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Posts posted by grandjackal

  1. Seijo is literally "holy woman" as you mentioned, but it's probably better known as "sacred maiden" or just "saint" (as in Saint Elimine etc.). In my case, I used it as "sacred maiden", but I kind of localised it and removed "sacred".

    I said Sei-oh, didn't I? x.x Jo, -oh, close enough, whatever.

    Though either way, it's a nice touch how you have it in japanese first. Love the FE9 statsheets too.

    *envious, grudgeful, spiteful, grumbling* raggafraggamrgrfrggr...

  2. I left George above Gordon because he's instant-utility while Gordon needs to be leveled up and has rather poor movement especially since a lot of early maps have terrain.

    Does it really make up for George sucking later? Besides, them Dragon knights are tough/ nice earlygame exp....

    If anything, you could at least put them in the same tier.

  3. Now thinking about it, Why is George above Gordon? Gordon helps early *broken record* , does pretty much the same job as George in the valley, with Parthia will pretty much come out to outclass him afterwards and continue to do so thanks to not fail growths. Gordon has like 3 chapters of slow time (The Lang chapter and the 2 after), George sucks outside of dragon valley (dragon valley being a nice place for any archer). Well, at least in comparison. Think he could go above George, George and him could switch places, or is there a point outside of "promotion item", since you get two orion's bolts early? (One I recall you get early at least...other you get just by killing the dragon guard in the volcano). Kashim can get the first one (since he's a killface anyways), while Gordon can get the next (since he wants to get as many levels as he can because he lacks Kashim's win growths). Or is that reversed? Either way, you don't get either at an unreasonable time.

    Or is there an incredible, stupendous amazingly huge reason I'm missing here as I might be as I usually do miss something? You DID say yourself that George doesn't benefit from Parthia use anyways...Gordon DOES however.

  4. What?

    Also, this thing about funds. If you get that much in the game, there's nothing wrong with spending it. Not spending your funds in an efficient way isn't very nice. Spending funds promotes efficiency. If the game had very little funds, I'd understand but..

    Don't worry, realized there's a spy among us. *has flamethrower* SPY CHECK!

    On a serious note...There's a point here, but...we know that now. Only person this will ever really effect is Chiki, and I doubt she's going any higher.

  5. Not that far off, it's seruku rein. Selcrain...?

    Eh. I guess I'm a tad harsh on myself. How could I have known it'd have been something like Selchrain?

    Neh. Self-teaching japanese sucks. Kanji is a nightmare.

    *checks your sig* ...o0;; I know Jihad means holy war, but damn...is that real?

  6. And Merric can be Jack Nicholson.

    But that all sounds good.

    By the way, the Chris Farley thing...Bord sucks. ONly reasonable he ruins things, right? Besides, with the likes of Joe Pescie, Mel Gibson and Danny Glover, it's about time Chris Farley had a serious acting role.

    Lol, jokes at the expense of a dead funny man.

  7. Lol no. You were the biggest proponent of putting Astoria in there.

    Well, it IS an option to kill him for benefit...;;>>

    But I'm also the reason Matthis isn't there. Or at least I like to think I am ...

    Ok fine, I was the middle man.

    Bastard spy...

  8. Cord doesn't fail totally and his oober offense might actually come in handy so he can come along for the ride too, just in case. Besides, he can be Joe Pesci.

    Eff Bord though, he can die in a fire. Or better yet, by Sirius's lance.

    Dude, you can't kill Chris Farley!

    Only Chris Farley can kill Chris Farley!

    Or whatever, he can be...dammit, what's his name? The dude from Casino who co-starred with Pesci.

    Maybe they could have a choose your survivor deal with chosing between Bord and Cord in the viking chapter. However, they'd actually have to give Bord some actual DEFENSE. He's just a pissant here.

    Also, bring back Raddy and Ceasar.

  9. Indeed, actual axe users would be nice, especially with how many silver axes the game throws at you. Make them new axe users, though Barst would be a nice return (The Danny Glover to Ogma's Mel Gibson before he went psycho )

    The last part is easy though.

    dark orb h4xes the game. Light orb negates it because light h4x>dark h4x

  10. Indeed. I didn't want too many in there either. So I tried to keep it to a minimum too. Luckily it works out anyways, so everything's hokee-doree.

    About time Shannan dissapeared. he was kind of a dick.

    Wait...I thought FE1 had Zagarro! *lifts mask* YOU AREN'T ZAGARRO! Hey everyone! This guy's a phony!

  11. Lessee...Chiki can at least be a tank. Astram is just another sword guy, Media comes too late to be too much use, and Banut is only semi-usable for 2 chapters...

    She's at least better than these guys. Ricardo has time being a thief on his side to make raiding go by even faster.

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