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Posts posted by grandjackal


    Why is it I thought you'd be the first person to post here? How weird is it that I was right? o0;;

    Actually, Anthropomorphism is really the other way 'round. They're Anthropomorphic Animals. Anthropomorphism is applying human characteristics to essentially inhuman things.

    Aren't we all just animals in a way anyways? It's just combining one with anther, but you get the point I'm sure.

  2. Now before we start with the yiff in hell business, this isn't about furries and their "lifestyle". Rather this is about the CONCEPT of anthropomorphism. Just the idea of being part some creature. Whether there's any possibility or not, if you give a damn anyways, or how impacting it would be. Ya know, that stuff.

    Personally, I'm pretty sure it's not happening, at least not anytime soon.

  3. Yes, the world will end at 2012, and we'll all be raptured up to christian heaven by a great big pig that will come out of our individual asses and fly us there.

    See? I can make predictions too. WORSHIP ME! Oh wait, I just need to make a calendar that ends at some random year...

  4. Damn, I must have been epicly screwed. On my first run (H1) Marth got doubled by Medeus. I was forced to have Wolf weaken the bastard for a while since he was the only one who wouldn't get one-rounded while still doing significant damage.

    Normally it isn't a problem, but yeah..Medius is freaking fast. My Marth on normal had 21 speed, couldn't double him.

  5. I'm planning a norse name / run through, using people from norse mythology. Right now I can think of wolf (aka Varg) and Frey®. I'm pretty sure I'm missing most, but I always get distracted by all those stupid Latin/Roman names.

    Could I have some help?

    Ogma's one.

  6. FE6 also has the easiest final chapter.

    The final chapter in this game's H5 is quite difficult if you don't know what you're doing. Specially if you lack Geosphere.

    Yeah, the geosphere makes endgame lol on normal mode. Leaves only Medius and the generals alive after all 3 uses. It's funky how endgame is hard to the point where it makes the geosphere have a point in existing.

    Or we could suicide a certain unit, but I can't stand just suiciding my units. Hate this game's gaiden requirements

  7. Someone never fought Fomortiis...

    Everyone except thieves and assassins can possibly one round, several are able to real easily. Idoun's easy if you're having Roy fight her, otherwise she can be a bit troublesome.

    That and she can actually hit you.

    Was unaware you could fight him with other weapons (I figured if it's like the original, Marth would be the only one who could attack as everyone else would be too afraid to fight him), but even then he was pretty easy with Marth and his Falchion...Still harder than Idoun and Fomortiis though.

    This was normal mode though.

  8. I meant FE1, sorry. ):

    FE1's item system? Oh god...

    -4 item slots

    -No trading, only giving

    -Items cannot be sold (though you get enough money anyways)

    -If you gain an item and your inventory is full, you can choose to send it to the merchant or dropping it, no choosing a different item in your inventory to the merchant in order to put good equipment to immediate use.

    -Merchant can only hold 32 or 36 items

    It's the entire reason the original is near unplayable, it's item system sucks so bad...

  9. First part makes sense to me. I wish I could pull up enemy stats though, so I can see if the master weapon wielding guys 2 shot her anyways though.

    As for Hicks, it's only really mediocre at the start, he grows it at a nice pace along with build. Until then, he has stuff like his pole axe and he can have the hammer. Othin's got wrath and range, Brighton has wrath too, Halvan has brave axe, Marty sucks and Dagda's outlived his usefulness after the mansion. Aside from Halvan, others don't really need the special effect weapons to kill. It counts against him that he needs them at first, but he grows just fine all things considered.

    I dunno, maybe I'm just an odd fan of Hicks. Eh's a cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything.

  10. Alm's route. Its Tozeh. That guy who fled in chapter 1. Anyways, I checked a walkthrough, and I need to kill him. Fun >_>

    Damnit, what the fuck is wrong with the people in this game? First that guard at the liberation HQ, and now some villager tells me some aquaduct normally controls water flow, but sometimes it fails and floods result.

    There's a lot that doesn't make sense in this game...

    Magic definitely makes the job of killing him much easier.

  11. >_>

    Palidens were charging me on the world map before this battle, if that helps you remember.

    Fun. The guy has 7 Magic defense too.

    Edit: If I retreat to get rid of the NPC (hints section says this works) will it count as the NPC living?

    Was it Alm's Route or Celica's Route? It has magical defense?...Is it a....what the hell is it called...what's the battle sprite look like?

  12. That guy in Tozeh's fort leaves, right? That guy with the 18 defense?

    You mean the super prick general at part 1's kingdom castle? Yeah, he leaves when you kill his bodyguard Slater (the paladin bastard)

  13. Ok, nice to see things got civilized. Not arguments here, just a bit of clear ups for anyone reading through this raped topic. Lol, I'm a loudmouth.

    Every point of build counts, Eyrios has more speed by the time she shows up AND more strength along with decent durability. he's putting physical weapons to much better use. Olwen kinda needs fragile rapiers until her rank goes up, or she's doing pisspoor damage with iron. She'd LOVE killers...if we had more than like...2 of them.

    The thing is, it makes mages ignore her, but it just makes those guys with ranged master weapons destroy her. It doesn't really help her durability as much as it changes if it's physical that kills her or magical.

    Trewd and Machua would love Continue. I just wanted to say Hicks does not need it. Access to Hammers, Pole Axe, and generally good all around stats, he's got offense covered. He just doesn't have a crazy ass skill with him. Am I the only one here who thinks Hicks is underappreciated?

    Yay, I was brief for once!

  14. Wondered if he realized I conceded anyways. Only due to realizing her accuracy with dime thunder isn't that bad and I'm just grudgingly unlucky with hit.

    Otherwise, just wanna say that 50 uses doing meh damage just to boost the sword rank is kinda dumb. Most useful swords would weigh her down. Also makes her have to attack up close and isn't doing any better with ambush using swords. Just stick with Dime Thunder. Maybe with continue it would help her out...

    Durability is great if enemies attack you. How it works is you goad the enemy to attack your tank unit. The tank unit remains relatively unharmed and your guys jump the fool enemies who attacked the tank With the holy sword equipped, mages will just walk passed her and target vulnerable units, paying her no mind and thus making her newfound durability pointless. By the time she gets this, enemies are starting to pack master weapons. Her durability has not improved by so much as to be able to take a good amount of punishment here. Snipers will eat her alive. Thanks to not having Dime Thunder equipped, they'll attack her without reprisal/not eating an ambushed Dime Thunder.

    Glade and Fred would LOVE continue, but there are many above them. Fatigue isn't so bad that we eventually have to use bad units. Even considering economy, they still have a big list of competition that could use it better than they. Olwen (Continue+the rapier stuff you brought up = win), Eyrios (for magic sword ownage), Trewd (to be something outside of the blandest unit in the game), Machua (due to her win speed, yet poor strength), there's more a list. Even considering, Glade and Fred aren't getting it.

    Otherwise, I now agree with you at this point, aside from the little nitpicks up there. I should stop arguing when it gets down to statistic, because I'm always so unlucky in game that I can't base it on stats alone. I just kinda blew up because Olwen is by far the worst offender of this to me. So I'm done arguing, if you want to continue, bring it up to someone else.

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