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Posts posted by grandjackal

  1. With that cleared up, it appears Minerva has some legitimate issues. I'd be surprised she doesn't break down in book two with how things go for her there. Hell, I'm surprised she doesn't go psychotic after fighting

    her brother

    in book 1! Must flip her world upside down. I'd imagine she'd be incredibly impatient and frustrated, in a horrid mood and all for good reason. Part of the royal family that rules a country, chances are they wouldn't find fighting their own country the least bit comforting. Minerva is quite the conflicted character.

    Now with Michalen, Dolph and Thomas...

    Michalen and Dolph are brothers in arms, though they often get mistaken as actual brothers. These guys though are the definition of professional. They will perform orders twice as well as even top notch soldiers. They aren't real soldiers as much as professional bodyguards, and it shows. Their armor is tough, they are tough. Their differences? Well, Dolph can usually get emotionally attached to the job (as proven with the BS fire emblem translation with how he ends up..). He always has this idea that he should be doing more than protecting whoever pays them. He'd rather be a real dedicated knight. He feels it would give him more purpose. Michalen on the other hand is rather mercenary about it.He could care less as long as he gets paid. It's a living, why should he complain? Michalen had been a knight in the Grust military actually, until all their troubles started to rise. Michalen, not being a dumbass, left as soon as he could and fled for Palace, or whatever it's called, where he started the bodyguard business (so it wasn't exactly a long time ago). Dolph however had just barely started being a cadet before he noticed Michalen and his business could make more money faster. A choice Dolph later regrets, as they learn they pretty much hate each other. Michalen can be kind of a dick.

    Thomas as we know, is Sedgar's brother. Most of his back story is explained back with Sedgar's. As he started groing up though, his brother taught him archery, something Thomas seemed to pick up quickly. He didn't learn other things too well, as Thomas has sort of a mental problem. Thomas is autistic, meaning he won't talk much if at all, walk away in the middle of a conversation due to lack of interest, rarely makes eye contact, and can only absorb information visually rather than verbally, along with an emotional side of a brick. However, it isn't a bad case of it. He can talk and hold a conversation, if he is a bit trite and short worded, and is capable of emotion if having a hard time dealing with them. No one knows what autism is int his time however, so Sedgar discovering Thomas had been trying to copy him during archery practice from watching him was a miracle to him. After a while of discovering how Thomas learned, he quickly started teaching Thomas everything important. Archery, hunting, making food from hunted game, cleaning clothes, everything he could think of that he believed Thomas needed to know. Until Thomas had enlisted as a cadet to the military, he had been at home, staying alive and practicing archery while Sedgar was climbing the ranks and gaining money for them both to live comfortably.

    Thomas in the military was a frustrating time for him as he couldn't understand the point of most of it. Sedgar had to teach Thomas the ropes himself before Thomas started getting the hang of the routine. From there on, he did well enough to be considered a royal guard enlisted under Midia's command. He is attached to no one as he cannot develop a real relationship with another person, at least not easily. He was left alone for the most part, aside from his commanders for obvious reasons. Only real relationship he has is with his brother, only wanting to do as Sedgar does out of admiration. He has no ill will towards others and does what he's told. Under the right circumstances, he can learn quick. He's strange, but overall he's a good kid.

    Alright, tell me if things are left our ot I missed something. Otherwise, who else is there?

  2. You realize the only reason he sucks at his worst matchups are because of fireballs, right?

    You sound like you didn't read Sirlin's blog. Fei Long getting an option against fireballs has nothing to do with the potential brokenness Sirlin saw in making his chicken wing easier to perform.

    I did read it, but I apparently am not getting what the chicken wing is. Chicken Wing is his fire kick, right? That would charge up his super and dodge fireballs to make the enemy get pissed off and go for him. Jump and they eat a chicken wing, go forward and risk a well timed super.

    Honda sucks against fireballs because A. He has no attack to just go through them and B. His jump is just wonky, right? What I don't get is what exactly makes him a stat-wal against everything else..Is hundred hand slap and that throw of his that broken? I could see the throw being pretty strong, but not THAT much...

    But as you see I'm a simpleton to game theory here, or at least to street fighter's...

  3. It was metaphorically speaking, as I am part of the species known as "girl"

    fat tits

    Well EXCUUUUUUUSE ME princess!

    *reloads, shooting Rei in the tits* That should compensate. Now away with you, I have important things to do! *sitting on a throne of blood spattered bones* Mweheheheahahahaaaa! I am SOOOOOO overdramatic~<3

  4. They're afraid of me. Since I got more balls than any guy on this forum. [/oshitIsaidIt]

    Well if it's your balls they're afraid of...*shoots Rei in the balls* It's not a problem anymore. Take the wounded one away.

    and WHERE is this Loki fellow?! You'd think he'd have shown up by now!

  5. Either way, Furries are a mix between beasts and human... That must be the biproduct of an animal and a fucking beastie. So you furrys are pretty much like fucking beasties lol. You support what the beasties are doing so you can get your furries. You sick fags :o

    *in a snooty tone* Some are the product of genetic engineering. You think evolution like this could happen in such a...disgusting and primitive fashion? Beastiality is for nazis, mad scientists and those creepy people who put on fursuits and worship the devil...

    Why haven't the guards simply picked you up yet for your re-education?

  6. All you did was put them in a more humanoid form. They still have the same types of faces and other appendages are pretty much the same. I'm grouping furfags with the beasties.

    Pfeh. We could be considered the next step in evolution compared to you human things. YOU could be considered the animals when thought about it. Now for re-education for you! *goofy evil face*

    Are you really trying to make this a serious topic? I'm obviously not taking anything seriously here, everyone on this site gets butthurt so easily. Yeesh.

  7. Furrification? You sick bastard

    Thank you for speaking up, along with the....so elegantly named fellow.

    Re-education for the both of you! As for this Loki fellow...he shall know the furry wrath of the Grandjackal soon enough! *Evil laugh*

  8. Lolki

    I'll only help if you agree to re-education. Comply, or we'll just make you.

    Len, that only counts for those fake furries who worship the devil and are psychotic. A true furry doesn't wear costumes like a crazed manslaughter felon.

  9. I vanish for a couple minutes and look at the fail that tramples in.

    Also Rei, sorry I don't have the power to see you through the internet.

    Your resistance however, is futile. There are people coming to you to take you away to the re-education centers. You are powerless to stop us and your pathetic shouting of words cannot stop us.

    We aren't involved with the scalies though, feel free to fuck them up all you want. The Avians?...The alliance we have shall not last...Damned ...Featheries...

  10. I watched up until Buu was revealed. I loved the Freeza Saga, the Cell saga was ok until Cell started changing forms. Then Buu had tension as to what the hell were they trying to awaken...The fights seemed a bit anticlimactic, but then Buu's shell opened...and up went the smoke...what will it change to?...


    ...It might as well have been a middle finger. I stopped there, as them fighting that...thing....after all the tension, the big huge enemy was that THING? I didn't even know (or care) it had another form or it absorbed power by turning them into chocolate. Them having a serious fight with that thing would be the dumbest thing I'd ever seen.

    Poor Toriyama...Must be like putting down a horse that has served as a good racer for years after some snobby punks came and started poisoning it...He got it nice and strong, only to be weakened over time at the fault of punks to the point of a sad state...

  11. akuryou taisan! akuryou taisan!

    onryou, monono kai, komatta toki wa


    sugu ni yobimasho onmyoji RETTSU GOO!

    *pulls out a colt .45 and shoots you in the chest*

    You aren't gonna win this by speaking japanese my encrazed weeaboo opponent...

  12. Yes. We have finally arrived. I am (I think) the first furry here. If I am not, then those who have infiltrated this site rise up and unite! We shall take this siteby force if we must! First this site...then the fandom...and then...THE SERIES ITSELF! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

    Try to stop us and you shall be captured to be re-educated! We shall teach you our language, our politics in communism, and most importantly our snappy sense of fashion. Join willingly, and we will THINK of not being forceful...

    We are here, and you all shall be assimilated.

    Join us. Become one of us. One of us....One of us...One of us...

  13. Wow, fundamentalists and extremists saying incredibly stupid shit. What else is new? Can't we just ignore these fuckers and move on? It's not like we're gonna reason with these unreasonables. Years of therapy would be required. Best we could do is basically yell at them on the same level. Besides...for how insane these people are, anyone with common sense would ignore these psychopaths. If their numbers grew should they actually reasonably might become a problem.

    Overpopulation sucks.

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