama with comedy, not more drama! They feed on drama like Hannibal feeds on people and Dracula feeds on...uhh....people.

    Now we party! *techno music plays*


  5. The usual furfags and yiff in hells? How unoriginal and predictable.

    Be like the autobot, bring up a new angle! Until then, we'll continue to dominate you, whether you like it or not.

    and WHERE is that damned Loki!?

    Seriously, I can't believe even the fucking autobots are gang bangin' on us now.

  6. Jake had struck my interest the moment I saw his FE DS portrait. He looks like a criminal, he appears as a pirate in FE7, they appear in various FE games...Jake is a pirate who travels the world! Maybe he and Anne have this sort of Bonnie and Clyde thing going...Forced to fight for Dolhr because they simply caught him. They force him to fight. Considering some of the canons they have as ballistician weapons, it's not out of place to think ships can be equipped with usual cannons in this timeline. He got stuck as a ballistician because they figure him more used to being a guy who mans the cannon. More later. But I just wanted to put that up, because I think Jake's awesome.

    Why didn't they fire cannons on the pirate ship at the enemy ships in FE7?

  7. I think you're naive if you wanted him to try and make a deep plot with the main antagonist being labeled the Decepticons.

    It would be like trying to make Passion of the Christ into a comedy.

    He didn't try to inject an awkward plot and instead stuck to one that was pretty faithful to the show.

    That's not being obstinate, that's being effective and logical.

    I dunno, maybe I just find potential in what is a marketing cartoon at best...Neh, I always get this way when there's something that could be developed into. I suppose I'm weird like that. I mean, I pretty much hijacked a topic in the FEDS boards just to develop a story for the characters for no apparent reason. I have a weird obsession with detail.

    Funny you mention turning Passion of the Christ into a comedy though. It's called The Life of Brian, thanks to Monty Python.

  8. *suddenly regrets not taking spanish* a bit late for that to finally kick in

    It's the right map, but I've seen what he's talking about, it's this pic that's rather mid battle with various things typed on it, like it shows the boss's stats and items, saying "wtf is the point of him being here, to laugh at you?".

    I wish I still had it, but I seem to have misplaced it...

  9. Yes. The way they're posed during the animation resemble chicken legs for some reason.

    I don't know why, they just do.

    *takes another look* ....hmm...I guess they do...Weird pants with pencil ankles...How does this dude walk?

  10. To add onto Reikken's fight to get Rebecca up, let's not forget two supports she has. Lowen and Dart.

    Dart has been debated here recently, saying he has no supports. Well, Rebecca definitely wouldn't mind. FirexFire is win. It's pretty quick too. I think...I should recheck that, so just keep in mind that's probably false...Still, apparently no one wants to support Dart. Now there is.

    Lowen is fire too. He's got defense and his supports don't really give him much thanks to his fire affinity. He's tanky as it is. He'll get the evade anyways, along with more power options and can actually get crit to speak of. For a good while, he's basically a knight on a horse without Oswin's utter tank power. Not often will he be able to just go out on his own until later chapters. Which point, he can be near Rebecca to protect her for a while, so the support can build. Lowen's weak point is offense anyways, he'd LOVE more strength when he's got teh tank skillz anyways.

    Benefits 2 others, one being win and the other being pretty good, ALL THREE are fire. She isn't the greatest early, but she can end up a dodge tank with her speed, luck and supports, gets mad power up and crit with it. Thanks to her good skill and fire boosting hit, she won't miss ever. Not a major thing, but having perfect accuracy is never something to complain about. "It isn't hard to hit-" SHUSH! Perfect accuracy > pretty good accuracy.

    Her only real weak point is early game, and it's not like she's absolutely useless there. I agree with Reikken, I think Bartre's having a harder time here than Rebecca.

    Note I'm a noob that sucks at ranks due to phail luck that also lacks the fact I haven't memorized support speeds for everyone and stat averages. I just wanted to point that out...I COULD have been brief, but I'm obsessive to detail...I'm starting to think it's OCD or some shit.

  11. Just look at it in Super Turbo.

    I did, I know what it looks like...It makes no sense to me. The fire kick however, is hot (like spicy chicken wings), looks like a feather in a way...

    Is it because of how fucked up his legs look?

  12. Chicken Wing is the flying kick that goes across the screen.

    I don't see what's so hard to understand. He sucks against fireballs, but not against every one else. He only has one sided matchups.

    Wait, that's the chicken wing?...Why do they call that move the chicken wing?

    Sorry though, just...I have this obsession to detail. It can get annoying at times, so sorry about it. It's why I have a hard time shutting up.

  13. Roy is the worst. I don't know WHY people think Lyn sucks. -_-

    Roy supports with 2 of the best units in the game, all around great bonuses to all three, stats that don't completely blow and are rather balanced, the Rapier is always nice and his endgame is pure win in exchange to downtime due to his super late promotion time. Supports build quick and early. The cavs might be off doing stuff on some maps, but there's plenty of situations in FE6 where they won't be going off the hinge. Actually has time at axe users early when there's actually a huge amount of them.

    Lyn supports an ok cav and a meh pegasi knight but give crappy bonuses all around and the pegasi flying makes keeping up with her even worse, crap strength HP and defense, has swords in a lance heavy game, only one realistic support boosts evade and her wind drowns it's bonuses, reliant on speed and luck to dodge, reliant on her special weapon to have an actual form of offense, never really gets better as the game continues as all she grows is speed and skill with some luck, gets no crit bonus on promotion and only gets a bow in contrast to Eliwood who uses it better for lances and a horse to keep up with his Lowen and Marcus supports...

    How is Lyn any good at all? She basically has one support most of the time that'll be B at best (Kent gets the same bonuses from Sain but faster), along with all that. Roy is average yeah, but Lyn is just garbage who steals from Eliwood.

  14. I'm liking this.

    But what about Rodger? Shouldn't he get something to, since Ceasar and Raddy did?

    I am glad you reminded me!

    I just have to ask...is Tomas really Sedgar's brother, or is that just something the fans made up? >_> Other sites and guides I've seen say he is as well, but I've never seen any official source state that before...

    Either way, very nice with these Grandjackal. I enjoy reading them, and I look forward to reading about whoever you decide to write about next. Beck, Darros, Ogma's axemen(atleast, I don't think they've been done yet...), and Roger could probably benefit from some backstory, if you need suggestions.

    Wow, was not expecting this. Thank you, danke, merci, спасибо and ありがと.

    I remember hearing that Thomas was Sedgar's brother. I know I've heard it before, so I doubt it's fan made. Even if it isn't, you gotta admit they seem pretty similar in looks so it isn't out of thought.

    Forgot about them. Jake, Beck, Darros and Roger I should delve more into and the axemen I should go more in depth with I suppose...all will come soon I guess. So sit tight and let me think things over, mkay?

    I'm glad people are actually enjoying these.

  15. Jesus, we got the fucking AUTOBOTS on us now?!

    Man, just kill the crazy fursuiters, they worship the devil anyways. I'm just a crazy megalomaniac, I'm innocent I tells ya!

    We might be better than the skinnies, but none of us can outdo fucking transformers! I seek an alliance, lets unite to rid the universe of these imperical robots!

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