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Posts posted by grandjackal

  1. Quiet, but it's because I hate loud people to begin with.

    Personality? Also don't like loud personalities. I'm too calm, anything sudden and such is too much for me. Besides, how can you have a loud personality while being quiet? If you want a personality to be noticed, you have to be loud enough to get noticed in order to have a loud personality. If it's something like image, I wouldn't mind, I'd love a partner with ego. But the point is, if you appear calm and quiet...chances are the personality is calm and quiet.

    I like calm and quiet because I can relate. I couldn't take a loud energetic person. I'd end up broken cause I'm a major bitch which would have a point if a collar and leash were involved, but that isn't necessarily love...

  2. What the hell? Nothing beats the classics. Well, I'm sorry, I don't really know a patch from this game. This is the FE1 I would most recommend playing. This game is probably the most historical game in the series.

    Here are a couple of reasons to play this over the remakes.

    -- You cannot collect any treasure that the thieves took. If

    they have I recommend restarting the mission if the weapon/item

    is irreplacible or rare. (Reason 1)

    -- You cannot see your characters movements like you

    can in the later FE's. It's best to calculate the enemy's

    movement in order to keep out of their ranges if your not

    ready to battle them yet. (Reason 2)

    -- Only Marth can conquer a Castle,Fortress,fort or

    throne to exit a chapter.

    --Dragonstones don't break.

    -- Flyers should be kept away from bow users. Unless that

    enemy is close to dying.

    -- Armor Knights cannot promote.

    -- Thieves cannot promote.

    -- Axemen cannot promote.

    -- Put a character on a fort in order to heal them.

    -- Use the terrain to your advantage to increase your

    characters avoid and defense.

    -- Only Marth can visit the villages. Not like the other

    FE's starting from FE4 where just any character can visit it.

    -- Do not use Jeigan and Boa. They almost grow NO

    stats whatsoever.

    -- Clerics cannot level up with the use of staves. They have to

    be hit in order to level up. (Reason 3)

    -- The arenas have no exit!!!! If they lose they die instantly.

    NO I really do mean it jam the B button all you want but they

    WILL NOT ESCAPE. Just try to make a bargain with the owner to

    ensure that they can get always get a win. This is not like the

    other FE's with arenas in them where you can just jam the B

    button to allow them to eascape. In this game if they lose they

    die. And that's that! If your playing this on an emulator however

    better use savestates to save them if they die in it. For the

    cart you would otherwise will have to restart if you don't want

    to lose that unit that is. For the actual cart especially use my

    arena survival guide for more information. (This alone makes this game historical as hell. Reason 4.)

    -- A 1st class character must be at LV10 or higher in order to

    promote them into their finest class.

    -- A throne can heal anyone from 3-10 HP that is on it.

    -- Gold is not a worry at all whatsoever in this game. Especially

    with the arenas making this more than profitable enough.

    -- Have a character stand on a fort to heal them 3-10 Hp per turn

    and also get them to increase their evasion.

    -- Use the terrain to increase their evasion. Even though the terrain is pretty terrible in this game. (Reason 5)

    -- Flyers should be kept away from bow users unless you can

    have them finish them off. Otherwise keep them away from them

    or most likely you will have yourself a dead flyer.

    The reasons stated is what makes this game so Original and better than the remakes. Well for the patch, you might want to try to Google it!

    To the person who asked the question, there are a couple things here that are a bit convoluted, like how points were repeated. To clear things up...

    1. The main character is ALWAYS the one who conquers the throne, this has never been different int he entirity of the series. Villages on the other hand, only Marth can visit those, so that's true.

    2. Thieves not promoting is not a big deal. No thief in the series has ever cared for promoting and still don't suddenly become gods when they do.

    3. Jeigan can help a bit at the beginning to make the units you'll be using later to have better survivability and keep their weapons nice and healthy. Boa on the other hand is mighty useful as a staff user, staves rock. You don't need to be a god to be good with staves.

    4. Characters promoting at level 10 has never been different, but to clarify the point, they're better off promoting at level 10 in FE1. This is because promotion just brings the character stats up to the class base. This is why Gordon doesn't suck in this game. Otherwise it just makes units who were already good hilariously better than everyone else. Like Ogma, Kain, Abel, Hardain, Katua, Paula, etc...

    5. Evasion is very untrustworthy. Supports aren't here to give your guys godly evade. The 1 RN system doesn't help either (and I'm not about to go into detail about it).

    Also, some things that make the original actually unplayable and why I would RECOMMEND the remakes...

    1. It's slow. Everything about it is slow. Battles, map movement, cursor movement, everything.

    2. You've no idea how much damage an enemy or you are capable of unless you memorize the might of all weapons.

    3. Most of the cast is utterly useless. The remakes make more characters usable, which means more fun and replayability.

    4. Item management is absolute torture in this game. You can only give items instead of trading them, so if a character's inventory is full when you need to get an item to a character that needs it, you're SOL until at least next turn. Can't sell items (though the money you got makes it pointless, but still it annoys me.). Items that can't fit in character inventory cannot go to the merchent, something must be dropped. This also means to put anything in storage, you have to go to the merchant and deposit items character by character. Characters have 4 item slots, which with how the trade system works is incredibly tiny. It's so clunky, this is the main reason this game is near unplayable. Because of this is why I felt I had to force myself to want to complete the game.

    5. Weapon system is bollocks. Silver Swords do the same damage as Silver Lances, this goes for iron and steel too, and are lighter. There's no point to use lances outside of javelins and gradius. All classes that can use lances also happen to use swords. Yeah, even armor and pegasi knights. Axes? Absolutely useless.

    Some say remakes end up worse than the original, but the original is a game that is so dated in how it plays that it feels like a chore to complete it.

    Just get Shadow Dragon or play FE3 Book 1.

  3. That and Roy is helping 2 awesome cavs early and quickly AND giving them both awesome bonuses, plus having Rapier and stats that actually aren't bad, just those levels he lags in thanks to late promotion. Lyn supports 1 ok cav and a meh pegasus knight, giving bad or poor bonuses to both. Roy can dodge thanks to pretty nice speed and grea luck with his 2 supports. Lyn has no supports to rely on, can't boost her terribad defense either. Her weapon may rock, but she still isn't one shotting anything that can hurt her bad on the counter (unless she crits, or lol nomads). That, and how does her weapon somehow out-perform Wolf Beil? Best promotion is sketchy...Eliwood gets a much better weapon choice and weapon control and a horse to keep up with his supports of Marcus and Lowen (Hector's nice, but three mobile guys supported is awesome...that and ThunderxAnima has...rather diluted bonuses and Hector can get defense elsewhere anyways from people who won't fly away). Lyn gets...Bows...

    Michaiah's situational, but uber-hax in said situations. She's the E. Honda of Fire Emblem.

    Forgive me if I sounded rude, I say it more out of curiosity. For others not trying to explain things to me, sorry about these annoying long-winded posts. I tend to go on a tangent when I mean to brief. I have an obsession to detail x.x

  4. I didn't say it had anything to do with office supplies being made in China, I just find it somewhat funny that a chair exploded and killed someone with shard of metal going up his arse. While I do sympathise for the boy and his family, there's two side to everything and I'm finding one stronger than the other at the moment.

    I know you didn't, I was just saying I could relate as that was the first thing my brain thought up before the guilt hit. Was just trying to relate a point is all.

  5. I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry at this moment.

    Funny you mention it, because I think an office supplies made in China joke would be a bit cruel...

    As for no blood on the chair, along with most likely being blasted off it, the first reaction I think one would do when shards of metal is blown up their rectum is to not be on whatever did it. Even if the kid wasn't blow off it, I'd think the kid would have toppled off of it due to pain and...not wanting to be sitting on what blew shards of metal up their butt.

  6. I see a lot of Leaf hate. He's not the greatest around, but he's not one of the worst. The fact he can use the light blade is awesome. Helps him out greatly. Hell, don't like most of your army have support bonus with him? He's basically like an Advance Wars: Days of Ruin CO without a CO power. Only unit who doesn't have to deal with the fatigue bullshit, so he's always helping in some form. Better than Michaiah's situational usefulness, or Lyn's suckage. I'd say even better than Roy being win until the promotion lag comes to beat him with a stick.

    I guess I'm just one of the few who happens to like Leaf.

  7. Only two characters really suffer, and even they are still viable as long as you aren't attempting to play against E.Honda. They'll stand a far better chance against top tiers than E.Honda any day.

    Otherwise, Sirlin DID succeed at his task of bringing most of the cast closer to taking on top tiers. Hardly "unphased" at all. And yes, he did admit there was still going to be a bottom tier. HD Remix is one of the most successful attempts at balancing a game that has ever existed.

    The only reason some characters ended up worse is due to bad circumstance where Sirlin had to make changes to prevent them from being utterly broken under HDR's new system. He likely had less of an idea on how to gauge the effectiveness of Cammy and Fei Long while he had much more indepth ways to buff characters without breaking them for characters he actually uses often, such as Bison or Blanka.

    Yes, everything you've said is pretty old news.

    Yeah, I heard about E. Honda's lopsided matches where he has fights he absolutely sucks at, but other matches he's unbeatable at...I have no idea as to why, apart from that one throw he has being insane and hundred hands slap. Otherwise, he seems...rather innocent.

    I did hear about how Fei Long was batshit crazy and Cammy was basically Balrog...In a way I guess I can sort of see, as there aren't easy ways to fix them. Fei with an easy way around fireballs is way too good and Cammy...was basically came in faulty as is. I'd think T. Hawk, Bison and Blanka are easier to fix...

    This isn't even the first game where Sagat dominated.

    Yeah. I dunno how he's like in other games, but he was awesome in SF2.

  8. Lyn is easily the worst. Unable to keep near supports/no supports that want her, weak, defenseless, gets a crappy weapon choice on promotion, her promotion doesn't help her much...At least Eliwood can take a shot and Eirika actual supports and the enemies she fights are absolute garbage, along with getting an awesome personal weapon. Michaiah (as much as I hate her) at least can hang back and nuke anoying cavs and armors. All Lyn has to rely on is her mani katti, which not only doesn't last forever, she doesn't get another one AND it's not one shotting anything unlike Wolf Beil and Thani so she's always gonna get countered. She pretty much has to rely on criticals.

    Lyn is bad and should feel bad.

  9. I'm not sure exactly what I can get from it, but it basically sounds like Camus' code of honor and ethics goes COMPLETELY against Midia's "Talk shit and do whatever it takes to win" approach. Camus was shocked to see Nyna being so close to someone -like that-. More than likely Camus knew Nyna from before, but only first saw Midia when she tried to kill him. It also implies Nyna met Midia after Camus.

    As for Arran and Samson, we have to make note that it's the -villages- that are rivaling. It's not really known if they're really involved in it either, although it's fun to assume it is. It even drags on in Book 2 when NEITHER of them are there. (Arran's with the party and Samson's with Sheema.)

    Anyway, I finished doing a draft on the translation of BS FE Week 2, but I'm not sure I got much about the characters... in fact, they seemed to convey much less personality and background info than other entries... Could anyone read it and try to see if they can think of any personality they can pull from Minerva or Hardin that isn't already known?

    I went back and read your translations actually. Damn, Midia's a hardass. Camus is such an asshole.

    As for Arran and Samson...Maybe the villages got caught up in it. Something surely Arran started, but obviously it annoyed them both to the point they didn't want to go outside (along with being generally irked by the other's presence at this point), then eventually leaving. Samson obviously had a lover who would be more than willing to house him, while Arran had nowhere else to turn back to but the knights he had shamed. He joined, thinking redeeming the name of the templars was his only reason for existing, considering how sick and weak he is at this point. Basically they created the problem and regretted it.

    Minerva from the translations so far seems quite serious and a bit sarcastic (then again, the translations seem a bit funky worded...no offense to you, but I could imagine things get lost in translation. That and I'm not there to hear their tones myself, since it's voice acted). But until more, I'll have to keep hold of things. That and I heard there's a lot more about Minerva than just this and FE1 (FE3 for example along with whatever the hell Michalis involved himself with. Teaching myself japanese is going better than expected, just wish I knew more than like...a small amount of kanji). Hardain however...he oozes with his personality already. I know enough of FE1, what I read from the BS translation and FE3 that he's charismatic, calm minded, precise and quick minded. Incredibly confident in his own mind. A born leader.

    I'll think up Midia's group sooner or later. Seems Boah is well described in the BS games along with FE3 actually making him somewhat important. The main focuses here are Dolph, Michalen and Thomas.

    Thank you for the translations, the reminder of story bits to clean these up, and your own thoughts. It's great help, and I'm having some major fun with this.

  10. FE3, the chapter after the end of dragon valley, Book 2...

    Get through the chapter. Est rescued. Minerva, Oguma, Naval, Yubello and Sirius essentially take care of the map by themselves with aid of Parthia Gordon. Linda weakens the boss down, luck would have it a single rapier hit from Marth would kill him! I mean, all the enemies are dead, Marth has a 97 hit, what could go wrong?

    OH OF COURSE , he misses! I was so confident Marth would hit that I didn't give a damn about the fact that the retaliation would kill him. Throw in the fact that the whole dragon valley chapters were filled with enemies who had 50 hit at best, 20 at worst and NOT A SINGLE ATTACK MISSED ME, you can see how bad my phail luck is.

    How miserable is my luck that I can't even trust a 97% chance? That shit happens all the time with me...It's why I don't do ranked runs, something bad will ALWAYS happen to fuck up the run. Never fails.

  11. Read up on Sirlin's mindset on balancing the games. He doesn't want to nerf top tier characters, he only wants to bring mid/lower tier characters closer to being able to take on top tier characters.

    Indeed, but from what I heard, all the rebalancing did was make the lower tiers worse while the rest remained unphased, if a bit more interesting. He might have wanted to do as he said, but balance is a delicate thing.Bound to not end perfectly. He probably expected that though.

    Then again, this could be my usual 3 week lag in news deal I got rolling. I'm saying "I heard" too much. Slap me hard in the face, maybe I'll stop.

    In the least, I learn something that will let me know better what the product is exactly...

  12. Vega probably got the nerf bat and suffered for it. I don't know much about Vega though, just that apparently he got soft banned in Japan in Super Turbo.

    EDIT: By the way, www.allisfighter.com just launched.


    Vega banned in Japan? For good reason, all he needed was Off-the-Wall and his slide move. Playing Vega is basically this, using the anti- air throw for anyone trying to stop him from spamming off-the-wall, and the occasional rolling attack generally for the hell of it. He's rather mindless.

    The slide is for anyone trying to use projectiles by the way. Vega's got some long-ass legs. If I recall, it's the entire reason he majorly fucks up Guile. Hell, Zangief in HD needed an attack to go up just 2 pixels just to fight him! When a character is causing so many problems that you have to go on that anal a level just to make him be fair game is nuts. They guy in charge of balancing HD remix even said most of Vega's nerfs were to just better equip them to fighting him! He didn't get nerfed, they just made him counterable. Or at least that's what he claimed...Theory is different from fact after all.

    SF4 Vega is basically the same thing in slow-mo with a shitty revenge special and gets his claw AND his mask knocked off (mask dropped reduces defense, and he drops both of these things like a clumsy high schooler). A weakness he had in SF2 was that he wasn't great at making combos. So now he's slow to the point of all his moves being telegraphed like a lighthouse at night, no combos, a shitty revenge move, AND can get gimped in offense and defense constantly thanks to dropping things like a klutz...Nerfing usually comes with some form of compensation, this however is more like defanging.

    Scariest thing I've seen of him so far is the sound it makes when he gets his face punched in.

  13. I suspect that it may not be because Ryu himself got steroids, but possibly because a lot of the characters that used to be above him got worse. O.Sagat being the exception obviously.

    True, true...Bison didn't take steroids, so much as he stole Mortal Kombat's Raiden's mystical mythical abilities.

    It appears physics dropped the hammer on Vega. All the matches I see are him trying to jump around and do something, only to screw up. Dropping all his stuff all the time, being a doofus flying around, he's such a loser now...Poor guy.

    If only his cage dropped around all his fights...

  14. The Cavalier Trio you start with are best as cavs, but really they can do anything perfectly well. The archers you get who start as archers royally suck though. At least as archers.

    If you want a dedicated archer who has no real business being anything else, Matthis and Roshea are nice choices. Roshea starts off a bit better, but Matthis ends up better due to durability and speed.

  15. I think Sagat might be S tier in SF4 for the same reason he was in Super Turbo: King of Fireball spam.

    Yeah, I saw some Sagat stuff on youtube...They're as rediculous as Old Sagat. He can just whip 'em out rapid fire. Watching any Sagat matches then suffer the same fate, they become boring. That and it seems it takes FOREVER to kill him.

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