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Posts posted by grandjackal

  1. There's a lot of words I'd describe Tanith and Marcia with, but bland isn't one of them.

    2 out of a lot...and Marcia IS bland. The annoyed sister is such an overdone anime character...might not even be a sister, just some girl the slacker guy knows. At least Makalov has a real problem to deal with...and never does. But hey, we still love the goof, don't we?

    If anything, it's more Tanith and Farina. Otherwise...bleh. Forgettable.

  2. Hm, it goes for the enemy too. I don't think it's your rom.

    Olwen is not ugly.

    Wow, this is an utter turn XD You can be vicious ya know.

    Either way, I have the worst luck with making hits land. 80 in the GBA games is a bad chance I can't take. Hell, any number below 95 makes me nervous.

    I hate her more out of a grudge really. That and she looks like they trapped a mouse under a dirty mop. It's the same grudges I have to hand axes, or any ranged weapon for that matter.

    You have to admit though that Eyrios is cuuute~<3

  3. That has nothing to do with what I said.

    Olwen, with Ambush, cannot effect your team's efficiency is a negative way because she has a hard time missing. She will be murdering things before they hit her.

    Leaf and Fin's leadership stars are always active, wherever they may be.

    Nanna and Olwen have like, very similar move, so they have to be very close.

    Leaf and Olwen may not have the same move, but at least the support thing occurs in 3 range.

    She won't get doubled if she kills everything. And armors have poor AS, like 3-0, so no problems there. Armors are very common. And now,

    As for her tactic being "risky", as long as she's killing whatever comes at her with two Dime Thunder shots, she is fine. She has 91% base hit, and enemy AS is retarded on anything but like thieves (and those don't attack). And then she has 180% hit growth, and nobody cares about the Odo scroll (60% more hit growth).

    For Nanna "rather being at Othin's", look again. The two don't exclude each other. She has a range of 3 tiles around her for giving Charisma. And if for some reason you want to make sure both Othin and Olwen hit on seperate places, you can place Nanna near Olwen and then let Othin use Pugi. For Leaf, for the majority of the game he isn't even fighting, so he has plenty of room to go near Olwen. Let's not forget Olwen can also cart herself into Leaf's range thanks to 1-2 range and move again.

    I don't see how Olwen's 4 PCC can ever hinder her Ambush/Dime Thunder combo. Maybe if she wanted to limit her exposal, but it's more like the opposite.

    I was talking about Sunhit from the beginning.

    I'll counter anything about Eyrios which is illogical to me.

    Rrrr...Must have a faulty rom or something, as it's as if leadership is utterly pointless if that's the case. Neh, I dunno...Would explain a lot of the horrid luck I experience when playing this game...

    Well if that's the case, I'm not sure what to think of Olwen at this point. Either I have the worst luck with accuracy, my rom is cursed, or just Olwen refuses to be good with me even with using her in an arch knight fashion. So...guess I concede the point I guess.

    Doesn't mean I have to like her though. *suicides her into the invaders of Glade's Fortress*

  4. - Charisma works from 3 spaces

    - Leaf's support works from 3 spaces

    - Leaf's leadership stars

    - Fin's leadership stars

    - Enemy's usually crappy avoid

    What part of turtling is slow, bothersome and bogging down your team from doing many things at once don't you understand?

    Base level Olwen has 91 hit with DaimThunder. Leaf's support makes it 101. Charisma makes it 111. The leadership stars (3 if I recall correctly?) makes it 120 hit. Pretty darn good.

    Leaf won't always be around, neither will charisma or Fin, and not all enemies are armor knights, that and terrain exists. Authority doesn't keep her from being doubled with it equipped either. Say they'll all be around, and I'm gonna be done with this.

    Speechless again.

    You did say HP and defense specifically. Who the hell scoffs at someone missing something that has nothing to do with prayer? Last I checked, Fin's HP bar doesn't take the form of the word Prayer.

    I really do think this was all started just because you want to argue for the sake of arguing.

  5. Sweet mother of god, I stopped reading the moment you said she had awesome enemy phase offense. At least I should have, because I didn't think you'd bring up fail like Fred and Glade and dreaming we give them continue.

    How many situations are there where we're trading back and forth in the middle of battle unless we're turtling and generally getting through the chapter slowly? Either you're having her finish someone off (way to make no use of her mobility by keeping her turtled. Well at least if she wasn't so fail, maybe we COULD do something more than turtling and spoon-feeding her kills like this...), or the situation is that she TRIED to attack, but MISSED! Which she will do quite often.

    NO she CAN'T use magic swords! Why? SWORD RANK! She has a C and 5 strength. Lololololol. Reason I brought up magic swords by the way, is because they do PHYSICAL damage up close and MAGIC at range. He's 2 points off with magic being the weaker of the two. So he can not only do actual damage physically, it gives him an excellent weapon to attack more efficiently on enemy phase. Weighs him down by a pathetically small amount, has great speed to go with it...he helps your team easily rip through groups, as opposed to Olwen attacking one punk a turn and might not even kill them. Sleep swords make it easier to capture. So he having them means to make capturing easy and getting free shit, magic swords for all around great enemy phase offense thanks to durability, access to Armorslayers, Rapiers, Silver Swords, status swords...All of these, Olwen cannot use. They are not locked to him, but that doesn't mean he can't use them. Olwen doesn't have teh rank. She can't use them.

    Funny thing about FE theory is that every now and then, we seem to run into goons that think there's only one enemy at a time. That, I should inform you, is bullshit in this game. Her durability isn't bad? He gave her two levels where even 1 would be pushing it, AND against the worst enemy in the first chapter she doesn't get utterly buttfucked in. ESPECIALLY the chapter where he got the enemy data, chapter 13. Tons of enemies there. She can't use thunderstorm right away, so those ballistae and starting arch knights will just have their way with her if she uses anything but wind. Wind by the way at a reasonable level, she can't kill the javelin armor knights without a crit! Where's that god offense now!? How do you screw up killing armor knights with magic? They'll counter her too anyways, so even with PCR, she's still eating a javelin. She can crit easy though, but on the second attack...meaning it only has any meaning after being attacked, or being a coward and running away after attacking. Ya know, like AN ARCH KNIGHT! Even with wind equipped, they'll have around 50-60 acc on her. There's plenty of them too. That's just against the worst unit on that map! 50-60 accuracy as a note, is pretty good. It's why that whole "going B route for the Pugi is incredibly stupid" argument a couple pages back (and it is a stupid reason to go B route). Try Dime Thunder, and I'll bring up she has a terrible 83 hit with that thing. The armors aren't 0 speed here (they still don't have much, but to the point), they have around what...6 avoid? Not only does that mean she's not doubling outside of wind (which she won't kill with without a crit), it also means she's reduced to around 77 acc. With how bad her durability is, she will still miss. Especially with the sheer number of units on that map. If she misses, she has 5 avoid to work with and 0 speed. Armors aren't the only units there either. Forest terrain in the chapter she joins in gimps her accuracy even more, 12x we're just warping Laura to Pahn chapter 13 she's doing little and not doing anything well either, 14...she's doing fine as it's a defense chapter where it's ok to turtle there, and 14x....no way in hell. Pegasi have speed and double her poor durability to death. She'd have 2 levels at best by chapter 15. Level 5, and Eyrios statistically beats the hell out of her when she's 2 levels ABOVE HIM just by showing up! Why not recruit Eyrios and get his tasty equipment when we can just keep Olwen in her cell and only miss out on a weapon only she can use along with not having to worry about her suiciding?

    I don't remember saying wrath sucks. In fact, you got it backwards. Wrath rocks!...on OTHIN! I haven't seen people try to argue up MIRANDA because of wrath! Wanna know why? If she kills with the wrath, she's attracting more attention to her WHEN SHE CAN'T TAKE THE SHOTS! Wrath isn't good just because it's called wrath. Same with Ambush. Just because it's ambush doesn't mean it'll just become a miracle cure for Olwen. Durability goes a long way to make skills great. Othin is great because he has it and the durability to not rely on dodge, teh same with Halvan and Ambush. Ambush is great if you're durable...Durable being the key word.

    You apparently cannot grasp what enemy phase offense is. The holy sword would be great if enemies were stupid and didn't have shit like rewarp by the time you get the damn thing. She COULD magic tank, if anything was stupid enough to tink her with magic. Unfortunately, the AI in this game is quite excellent. They'll just ignore her. so her offense is now WORSE due to LESS enemies she can counter. Can't counter magic because they're busy not being stupid in targeting someone with a buttload of magic, and now physical range units are attacking her without worry because she can't throw the sword at them to counter. The point of defense is to take many attacks to defend your team and then deal damage back. The holy sword is the worst defensive weapon in the game. Instead of making her a magic tank, it just makes the enemy flat out ignore her and eliminates any enemy phase offense she had (which is close to none) AND makes her MORE vulnerable now that ranged physical fighters can attack her without worry. Yes, this "defensive" weapon made her more vulnerable and more useless. Here's an example..FE DS General Sedgar is considered godly because he comes with defense made from heaven. That defense would be useless if the enemy could just walk right through him and targeting your more weaker units. This is what happens when the enemy has rewarp and she has the holy sword equipped. Same way Sety can't be considered a dodge tank, because if the enemy can't hit him, they'll just walk past him to hit someone they can hit. Snipers would eat her alive if she had this weapon equipped.

    Her durability is not that bad? In the time between her join time and Eyrios, she'll be lucky to have gained two levels. Those two levels got her...a point in health...Leveling this slow due to bad durability to begin with, she's not growing any better...Eyrios on the other hand, has actually reasonable durability when he joins.He has 3 less health and 1 less defense than Othin, and that's at level 20/1. I think most cases here due to stat caps, most promote at 15 due to how slow exp gains become later. If that's the case, he's actually more durable. But still, he's comparing to some awesome people at level 20/1 just by showing up with his durability. Olwen on the other hand is doing worse than Mareeta. Mareeta joins the same time, and is BARELY less durable, but has better HP and defense growth. With her low level, she'll level quickly (and the game in a way graciously spoonfeeds her pirates with plenty of forest around for her to hide in), and outdo her quickly. It only takes near 5 levels she can easily get quickly to match. She'll continue to outgrow her too. Sad thing is, Mareeta isn't durable by any means. Hell, freaking ASVEL will eventually pass by her in durability.

    Now that I think about it, how DOES Continue activate? *checks* Attack speed is the percentage? HA! Ok the, she isn't even putting THAT to good use either! There doesn't seem to be any other way for her to fail outside of Dime Thunder's pure risk offense...Why risk it when Eyrios is a pretty cool guy that can tank a bit without needing the skill in the first place?...

    ...Now thinking about it, he wouldn't really NEED ambush...Eh. Whatever. I'll give it to Mareeta then. *waits to hear the outrage* Fine fine, I'll give it to Fin.

    Ugh...Even I find it painful to see such a huge wall of text, and I typed the damn thing...I have a problem.

  6. Oh, I should mention a bit about Ogma's backstory that I'm not sure whether or not would affect the brother's-

    It's from Oguma recruiting Samto in FE3 Book 2. (Luckily now I found the last version of that translation project's script so I can quickly put it down.)

    (Talk with Oguma)



    You disappoint me...


    Woah, I don't believe it...

    This Kill Sword is, like, so deadly...


    Do we have to fight?


    I guessed that we would have to duel eventually.


    Ah... Oh, snap! Woah, dude!

    I'm just faking it! ...Faking!

    It's me... Samto.

    Have you totally forgotten, Mister Oguma?



    The pit-fighter from Norda, Samto?


    Yeah, that was me.

    Thanks for saving me back then.

    When everybody tried to escape, you got yourself caught, to hide our escape...




    I heard from the others that you were taken to the coliseum to be whipped.

    Even then, you didn't say anything about our whereabouts.

    In the end, the young princess of Talis, who was passing by, protected you

    even when she was in tears, and rescued you.

    So, that is why, for Talis...

    No... For the princess, you wielded your sword again...



    Don't say anymore!

    It's already in the past...

    In the past...


    .....Mister Oguma...

    Regardless, I hope to repay your favour!

    Let me follow you, okay?

    The sequence of Caeda rescuing Ogma was also in the FE OVA in a flashback.

    EDIT: a few more dialog bits.

    [Male villager]

    Midia is the pride of Akaneia.

    She was the daughter of the highest officer of Akaneia, Duke Owen.

    This rebellion only came about because she could not stand and watch us suffer.

    No matter what, you must rescue her.

    Interesting tidbit. Here's how it went down. Barst sent the request to Cord, Cord brought it up to the princess, she helps them get clearance in by acting as if she were at the arena for diplomatic reasons (like to show respect). Everyone was distracted by the news, she slips out during the events (what would the guards and people think other than when nature calls?), and aids in the rescue. Done and done.

    Midia, brash, tough and noble. More and more shows how admirable she is. Yeah, I found tough brashness in the face of danger admirable, sue me ;;>>

  7. Yeah, that's my job.

    1. Ranks? We're playing efficiently here, playing each chapter for what's best for the team. Ranks is just the game measuring how good a speed run/ RNG abuse-fest is. Trewd is not worth the thief staff getting busted and having many a treasure chest looted and ran off with, and neither is his silver sword. It's not like there's a lot of exp here either. Seriously, no one gives a damn about Trewd.

    2. Thanks to Eyrios's stats, he can use things like status and magic swords. Something like the sleep sword for a nifty things, magic swords for physical close combat and magic ranged. Lets him counter both, has durability so he won't get slaughtered just from being outside...

    3. I know how criticals work and that PCR takes effect on the SECOND attack, not the first. She's still gonna get hit, which is her MAJOR problem. PCR lets her crit the enemy that just smacked her, more enemies come in...How is her good PCR good now?

    4. Wanna know WHY he can go out and actually take a couple counters? He has this thing called durability, I'm sure you've heard of it...

    5. I stop with the arch knight anaologies when her durability stops sucking so bad she has to ACT like one.

    6. The holy sword may make her a magic tank, but the enemies aren't stupid in this game. They'll see she has resistance and not attack her and attack more vulnerable units, rendering her magitanking ability useless. Also removes her response for PHYSICAL ranged units. You know, the snipers with silvers and the heroes with master weapons...

    7. Ok great, the damn sword is great against the non-existing horses after the chapter you get it from Reinhart, the chapter with the enemy having holy hell leadership. We could have just kept Eyrios alive and skipped this hellhole of a chapter, but apparently we want to get Olwen a shitty useless weapon...Did I mention this has no effect on how bad snipers and heroes with master weapons would rape her?

    8. 0 PCR can be a blessing in disguise as a note. It means he has less a chance to pull off an accidental crit and attract MORE attention to himself, while countering enemies on the enemy phase so your team can just easily rip through them. It's called tanking. He doesn't need solar shot to do it, but it helps. PCR is great if you have durability to put it to good use. Olwen just doesn't have it. Not by a long shot.

    9. Those people trading her scrolls could have gone out and fought 1-3 people, but apparently we want them to go and give their shit to Olwen for one risky chance of killing one person with dime thunder, not doing a lot of damage with wind or not doubling with fire or thunder, the enemy phase comes and they bitchslap her into oblivion. Congratulations, you just gimped us to babysit one unit who doesn't get any better any time soon. How is that not hurting efficiency? It's like FE9's shove in a way, except it can lag behind more than one unit.

    10. Boo-hoo, Eyrios doesn't have access to one bonus, shoot me in the face the world is over. Did I mention Eyrios puts the boosts to better use because he can actually stay around to put them to good use instead of hiding behind the front lines.

    11. Solar Shot works with magic in this game too. He has nice speed when he joins too, so basic things won't weigh him down. Olwen needs training before she can pull that off and she's STILL worse by the time he shows up.

    12. Hey, did you know Dime Thunder doesn't have perfect accuracy? Dime Thunder is luck reliant, durability is concrete. Which would I rather rely on? hmmm...

    All Ambush does is makes her a risky option to tank, which if she screws up she will get killed in a blink. It helps her, but not by enough. Eyrios on the other hand has a master sword at least. With Ambush and solar shot, he has 2 shots to have it activate and save him from something fatal. Chances of that are slim, but the best part is he's not relying on it to have some form of enemy phase offense and just makes it better.

    Why the hell not Continue? If her offense is her best part, let's make it her shining aspect! It basically increases her chances of landing her inaccurate hits better, given it activates. It gives her the option to risk attacking something she normally couldn't kill, and if it screws up she can still fall back. If she's gonna do hit and run strategies, lets make it so she damn well kills whatever she targets. She misses? She gets the chance to strike again. Third strike with wind will garuntee a kill, allows her more strikes with the stronger fire and thunder spells, four shots of Dime Thunder on the opening shot...It's her way of answering to Eyrios's Solar Shot, except it gives her an option he coulnd't dream of: Boss Killing. 2 shots of Dime Thunder is risky, but I'd say 4 on the same opening strike really ups her chances, yeah?

    Only thing in her way are people who want Continue too, like Halvan and Othin and Fin...it's unfair considering Fin though, he wants everything. Greedy bastard...but still, look at her competition.

    Sorry for the long post. You'll notice me doing this a lot if we continue this. I'm obsessive to detail, I always feel like I need to look over every single aspect. It's like OCD I swear.

  8. Hm. I can live with that.

    Has someone made a backstory for Matthis besides "oh noez im guna die so ill fite"?

    He's actually kinda has one going on really. Basically he was forced to fight for Michalis because yadda yadda we already know. Basically he and Lena are part of the royal family actually (of Macedonia), just lower on the branches. Relatively secluded and his part of teh family didn't really have any power over anything, just they're related. In a way, it makes Lena a princess and Matthis a prince. However their part of the family didn't really have the power to be considered such. Lena ran off to be a priestess for her own personal enlightenment while Matthis...pretty much led a normal life. He had a fondness of archery and tried to do well in it like sportsmanship-wise, but...he never got too good before the war started. He'd never imagined being in a war, never wanted to fight one. He didn't know what he was being thrown into (explains his bad base stats). It's easy to see why he's so cowardly, he didn't wanna do this and he doesn't want to die here and now! He's got too much stuff he still needs to do! He is an admitted idiot, but his part of the family was poor so...he couldn't be taught much. He had a nickname back at his town, Prince of Peasants. The guy is...pretty damn unlucky.

    So Matthis is one of the more normal guys in the cast.

  9. So, we're to assume everything that comes out of his mouth is false?


    Not so much he's lying as much as he stretches the truth. He was in fact part of the army, just he wasn't a soldier. Being a paranoid inventor, I'm sure he'd want to change a detail to keep his own personal things a secret thing to anyone, no matter who it is. Having serious paranoia sucks. Some have it every now and then (ya know, like "omg, im so paranoid about something", in a really not meaning it sort of way or in an uncanny way), but he has it like in a serious way and it's stuck with him all the time.

    To be honest, I find him a character to pity more than anything.

  10. Money is hilarious in this game. The game coughs and sneezes money at you. Sometimes I swear I beat spare change out of enemies in this game, like out of thieves...I can easily just get away with uberforges and still have plenty of gold lying around.

    As for ballistae, I find Hoistflamme to be the easiest to forge due to how balanced it is. Not too weak, not too inaccurate. It's got it all, and it can receive some mighty boosts quite easily. Beck makes Khadien a piece of cake.

  11. The reason people will not be using those Pokemon is because those Pokemon would completely fail in the uber environment.

    Yet, Pokemon from the OU tier, even though as seen as inferior, can still counter Pokemon in uber battles.

    (Scizor, for example, counters a fair few popular uber pokémon)

    You can also compare this with FESD wi-fi.

    Braves are the better weapon, that has been made clear.

    Yet, you can weapons and strategies seen as 'less broken' to stand up to those brave weapons to an extent.

    I'm talking about ranged weapons, with your team based around the card Umbra.

    You will still be able to stand up to the brave weapons, while you may only have 1 or 2 brave weapons yourself (since there probably has at least passed 1 weekend during the construction of your team), even when you didn't want to wait a month to get all brave weapons.

    Brave weapons are not just overpowered, they're broken. That strategy won't work and here's why.

    Umbra Card

    Enemy sends a scout to spot you

    Enemy charges you with brave weapons, utterly destroying all units without being countered (bows), being weakly countered (handaxes, javelins) or have no chance of surviving the attack (mages).

  12. To be fair, if they were shorter..

    Weapon rank, I posted, you ignored it. Unless I'm blind. She has to attack 20 times with Thunder. She has 3 chapters to do so. 11x, 12, 12x. I see no problems here.

    Enemy phase offense and "killed by a sneeze", scrolls and Ambush. I explained that it is VERY easy to give her scrolls. It's effortless, really.

    Olwen has 4 PC, therefore does not need to rely on DaimThunder. Since she targets magic, a simple Wind or Thunder can kill a lot of things on the enemy phase.

    Ambush. Why she should have it over Eyrios:

    - contributes to efficiency for several more chapters

    - 2 DaimThunders + Holy Sword makes a great combo. Low hit is fixed by Charisma, support, leadership stars.

    - improves Olwen's durability FAR more than Eyrios

    - Olwen's 4 PC helps her kill things, doesn't need a second hit, converses weapon uses

    There you go.

    I meant Eyrios's weapon rank. Has strength that exists and can use plenty of swords to good use. Also with thunder, she's only double attacking things with 0 speed. Enemies don't fail that bad when she shows up aside from a couple armors. So much for the 4 PCR. By the way, PCR activates on the second attack. There's really only gonna be few few she'll double with fire and thunder, is still gonna get attacked before the PCR hit with wind, and if she's landing two shots of Dime Thunder, critical won't matter meaning she has to hit the second shot anyways AND weighs her down so bad she can't be near the front lines with it. Since she'll get hit with ambush anyways unless she uses Dime Thunder anyways, it appears she gets nothing out of it anyways aside from a tactic that requires luck to be on your side so yes, she DOES rely on Dime Thunder. Not as dependable as just plain being durable. That's saying without solar shot too. All you did was prove how much an arch knight she is.

    -Dime Thunder is overrated and Holy Sword just makes magic enemies ignore her and endanger troops that DON'T have all for...the ability to use her lousy strength to attack mages with and give her vulnerability to any physical ranged enemies she can no longer counter with this not ranged sword that also weighs her down and comes so late it doesn't even matter. Congratulations. You just made her worse by equipping this weapon. By the time this damn thing shows up, it doesn't help her at all since she won't be killing heroes and berserkers with it and snipers can now take pot shots at her without worry.

    - You're mistaking improving her durability with relying on accuracy rather than dodge. Better to rely on, but still doesn't compare to just being durable.

    - I just proved how her PCR is useless.

    - Requires squires to follow her around to switch around her equipment and hand her scrolls for when she levels up, not only so she can even compare to Eyrios (not being better mind you, just being EQUAL to him), but detracting use from characters who could be doing something better like FIGHTING so NO, she ISN'T contributing to the efficiency of chapters before. Well, at least not in a POSITIVE way...

    - She isn't going to be around leaders and charisma people all the time, enemies having leadership too AND terrain existing, she will not have perfect accuracy unless these people follow her around like her personal minstrels or she turtles around them, killing the point of her mobility.

    - Her concerning thunderbolt...She's not doing jack in the chapter she joins in, Pahn's chapter we're just warping Laura so no one's doing anything that chapter, we're rushing the hell out of chapter 13 so she's doing little at best here. 14, she'll be doing plenty. Earliest she's getting thunderbolt rank is late in chapter 14, which is too little too late, or chapter 15. If you're using something like thunderbolt in chapter 15, I'm just gonna laugh at you.

    Eyrios on the other hand needs no squires or minstrels, has weapon rank and stats to make good use out of them, can actually realistically frontline and doesn't rely on fancy weapons or needing to be taught skills, as he has 2 perfectly good skills he doesn't really have to rely on (until later). He can still be taught that skill though, and put it to good enough use, as opposed to Olwen needing to rely on it and STILL doesn't make her foolproof.

    Don't argue Ambush for Olwen. Argue Continue, THAT'S a skill she makes better use out of.

    I wouldn't type so long a post if there weren't so many reasons Olwen fails even WITH Ambush...

  13. To be fair, I'd avoid arguing with you simply because of your gigantic walls of text (you just made one yet again). We both basically repeat whatever we say, so it's just pointless. You fail to understand that Olwen makes far more use of Ambush than Eyrios.. I really have no idea why. Olwen can use it for longer, can kill things better with that 4 PC, I seriously, seriously don't get why.

    I guess it's because you like Eyrios's face?

    As charming as his face is, I have not been repeating the same thing over and over. In fact, most of the time you just ignored most of my posts. Weapon rank, existing enemy phase offense, not getting killed by a sneeze, not relying on an overrated weapon AND Ambush. I've brought up a lot of stuff to prove him better and you just blow it off saying we should spoil Olwen just to make her usable with things like dragging people around for leadership and charisma (who others want as well, and we're not just going to turtle for Olwen's sake) and scrolls (which with trading around is easy, it has the same problems as FE9 and 10's Shove. It helps one unit, but it detracts from the use of another for a turn, one most likely better than Olwen). Not only does Eyrios do more things than her, he did it without sucking or needing babying to do it.

    I'd rather not argue with you either, it's a headache really.

  14. Solid? Shiva has some of the lowest HP/Def stats out of the melee fighters.

    I was talking about Olwen's general efficiency back then. I am not talking about Shiva's general efficiency now. I am talking about Sunlight Hit. Shiva is one of the best characters in the game, and I know that Olwen is fragile.

    I should rephrase. Olwen's avoid isn't high enough for her to be taking huge amounts of enemies, but it's still enough to get a A thunder by chapter 13. Shiva's avoid is good, but it's not good enough (no one's is) to take on armies with Sunlight Hit.


    Shiva can also frontline, despite having this some of the lowest HP/Def out of the melee fighters. Sunlight hit compounds with that and Eyrios's activation rate isn't that far off from Shiva's. Neither is their durability when Eyrios joins, and that's at equal levels AND if Shiva promoted at level 20. THIS is how Eryios has offense, he's attacking more than one enemy a full turn. Ambush allows him some more.

    Correction, Olwen's avoid is garbage, the end. We're either gimping her "offense", or we're weighing her down with a heavy as fuck weapon to have any resembling offense which puts her at so much risk she has to not be near enemies or else they tear her apart. Ambush on her means she can do just what Eyrios does, except if she misses she's just as screwed. Eyrios doesn't have to rely on luck to not suck, all Solar Shot does is backs him up. He's hardly relying on it, at least when he shows up. It just gives him something to fall back on. Olwen on the other hand is relying handily on Dime Thunder to do anything. At her join time she gets weighed down to 5 or 4 speed with fire and thunder respectively. Only thing she's doubling are anything with 1 or 0 speed. Give her wind and she's not killing. Give her Dime Thunder and she's easily killed while still not hitting with every shot. There's one wind tome we nab from the bishop in Thracia and it won't last forever. Show me the money on where we buy more.

    If you're going by the get earlier use argument out of it, we sure as hell aren't giving it to Olwen then. Olwen still can't risk being on the front lines, all ambush does is make the risk a slight bit smaller. Fin would prefer it more, or Nanna with her earth sword, Mareeta with her Mareeta Blade and various sword skills. Shiva too.

    Eyrios is lower than these guys on the list for ambush, but he's above Olwen because he's actually usable and still more usable than Olwen with ambush. The idea is to give resources to good people to make them better, not to bad people so they'll suck less.

    I don't think there is a single point I haven't covered with Eyrios stomping Olwen at this point...if you still argue, I'll be convinced you're just messing with me just for the sake of arguing.

    EDIT: Also, what Navarre said.

  15. That... did nothing to prove your point.

    You bashed Shiva, yet you are here glorifying Olwen. It was about dodge I believe, which I believe you thought Olwen had such good amounts of...Olwen's spells always weigh her down, she has worse growths in dodge, and has worse durability in general compared to him. Yet...



    Look how close they are in durability. Shiva has 2 defense on him, and that's if we're waiting till level 20 to promote Shiva. He has more skill for Solar Shot (5% difference) and Strength (by a deadly 6, but again this is considering if we're waiting till level 20 to promote him). He's got lots more speed, but 14 base at his arrival is not horrid by any means. Con is bad yeah, but at least he has the strength to not have to rely on a heavy as hell spell. 0 PCR is'nt good, but he's actually durable on a decent level so this helps him be a weakener. Thanks to this durability and Solar Shot, he can take on a a group of reasonable size (reasonable, not big) and weaken them so your team can ust easily tear through them. All this without needing leaders and Nanna around to just not miss. Ambush on him can allow him a saving grace to activate Solar Shot while Olwen gets the abilty to do something risky.

    Eyrios isn't as durable as Shiva by any means, but it's better than anything Olwen can do. Weakening several enemies for your army to easily tear through with magic back-up AND the ability to use thunderstorm without work> risking it all for one unit to do everything with a heavy inaccurate spell >> Her without ambush. Ambush doesn't save her from sucking, it just makes her suck less. Eyrios goes from pretty good to a slight bit better. Slight bit better > sucking anyways.

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