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Posts posted by grandjackal

  1. If you actually take the time to read the post you will see there is nothing there about people being pussies for thinking that things could be better. However, there is an accusation that self-effacing Americans are pussies, and for that matter self-effacing anythings are pussies, because the term describes people who bitch about how imperfect everything is, but do nothing to correct it. Take some responsibility; either man up, or shut the fuck up.

    I am, simply by doing my own part. Being more aware of the world, trying to learn languages, reading more in general, just became old enough to vote, all that jazz. Trying to convince others of a point is like trying to explain FF8 to a very small child, so I can only worry about myself. If only I were better with words...

  2. *dodges*

    Back off or else...

    Or what, you'll hurt me? X3

    all my friends logged off AIM, now's a great time for voyeurism and sullying my good name *nods*

    haha, Aida would more enjoy you pounce me, me thinks, and then acquire a sibling relationship so she can have her precious incest too (but I digress)

    Well, you're a weird whateveryouare.

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