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Posts posted by grandjackal

  1. Yubello needs to be put above Elren and right below Merric, if not above him. Pronto.

    Above MARIC!?

    Ok, you're on something. Absolutely not. Maric's Excalibur is better than Yubello being useful for a bit earlier. I've no problem with Yubello above Elren, but not Maric.

    Also, Linda might go above Nabarl, Sweet Tooth said you'd get pissed. Why exactly?

  2. Above Elren, lol

    vs Merric is debatable, but we'll see where it goes when I bring it up.

    Who, Kashim or Yubello? If it's Yubello...he ain't that bad. If it's about the protection he needs that one chapter, we proved earlier that protecting him isn't exactly hard.

    If it's Kashim, I dunno...Kashim's mad offensive yo. Certainly his smooth uses outdoes Yubello not wanting to get punched in the face and better than Elren's 15 minutes of fame.

    EDIT: By the way, we're also thinking of putting Linda above Nabarl there, sweet tooth said you might get pissed. Why is this?

  3. Here is the latest version.

    =Top Tier=







    =High Tier=












    =Mid Tier=









    ==Low Tier==









    =Bottom Tier=









    =Bishop tier, based on hawtness=





    =Fuck 'em=

    Est [Nice to see ya again honey]


    _____________lol worse than FEDS Est


    Possible changes: Media below Astoria, Yubello either above, switch places with, or is directly below Elren rather than a tier down, and Kashim above them both.

  4. Some of us would like to use these weapons at the start of the last Chapter instead of at the point when your not even going to be able to use them anyway when getting the next Hammerine Staff. Being able to use the broken weapons (Repairing them) at the point of

    Medeius+Earth Dragons

    is phail. Discussion Over.

    So you're only gonna be using them for two battles where your units are overkill at that point anyway rather than using them the length of the game for pure benefit and making pain in the ass parts easier while STILL able to use them endgame anyways?

    Indeed discussion over. You can't be taken seriously.

  5. Sorry, maybe it's just my english, but what do you mean?


    In FE9, Naesala sells Reyson, his best friend, to Oliver, a Begnion senator, right? Why would he do that even for money? Naesala's an ass, but that's pushing it considering how willing he is to fix these problems in FE10. I'm basically saying I think he was threatened with the blood contract in FE9.

  6. Ever mention the word Gladius that the Flying squadren might need for those extra Hammerine Staff uses that you might need to spam the weapon like crazy in the Dragon Valley chapter after 20. Your figetting one thing, the flying dragon reinforcements that inhabit that chapter are unlimited until that you kill the Drain Book Priest=Unlimited buttload EXP. Keeping Astoria alive will save you Hammerine uses that you might need for the Gladius after Chapter 20, plus Infinite uses of it with the Star Orb till Chapter 20 and a useful character is epic w1n. Also, no one wants to go to the last chapter with broken legend weapon either. So, I'll stick with recruiting Astoria and saving Hammerine Staff uses for something (like the Gladius) that you can use to get your flyers extra EXP, and not ending up having broken legend weapons by the time that you get to the Final Chapter. =]

    Reading anything you type up hurts my head. Can't go into the final battle with broken weapons thanks to teh second hammerne. We aren't just sitting around in the dragon dale as waiting for the flying dragons is sitting there not completing the chapter. Keeping Astoria alive = 5 less chapters of epic exp. Flying squad will be getting Gladius for a whole chapter where it's not getting used much, thanks to so few enemies.

    I didn't even need a full paragraph to explain how absurd you sound. You either bring up stupid stuff/inefficient strategies/start agreeing with stuff you started fights about earlier.

    I'm just gonna ignore you, you give me a headache explaining stuff you don't listen to anyways.

  7. That right. The Dragons are easy with careful planning. But later on in the Akaneian Chapters, the enemies go out on an all assult instead of getting just within range. I would rather have Miracle+Star Orb and saving Hammerine Staff uses for the last two Chapters that you might need when the Star Orb will be lost after Chapter 20. And keeping Astoria alive is absolutely nessessay for infinite uses with the Miracle+Star Orb combination. You get nearly just as much EXP from the Akaneian enemies anyway, and to slaying to enemies that you might need, and saving Hammerine uses for the last two chapters that you might need. Okay, as for the second Hammerine Staff, you get it so late in the game that you would just about will be to the final battle for that anyway. So that makes the abusing Legend weapons invalid. It is recommended to use the Hammerine Staff only three times throughout the game, because you might need the last two uses for the last two chapters of the game.

    Might, maybe, what if, you could, NO! I have stuff, and I am going to USE it. First off, Astoria is not required at all for infinite use on the sword because he isn't the only one who could use it. Yeah, Akenian soldiers give close to as much, but tack on 5 extra chapters of such chapters and suddenly, Astoria isn't worth losing that. Besides, if we manage to go through the staff AND the legends, I don't even think that's possible unless you purposefully stood there like a goon and took on the insane reinforcements which by tier standards we are NOT doing. Killing Astram suddenly doesn't make chapters and enemies vanish.

    Yes, you do get the other hammerne late, but it's also the only other time you'll actually NEED it, thanks to the legend weapons being close to actually breaking/Gradius is now joining us in the fight (probably not actually, since Doga getting this far is hilarious, and Sheema will be resting in peace). This over the time of many chapters. You apparently just want us to not use these weapons until late game for no apparent reason. All the 2nd hammerne staf does is seal the deal. You will ALWAYS have the legend weapons for the final battle. Weapons break, but do not dissapear. Only time uber weapons AREN'T gnna be used AT BEST form the point you get Partia is the first part of dragon tier, which, thanks to boosts of overgame legend weapon use, is no hilarious as your guys tear through these guys with simple weapons anyways. Then you get the second hammerne, and you might as well have given Marth Ragnell and an earth support.

    Basically all you've said is "NO! We aren't gonna use them because they is special!".

    How bad I wish there was an ignore feature here...

  8. Laela, you even played the game? The dragonvalley chapters are bigger pain in the asses then Akenia period could POSSIBLY be. Dragons SUCK! I COULD kill them with dragonslayers, but legend weapons get the job done just as well and net me double exp. That's a level up a kill and pretty damn EARLY no less. All keeping Astoria alive does is make you get it later than you could have. Better tell me how Astoria is better than easy dragons + uber exp.

    Actually, I'm glad you brought up the star orb! You get it RIGHT AFTER the dragon valley chapters. Meaning I can pretty much use up whatever hammerne staff uses I want before the item that keeps them from breaking shows up! Meaning not only should I use the legend weapons in the dragon valley, I CAN ABUSE THE HELL OUT OF THEM! Use them, break the staff, use with star orb to make them unbreakable all up past the man with the gladius, use carefully for dragon dale, get the extra hammerne at the dragon tier, have perfectly good weapons for killing the final boss. Thank you for the STUNNING insight in helping me prove my point on how uber these uber weapons are. You have been a LOVELY assistant.

  9. That...has nothing to do with the argument at hand...

    Read through most of her arguments, you'll realize a LOT of things off about stuff she says...

    EDIT: FINALLY! Some input on Kashim...Kashim is pretty much smooth throughout, Elren and Yubello have problem periods. Yubello doesn't wanna get punched in the face in the first place and Elren is the definition of bland even when he shows up.

  10. Well, for killing Astoria will lose support bonus that Medeia can get from him. Well, that is if your planning to use Medeia that is. As for Hammerine, I only use it only twice throughout most of the game. We would like our extra 3 uses for the last two chapters of the game. K thx.

    Agreed. Most likely you won't use the Hammerine Staff more than twice throughout the whole game. The Weapons and tomes in the shops will be just enough to get you through the Chapters.

    Astoria gives her what, 10 more avoid in a game where avoid is next to useless and 10 crit that won't save her meh offense? She'll get over it. She's a knight, she's tough like that.

    3 extra uses....for the last...2...chapters? You just let 3 uses go to waste, don't you get another hammerne staff eventually? All you're doing is not using an item that could and should be used.

    Right! Normal stuff is good enough, so let's not use the stuff that is clearly beneficial! : D Please. If you're double shotting everything anyways, why not use the legend weapons? They get you double exp, they're incredbly powerful, you have enough hammerne staff uses (your argument being just refusing to use a perfectly good item), the levels they give will make the game so much easier, why the hell not use them? It isn't like you're gonna have someone solo maps with these weapons, they'll last. This isn't FE6 where you can just support Deick with Clarine and Rutiger, tell him to stand in a field with iron weapons and kill everything that charges into him. You can't just do that, so weapons don't break like pencils here. Not to mention, whatever kills dragons right quick AND gets you buttloads of experience is leagues better than MOST weapons you get. In fact, I daresay they're actually the most usable weapons in the game.

    EDIT: Chainey's right, it's more for killing dragons easily for buttloads of exp. If anything, it just means Est fails more because afterwards you'll have even STRONGER units after the dragon trials than previously believed. Basically, you won't NEED the miracle blade as badly by then. In the dragon chapters, it gets passed around to spread the exp wealth. Afterwards, it's basically giving her sole use of it just to make her usable. Favoritism much? Others would still like to use it. Besides, we wouldn't want it to break for endgame. The Akenia period is the more cautious time for these weapons. Est went from outclassed to BADLY outclassed.

  11. Neh. Well whatever. Now that that is settled...

    Anyone object to Kashim being above Yubello and Elren? Maric whips his ass, but I could see Kashim above these guys easy.

    I brought it up like 3 times, if I get no input on it, I'm just gonna assume y'all agree with me.

  12. What about Medea?

    I mean, she's not as fail AS Est since she doesn't require a ton of babying. But she still sucks. And eats up a rescue.

    I actually recall there being a way to save her without a rescue staff that's simple, I just forget what...I know I've seen it before, it's basically some move that makes the mage move away, as the armors are bitches in hurting her. Either way, it's possible to rescue her without a staff use that doesn't exactly slow you down. She's troublesome to rescue, but it isn't exactly easy either. I'd say keep her in bottom, but below Astram since him dying is actually more useful than Medea, but she's sorta usable. Est and Sheema-Samson correlation are not to be linked to the likes of the sorta usable Medea. Because you can at least sorta use her.

    Laela also delightfully ignores the fact that there's no better reason to actually USE Hammerne, and would rather use it on tomes, AND has no problem with using Parthia despite Miracle Blade basically doing the same thing.

    If she even dares mention using Starlight....

  13. Fair enough with Astria. His benefits are basically null. 5 Chapters of miracle blade without him or having a kinda decent guy with the blade 5 chapters later. Like it's chosable. Samson is just unfortunate though, but I do not pity Sheema....*sees the pic* ...Ok, I kinda pity her....That bitch! WHY DOESN'T SHE USE AXES!? All those silver axes would actually have some sort of reason other than money...

    Laela...You've nothing against using Parthia for dragonvalley, yet not the Miracle Blade? They both accomplish the same thing, killing dragons quick while giving mad experience boosts. Why would you deny the miracle blade uses of hammerne when- *sees you mention tomes* ....*Deathklok's "Face Fisted" starts to play* You...anger me...so much...

    PS. Chainey, you convinced me. I've no problem with him somewhere in bottom. As long as we agree it's that killing him is such a huge boon, yet having the ability to hold his own nulls it, but does not make it beneficial to actually recruit him.

    Est can go there too I suppose. Above Samson though, since one rescue use when the rescue staff starts to lose usefulness>fucking over a whole chapter for his bitch rooler. One use of the staff doesn't slow you down either for that chapter either.

    and Fruitloop has a point.

  14. I know, you lose out on an amazing extra if you kill Astoria, but you also aren't penalizing yourself by recruiting Astoria. You're actually penalizing yourself from recruiting Sheema, and you gain very little for it.

    Astoria is a "not win" and "win" situation. Sheema/Samson is a "lose" and "win" situation.

    I think Astoria should hang in the actual tiers, even if he's in bottom or whatever, because I think his circumstances are much better than Sheema/Samson's any day.

    It still doesn't justify recruiting Astram. He truly does join to be redundant to people like the amazing Oguma, Marth and Nabarl. Then in door chapters, he's REALLY redundant. His penalty is that you don't amplify the ample experience that the dragonvalley gives you with sweet sweet dragon exp. All this experience is better than being sword guy #4. All this'll do is he'll give you the sword later and get benched. He was top of low before, right? I'd argue Doga better than him all things considered. Him joining just puts him on the bench. Why get the sword later just to bench him when I could kill him earlier, get a buttload extra exp out of it the coming chapters he's not in, and forget about him either way? Warren's positive is he helps you against the early dracoknights when they're a major major pain in hte ass, Elren is usable and so is George. Astram is forgettable, let's make him more important for when archaeologists dig up his corpse in the future. Maybe he'll end up in a museum...

    But...the prize we get from killing him is so amazing, I'd say it alone is enough to make him important. It's not that he's bad, just that 5 more chapters of miracle blade is that much better. It IS hard to decide what to do with him...put a bunch of empty spaces between him and Samson-Sheema?

    Laela....All units who hold star orbs drop them and you get them regardless. But yeah, George isn't bad enough to get killed. At least compared to his bow competition...

    Stop trying to argue Sheema good, you can't win. You tried, she went lower than bottom.

    Saving up Hammerne sta- *facepalm* ....tell me....why....we should save it....when there...is no better time...to use it...

    Miracle Blade and Partia through dragon valley is insane. You better give me a damn good reason not to use the hammerne on these things. God help you if you say anything about Starlight...

  15. Fine. Only for characters like Sheema & Samson then. They do penalize you by forcing you to spend extra turns, though I can likely argue that Samson at least gives you a usable unit for going through the trouble, while Sheema doesn't.

    Astoria? Definitely not. You're not being penalized for not killing him, you simply aren't getting an early Miracle sword.

    Chiki? No. Her weapon is expensive, but it can be sold for the money. She doesn't slow down an entire chapter just to recruit her. Bottom tier material, maybe low if she's lucky.

    George? Not really.

    George and Chiki are a definite no along with Elren and Warren. Astoria though...Not getting the Miracle blade for the dragonvalley chapters, ripe with dragons that give huge exp if legendaries are used is pretty evil. It's not just a powerful blade, but the buttload of experience your sword guys can get with little effort. All it takes is to bury Astoria in the sand...

  16. meh, I'm kind of torn here.

    Guys like Roshe would certiantly be more useful than Sheema in the fact that you can just bench Roshe. To even recruit Sheema and Samson you have to slow down. Even PRIVATE RYAN is just handed to you from the start, he sucks, but he's only slowing you down if you use him...I think I do side with Fuck Em tier after all. But ONLY for characters that don't penalize you just for keeping them alive.

    Right. Sheema and Samson have been mentioned, and Astram due to keeping him alive means not getting the Miracle Blade at a great time, and he's reasonably easy to kill in the desert. I can honestly say I can't see there being any more than these three here. Reason Astram being top is because killing him nets you the biggest prize. Samson middle because he can actually be usable if recruited, just not useful enough to warrent Sheema's requirements, and Sheema for being fail and slowing you down when you could just kill her, along with being the reason Samson doesn't get to live either.

  17. Not true, it only really applies to characters that start as enemies. Warren isn't getting killed because early on, there is a crapload of dragon knights. Having more bowmen to weaken them is a nice boon. Elren can be decent.

    Reason we're putting Samson there is because Sheema is required to recruit him in the first place, she causes a whole chapter to go more slowly thanks to Gra soldier roadblocks, which I'd prefer to kill for the exp. After recruiting her is the only time I can get that exp and I'm sitting there wasting time hunting them down when I could just killer her and Samso and end the chapter right then. Samson would be fine if he weren't recruited by Sheema. But he's stuck being basically Samson+Sheema. If anything, it's Sheema to blame. He's not worth it because it's just easier to kill them both. They either go together or die together.

    As for BOY JEORGE...Why kill the second best archer in the game? He's a decent guy to choose from outside of Kashim. He can be of help as a 2nd archer too. Besides, with the clog blocking you from the fort+Marth taking his sweet time due to recruiting Banut (we want the gem for the money) , Gordin will have reached him before Marth gets to the fort anyways. That is unless Gordin started way in the back. Let's not forget, Jeorge is like the only guy who can even use Partia for the dragonvalley.

    Fuck 'Em Tier shows worth. They're useful. They're just useful being killed is all. Worth more dead than alive.

    But if we can't agree on it, at least make them the new bottom tier and make the current bottom tier go up to low.

    EDIT: Being the most useful archer is better than being sucky anything else. I just don't think George sucks enough to warrent getting killed.

    Laela Laela Laela...How come every time I post, you are always behind me? Saving Hammerne staff is a plus? So we're just not gonna use it because it's the Hammerne staff? That's such a waste. There's plenty of reasons to use the Miracle Blade in dragonvalley. Double exp dragons, it's free unlike dragonslayers, and plenty of people can use it so everyone gets a nice padding of exp. Those that use swords anyways...

  18. Wouldn't JEORGE CARLIN qualify for Fuck 'em tier? Not everybody has the patience to have Gordin hobble over to him, plus it wastes time. Not to mention killing him is easy since he's helpless at melee and he gives you some nice EXP to boot.

    And I still say Chiki should go to Fuck' em tier because guys like Roshe don't cost 18k just to be on the team.

    Before changes are made, let's just sort this out.

    First off, he's BOY JEORGE. Secondly, the only other time he shows up is at a time when his gang of archers will royally fuck you up. They're all in a forest, they all pounce at the same time, and it's hard to attack him since they can cover his sides, leaving only his back and front exposed, the back you aren't reaching before a sniper fires at you and the rest join in on the gangrape. This leaves one person to attack him, someone attacks at range. Not only is this dangerous, it's stupid because afterwards, the rest of the snipers will just fill you with arrows. To get Partia earlier than early, you need to take care of a bunch of snipers when you're barely capable. Not to mention the prick healer behind them has a reserve staff (I think, could be Libro). It's not exactly hard for Gordin to hobble his ass over to BOY JEORGE at the bridge, unless you're making him a wall for the paladins and generals (you dolt). He may have just a band of snipers, but at the time, those snipers can murder you and you can't escape.

    Only reason Astram is killable is because there's a way to make him isolate himself and you are much better equipped/better by then. Not to mention Astram is redundant, Jeorge on the other hand is like the second best archer. It's not out of the question to choose between him and Kashim. The difference between early Miracle Blade and REDICULOUSLY early Partia is the difference between walking into a forest filled with snipers to kill one of them and killing some random dude while taking a stroll.

    Chiki doesn't belong in Fuck 'Em tier because we're still gonna recruit her. Fuck 'Em tier is for units we just flat out kill for the prizes. Chiki comes with a great big bag of money. We're gonna recruit her. She's recruited, does nothing, but makes your bank account swell faster than ...something that swells real fast. She's helping, just indirectly. On the other hand, Fuck 'Em tier is filled with pricks who are better off being killed than wasting your time recruiting them.

    Other things to think about: For how much you have to prepare for killing Jeorge early, it's severely innefficient and risky, while I can safely kill Astram without a thought as Marth can usually take the castle once you do/something goes askew. Finally...who the hell can even use it by then? It's ok to get it early to use sparingly every now and then, but it's just sitting there being useless. By the time it is usable, Jeorge would be recruitable anyways.

    I REALLY need to keep it brief...

    No objections to Kashim being above Yubello and Elren?

    EDIT: Just noticed Laela...

    My reaction to the ring statement....Speed rings are good for slow people. Sirius is godly. Milk goes bad when left out for a long time. Any other obvious statements we can make?

    Jeorge is hardly bad, considering he's the 2nd best archer in the game...Automatic use of Partia makes him god in the dragonvalley with all the annoying flying dragons. One shots the sucker, Partia levels him fast, I fail to see how he's bad at all. He'll be good for basically being leagues ahead of everybody for a good while.

  19. Wouldn't that qualify more as interracial?

    I certainly hope Naliah can contain Volug from going TOO nuts, though. We don't want any branded. And before that, we certainly don't want any kids.

    ...They're both wolves. If anything, Nailah has to contain herself, considering she's crazier than Volug. Volug's just her bitch.

    Also, Nailah doesn't have children. She makes Raphael have them. XD lol

  20. Then NG is going to want to stab me even more than he already does.

    Fine, I'll do it.

    =Top Tier=








    =High Tier=











    =Mid Tier=









    ==Low Tier==









    =Bottom Tier=









    =Bishop Hawtness tier=





    Just to add the possible suggestions discussed int he topic.

    = Fuck 'em Tier =




    Also, of Yubello, Kashim and Elren...Yubello and Elren is a bit underway, but do any of us agree that Kashim is better than both of them?

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