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Posts posted by grandjackal

  1. Let's not forget that the Ninian support won't magically put him ahead of Dart. The bonuses he gets are terrible. Then that shitty support VANISHES!

    Explain to me how a single A with terrible bonuses is helping Hawkeye beat out Dart who grows into awesomeness with a C from any of his possible supports?

    All Hawkeye gets is woop-dee-doo hit.

  2. Eh? No, I just meant to say that the world would be fine until the bombs started to fall.

    Right. We'll be gone, if by some miracle enough are dropped to wipe out every single inch of life on earth. Earth will still be there. Will purge things like radiation and such eventually and slowly regenerate. Thins will basically start over.

    See? Planet's fine.

  3. Greatest threat to the world? Everything! The universe could collapse for all we know. So many ways to shatter global security, who gives a shit? At least we can do stuff to make sure it isnt' our faults...a whole 2 things of nuclear war and global warming. Nuclear war will happen eventually and we aren't gonna solve global warming.

    So what's the greatest threat? Our inability to enjoy anything.

  4. El Furete definitely has a learning curve, and his pokes don't seem to be very good (which is probably how he ended up in Low Tier). You really have to use mind games to make the most of him since his best moves/normals are risky.

    Ever notice when they add new characters in the bunch to the original group from SF2, they always suck with the exception of like 1 guy? Seems to be repeating itself...(el fuerte apparently, c viper, and abel suc, yet rufus managed well...of all of them, it just HAD to be him -_- )

  5. The base is nice, but they did similar stuff in the past (they sold weapons, but they were limited to basic weapons of iron and basic spells along with having them double price). Forging is a nice idea, just needs a bit of refining IMO. Bonus exp however was just too abusable.

    As for stat transfers...*thinks of Ogma, Navarre, Paula, Linde, Cain, Katua, and even Marth himself* Yeeeaaaahhhh, absolutely not.

  6. Anyways, like I said, Idoun is hot...I know that, even though I've seen her with a hood all the time.

    So let me get this straight...a person with no soul, who probably stands around being generally creepy and most likely not blinking a lot, who transforms into a hellish dragon that constantly pushes out demonic war dragons like a kill factory...is hot?...

    No wonder you like Michaiah XD Lol!

    Also, lighten up Sweet Tooth. You know as well as I do that Echidna would absolutely crush Miledy. CRUSH!

  7. Oh right, Pent would love the worst bonus possible he could possibly get. Louise is likelynot to be fielded. Ninian? Garunteed, but what does Hawkeye get at an A? 1 attack, 15 hit, like 6 or something avoid and crit, and useless crit avoid. Oh yeah, that support will eventually vanish too.

    I'm sorry, were you trying to say Hawkeye's supports didn't blow? How could they possibly be more likely to happen? Even the one possible one he has, it barely helps him at all.

    I also like how you tried to pull off Pent being low maintenance meaning he would want to support with his worst option.

    Come on, you can do better than that. Wow me here! I suck at this, you should be crushing me here! XD

  8. I'm trying to use El Furete. His type of moves are like Street Fighter Alpha's Guy as opposed to a throwing oriented character such as Zangief. You QCF + P then he starts running quickly, then you press a button to do a certain attack. His actual dash is much slower.

    His QCF + K seems to be an anti-air attack.

    FADC'd Flame Kick = L-Cancelled Wave Dash.

    Ahhhh, that's what it is. I could have sworn it was dash-dancing. It looked so similar. Either way, it's basically abusing the hell out of it.

    FADC? Focus attack dash cancel?

  9. BTW Fei Long has the best wavedash.

    I know, I saw. Lol, smash bros references. His focus attack is also the best fatality in the game.

    But seriously, it's the only way I can describe it. just dashing left then right and repeating rapidly. It's so fast, it's legitimately confusing. Throw anything and he just jumps on you and does that twirly move. Basically his whole game is confusing the enemy to do anything, miss, then jump over and do that move over and over and over. There either doesn't seem to be any reason to do anything else with him, or the guy he was playing against royally sucked.

  10. Well that's great to hear. I know that Street Fighter games are pretty damn balanced. But I'm starting to hear shit about Sagat now...

    Also, I'm starting to get concerned about El Fuerte. I saw a video of him just dash-dancing (the only way I can describe it) and he could just punish anything the opponent threw out. He's way too fucking mobile. This guy really does have untapped potential, he can grow to be untouchable if used right.

  11. I always see them as forms of expression. Someone feminine would usually be more ellegant, soft spoken, soft or beautiful in appearance, more emotionally connected to people or a cause, empathetic and sympathetic, with a gentleness to their personality.

    Masculinity however I see more as expression of willpower, determination, ambition, strong, tough, energetic and rough.

    Obviously, not all are clear cut one way or the other, no matter the appearance, gender or fixation, same in how the world is not black and white in image or thought.

    But perhaps I am just simple.

    As a note to clear up on with the whole Leonardo thing. I'm aware he isn't exactly a girly girl, but he's just a touch more feminine than masculine. Just a tad.

  12. I can't get it due to only having a Wii (used to have a 360, but it got stolen...). But from what I've seen...

    Vega looks...sad now. Some characters get nerfed, some get defanged, but he practically seems castrated compared to what he was in super turbo (explains why he has an even higher pitched squeal). He just gets the crap kicked out of him and he drops all his stuff, he seems more a klutz than a ninja. Poor Vega...

    El Fuerte looks fucking cheap.

    Rufus just looks utterly stupid. He could be the godliest of fighting gods, I still would hate him.

    M. Bison doesn't seem like a bitch anymore.

    Cammy and Fei Long are back, YAY!

    I would so be maining as Dan, secondaries M. Bison and Fei Long.

    My visual analysis. This is CNN.

  13. The dude doesn't really assert himself as either. Just because he's a guy doesn't make him masculine. It's ok for guys to show affection, but there's a difference in how it's expressed. He expresses it in a rather non-masculine sort of way. Soft appearance, soft mannerisms, soft behavior...He doesn't need to wave an axe around, behaving like a barbarian with facial hair, but he's definitely not masculine anyways. As for being raised by nobles, he's no longer with nobles now. He's with freedom fighters. Notice he still looks soft and behaves in such a way, there is no royal softy gene. Just because he's royal doesn't mean the reason he's soft. *points at FE7's Hector, FE4's Sigurd, FE8's Ephraim since FE10's Ike has no personality*

    Basically what I'm hearing here is "He looks effeminate and behaves in such a way too" , "No, he's masculine because he's a guy." You make it sound like men aren't allowed to be effeminate. It's not like we're bashing him here, relax. We're adults here, we're cool with it. At least most of us are.

  14. Interesting fact: Marcus and Hawkeye have the same base Spd and growth. Marcus just has a lower base level and more time to grow his.

    Anyway, taking a look at Four Fanged Offense, the first chapter where Hawkeye is no longer forced (meaning he has to take up a unit slot that could have gone to someone else):

    - He can never double Mercs, while Dart can do so after promoting. With Killer or Iron, whichever he prefers.

    - Hawkeye does double Steel Lance Wyverns (9-10 Spd, and they lose 3 AS). Thankfully for him, that's all of them initially on the field, but a bit later Javelin ones will reinforce, and he won't double those.

    - Steel Axe Pirates he can do (4 AS lol). Then some with Hand Axes which he may or may not double (9-10-11 Spd for those, and they lose 2 AS, while Hawkeye has 11 AS and may have grown a point of Spd).

    - Heroes double him, but I guess at least Dart doesn't double them at least. Funnily enough, Linus is like 3-4 points slower...if Dart is 20/2 he is highly likely to double Linus.

    For Ch25, all Pirates except a few are weighed down by so much that Hawkeye doubles them. Can't touch the Warrior boss (12 Spd) or Pascal (11 Spd). Steel Lance Cavaliers are fodder. Same for Steel Archers and Pegs, and obviously Monks.

    Skipping to, say, Sands of Time, Hawkeye doubles all but the Snipers and the small swordsman group. That includes the massive amount of Archers/Knights/Generals/Shamans/Druids. Denning will double him. Dart won't double the swordsmen either, but he will double the Snipers.

    For supports, I'm inclined to say Dart's supports may not be the massive suck of Hawkeye's, but he still has trouble finding a partner. Geitz is 41/81, so that's nothing/C for the majority of the time they're played. Farina x Dart support is one great way to bankrupt yourself, and it's as slow as the Geitz support. This leaves lol Karel (again, equally as slow, but even later) and the two Snipers. Waste of a Fire affinity, I say.


    Man, the enemy growths make this game bizarre.

    That's what I meant by shaky with Dart's supports. But still, at least he has viable options. Hawkeye has one support that just vanishes, Pent sure as hell doesn't want him, and Louise sucks and has better options as well. Even then, Dart's C supports are better than anything Hawkeye can pull off in a support. Dart might not have the best chances, but Hawkeye's are complete balls.

    Besides, he always has Rebecca.....*sees everyone looking down on me, I look away nervously* << >>

  15. Also know that Dart keeps on doubling, while Hawkeye slows down considerably. Hawkeye just isn't the shining example of speediness. Dart however, is a meteor coming to crash down and smite any enemy dumb enough to attack him. Hawkeye will be needing to rely on criticals after a while.

    Speaking of money things, how does Farina fair? She can pretty much solo the mage area of the chapter she joins in thanks to javelins...

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