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Posts posted by grandjackal

  1. FYI, I will be ignoring ranks since I don't need this game's arbitrary limits to tell me how to play efficiently (it sure as hell doesn't involve savestate manipulating level-ups on Dew and Ardan).

    Then why make a list in the first place? Seems a bit weird...

    How about a rule to it? FE7's list is based on Lyn's Hard Mode before HHR, Some varients of the Tellius lists are either speed based or BEXP based. Why not a rule here? It's simple, no battle save/savestate abuse. Only saves allowed are at the beginning of a chapter and after conquering a castle. From those saves, you can do whatever the hell you want, as long as you only save at mentioned times.

    See? Simple.

  2. Goodness, if that's the case, Lena has awful luck. Almost forced into marrying failure Michael, then getting captured by Nabarl and his stooges.

    ...Makes you wonder why her luck is so high...

    She gets Julian? ...*remembers she SPOILERS gets captured by Medius and almost devoured by him* ...Ok, I wonder why her luck is so high too....

    Even worse...Matthis is her brother...

  3. See, I love FFIII, and it's one of the best in my opinion. 8-bit goodness, jobs, and a nice soundtrack. It just flows better for my tastes :/

    I love the job system too, that's why I liked FE5 because all the jobs were usable and it didn't exactly force specific ones on you. I didn't find FFIII's soundtrack stellar either...Maybe it was because I played the DS version.

    I never thought I'd play a final fantasy I didn't care to beat outside of FFXII...Why do all Ivalice FF games suffer the curse of being so awesomely fun until the last ones where you can't be bothered to finish them anymore? I love Ivalice...

  4. you're forgetting the stat nerf

    far more needed

    FE1 and 3 they were overpowered because they had generally the same stats as the other kill guys so they were the same with higher move. FE4 they were overpowered because the giant damned maps MADE them so. FE5 made them overpowered because dismounting was pointless thanks to the fatigue system forcing units not to be brought onto a map at times anyways and thus only made mounts know when they could take a break. FE6 cavs were overpowered because A. Support system making Allen and Lance holy WTF, in turn helping Noah greatly, Treck grew into something amazing and Percival was just h4x thanks to hard mode bonuses, and B. They had the whole damned weapon triangle at promotion, having a decent protion of it beforehand. It's the only reason Lowen rocks too, he would suck without his supports. Even Kent and Sain are pretty meh. FE8, EVERYONE was overpowered. FE9, cavs were overpowered because...damn, how WEREN'T they overpowered!? Great stats, great mobility, canto, all get axes after promotion...Nevermind one of them is Earth affinity that supports another kick-ass earth. FE10 it wasn't that cavs were nerfed, but just that most of them sucked this time. Titania STILL rocked. Being a cav didn't stop her. All lower caps does is limit the time they're badass, not stop them from being so. FEDS, only ones that can be considered overpowered are Cain and Abel because they are there day 1 and have great growths everywhere. All other possible cavs have one strength and another weakness (Nabarl takes time at first and in H5 would prefer to be myrmidon anyways, Gordin has great defense but bad everything else, Vyland is the definition of average, Matthis has a speed problem).

    Class balance only deals with enemies. When it comes to class balance on YOUR team, individual characters can play a bigger part in it. Except in FE1, 3 and 6 and ESPECIALLY 6. FE4, cavs are only considered overpowered because of necessity (nevermind two of them get holy weapons, EVERY holy weapon user is overpowered. Besides, that's 2 of the many mounts you get, only one of them can be considered legitimately good, his name's Oifaye). FE6 is the only time they could be considered broken....and FE9....and FE3...FE1 can't be blamed, it was their first shot, things are bound to go screwy the first time through.

    3 out of 11 is pretty tame actually. They don't hold a candle to heroes...

  5. Ugh...don't remind me of FF8...

    FFX isn't a bad game, but it seems...bland in comparison to the others (sans 8 and a bit of 2). Only FF games I can easily call bad are FF3 and FF8. FFX is the vanilla ice cream of the series IMO.

    FFXII though...I can easily summarize that game. Move around, sit and wait while battles play themselves, wait forever for bosses to die, repeat for beyond 80 hours...

  6. Tribalism. They do it because they think you feminine, which can be mistaken for gay in this culture, simply because you hang out with girls. You probably aren't explicitly feminine anyways, so you're dealing with pretty basic guys here. They do it because they don't think you part of the "guy tribe". If they're really making a big noise about it, then you're dealing with freaking primates.

    Don't blame them for being guys, blame them for being incredibly primitive and behind the times of modern thinking. Yeesh, you'd figure people'd have learned to get along by now...

  7. Point for Paola. Except... Rescue staff has five uses. "Easily replaced" is stupid because Draug's defense is the same as Sirius' On top of less HP. Less AS. No ability to gain more AS (Sirius can dismount -- he doesn't need it, though). Paola can fly, but she has a bunch of Hunters to deal with.

    Sirius is easily the best candidate.

    Sparing a use to handle enemies that the three units you have up there can handle well? Well, you wouldn't want to bring Draug first off; I'd rather bring Marth to recruit Castor so we can actually increase our offense a lot more than with Draug (that's what I did). In no way does this replace Sirius; it makes his job easier.

    Why Palla over Catria for the Iote Shield?

    Yeah, she has another sister to worry about.

    She's helping you for... one more chapter. And Sirius' leads in the chapter afterwards are better than Palla's offense in the chapters beforehand.

    Taking one hit from a bow user leaves her to fatal HP. In fact, in Chapter 4 about two hunter attacks and a bandit attack are going to kill her assuming she got like four level-ups in the chapter prior.

    God why do you make such long posts?

    -Wanna know what's great about the rescue staff? Can be used to rescue someone from the main team to help them out. Draug does indeed come with less attack speed and less HP, but he's another person to help. Obviously we'd want Marth though. Recruits Castor, is a badass in combat AND brings him that much closer to the castle (or viking base or whatever the hell it's supposed to be.). But another point is whoever is rescued can carry luxuries like a live staff or a vulnerary! These alone will make the whole defending Yumina and Yubello thing a trivial endeavor. Suddenly, Sirius goes from necessary to just an extra. He isn't helping THAT much at this point, he's just killing like Oguma and Marth. Of course, could have been Draug with his slow attack speed to help Yubello get kills, but that would be babying...Either way, using a rescue staff here is an obvious thing to do, so my point still stands. Sirius isn't Yubello, Yumina and Oguma's lifeline, Yumina is.

    - Why can't Katua and Paula share? I never thought Katua was so greedy and selfish...They're two fliers, they can do two different jobs. One flies into arrowy danger with the shield, the other helps by taking out other bastards elsewhere.

    - Sure it's only one more chapter, but that chapter has a shitload of dragon knights that she can help kill. Not like she ISN'T around fortresses and doesn't have vulneraries. She can wait for the thief to the last minute before smoking him before he ransack's Julian's house (speaking of which, how does a superthief let a basic thief ransack their hiding place?). She doesn't have a hard time with the cavaliers or the dragon knights due to pretty nice crit and having a damned silver lance. She isn't gonna be at her bases obviously by next chapter. By the time the lance gets close to breaking, she can fly to the main force, since the dragon barricade should be dealt with by then. Makes a chapter filled with dragon knights that much easier, is pretty much the only reason Julian is recruitable, is amazing from that point forward...Only thing I can TRULY thank Sirius for that could not be done without him is making sure the thieves in the next chapter don't destroy the house with the Hammerne staff...A staff which lets you use Parthia often early until the star orb...So he helps...an archer of your choice...YAY!

    His leads don't really matter, since they're both killing, doubling and having a hard time getting killed and using silver lances. Difference? Paula flies AND helps significantly for a chapter longer (a chapter that would be balls without her). A rescue staff use makes Sirius's main contribution to the team into a trivial chore of his. It was hard with just him and Ogma with Yubello's minor help, isn't that difficult when Marth suddenly shows up and recruits an awesome dude with a freaking killer bow. All Sirius REALLY does that he can claim no one else can do is making sure the thieves don't destroy the house with Hammerne in it.

    Just another thing to point out, while Marth and gang are dealing with defending Yubello and Yumina, Paula (witht he help of Katua of course) can fly over to the castle, deal with the pirates, and then Marth can just stroll to the castle. Sirius makes the chapter easier, Yumina and the pegasi make it faster. Sirius isn't doing everything here. From there, he helps keep the hammerne staff safe, then he's just another guy who is a killface much earlier than everyone else on the team for a good while, just like Paula. He has better move, she can fly. She also gets support bonuses from Minerva.

    I apologize for the long-ass posts, I'm obsessive to detail, it's like OCD. I try to make it brief, but I can't help but feel I need to go in-depth to better explain my point. See? This part was meant to stop at OCD and I'm still blabbing to make the point clear.

  8. A proper nerf would be to either A. make more enemies with horseslayer weapons, or B. Make them sword only, upon promotion getting lances. Even RD didn't nerf actual paladins, they just gave you a legion of crap ones outside of Titania and a bit of Oscar.

    But hey, we aren't programming the games here, so...best we can get thinking about it.

  9. I thought Lena was to be married to Misheil, but didn't want to and ran away. Matthis was then forced to fight for Macedonia, even though he didn't want to.

    I doubt it's incest as well. It's not Jugdral after all.

    Royalty did it all the time, it's not out of imagination.

    Though yeah, it isn't as rampant as it was in Jugdral...Incest must have been like the pop culture thing at the time, if you didn't do it, you just weren't considered cool.

  10. You're going to blow 20 uses of Mercurious and like 17 uses of Partia early on? You don't even have the star orb yet. It's best you do it when you're in the endgame; there are stuff like 45 HP/16 Def Heroes with like 16 AS and attack in the late 20s there.

    Palla has a bow weakness. Bows are a lot more common than Knight Killers.

    Why is Ellerean above Yubello, let alone an entire tier? As far as I'm aware Yubello floors him in offense and comes much earlier. You're going to have a Level 17 or 18 Yubello -- at LEAST -- by the time you get Ellerean. And Ellerean doesn't have a personal tome to compensate like Merric does, nor does he have Merric's stats.

    Yubello L18, 26 HP / 9.5 Power / 6 Skl / 13 Spd / 16 Wpn / 12 Lck / 5 Def / 3.5 Res


    Ellerean L10, 22 HP / 5 Power / 6 Skl / 10 Spd / 6 Wpn / 12 Lck / 7 Def / 3 Res

    2 defense lead wow, where he's losing by 4.5 attack and 3 spd. And I'm favoring Ellerean too; Yubello and Linde are pretty much the only mages until Chapter 10 as well.

    Funny part is, I was actually gonna bring up Elren being above Yubello...Elren doesn't exactly start with stellar stats and they don't fix themselves anytime soon. In fact, why is Elren out of low? All the mages in the game just stomp his ass into the ground. Wendal's just cool, Linda is pretty much the primary mage, Yubello's better by the time he shows up and Maric at least has the awesomeness that is Excalibur all to himself and superior growths with generally the same starting stats. Maric also supports Linda. Yubello has a support too. Elren has nobody. So not only is he mediocre compared to the other mages, he isn't helping anyone and no one is helping him. He has balls to think he could take on Maric...

    As for Paula, I had completely forgotten about the bow weakness. Guess it makes sense...But does it really count? She's pretty much the only reason you have Julian and helps with all those pest dragon knights in the chapter she joins in. That is HUGE. On the other hand, Sirius could easily be replaced with like...Marth or Doga by rescue staff, or at least help aid so Sirius isn't exactly necessary. Yeah yeah, rescue staff use is like a sin, but you can spare one use here. What else are you gonna do with that one use, rescue Est? Boo hoo. Sirius does indeed have bad luck, but by the time something that can actually kill him shows up, EVERYONE'S in trouble from them anyways (the heroes and snipers), so I won't even attempt to bring that up or Knight Killer. I'd say they're about equal, but Paula can fly...Besides, you get the aiote shield so early to the point where Paula never actually gets hit with bow weakness. You get it a chapter AFTER archers pose an actual problem to fliers and Paula is not in that problematic chapter. She joins in the chapter WITH the aiote shield. I don't think she gives a damn about bows. Sure she has to share it with two others (Minerva, Katua), but only Katua would really care for it due to defense being an actual problem for her for a bit. It isn't like Paula is one shotted by bows anyways, she isn't Sheeda. Sure, it hurts like hell, but she can at least take a shot (granted you weren't insane enough to have her get shot in the face by a sniper with silver). Just my thoughts on why Sirius should be under Paula. OH! She's also helping you for longer.

    I don't hate prepromotes. In fact, FE7 taught me they aren't so bad. FE6 tried to make me hate them, but FE7 is cool like that. Just I think Paula should be above Sirius.

    As for the Parthia and Miracle Blade stuff...Why not use them? Faster early levels, easy killing...Just use them till there's little uses on them left, THEN wait for the star orb. At that point, you got a LOT more use out of them AND it helps your army. Granted you should be careful this way, but this is a careful game in the first place. However, Miracle Blade is a dream at best at Kahdain and just isn't happening earlier. Parthia however is fair game because George either gives it up when he dies or you recruit him, you get it early no matter what. By end game, you'll be using lots of dragonslayers and various other swords. Only the Parthia has to worry about lategame use this way due to how brittle it is and you don't keep the star orb forever...

    Besides, playing normally, you should still have a good amount of Miracle Blade uses left. Not saying abuse them to near breaking point as soon as possible, just emergency weapons. Use them sparingly and only if needed.

  11. I'm looking through my numbers that I collected of the enemies. You won't get anymore than 5 for enemy crit rates, and that's a rather favorable estimate towards enemies. Of course, Astram's Heroes or Jeorge's Snipers can have at elast 10 early on, but you're not taking them head on are you? I can't conceive a reason why you would.

    To get the Miracle Blade early? I mean, it's possible...In the Kahdain chapter, you fill up all the spots, having a strong bastard next to Astram's spot, he kills Astram, you get a holy weapon as early as Kahdain. Only time you can cover up their reinforcement spot. You get Parthia early as it is...But not only is that against what tiers are usually for, it's also crazy. Going against George earlier than when you can recruit him is insane too.

    Nice to know that Sirius is safe for the most part, but I STILL think Paula is better.

  12. But Chainey doersn't receive EXP while she shapeshifted into someone someone. Chiki will get double attacked for awhile upon her joining time. At that point in the game, she will only own with a Time Dragon Stone. But no enemiess will be attacking her in Chapter 15, as her defense would be actually higher than their attacks. Chiki will get Meh for awhile though.

    Ask chainey if she cares while she's busy copying the killfaces of the army. She doesn't care about leveling to be awesome. Only her HP is her concern.

    As for Chiki...we might as well set fire to a billion dollars while we're at it. We COULD spend a crap ton of gold to make her kinda usable (as a note, she will ALWAYS get doubled by anything with 3 speed thanks to always having 0 attack speed)...OR we could sell HER dragonstone and all the past dragonstones with it and basically never have no money ever. We could spend a crapload of money to make a bad unit into a meh one, or we could sell all the dragonstones and buy stat-boosters to make an awesome army even better.

  13. WTF Sirus in top tier. He has low luck and will get critted easily. But he should go below Navarre. I would put Chainey below Marissa. She starts out terrible and that she is quitre hard to level up, due to the fact that she has a low growth rate in growing Weapon Skill. Cecil should go below Kain. She has low HP growth, and that Kain starts at a higher level that her, and that he is alot more durable than her. I would put Chiki, Est, and Sheema in Middle Tier. Because they join quite late in the game, and that they get awesome with enough level gaining.

    Sirius I can easily see up there, but above Paula? Yeah right.

    Chainey copies Oguma. Doesn't need to level up to be good. Only problem is HP...

    Chiki and Est don't need to be higher, they join let and rather meh. Her stats can't end up significantly better than the other flyers anyways, thanks to the 20 caps. If I recall, she grows up generally the same but less durable than all of them, save perhaps Sheeda. Sheema WOULD be good if she had a chance to smack around the soldiers in the chapter you recruit her on, but I suppose this is all meant getting through the chapter as fast as possible...I could see her higher, but not by much...

  14. Come on, it's furry friday! Liven up a little everyone, this ballroom behavior is boring! May I remind you all that I am BUTT NAKED!?

    PAY ATTENTION TO THE ATTENTION WHORE! T.T You all make me cry...

    And WHY aren't you all wearing the green hats I passed out!?! T.T

  15. I know. I got so bored at that part I just gave up about 3 times halfway through the place.

    I could never get any more key spheres than the game automatically gave you. And I can't figure out how to get the strongest weapons for each character...and I suck with character custimization...and I'm just not good at RPGs in general. So yeah. That would explain why it's so hard for me.

    You don't need any more key spheres than the game gives you. Only ones you really need are the ones to get ultima. As for Yuna, what I pointed out up there is only because Yuna is forced at some parts, otherwise I wouldn't even think of using her. Lulu can just as easily use a friend sphere to learn all teh white magic too. No real character customization is actually needed, just go with how the sphere grid leads you normally.

    You don't even need the strongest weapon, all they do is make an easy game even easier.

    As for the encounter rate, It isn't noticeable since you're just going to kill the same enemies the same way every time thanks to the turn system+anything Tidus can do. It makes things more tedious rather than hard. It's more road blocks of experience rather than an enemy.

  16. Come on! ...When did this party die all of a sudden!? Let's end this party right with STREAKING!!! WOOOO!!!

    ...Don't make me hump y'alls' leg...I broke a man's leg once doing that. Could you live with yourself if I did it again when you could have easily stopped it?

  17. You have plenty enough turns to pair them up without hurting your efficiency, IMO. I always pair them up in Chapter 3. Then again, I never play for rank either.
    Well, for one thing, there's that conversation with Lex/Holyn and Aira in ch 3 where she gets her Brave Sword.

    I know that the convo boosts the love thing, but I wasn't aware there enough break time for them to build up love afterwards.

    Well thanks all o' yeh. I now know better. I liked AiraxLex best anyways I have to be the only one here who absolutely hates Holyn...

  18. EASY?!...EASY?!


    ??? Wha? The game is a cakewalk...Didn't grind, didn't abuse, didn't use Rikku's Mix abilities, didn't even switch members much. I got Lulu to the aga level spells, used Yuna with the black magic spheres the game will always give you by then, use return sphere to return to white magicky stuff with the only return sphere you'll ever need, never used anything outside of Tidus, Lulu/Yuna and Auron. Get Khimari a couple sphere levels early but don't use them till later so he can just get Ultima right there, Yuna uses another black magic and return sphere for when you actually need to learn ultima (later, since high level key spheres are needed, not that you need it anyways), and the game is just a walking game from there. Tidus alone makes it too easy with Haste and Hastega.

    Wouldn't even use Yuna if the game didn't force Yuna in some parts. Yes, it's so easy, white magic isn't even needed to win.

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