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Posts posted by grandjackal

  1. You want me and you want me bad. You ache for my company, to hear my sultry voice whisper sweet nothings in your ears and to feel this bare body with your bare hands.

    No worries, I won't bite...Unless you want me to ~_^ I'm a good boi like that.

  2. Even that post was long.

    Weakening on the enemy phase means that he is getting a small amount of kills.

    I took the enemies at the south part, and most of them had identical stats (she should be going to the south part, to avoid the ballistae).

    Dammit I apologize, I have a motor mouth and I apologize. You're starting to just get irritating...Something tells me this won't end well for either of us.

    He weakens on enemy phase, kills one on player and your other guys have that much easier a time on the weakened enemies. He's helping the team move faster, Olwen's just...killing one guy. He also has weapons he can use that Olwen can't that DON'T weigh him down to make up for his kinda less magic.

    ...South part? Ummm...what chapter are you talking about here?

  3. Oh my fucking god.. I'm not replying to that. I don't even have to read it. Just one thing:

    You said "slightly better magic" and I proved it was not. That's all. You're changing the subject.

    Also, in a debate, we generally assume that characters are getting the same amount of kills.

    Assuming is a nice and pleasant word...We're ASSUMING Olwen is getting equal kills, but we damn well know she isn't. All her offense is player phase. She's killing a unit per whole turn at best. Eyrios can weaken units on emey phase, then finish one off and move on.

    To compress it, it was basically her not actually being much use between her arrival and Eyrios outside of chapter 14, stats actually mattering after you just seemed to have given up on it, Warp Staves being more useful than a free Pugi Axe, giving Eyrios holy water is no bigger a deal than giving Olwen a wind, you basically spoiling Olwen at every turn, you compared her to enemies individually ignoring that there are large amounts of enemies around, and Eyrios has weapon rank above her with weapons that don't severely debilitate him and help him greatly.

    Yeah, that was long winded, but it was because I was trying to make a point outside of "Olwen is great because we have to spoil her to make her good, she's better than Mr. I don't need to be held by the hand to be useful Eyrios."

    Equal kills assumes the unit can actually get equal kills in comparison to everyone else.

  4. Slighty better when the lead is massive like 3-4, especially with FE5's 20 caps?

    Seriously, stats aren't everything. Olwen has 4 PC, and availability stuff...

    Hahahaha, her magic allows her to one round things, though!

    The extra Pugi is extremely valuable, and saves you 1 Repair Staff use.

    If you're going to argue about Warping, then you might as well do that for every single chapter in the game, making your point useless.

    That has nothing to do with what I said. Stats AREN'T EVERYTHING.

    Chapter 13 and 14.

    Olwen always has better offense.

    The AS thing is true, because he doesn't want to hold tomes with too low might, since he can't touch anything for shit then. He'll have to hold heavier tomes. Unlike Olwen.

    Obviously, Holy Water and M Up staff takes away from your team. Also,

    Not needing any of that > needing it, when Eyrios comes.

    Actually, you can lure the Freege knights to you, since they attack first. They're not really trouble.

    Plus, you can always use other units with Meteor and stuff.

    Chapter 12, brigands only have about 70 hit and 14-19 (mostly 15-16) might - which means 3HKO on Olwen. The enemies, while Olwen is holding a sword, have tiny hit on Olwen (somewhere around 30).

    Olwen at chapter 14 (level 4, Wind, no scrolls for generosity): 25 HP, 16 might, 114 hit, 10 AS, 26 avoid, 4 def, 10 res, 19 crit.

    Olwen at chapter 14 (level 4, DaimThunder): 25 HP, 25 might, 94 hit, 0 AS, 5 avoid, 4 def, 10 res, 19 crit.

    Some random armor knight with Javelin: 25 HP, 15 might, 66 hit, 10 avoid, 3 magic.

    Some random armor knight with Battle Axe: 26 HP, 21 might, 76 hit, 16 avoid, 2 magic

    Actually, considering her 1-2 range, the ease of trading in this game and her rather slow EXP gain, it is very easy to trade a mass of scrolls on her the moment she's going to level-up. Then consider she actually has some of the best growths in the game...the same as Eyrios' and Xavier's, in fact (look it up...stupid lazy designers).

    Irrelevant. This has nothing to do with the ability to scroll abuse. You failed to counter it.

    You can just trade her a bunch of scrolls right before she levels up, (she has WAY more chances than Eyrios) and she can gain stats comparable to him.

    You just trade some fucking scrolls RIGHT before she levels up (she levels up slowly) then give it back immediately. Nothing wrong with that.

    Ok, that's it. Basically you just threw up all over the page. She has a few more points of magic over him, woop-dee-doo. He's tougher, he can actually stand doing more than being a coward and springing up behind enemy lines to kill just one enemy. Because of this, he can level up faster than she can. Offense involves more than just player phase.

    Stats suddenly don't matter? LOL! Go get 'em Marty! Her PCR works against her thanks to her pisspoor durability. What part of sucking for those chapters don't you understand? She's available longer, but it doesn't help she's sucking at those times.

    Yeah, the Pugi is so nice to have, especially since Othin doesn't need the damn thing anymore. You can't seriously be trying to tell me one Pugi axe is better than 2 warp staves. If we're doing it once chapter, we're doing it all of them? How does this make my argument useless? There's more use to warp staves than just warp skipping. Where's that video where they berserk Reinhart after making Cyas leave to make Reinhart wipe out his own mage knight army? Pugi axe sure as hell ain't doing that. Helping the kids in Galzus's chapter, recruiting Galzus faster and taking out the enemies in the center room. Pugi axe makes Othin's offense go from insane to...insane...

    Chapter 13? The chapter we're rushing through anyways? With a dance, anyone's taking out those ballistaes at the beginning thanks to Laura getting them to reach it (and making them move further ahead to get through this chapter faster). 13 Doesn't get annoying till the reinforcements start flooding in and even then they aren't troublesome enough to warrent thunderbolt use. If the reinforcements are coming in and you're still far enough away to have to use thunderstorm....you have bigger troubles than the reinforcements.

    Chapter 14 ...fine, taking out those ballistae would greatly help. After that though, it's best just to play defensively, this is a chapter I will admit she does incredibly well here.

    Olwen WOULD have better offense if she could step out from behind the front lines...

    Chapter 12 she's having trouble hitting those MANY bandits with anything but a sword and she tickles them with whatever sword she's using, thanks to her pisspoor accuracy. Most of that map is terrain problems. Gaiden chapter there's no reason not to just warp Laura to Pahn then have Pahn talk to Tina. Don't wanna waste those thief staff uses, gets you the free treasure. Trewd will not be missed. Chapter 13 we're rushing through anyways, 14 she does well, 14x has fog of war, and 15 is so easy you shouldn't need thunderbolt. 1 chapter, not killing all ballistae without a crit. Chapter's simple enough if we play defensive anyways.

    If we can buy Olwen to make her suck less for the time she exists, we can give cheap and plentiful holy waters to Eyrios for a bit to take him from good to better. Asvel has enough magic to not care (if Olwen can one round...). This doesn't offset the fact he can actually go to the front lines. Salem would like wind tomes too. If all these are buyable...what are we complaining about here? She takes from the team as much as Eyrios does, except he makes better use out of what he takes.

    Why go to the trouble of luring the Freege Knights when we can do that AND blast them? Since it's thunderbolt, Eyrios isn't doing any worse than Olwen. We COULD use meteor too with other units, but why can't Eyrios suddenly not help out? It still makes killing the Freege's a whole lot easier.

    *claps sarcastically* Congratulations, you compared her to the worst units in chapter 14. Did the knights that assault you at the first point of the chapter suddenly stop existing? If she's sniping the ballistae, she needs to be danced to take them out or she gets hit with a ballistae shot, either way lagging you behind in a chapter we want to rush.

    Seems they aren't having a hard time hitting her with dime thunder equipped. They also flood in, so there's plenty of them. You didn't post anything that helped you. She doesn't have perfect accuracy with dime thunder either. I think 2 levels is a bit much for her, 1 seems reasonable. She suddenly isn't killing the Javelin armors with wind. Where the hell are their attack speed? If you left them because they'd actually have the speed to double her with dime thunder, I'll laugh my ass off. "But we could switch her to wind to boost her avoid after she attacks!" Ok, so someone's being pulled away from duty to re-equip her, give her scrolls when she's about to level up and risk getting critical'd on the following turn unless we take ANOTHER person off duty to relocate scrolls, any other way we can pamper Queen Olwen here?

    She has to retreat behind your front lines, needs people to pamper her and still performs rather sub-par while Eyrios can at least resemble a good unit.

    You can't ignore he still has prayer and solar shot. But another thing came up, that being Weapon Rank! He has an A in swords while Olwen is stuck with a C and crappy strength. Rapier and Kill Swords are light enough for him to use just fine (and has the strength to put them to decent use), Silver Swords are nice too, Armor Slayer, Fire Swords (since he has better magic than most other sword users and still has decent strength so he can put this to pretty nice use), and Sleep Swords. Otherwise, he can use anything she can. Those she can use, he puts to better use, thanks to having durability to speak of. She uses...Wind to better use along with Thunderbolt...

    All I heard from your post is she is statistically inferior to him and should be pampered because of it. Not to mention she isn't leveling so much that with scroll abuse she outperforms him by the time he shows up.

  5. Your posts are way too long, I'm not gonna bother replying to all of your points.

    Fair enough, I apologize for my motr mouth. I swear, it's like OCD.

    Eyrios can't do Olwen's job, because his offense fails. Explained this before.

    Oh yeah, she's destroying him with her slightly better magic, exact same speed and worse durabilty after 8 levels up being 2 levels above him. That pitiful strength of hers must bring her lots of help to go with alternate forms of offense like when fighting low defense high resistance mages...

    9 magic base, terrible AS.. and even with a low weight scroll, then his might is too low.

    *Ahem* She has the exact same speed when she shows up if we went ahead and gave her 8 levels.

    That route also has an extra Pugi, gives a way easier time to the player, more time to train your characters like Sara, and you don't have to deal with Misha.

    Items aren't everything.

    I'm sorry, the Pugi axe is suddenly all better than the items I listed? Eyrios's chapter is hardly difficult and the next chapter can be warped around once we get all the important stuff done (and we can take all the time in the world to do anything else before Cyas shows up). Getting through just fine on Eyrios's route.

    Eyrios's bases aren't special at all. 9 magic base at level 8?

    So we're just gonna forget the fact he has the same speed as Olwen whe she's 2 levels ABOVE him, more durability than she averages out which allows him to do more than kill one person a turn?

    Thunderbolt is ALWAYS useful.

    More useful when enemies become an actual nuisance.

    Also, Eyrios has terrible offense. His might and AS are too low.

    *points up* Those say she has better offense on player phase only. Might wanna stop with that AS thing too, he's actually faster.

    You can buy a Wind tome no problems. She can also use Thunder.

    Eyrios can use holy water/get M Up staff'd.

    You're seriously diminishing Thunderstorm's usefulness.. it can finish off enemies which can kill something later on, it can weaken enemies to help with babying, it can weaken bosses, so many uses...

    I'd rather blast at the annoying freege knights that make recruiting Xavier a great big pain in the ass or at the other side of that river in the chapter after Eyrios's before Cyas shows up so getting to the castle and making him fuck off is a gentle walk away.

    Wind, 4 PC, she can take a few hits, etc.

    A few hits? HAHAHAHAHA! Her durability barely climbs (same with Eyrios, but the difference he starts with MUCH better durability, more than she can even dream of actually.), and I'm pretty sure she's taking two shots to die when she shows up, and this will not improve as enemies get stronger (no matter how slowly) and better equipped. Wind doesn't suddenly give her hax defense and HP. 4 PC just means more enemies get the chance to smack her around. Tell me she can dodge, and I'll just tell you Eyrios actually has better dodge thanks to his great starting luck and same speed as Olwen when 2 levels lower than her. Prayer too.

    Olwen comes at level 2, chapter 11x.

    Eyrios comes at level 8, chapter 16.

    Ok...her showing up earlier doesn't stop her from sucking for those chapters. Did I mention he has superior stats even when Olwen is 2 levels ABOVE him? Showing up earlier doesn't make her suddenly better than him. I should mention 8 levels for her in that time with how she's being used is ludicrous.

    If you're talking about scroll abuse, Olwen does it waaay better.

    Now that I think of it, needing scrolls is barely a disadvantage at all. It's not even hard at all to trade a scroll and use it.

    While not needing scrolls > needing scrolls, I think it's almost ignorable.

    Gee, so does everyone else who shows up earlier. I'd LOVE to give those scrolls to other people to make them even godlier faster, but apparently we have to spoil princess Olwen just so she doesn't suck. Oh hi Eyrios! What's that? You end up better than her anyways and can use those scrolls without needing to hog so many from other people? What's that? You show up just in time for the Noba scroll to make your strength even better to give you a different form of offense from Olwen's to make you even better while still having access to Heim and the defense scrolls anyways? ... *shoots Olwen in the back of the head*

  6. Actually, considering her 1-2 range, the ease of trading in this game and her rather slow EXP gain, it is very easy to trade a mass of scrolls on her the moment she's going to level-up. Then consider she actually has some of the best growths in the game...the same as Eyrios' and Xavier's, in fact (look it up...stupid lazy designers).

    While this is true, not everyone wants to hand her their scrolls just so she can have a good level up to make up for her suck bases. They run the risk of being crit hit that turn (and don't even get me started there today...). I knew Eyrios had the same growths, but he has better bases and by the time he shows up only loses magic by like 2 points on average. Giving her scrolls on her level ups would only really just give her more magic and then actually beat him in speed, but still not by such an amount it cancels out her bad bad durability. Besides, we could then give them to Eyrios to make him continue stomping her, but now by an even huger portion thanks to more scrolls being available.

    Also, while Olwen's bases do admittedly suck, there are also ways to make her presence a positive without taking away too much from the team. A simple M Up/Holy Water, for example, makes her rape pretty much everything in sight (the only other units who can pull this are other magicians, and their KO rate usually doesn't change much from it).

    Or we could do that to Eyrios to give him great magic for a while too. She beats him in magic by a couple points, not by a huge margin.

  7. You type WAY too much.

    Yeah I know, bad habit. I try to be brief, but I feel like I gotta go into every detail I can find. It's the fault of being incredibly irrational.

    That does nothing to address my fatigue argument.

    It was venting, it's infuriating to have a chapter go well then BAM, Felgus gets insta-blicked by a freaking ballistae.

    Pffft, I know that. It goes for everyone. What's your point?

    Since Olwen is frail, you can't rely on her to take very many hits, so fatigue isn't going to be effecting her that much.

    Seems you pointed out my point for me. It affects her greatly. She simply can't do as much as Eyrios can. She can't take many hits, she only has player phase offense due to the risk of taking more than one hit. We can have Eyrios play the same way she does and STILL do more since he can do it longer than she can before needing a break. Not only do his stats allow him to actually be able to survive enemy phase and do pretty good at it, but his fatigue will allow more of it than Olwen ever could..if she could in the first place. Simply put, he can be used in more situations than she can.

    You didn't even play the game, I guess?

    The most important reason why Olwen > Eyrios:

    Eyrios is route dependent. You don't even get him if you don't kill Olwen in the A route and if you go to the B route.

    Two conditions have to be fulfilled:

    - Go to B route

    - Kill Olwen



    - 4 PC

    - Early long range tomes (several Thunderstorms available)

    - several chapters of availability VS Eyrios

    - DaimThunder and sword

    Actually, with a Wind / sword and some help from scrolls (barely a bad thing, a simple trade per level up helps) she can get 3HKOd - 5HKOd, which isn't that bad.

    Oh I love this bit, accusing me of not playing the game then coming up with an incredibly dumb reason to prove a point while avoiding several others! Here's my answer..

    Why the fuck would we want to go route A!? If B route is Eyrios's route, B route has nice prizes!

    In A route we get worse prizes, we have to nab the blaggi scroll off of Amalda, we get losers like Shanam, Miranda and Conmore. Lets see what you conveniently forgot with A route...


    -Sleuf (choir of angels sing)

    -2 Warp Staves (choir of angels sing)

    -A meteor and another thunderstorm tome

    -Magic Ring

    -Rescue Staff

    -Solar Shot manual (it's Eyrios's, but it's not a point for him but rather the route)

    -Amalda (who's ok compared to the fail that is Conmore, or anyone else exclusive to the other route for that matter)

    -The chance to nab Sleep Swords

    -Misha (probably the only bad thing about this route, yet is STILL better than the garbage the other route gives us)

    This is better than the couple extra libro staves and the extra Pugi axe that goes with the garbage in the other route. So I think it's a convincing argument to say we're going Eyrios's route...and since we're gonna be running into him...

    Let's see what makes him good when compared to Olwen.


    -Decently durable

    -Solar Shot and Prayer

    -Decent bases

    -Comes at a time when thunderbolt is useful rather than unnecessary

    -Rather pleasant on the eyes

    As for Olwen...

    -4 PCR that would be great if she could double anything without innacurate heavy as fuck Dime Thunder or the Wind tome we could give to anyone else while STILL not making her someone who can stay in the front lines.

    -Early thunderbolt use which gimps her offense in order to stay FURTHER away from action in order to weaken enemies that are not currently a nuisance which I would think she'd prefer trying to kill them with her heavy-ass innacurate weapon.

    -Chapters of sucking/not doing much before Eyrios

    -The overrated Dime Thunder and too little too late Holy Sword.

    -Looks like someone plopped a dirty mop on her head (yeah, I can be immature at times)

    Olwen needs to be babied to the point of hilarity, or she's just not doing much. Now you want me to give her scrolls? Why don't I just get on my knees and eat her out while I'm at it? Besides, at best, all it does is give her more magic over him along with actually beating him out by speed a bit (this is if she basically keeps most scrolls with her at every level up). Then we can give him the scrolls and make him into a god. Olwen has to share mind you, everyone else would love scrolls too ya know...

  8. That's fine and all, but the point still stands.

    Meaning, you have to use his durability wisely. Can't abuse it like in FE7.. can't use it very much. Because if you do, Eyrios isn't going to be around very much.

    FE7, durability came out of dodge because dodge was actually reliable thanks to wtf affinity bonuses, rediculous weapon triangle effects and the fact most units not named Bartre, Oswin and Dorcas had speed. Real durability was good, but it was overkill there.

    FE5 on the other hand doesn't allow dodge to be reliable. Hell, durability is incredibly important to the point where any enemy can critical any unit unless they have a scroll. Hell, Fergus got crit hit by a ballistae just a second ago. A freaking ballistae! Durability is incredibly important to that point. It's like hit, it can't be more than 99, but it can't be lower than 1. But this is aside from the point and I'm just venting because FUCK ballistae! So forgive me for this bit.

    Back to the point, durability is important. But, the fatigue system effects everyone and not just Eyrios. It effects Olwen as well. She's not gonna be doing much, thanks to her terrible durability, and now also because of fatigue! She's either doing little to be of some small effect in the next chapter, or just not being in as many chapters (or being dead, because we can't allow her to be in such a position in the first place). All this means is that Eyrios can do more than the fatigue system will allow Olwen. This is a major point against her because Eyrios has a TON more HP than she does. All this for Dime Thunder and sword she can't put to good use out of magic tanking (which when you get it will be kinda useful for like...2 chapters?)

    Eyrios is very versatile. Olwen sounds like a very inflexible class that's on a mount and can re-move back behind the front lines, but has the ability to attack at range and close range, but has durability so bad she might as well not have the ability to attack close range at all...I forget what they're called, or if they're so special...

  9. Now for Darros.

    Darros is not his real name, but rather a false name given to him by the pirates he joined by request. You see, his real name is John, and he's a father of three. Yeah it's a normal name compared to everyone else here, but he' himself is pretty normal anyways. Just a man who got under bad circumstances. Lived in Macedonia in the boondocks, grew up with a normal life, married the girl he grew up with, had children...pretty normal life. But war has a funny thing of just popping out of nowhere in medieval times. A skirmish there had gone by, blazing down any crops the place had. Being a farmer himself, this was possibly the worst thing that could happen to him and his family. They had no food. He had to get money to buy some somehow, since his town had been basically under steady observation by the Macedonian royal family. They basically started emptying the place out and having the citizens move back to the capitol. But few could make the trip, John's family not being one. A new town was made to accomodate for these people, which was basically a hellhole by the coast as it was a locked down town. All food had to be shipped in. John had to start doing work by being a hired hand. He was to be hired if anything needed to be done. Kept him with steady work, got him money and got him and his family food.

    Funny thing about being on the coast is that it's easy for pirates like the Gauarda Pirates to come in and raid. During their raid, they took down what little troops there were, as the troops starting easing their guard. John managed to safely get his family to flee, in exchange he would stay to fend them off while they ran...at least that's what he said...You see, he felt he no longer had any choice. Where would they run? John couldn't have them following him where he was going...pirates don't tend to have the best treatment of women and children in mind...

    He begged mercy and to join them. They gladly allowed him, as he seemed not to be a threat. What was he gonna do, tell on 'em? Thus he was given the name Darros. He had to join raids, months at sea, barely able to survive. Things he never dreamed of doing...He had to keep whatever he did at minimum. Even then, he couldn't live with himself with this way of life. Was around this time the Guarda Pirates started to get back to their staying grounds at Talys...

    and Beck

    Beck...is not exactly right in the head. Used to be an Akanian blacksmith and tinkerer. He was always...well...he didn't seem right. He was always fidgeting, always messing around with something and never really talked to anybody. He seemed paranoid, like he believed something bad would happen. He was once noted by being frightened off by the very sight of Prince Hardin...

    He had fled to the woods, but he had left designs for a weapon never seen before. The ballistae. Was relatively new at the time, but others had built it and perfected it. Others had later designed it's ammunition without him as little was heard or known of him. Mad inventor, worshipper of the dark dragon, even a wolfman, many stories were made of him, and none ventured into the woods where it was said he resided. The truth was he had found an old rundown shack to reside where he hunted and further developed his new invention. With the wood around him, he constructed his own, the whole time believing that an unholy army would come to take him and the town, among various other paranoias of people in general. He had even discovered a new projectile for it, The Thunderbolt. The people however, assumed him dead...No one knows how or why he got the way he was, so it's assumed he was born with it...Odd where you can find genius sometimes.

    Also, who's against death quotes for the generic lines most units have?

    Wolf: Urgh! ...Blood?..I...It can't be mine!...Heroes don't..die like this...

    Sedgar: Grk! Rrgh...All this...w..work...for nothing...S-Someone...please...t...take care of Thomas...

    Roshea: Gah! Aghh...I ...I can go on!...I..I'm..good for...

    Vyland: My sinful lineage...The earth, cleanse my dirty blood...l..long live...Akania! Long live...the prince!...

    Next I'll go more in-depth with Ogma's group. In the mean time, can someone give me all info on Jeorge, Astram and Midia? Would be much obliged.

  10. I don't think the inventory of Eyrios is worth having endless quarrels about. The difference between Olwen/Eyrios when it comes to that is just how much more convenient it is to recruit Eyrios than to use Sleep or Thief Staff and/or a built thief to get them. If we believe Tooth's argument that no one else wants the thing, then it's absolutely worthless to begin with if we're not using Eyrios other than for selling (and that being able to happen is not in Eyrios favor either - I could have sold that stuff instead for ping ping when using a better unit...note that Olwen's Daim Thunder is absolutely free).

    Fatigued for half the chapters she exists? You just implied she fought like >25 battles every time she is fielded, which is definitely not helping anything resembling "Olwen sux when she joinz" or comparisons. 6 chapters is likely most realistic.

    Well I stopped considering it, but think it like Halvan's brave axe. Other axers can use it, but he puts it to best use thanks to good strength and skill along with nice durability and ambush. Eyrios can use it to wittle down a group/gives him a better chance to activate sol to recover whatever hp he lost, picks one of them off with fire/moar master sword to continue forward while the other weakened enemies get killed by your other guys, whereas your other guys would be killing and more would get a chance to maul them. He might not be killing, but he's making things easier for your team so it spreads out the exp. That, and some do that kill then let others come to continue mauling you thing, so Eyrios's 0 PCR is a blessing in disguise. Then he grows and becomes pretty decent while Olwen...doesn't really change at all. Doesn't change the fact that Olwen is garbage for those 6 said chapters.

  11. Ok fine, she's the best arch knight. Whatever floats the boat.

    Ok, so thoron can be stolen with the solar shot manual. Still two things thieves can't steal. Why waste a sleep staff though? Just recruit him, why are we trying to make this hard? Oh wait, we want to keep Olwen alive for some reason...

    Re-move aids her to keep her alive? *ahem* I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but Eryos can do this too, and doesn't have to do so as badly as Olwen does. It's less it's aiding her and more she kinda has to to not get gangbanged by the enemy.

    To go with the three other sword users you mentioned..Ralph is severely outclassed along with not being exactly special and Dean sure as hell doesn't need it. He'd prefer master lances anyways. Pahn is fragile, so he's not being depended on to do much on the offensive side. Doesn't he come with the king sword anyways? Machua's fair game, she comes with ambush automatically so she can put brave and master weapons to good use, along with her speed counteracting her meh con. Carrion won't be getting an A in swords eh? Ok, so we replaced one with one. Don't bring up Mareeta either, she's a vicious little gutter without it if leveled, thanks to Shooting Star Shot and Lunar Cutter. Hell, she's prefer ambush or sol over a master sword. It might be in high demand, but not many can get as much a return out of it as Eryos and Machua. Machua doesn't have a horse's mobility or solar shot either.

    The better question is why waste thunderstorm uses when there are better situations to use them later? Unless she crits, all she's doing is weakening fail enemies from a distance unless she crits. Enemies aren't really troublesome enough to warrent flinging thunderstorms at them until later. Things like blasting the freege knights to make Xavier's whole recruitment easier, or blasting the armor knights in the chapter after Eryos's so getting up to the castle with the whole Cyas business much easier. We COULD warp skip, but why not go through it normally? Saves a warp staff, gets your team exp...Eryos isn't doing a ton worse than Olwen here, gets him to get even better than Olwen can be, and can continue to snipe later as enemies get more and more annoying when he's got nothing better to do. Olwen...weakens lol enemies with it in her time. There's using resources well, and then there's using resources unnecessarily. It sounds more advantageous to use them later than when unnecessary. While we're at it, why is she sniping if she's apparently so good huh?

    Fine, Eryos doesn't get the master sword. Good thing he has pretty good strength. He can use other physical weapons with magic on the side to pick people off. He's pretty versatile. Olwen's dependent on magic. Basic fire I believe weighs 5. Bringing her down to 5 speed. 5 speed when she shows up is actually not doubling some things. Enemies need 1 speed for her to double them with basic fire. Enemies fail in this game, but not THAT bad, at least not at the time she shows up (unless they have heavy weapons). Thus the whole reliant on Dime Thunder thing. Dime Thunder weighs her down a ton. She can get doubled and evade is killed, meaning her dodge isn't good. Meaning if she's using it, she's falling back. Like an arch knight. All using anything other than Dime Thunder does is make her not get doubled. She could miss with Dime Thunder too, thanks to it's 70 accuracy and her meh skill and bad luck. Quit making her sound like an offensive juggernaut. We COULD give her a wind spell...but she'll have to wait for when the chapter actually arrives. Until then, she's a glorified...well you know.

    Enemies in this game have fail stats indeed, but with how messed up the RNG system is in this game, how many of them are usually in a group and Olwen not winning the award of dodge goddess, it isn't actually hard to hit her. This is why durability is better than dodge. Eryos has plenty of it. Olwen seriously is not hard to kill, unless we treat her like an arch knight. I'll continue to call her this until I can see I don't need to use her as one. Eryos can actually frontline, Olwen has to stick herself in the back just to pop out and try to kill something. So what if she can target magic? Would matter if she could do more than pinch people

    with said magic. She shows up to compete with a bunch of people who can actually step into enemy lines while being unable to handle much exposure. On the other hand, Eryos can at least take on some enemies without dying.

    How am I biased? I'm basically comparing him having nothing but his join time and even giving him weaker weapons like fire and lighter swords while giving Olwen any weapon she can use. Even with lighter weaker swords with magic as back up to pick off enemies he can't reach/might as well attack from safety to kill someone weakened, he's doing better. His versatility is what makes him win in the end.

    All Olwen has is dependency on an overrated spell.

  12. Sweet Tooth uhh...We can still go the Eryos route with Olwen arrives, we just can't RECRUIT him...

    But still, a thief lifting his stuff? HAHAHAHAHA! Yeah! Good luck with that! Thunderbolt, Thoron and Master Sword are some big stuff that a thief will never be able to take (though I forget how much Thoron weighs) unless we heavily abuse their level ups to get extreme build. We're just gonna ignore those three just for the manual when we could just have all 4 with ease? Karin should get credit for recruiting him, but she isn't using his stuff.

    Outside of Shiva, name another good sword user to be played that can effectively use swords. Felgus, Carrion and...who else? Felgus's PCR is so amazing, he can crit with anything once he hits 20 skill. Shiva is just plain nuts. These guys don't even need it. His only competition or it are Leaf and Trude. Thieves shouldn't be fighting due to fragility and obviously there are actually quite a few who put it to bad use. Fred is lol, most horse mounts need to dismount to use it which is further lol. Leaf Isn't godly enough to risk himself out there and Trude is the definition of meh. So his only competition is...Carrion...Wow, it's in heavy demand isn't it? I thin we can let him get away with depending on it a little bit, as opposed to Olwen depending on Dime Thunder to have any real offense and STILL can't risk dying without acting like an arch knight anyways.

    Decent stats my ass, her bases are terrible. A level 2 Mage Knight with 24 HP (Asvel, who is relatively fragile, starts with 2 less HP than her and comes much earlier so he's bound to have more by the time she shows up), 5 strength (which is forgiveable if her magic is good enough), 10 Magic (yes, pretty decent), 8 Skill (...), 10 Speed (decent too, can use basic spells without much trouble...), 5 luck (...skill and luck helps make accuracy right?), 4 Defense (She has Machua's base durability except she arrives later), and she couldn't give a damn about con with her strength. She's got decent magic and speed...Otherwise, she's sub par on arrival. Most of Eryos's bases start out better than how she averages at level 20. Only thing she has on him when he arrives is magic. If she's getting those 8 levels, she ends up with teh same speed. The same. Did I mention she'll be 2 levels above him with this with worse stats and same speed while he has the same growths? If Olwen is fast, we can't bash Eryos for it either. He loses out to her in magic by a couple points at worst.

    So here we have someone who absolutely trounces her. If he starts bad, Olwen must be horrid. If he starts bad (even though he starts better than her just by existing), and ends up better, why not save up those thunderstorms for him to get him a way of catching up? It gives him a way to catch up (since he apparently needs it, for how weird it sounds), can take out some stronger enemies, and he gets much better returns out of it. "BUT THAT'S BABYING ER-" and Olwen's main use is pure arch knight babying. That's the main way to use her while it just gives something Eryos to do until he becomes awesome(er). Saving up those thunderstorm uses by the way could make recruiting Xavier sooooo much easier as Eryos could just blast the Freege armors instead of doing crazy-ass tricks. Olwen's magic is only a couple points better so it's not like Eryos is struggling compared to Olwen, and he gets a much better return out of it. There's no need to use thunderstorm earlier than when enemies actually start posing a problem.

    The reason we keep bringing up Olwen with ambush is because it's the only way she can really compare to Eryos. Without it, she's an arch knight comparing to a tough mage knight. With it, she's a risky tank compared to a tough mage knight. Balanced mobile mage > meta-tank. Balanced mobile mage >>> glorified arch knight.

    Man...I really need to be more brief.

  13. This whole argument is based on her getting Ambush, having Leaf attached to her to boost her accuracy enough to actually hit things? Having to drag someone with you to not suck is a bad thing, as is NEEDING ambush rather than just wanting it.

    I like how you just disregard the fact that there are more weapons than the master sword. He can use it to double, just like any brave weapon. Great thing about it is that it isn't innacurate and has durability that if he does miss, he's not in so much trouble over it. But thanks to strength he actually has (and Olwen never will), he can actually put weapons to good use.

    Pardon me, did you just say durability is not as good as it used to be? You got it backwards, it's never been more important. You can't just rely on dodge thanks to the 1 RN system. Durabilty is always more reliable.

    Another point I'd like to bring up is how bullshit her having better dodge is. He starts with 14 speed and luck (thanks to serenseforest base stat records). With the 8 levels you claim she gets and 50% growth in speed...that's 4 + speed. With her bases, SHE WILL HAVE THE SAME SPEED HE DOES WITH LESS LUCK! Throw prayer on top of that, and Eryos actually has BETTER dodge.

    She barely beats him out in magic. He absolutely stomps her everywhere else. Well...except dodge, but he still beats her in that anyways.

  14. Like 8 chapters of availability + early long range tomes + Daim Thunder + being able to use scrolls more + 4 PC + Holy Sword > Eyrios's 9 magic base at level 8 + poor AS with Tron, not strong enough to kill things with other tomes + Sunlight Sword + Prayer (Olwen gets Prayer too on Chapter 22) + 0 PC

    Eyrios may have durability, but he can't dish out enough damage.

    8 chapters where she sucks + the one early thunderstorm tome of 5 woop-dee-doo uses + A weapon she has to rely on to do anything and reduces her to a glorified arch knight + 4 PC that WOULD be good if she wasn't as easy to rip through as tissue paper + Holy sword she gets incredibly late < Eryios able to use a Master Sword showing up with the strength to actually use it well + More attack speed with Tron then Olwen will considering he's faster than her + Solar Shot hax + Having Prayer without needing to wait for it + Comes with his own Thunderstorm tome (since you're making so big a deal of Olwen having one, his comes FREE too, no need to go out and capture a bishop in a ballistae littered map) AND a Solar Shot manual to make ANOTHER person hax + Durability that actually exists + ...well...0 PC

    How are there people trying to argue Olwen is better? Hell, he puts Ambush to better use than she does. Only stat she has over him is magic, and he has enough.

  15. Olwen gets the largest marginal return out of Ambush compared to every other unit. She has access to 1-2 range with 2x attack long before anyone else does (she also exists long before Eyrios does).

    Not when he's still holding the Norden Line!

    She's also sucking in that time. Without Dime Thunder, she's garbage. With Dime Thunder, she can't be put anywhere near the frontlines or else she gets killed due to how bad her durability is and how badly it weighs her down.

    Eryios shows up and just stomps her in...everything. He's got less magic, but not by a huge margin. Hell, HE has more strength! Olwen never even AVERAGES to his base HP. He has more defense, more speed, more skill, comes with a master sword (and can not only use it, he uses it well), Thunderbolt, I believe he's got Tron, Prayer and Soler Blade. The question here is how can anything kill this killface? He pretty much shows up to be awesome. Olwen on the other hand is too busy being garbage. She can kill anything with Dime Thunder (if she hits both strikes), but...that's about it.

    Also, Ambush arrives after Eryios shows up in his route, so no matter what either have the option at Ambush. Give it to Olwen and we run a risky chance of her to be able to meta-tank, meaning she takes on crowds by destroying them before they can touch her, like Halvan with his brave axe. Unlike Halvan however, if she misses she runs teh risk of being killed MUCH easier than he does. Eryios on the other hand gets more durability out of it by getting a chance to activate solar shot at a killing blow. He has better aim so he has a better chance of landing a solar shot than Olwen does of two inaccurate shots of Dime Thunder. If it screws up, he still has prayer! Throw in he's MUCH more durable than Olwen will ever be just by showing up....

    Eryos just destroys her so bad, it's not even funny.

  16. Wow, the ONLY stat she leads in is magic!? I might have thought speed would be better, but it appears I was wrong. I look too much at growths without remembering bases it seems...No wonder most of the stuff I say is wrong. At least I was close to right. Beisdes, even if he didn't, he's still fast enough anyways.

    But yeah, he statistically spanks Olwen it appears. That, and only way for Olwen to try to get close to competing with him forces you to field the fail that is Fred. If his thunder blade didn't break like paper...

  17. Olwen is durable enough with Wind / swords on enemy phase. She mainly has trouble with ballistae.

    Olwen is less durable and her Brave weapon is 1-2 range, so it's going to do more things. Other characters can stay alive more while Olwen needs it more to stay alive better with DaimThunder (she gets doubled..).

    Key words being NEED and GETS DOUBLED.

    Even WITH ambush, she can still miss. Thanks to being weighed down, we just made her easier to hit. Her offense isn't demonic win with wind or swords (lol) though. Her durability still isn't spectacular either.

    There's a difference between going from good to better than bad to good. It's not that she doesn't put the skill to good use, it's just that she's sub-par.

    To LightBrand...Dodge is not a good thing to rely on in this game. ESPECIALLY if you're being weighed down by Dime Thunder and don't have perfect accuracy to go with it...

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