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Posts posted by grandjackal

  1. *goes into the story script in order to make you lose in the battle and die in humiliation and despair*

    *reality glitching, I jump out of the cockpit of a rocket car flying from above, my fist held back as if about to swing as my helmet flies off to reveal my face*

    フャルコン パン----チ!

  2. I can make you and break you, silly furry! I control Destiny. DO NOT DEFY ME!!!!!!!!!

    *charges at you with an oversized sword and rediculous hair style, unfitting climactic battle music playing, epilepsy inducing lighting flashing*

    私は死なん! 死な--んず!

  3. Yes...Yes! I finally understand the feeling...the feeling!

    The feeling of my hand burning with an awesome POWER! It's light tells me to defeat you! Now take hate, my anger, and all of my sorrow!


    Or however the hell it goes.


  4. You cannot define destiny or control you, as my destiny is that my hand burns with an awesome power! It tells me to defeat you! Now take my rage, my hate, and ALL OF MY SORROW!

    *typical anime climax music*


    This has been a message from the Destiny Furry, an oddball of a creature, yet oh so lovable and adorable! ~<3

  5. *Twists handlebar moustache*

    I am Destiny Villian!

    Yeah, it's me.

    Yeah, well yo mamma's so fat, one time I met her walkin' down da street with a big hog under her arm and I went up and asked "Man, where'd ya get that big thing!?" and the pig turned it's head and said "I won her in a raffle"!

  6. Marcia has the whole food cussing thing going on though.

    Woop-dee-doo Bazil...She's still uninteresting. The whole food cussing thing would be funny if Marcia wasn't innately annoying. No wonder Makalov runs off all the time, I'd wanna run away too from a constantly loud and annoying neurotic who is crazy enough to feel the need to clean her language with food replacements...With moldy onions, might be a psychological epidemic.

    ...This coffee smells like shit...

  7. Thank god no. Then again, nobody forced anyone to read anything, but that doesn't mean cluttering a thread isn't annoying.

    Nyeh, it's my fault. I got goaded, I continued this and then the thread explodes. Sorry 'bout it.

    ...Think the guy who started the topic decided who to use ambush on by now?

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