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Everything posted by Vhaltz

  1. Doofenschmirtz, the Mafia RolecopVig, was murdered despite being closer to legit german than Ceadeus. Locobrickz, the Mafia RolecopVig, almost won again by doing nothing in particular but trolling the game. Naobyu, the Mafia TrackerFollower, died before solving the mysterious puzzle of his N3 results! Dead Players: - Cam - Marth - Poly Remaining Aliases: - Backspace - Dweeb - Invidia - Niche - Tiger Remaining Players: Darros Junko Kinumi kirsche Koneko
  2. Countdown to phase end. There's 14 hours remaining. Edit: Actions are now locked.
  3. I'm giving some extra time for this phase so that I don't have to cut it short or update late at night. I'll update in roughly 24h, maybe more like 22-23, so you have 12 extra hours in N4. Don't forget to send in actions etc. Also I'll lock actions as soon as I've gotten all of them this time to avoid fuck ups.
  4. SO UH I fucked up and two people who should've stayed alive in the end got flipped, they're now back in the alive playerlist and have their chance at winning the game. I'm not giving extra time for last minute action switching N4 even if people request it, because there were so many switches this phase that I didn't catch onto everything resulting from them.
  5. All actions are in! EVILBLADEASSASSINLOVERFLOWER2322, the Mafia Lover Illusionist, was too much of a LOVER to stay alive. Kirk, the Mafia Illusionist, died in N3 despite mentions of killing them flying everywhere since N1 start. Opera Ghost, the Mafia Lover Strongwilled Doctor, wasn't spooky enough to scare away their killers. Roasted Chicken, the Mafia Watcher, was eaten and never seen again. Robina, the Mafia 2-shot Loverizer, made all fangirl's dreams (read: Mitsuki's) come true. Dead Players: - Euklyd - Proto - Refa - Wen - Xinnidy N4 Begins! Aliases left alive: - Backspace - Doofenschmirtz - Dweeb - Invidia - Locobrickz - Naobyu - Niche - Tiger Players left alive: - Cam - Darros - Junko - Kinumi - Kirsche - Koneko - Marth - Poly
  6. All actions are now locked. Results will be given out shortly.
  7. All actions are in, 20 minutes to do any last minute action switching. If you do so send a new PM as opposed to editing previous PMs.
  8. 12ish hours left in the phase. Remember to send in actions or you'll die.
  9. All results are sent, let me know if there are any results missing etc N3 START! Deadline timer! http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20140802T0140&p0=141&msg=N3+deadline
  10. Can't Stop Believing, the Mafia 2-shot Blacksmith, discovered the fatal outcome of not sending his actions in for EiMM, woops =/ Caesar, the Mafia TrackerFollower, learned to never use a Jojo's character name as an alias ever again. No Name Mouse, the Mafia Macho Jailor, was pummeled by rodent haters. TotallyNotCiraxis, the Mafia 2-shot Gunsmith, died while trying very hard not to be Ciraxis. Tragedy, the Mafia Macho Jailor, left the game and nobody cried for him. Dead players: - Ciraxis - Paperblade - PKLucas531 - SB - Weapons N3 start will happen once I'm done sending results, I'll provide a countdown timer at the start of the phase properly this time. edit: woops forgot modifiers
  11. Actions are now locked. I'm still resolving actions so flips and results may take a little longer than last night.
  12. I'm still missing actions. There's somewhere between half an hour and one hour left in the phase, it depends on when I finish what I'm doing atm.
  13. Countdown to N2 end, remember that all phases are 24h long each now, and that you should let me know in advance if you're not going to be here to send actions so that I don't default them to shooting yourselves. http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20140801T0030&p0=141&msg=N2+end
  14. ...However, Ceadeus only won in an alternate universe in which I had one more sign-up to use that role, in this universe his actual role was: Mafia Haterizer. Hating people was too mainstream, so he made everybody hate him instead.
  15. Eh I kinda sent results in a rush because Kaoz wanted to go to bed and I wanted to update before he left, if anybody else is missing theirs let me know. Aliases alive (18/21): - Backspace - Caesar - Can't Stop Believing - Doofenschmirtz - Dweeb - EVILBLADEASSASSINLOVERFLOWER2322 - Invidia - Kirk - Locobrickz - Naobyu - Niche - No Name Mouse - O.G. - Roasted Chicken - Robina - Tiger - TotallyNotCiraxis - Tragedy Players alive (18/21): Cam Ciraxis Darros Euklyd Junko Kinumi Kirsche Koneko Marth Paperblade PKLucas531 Polydeuces Proto Refa SB Xinnidy Weapons Wen Dead Aliases: - Johnny Bravo - Bulletproof Miller Vigilante - Ceadeus Dead players: - BBM - Elieson - Kaoz
  16. All actions are in! Bulletproof Miller Vigilante, the Mafia Vanillizing Naive Cop, lied about his role for the last time. Johnny Bravo, the Mafia Watcher, hit on too many minors to be left alive by law enforcement. Ceadeus, the Multivisiting NightJester, was shot by over five people in a single nightphase and won N1. Dead players: - BBM - Elieson Won: - Kaoz That's a shitty amount of deaths for 21p, step it up people, or the not-so-hidden player Mitsuki will murder you all! N2 starts now, 24 hours to send in actions. Countdown clock will be provided and updated in the OP tomorrow.
  17. Actions are now locked in. Results will go out Briefly.
  18. Phase ends in technically 4 hours according to countdown, but 3 is better for me in the long run so I'll probably do that. Still missing actions
  19. There's approximately 12h left in the phase (countdown is at the bottom of the OP, for future reference). Reminder that everybody should send in actions through PM, and that logs showing intent to use certain actions don't double as submitting those as actions.
  20. everybody wins they realize friendship is more important.
  22. PM me with which you're interested in reading and I can send you some I guess, although I don't have logs from some people yet. Edit: On second thought this is probably not a good idea because of privacy issues.
  23. I was just reminded. Claiming to be an alias that you aren't or telling people to target one alias or the other is fair game, the only thing that isn't allowed is to log into IRC using a nickname/alias that isn't yours, since it falls under impersonating people and that's against the IRC's rules.
  24. Updated the OP with countdown, going to bed now so if there's anything missing let me know tomorrow. Have fun everybody!
  25. Technically speaking all PMs should have been sent now. Elie apparently can't see his and I don't know if this is the case for anybody else, so please confirm that you've recieved your role correctly in your PM. Countdown for the 48 hours in N1 starts now anyway, but an extension will be granted if anybody had problems recieving their role. I will edit the OP with all the relevant game information tomorrow morning. If you have any questions don't hesitate to send me a message through SF or skype.
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