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Posts posted by grandjackal

  1. And suddenly, the 1 RN system, enemy leadership and FE5's maximum of 60 avoid, Shiva's poor defensive stats ceased to exist.


    Has the same durability as base Olwen at his own base with two more speed and a weapon that doesn't completely kill his speed along with actual build growth, better defense and HP growth to an actually pretty crazy amount for a swordmaster, skill climbing pretty quick to get better Solar Shot activation rate, all coming earlier on top of this to give him more time to level.

    You didn't seriously think his durability was all reliant on dodge, did you? That's Olwen, not Shiva. Hell, Shiva has better dodge than Olwen. If we're gonna bash Shiva, we're gonna crucify Olwen here.

    I could name someone else who's more durable, but you won't listen...

  2. I don't play PC games myself, but I know Warcraft II had a very active online community. Heck, the game cost my boss his college education, so I figured it a lot to offer as a competitive game. But yeah, Starcraft is probably a better example.

    You're right when you say casual isn't an excuse for being bad. Like I said before, it is too limited to be anything special. However, it's not an bad multiplayer mode, it just doesn't rise above being a nice extra. It's a good thing not many people bother with abusing the hell out of the RNG and brave weapons. Right now there is a nice amount of variety in the good teams you see online (I've seen everything from 3x pachyderm/swarm to super support chains with insane crit rates). As long as it stays like this it will be entertaining.

    That's what we're saying, it won't. Why play something when we know the one best strategy that will always win if used properly?

  3. So suddenly terrain doesn't exist, leadership people and Nanna have no one better to be around, we're suddenly turtling every single map, the fact that ambush is the only thing between her from sucking to sucking less when someone who outclasses her can use it too and make good use out of it himself goes better to someone who sucks and doesn't become significantly better with it, Eyrios's durability existing and being pretty good stopped existing too, offense stats being more important than defense stats suddenly became true, Dime Thunder suddenly doesn't kill Olwen's already not stellar evade, AND Olwen calling attention to herself is now a GOOD thing!?

    Did someone slip me crazy pills!? I'm done here, I can see I won't be getting through to anyone here.

  4. If I recall correctly, missing doesn't matter? Anyway, even if it does, it's only 20 uses AND you have Leaf and Fin's leadership stars AND support bonus. She still has 11x, 12 and 12x to do it. She doesn't need to get flooded, only attract a small number of enemies to her side. FE5 maps are large and chapters have plenty of reinforcements. It's no problem at all.

    Solar Shot is unreliable. At best, it only has a 20% chance of activating. Only. Olwen has these factors on her side:

    - She can get Ambush immediately (on chapter 12, you would have to wait until 16 or 17 to use Ambush), so she would contribute to efficiency for longer.

    - She can use 3 weapons to great effect (Eyrios does not, while Olwen has 2 DaimThunders and Holy Sword)

    - Olwen is pretty fragile, Eyrios is not. Her improvement in this part is faaaar greater than Eyrios. She can kill things before they hit her, but in Eyrios's case, they will not die. Ever. He only has 0 PC.

    Do you just pick fights with people whenever or something?

    Anyways, A. Leaf and Fin would rather be with their friends like Nanna, Felgus, Halvan, Othin, Brighton to make sure they always hit (Nanna being near invincible with the earth sword, Felgus due to being a durable dude with 5 PCR, Othin for his mad crit skills to not miss, Brighton to hit his wrathful strikes and Halvan to be unkillable with brave axe in hand). These people have durability, so unlike Olwen they don't HAVE to drag around two units (but make better use of it) just to not suck. If Olwen misses, she gets her ass kicked. She's completely reliant on luck of hitting enemies with her bad accuracy and wonky RNG. Enemies have leadership too ya know. Also, if she's so fragile and we're gonna give her ambush to meta-tank, why the hell are we so happy she has 4 PCR? Lets say she isn't using the overrated Dime Thunder. She hits, gets hit, then crits. Uh-oh, here comes more people! Even with ambush, she suddenly doesn't become perfect, it just gives her a VERY risky tactical use.

    On the other hand, Eyrios becomes more durable and can actually be used outside of being an arch knight/a suicidal meta-tank. So...make one unit vaguely usable, or make a usable unit even more usable? hmmmm....

  5. I think you mean Starcraft, because Warcraft 2 is basically Orc = win and Warcraft 3 has...issues...

    Either way, it isn't an excuse. Not everyone plays SSBM at pro level and people STILL find it fun. I can see they at least tried though. Just needs more polish, or more thoughts into what should be in multiplayer. Thing about a multiplayer game is that there's more than face value. What's important for it is people come back for more. As people get better, they'll see where the game gets to. The best teh game seems to have gotten to is rush with braves. A good multiplayer game requires it to not be mindless. If the game turns out the best method is mindless, or worse off tedious, it'll get boring quick. Fun is great, as long as it lasts. Otherwise it's less fun and more...gratifying. Great, but it gets boring real quick.

    If they could develop it into a way where the strategy doesn't become so easily predictable (rush with braves), Fire Emblem could be an awesome multiplayer. Until then....

  6. It still depends on her not missing, which isn't reliable with her bad accuracy. It doesn't suddenly make her durable either. It's what I mean by meta-tank, it only makes her a tank in the way that she destroys anyone that attacks (like Halvan with a brave axe). But unlike Halvan and Dean, she'll get her ass kicked if she misses, and isn't as accurate as them either. She went from suck to needing luck on your side.

    I'd still give it to Eyrios so he can make better use of Solar Shot...

  7. You forgot Raddy.

    How the hell is it benefitting Wolf and Sedgar though? Won't they be fighting promotes with their terribad bases?

    I think it makes sense though, given the unit has nothing better to do. Ceasar and Raddy definitely benefit from it, they start right next to one in an area not in danger and can use VULNERARIES to keep your healers free for defending, and keeping themselves healed since the shop is also just right there. It's not like they start with huge HP here.

  8. FE5 EXP curve seems to slow down a lot around 15/0, so go ahead and promote some people at earlier levels if it helps them out. Though you won't really screw yourself for lategame if you don't, since that's more about "how many 20 mag people with A staves do you possess" rather than "how high are your stats".

    Ahhh. K then, thanks much.

    I suppose the staff users are for status staves and warp or something?

  9. btw

    Could you run some tests and see if it's dependent on his level, too? Like, compare how long a level 1 Chainey stays transformed compared to a level 30 Chainey.

    I actually don't expect there to be a difference, but I'd still be intrested in confirming this.

    Actually yeah. I'm wondering this too. I still don't have the game (getting it today though, so soon you won't have to deal with me being a moron), but in FE3, Chiki actually could stay morphed longer as she leveled (at least I noticed a difference). Chainey might be the same? Maybe it's like it happens after a random amount of time...Like sometimes he stays transformed 5 turns, other times 7...

  10. I seem to have a hard time with the game, but it's usually due to poor units as I can put good use to units like Fred and Glade and Eyrios

    Is it because I'm promoting late? I'm too used to the FE GBA promote at level 20 mindset. Due to stat caps, should 15 be an appropriate level so I'm not promoting the first chapter where you deal with Cyas?

    I feel incredibly stupid for not thinking this up before.

  11. Yep. Online mode is just a fun extra at this point. It isn't perfect, but it could have been a lot worse. I think it's fun. It isn't nearly as unbalanced as I thought it would be and I like playing against other people.

    I hope they'll continue improving online play, as long as the offline mode doesn't suffer from it. It would be nice to see more types of maps, not just the defend-the-castle type. Oh and larger teams for some maps. More variety in any case.

    In theory as a note. I'm sure it's fun, but it's far from perfect. Swordmasters being nuts with brave swords, Berserkers completely outclassing Warriors, Thieves apparently not having boosted fog of war vision (seriously, they don't? What the hell? Why did they make thieves unable to class change then? There's no point to them anymore...), I heard generals are nuts, and I could imagine plenty of lol warp strategies (warp a thief to a random location you plan to attack, wait for the enemy with a siege, a swarm and paladins, you easily kill one of their guys while you might just end up losing a measily thief, though I'm sure there's a major reason this is a bad idea. Used in fog of war obviously). There's lots of kinks to be polished out.

    Balancing would be a very careful thing here, as it would be tough to balance it to go with multiplayer AND the main game (like swordmasters are meh main game and incredible on wifi). Like they couldn't make swordmasters weaker, but instead give them a counter. Snipers can use the long bow, Warriors should be able to use Swordslayer. Make Armorslayers a bit stronger. Sorcerer's could get Drain

  12. This argument shouldn't exist because of Dazzle, but critical hit rates are being argued anyway, so I figure I would put in a statement anyway.

    Ahh, k then.

    Either way, Dazzle Card's a factor. Are there any other cards that have as significant an effect?

  13. Here's the thing though with The Wickerman. It's enjoyable, just in the completely wrong way. Like it's so bad it's hilarious. Personally, I think Nicolas Cage knew this damn well, so he just acted however the hell he wanted. NOT THE BEES! It was so random, it really didn't matter.

    Abe Vigoda...I saw The Godfather, great movie. Outside of Good Burger though, no idea what other movies he's been in.

    And no, I didn't like National Treasure. It wasn't that it was bad, just that it was nothing special. Characters were boring, it felt forced...

  14. Not that it matters, as we can just Dazzle card and suddenly brave weapons go from pretty insane to outperforming every other weapon by a great margin. Swordmasters are mean.

    Scouts are also useless because the only good scout that's useful outside of being someone who charges into the enemy is a thief. Lol, thieves. If the enemy has a thief too, you just put yourself at a disadvantage by wasting your card choice on umbra.

    A nice way to balance this out would be to make swordmasters weaker in some way (like blast their defense to hell or something, or bring the swordslayer back). But that's just me being obsessive...

    In theory, Fire Emblem in this style of play would be a nice idea. It's a nice experiment. Not all experiments are perfect, but it gives a new idea and something new to work with. Working the kinks out of this, I think a good multiplayer aspect could be made from this game. Just need to polish it a bit more is all...

    Now I can't stop saying dazzle. Dazzle dazzle dazzle dazzle dazzle

  15. Our struggle indicates he's a part of it. If he wasn't directly tied to it, he would've said your struggle. He could've had nothing to do with it, but still been informed of it, so yes, he would tell Marth that it's his struggle, because he wouldn't be involved in it beyond being the getaway guy.

    The fact that he says "our" indicates his direct involvement, imo.

    If that isn't a clear cut explanation of how I'm reading it, look at this:

    "What does your new house look like?"


    "What does our new house look like?"

    He simply decided it was part of his business now. Left his business for the time being and left the militia to become a knight. Knights can have their own business too ya know. Hell, most knights were farmers realistically, many were just plain thieves.

    Or he IS a knight who has an armory business for when he's not being called to duty. Either way it's a minor change at best.

    As for Nagi, well...It's a funny story...

    Now for Ogma's group.

    As we know, Ogma had been captured by the enemy and forced to be a gladiator for their entertainment. How did he escape however? Well...How did he become friends with Barst?

    You see, they had met rather quickly after his imprisonment. You see, Barst was an actual gladiator (explains his future choices in life...no money, how else was he supposed to make any?). Barst was no prisoner however. He and his brothers were from Talys, but what money was to be made as a soldier of Talys? It's a backwater kingdom. He'd get paid bollocks no matter what. Barst is a more ambitious person, while his two brothers had no problem just being woodcutters in said backwater kingdom. He wasn't gonna be stuck as a hick living a hick life...

    He became a gladiator at an area that had been captured by Dolhr. This was early in the war mind you, Marth's rebellion had not yet started. Not for a while at least. Was around the time Ogma got imprisoned. He got Barst's attention immediately. Barst wasn't stupid, he knew damn well being a gladiator would be a dangerous job. He needed all the help he could get. Ogma looked like the toughest dude around, so he ended up befriending the unfortunate bodyguard. For their time as gladiators, they made sure to survive their time, even made money on the side (well..Barst did, but he got paid so well for his talents that he could share what he had with the prisoner and still be well off).

    A thing Barst never understood however, was chivalry. Ogma had demonstrated it as a gladiator and the behavior stunned Barst. This man would knowingly receive punishment for disobeying an order to kill a weak opponent because he believed that a weak foe should not die if he had the chance to live, so they can become something better, to do better with themselves. Barst had never seen such behavior before. He then learned of Ogma's predicament...

    Barst decided Ogma did not deserve this life when he had it so good before. Thus the idea hatched in his head to break his new friend out...

    Cord was the only one of the three brothers to have gotten any schooling. He was lucky, their parents only had enough money to give him any real chance at a future. Cord had done well and shown himself to be a dilligent student, and had tried to teach his brothers to read and write. Barst went well with it, but...Bord couldn't grasp it well. They came from a family of woodcutters, it could be considered lucky two of the three managed to learn how, considering how backwater and poor they were. Cord had to stop with Bord with his frustrations and temper. Bord was a wood cutter and that's all he cared about. If it kept him alive, he was perfectly fine with it and he didn't want anyone pushing more onto him when he didn't need it. Cord pushed himself further however. Managed to even learn about magic and how it works. He was lucky too, he didn't do well as a wood cutter.

    Back to the present, Barst had sent a letter to his brothers his request to help Ogma out. He couldn't think of how though...Cord was a smart guy however. He thought an easy one and very effective. Ship wood to the arena they were at! He wrote back, saying they should be prepared where they ship food and armor into the arena. The guards were confused until Cord explained that the arena would make more money if they were to make their own bows and arrows, could even sell whatever's left to Dolhr from surplus. The guards let them pass, but little did they know that weapons were hidden in the shipment. Getting their axes from the wood, Ogma having to make due with a chipped sharp shard of wood during their escape (you see, in history there are many stories of badassery that is beyond measure. Ogma is one of those moments in this world's history), they easily took down the guards. Ogma and Barst were battle-hardened, Bord was just a big strong dude and Cord was just quick enough despite not being exactly strong. They managed to escape easily.

    Once escaped, Ogma was determined to help save the kingdom of Talys he had once served. The two other brothers wanted nothing of it, but Barst didn't decide to break this man out for no reason. Ogma helped him in the arena, Barst was repaying the favor. Cord thought they were nuts, but Bord was won over. It was the first time he had seen Barst act as if he had meaning. If it was to help his brother feel meaning, Bord would gladly help. He barely knew this Ogma, but Bord would help for his brother's sake. Cord wasn't too willing, but he decides to help for his brothers' sakes and couldn't do wood cutting well enough to keep himself fed . This rebel group would become known as The Brotherhood.

    The rest...is history.

  16. The question is does she get A by chapter 14, the only chapter she can make significant use of, with what little she's doing? 12 is forest and she's not doing much there due to messy terrain and is fog of war (bad for really fragile people, but forest terrain compensates to messing with enemy movement anyways, they walk right into you), 12x we're just having Laura talk to Pahn after being warped for the treasure goodies the chapter holds and making sure Tina doesn't waste all those thief staff uses, and 13 is a chapter we want to rush. She's not getting an A for a significant time. Even if she does, it would be generously be during the later parts of 14 (too little too late), or somewhere around 15. 14x there's no way we're sending her into a fog of war map like this. Pegasi from everywhere to smack her around and dark mages rewarping. Then 15, there isn't anyone who does bad here as this chapter is easy peasy. Then Eyrios shows up...

    Hand axes are inaccurate indeed. One thing Othin has though is skill and luck, so he can actually hit things with it. So hand axe is as innacurate as Olwen is. Othin has skill and luck to make up for the weapon's bad accuracy, Olwen has bad skill and luck wielding a somewhat more accurate weapon. She can still miss. Another thing Othin has for him is durabilty to stand in the front lines and wrath to make any counter of his hurt something fierce. Olwen has to pray both shots of Dime Thunder hit to kill...well anything. If she doesn't, she has to retreat. If she can't retreat, she gets mauled.

    Seriously, how is there still an argument? She does little, gets killed easily and needs to be spoiled just to compare to Eyrios! Why is this argument continuing?

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