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Posts posted by grandjackal

  1. Used to have it before my 360 got stolen. 'Twas pretty good. Plenty of strategy and having good eyes helps. If there's anything I can bash it about, it's that it's maps are...rather strangely built. Halo 2's maps are much more fun.

    Battle Rifle and Sword ftw.

  2. lol @ Beck. I can just imagine him being a mad scientist... he even has the looks of the TMNT 1980s Cartoon's Baxter Stockman!

    "Marth! We must go back!"

    "Back where?"

    "Back... TO THE FUTURE!"

    It doesn't look like I can find any more on Midia, so I guess I'll summarize what we do know

    - She and Astoria are lovers, presumed to have been for a long, long time. (Astoria's recruiting)

    - She and Nyna are unusually close, especially for a soldier-princess bond. This may be in part why

    She's the only Archanean soldier who directly questioned Hardin in book 2.

    (BS FE translation)

    - Her methods of combat are more like guerrilla warfare than standard knight chivalry, and she has the mouth to go along with it. This gives her a personality that naturally clashes with Camus, who is on the opposing side, believes strictly in the Geneva Conventions (lolololol but you get my idea) and ALSO has quite the mouth. (BS FE translation)

    - In spite of her "rebellious noble" personality style, she is one of the most loyal Archaneans.

    - Also notable is that she's one of the few female Paladin classes. Tomboyish, likely.

    Anyway, I started up translating Story three of BSFE. It feels like Rickard, Navarre, Castor and Lena are oozing with personality in it. And yes, Rickard is TOTALLY gay, Castor's TOTALLY a sleazeball, and the stern, serious Navarre having to deal with these two is incredibly hilarious.

    Lol, Beck slowly wheeling a huge wooden hack job ballistae to the Back to the Future theme.

    Tomboyish? From what I read of her translation, it's more tough as nails hardass than just tomboy. Katua's more tomboyish I'd imagine. Midia might have battle scars, but I'm pretty sure Katua's been in a barfight before XD

    Hmm...I'll think up something for Rickard's group after Ogma's group.

  3. Actually his carrer was a big Yin-Yang. For every bad movie, he had a good one, so the balance was kept.

    Then, the real mindfuck: The Wickerman.

    You never saw Ghost Rider then...

    Seeing something like the Ghost Rider deal with villains about as dangerous as a Captain Planet villain...

    THAT is a real mindfuck.

    Though you do have a case, but who else suffers the yni-yang effect? I think Nicolas Cage just accepts jobs for no reason outside of being able to laugh at it later. Lately, he hasn't been a good movie to make up for the garbage he's been in either.

    Matchstick Men rocked

  4. Is everyone here from serious town of the state of serious from the serious nation? Apparently no one can take a joke and it appears that goofiness is forbidden along with whimsy....Isn't this sort of stuff FFtF is for!?

    Fine then! We can have the goofy funny furry who cannot possibly be taken seriously...Or we can have....


    Is that what you want you stone-faced unfuns!? Because I will bring it like a hurricane of furfaggotry and bitchiness like you have never seen before! YOUR HOUSE WILL BE TORN DOWN AND YOUR TOWN TOSSED INTO THE 4 WINDS, AND THE LAND WILL CRACK, UNLEASHING THE FIRES OF HELL WHERE YIFF TAKES PLACE, AND IT WILL BE KNOWN AS THE 15TH CIRCLE OF HELL!!!

    *unleashes a roar that breaks a hole into the space time continuum*

  5. I'd also like to point out that Olwen cannot use Thunderstorm until she hits A rank in Thunder. And since she's probably not doubling anything for awhile (5 speed with Thunder tome), she probably won't even get A rank in Thunder by Chapter 16 when Eryios comes (There are 7 chapters before he comes, and with fatigue and lol 24 base HP, she'll probably only be in 3-4).

    Whoa whoa whoa, really? *checks her weapon rank and thunderstorm rank* ...


    HAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!! I didn't even notice that!

    Also didn't notice Xavier had the same growths as Olwen and Eyrios until it was mentioned earlier

  6. I'm going to pitch in: some posts are just long and boring to read. Not everyone has the attention span to read it.

    Grandjackal, I'll be honest, your posts pretty much are like that like half the time.

    Yeah, I know I'm wordy. I can't help it, once I start I can't shut up until I feel every aspect and detail is looked over.

  7. .....

    Stay away from me, or I'll have you put to sleep.

    Awwww, can't we just sleep together instead of putting me to sleep? <3 Would be much nicer, no? X3

    To Arthur: The same could be said of all humans...

  8. ...stop imitating the first guy I ever fell in love with...

    long story short he ran off with some girl, then ran off with another one, what a great memory lol (course I made him semi-bi *snickers*)

    but strangely I wanted to call him today and see if he'd answer XD

    Uhhhh....Ok....Was not expecting this ;;>> Now I feel like I'm gonna be stalked in that crazy "I will kill all who remind me of the one who done me wrong" idea...But I'm paranoid and easily frightened, so don't mind me when I run off over THERE! *runs in the opposite direction*

  9. Yes, I want you...


    Just kidding about that

    But seriously, just no.

    Ok, this made me giggle. Congratulations, you broke the hilarious momentum I was having with weirding out these people.



    Maybe if I were on all fours, only communicating with woof, barks and panting.

    Until then, learn to love your fellow anthropomorph. For you see, it is love!...That makes the world go round...*_*

  10. What? No way. I don't like flirting with jackals, or any other type of animal for that matter. I stick to Dragirs. ;)

    Also...*Shoves Levin on to GJ*

    Oh yes, you're the scalie. Well why not try some jackal anthro meat for a more balanced diet? ~_^


    *Shoots Loki and GJ in the head*

    *bullet pings off head* Those weren't silver, that just makes me mad...*grins* Bend over. X3

    Also, I think Arthur is shy...X3

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