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Posts posted by grandjackal

  1. Poor Micaieheheh. So unloved.

    Oh well, more for me.

    Mind, I'm not saying she was any good of a story character. But RD sucked anyway so I'll ignore that. Not worth letting that deliciousness go to waste, over a crummy story, that Micaiaiaehah.

    Go ahead and have fun with her then.

    Would rather watch Kazaam than have her in my thoughts, much less acknowledging she was ever thought up...

  2. You're better off asking Shoryuken.com. I know very little about the game, nor am I skilled.

    Very well then, thank you much.

    Tons of fun though? How's the revenge special things? From the sound of them, they sound like ultra-cheese. Am I wrong, or does it really seem to be the case?

  3. I dunno. I've heard somewhere that the Earth and its life forms have a symbiotic relationship. That if life on Earth was to suddenly vanish, the planet itself would eventually die as well. It scares me just thinking about it.

    In a way, what with trees and plants and all and how they work. We're definitely not part of that though, neither are most animals.

    If the planet's that far gone, we definitely wouldn't be around to care what happened to the planet by then XD. So no fear, just be happy m'kay? ^^ Topics have been negative lately. Let's try to lighten it up here.

    Come on everyone...spread the love <3

  4. same on me

    Only replace the wolves with two certian other red-haired axe using females

    Who, Jill and.....Jill? You can't just say you would like Jill FE9 and FE10 Jill at the same time, the universe would implode!

    trenchcoats are badass looking btw


    EDIT: It doesn't matter Anborn, as long as we have hatred against the evil one, our love will prevail! T.T Quit avoiding meeeeee! *whines*

  5. Yes, Ono did say that, but it doesn't magically make it "they're releasing".

    A year at least.

    Ohhhh, you meant SOON. Ok. I meant will eventually be released.

    Anyways, who's comin' off as awesome so far? I heard Sagat is near broken, Dan was ok, and that Fei Long, Zangief and M. Bison (Dictator) were all amazing. Sagat wouldn't surprise me, but is the rest serious?

  6. Oh, I thought you were bringing the conclusion that I like silver hairs, LOL.

    Indeed, my hatred goes out on random tirades every now and then. But hey, if you like silver hair, fine by me. Just don't blame me when they turn you into a lampshade.

    If I could kill off Michaiah in RD without getting a game over, I'd do it every playthrough.

  7. Except it's not being released.

    Man, I get news late. All I know is that the creators were interviewed, saying they'd be happy to bring back T. Hawk and Dee Jay somehow. They were being made in the game anyways, T. Hawk even had moves. Just couldn't get around to finishing them in time is all.

    Unless again, this is old/BS...

  8. Why list the bad things rather than the good things of one of my favorite silver headed characters?

    What, nice things? That's she's nice to look at? So are gems, doesn't make them interesting or likable.

    Michaiah's the same way except worse. Idoun didn't have a choice. Michaiah had a choice to be interesting, but she said screw it and became an asshole. She might not be pushing out killing machine dragons out of her, but she would still light people on fire in a valley and continue a bloody war with an enemy who wants it to end, just so one more Daien doesn't die. Not only is she an asshole who thinks a innocent Daien life is more important than an innocent Begnion life, she doesn't even apologize for it! She just marches on with Ike and pals like nothing happened, just cause the world is ending! She doesn't say "we need to set aside our differences", or "My acts were foolish." No! She's just like "Was a blood contract, nothing we could do". Like all of Daien and the Laguz Alliance couldn't take down Begnion over the weekend...

    If Idoun's soulless, Michaiah's a sociopath.

    That's what Michaiah has to do with this, they're too alike except Idoun had an excuse. and I have an unrelenting hatred for Michaiah

  9. I guess I don't know what you'd qualify as good, in this case. What, like some kind of meaningful plot? Transformers has never been particularly deep or provocative. It's about robots that are cars and transform so they can blow each other up. You can't make that shit look like Shakespeare, and Bay didn't try to.

    Well why not try? All that really said was Michael Bay picked up shit and threw it at is. I could at least appreciate an honest effort, even if it ended up bad, but maybe I'm just naive.

    As for Bay not trying, that's giving him a bit of credit. From what I've seen with Bay's movies, it's not so much he didn't TRY to, but rather he didn't WANT to, because he knows big explosions will sell anyways.

  10. Now this is thorough...

    But all this considered, are his durability leads really that important? Is Dart really in danger of dying so often? Dart's not exactly made out of paper. Dart's also been a rather null aid person up until promotion, and he's been around longer being of some aid. If anything, Hawkeye's durability leads are the things that are overkill.

    But, they are in my opinion rather equal...They do the same job, just differently. Hawkeye tanks, but might not kill sometimes. Dart's not quite as durable, but it isn't like he's getting killed by everything. He manages to kill things, and can actually put up a fight against some bosses. Why do with killer what you can do with Iron?

    I easily see Hawkeye better at jointime with those stats. But what of enemy stats? I'd be more convinced with enemy stats of later times.

    Obviously, I'm not great at debating, so think this more questions that you could answer better than I so when people read it over, they have a more in-depth idea of what makes the other better and why, mkay?

  11. And make her pwn Sirius hard enough to be a tier up on him? >_>

    Which she'll probably do anyway with the modern EXP system and revamped stat caps. Sirius could actually fall down quite a bit and Palla just might be Abel [Who she SHOULD have wound up with, pun intended] to snatch a tier to herself.

    I am kind of interested in what kind of Pirate they would make Bart, though. A sympathetic one similar to Darros who only does it because he's got no other means of income, or a brutal, rape and pillage blood-and-coin thirsty one who, while traveling with Marth in Book 1, discovered that he was pretty damn powerful and decided to use his strength for evil.

    Not like she isn't already above him anyways...

    Lol, Barst a gaiden boss.

  12. Have you even watched the original show? The Transformers toys came way before the show was created. The series was created for the explicit purpose of giving Hasbo's toys air time and marketing them to kids. Once they watch the shows, they want the toys. The whole point of the movie in-between seasons 2 and 3 was to kill off all the old characters and introduce a new cast, with coresponding toys, which the kids would have to buy again. Pure marketing genius.

    If you read any "depth" into the show, then you're just a sucker.

    Indeed, it was marketing genius.

    ...But this automatically means it couldn't be used to make an actually good movie? That's my point. Take something so simplistic and make something with actual depth. Is this suddenly a crime? I mean why not, what's stopping them? Who the hell goes to see these movies for more marketing tactics? Just because it was based off a greatly marketed toy doesn't mean it can't change to be something more.

  13. In-game: Poor STR and Miledy has decent DEF. Miledy gets Swords so it pretty much cancels that WTA that could her stand even the slightest chance.

    Looks: Echidna's older and looks a bit like a man. With Miledy, you'd get to be the man while with Echidna, it could go either way >_>. Also, Red hair >>> Light blue hair that looks close to gray.

    Yes, in game stats clearly had something to do with this. XD Miledy's too much of a wimp to lug around axes.

    You make it sound like she's a grandma here. She's a tough matured woman. Besides, Teal/Light Blue hair is exotic. Red hair is so...naturally possible...

    That and Miledy looks like a sailor moon drop-out.

  14. The 2007 version of Transformers excelled in what it was supposed to do: be a badass movie with crazy CGI effects and have awesome explosions. Expecting otherwise would have been retarded.

    The sequel has been known about for some time.

    Is this because it's Transformers, or because it was Michael Bay? It's not like one can take material like that and they're forced to make it suck. Compare The Dark Knight to Batman and Robin.

    It's not so much it's what we should have expected, but rather that it could have been more than a giant commercial with things going kablooey.

    I blame Space Jam.

  15. Explain to me where you got the notion that Hawkeye's supports automatically make him better than Dart? And again, it doesn't matter if the support disappears 5 chapter from the end because he's still getting that support when it's available.

    ...Then why the hell are we arguing? He gets it yeah, but you said it doesn't help him get better than Dart, the current subject of the topic...

  16. Michael Bay...is directing...a sequel to his raping of the transformers...

    We're here to discuss why Michael Bay hasn't been given a lethal injection yet by the general public for all the terrible movies he's made and shitting on cinema in general.

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