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Everything posted by Vhaltz

  1. EVERYONE IS MAFIA MAFIA GAMEPLAY EDITION!!!!!! wow sanity not included season 1 is really old now Here are the 21 aliases and players: Aliases: - Backspace - Bulletproof Miller Vigilante - Caesar - Can't Stop Believing - Ceadeus - Doofenschmirtz - Dweeb - EVILBLADEASSASSINLOVERFLOWER2322 - Invidia - Johnny Bravo - Kirk - Locobrickz - Naobyu - Niche - No Name Mouse - O.G. - Roasted Chicken - Robina - Tiger - TotallyNotCiraxis - Tragedy Players BBM Cam Ciraxis Darros Elieson Euklyd Junko Kaoz Kinumi Kirsche Koneko Marth Paperblade PKLucas531 Polydeuces Proto Refa SB Xinnidy Weapons Wen Flips will work the same way they did in SBs game, dead roles will flip along with dead players, but they'll be in two different lists. Both OC and posting in this thread are allowed, try to add me to all convos you have with people or send me logs so that I kinda know what's going on. Sending out PMs now, my net kind of sucks atm so I might take a while. N1 lasts 48 hours and will start when I'm done sending out PMs and announce it here. Reminder that group play is advised in this EiMM setup, and that backstabbing is a common practice in EiMM :V
  2. I have 19/21 signups, I'll start the game in like 10 hours regardless of whether more people sign up or not. Also people that have submitted no alias will have their alias randomized through ran
  3. I have 18/21 signups atm, although I'm still missing an alias or two from people who signed up but haven't given me an alias. I'll start the game when signups fill or if two~ more days go by without me getting any more signups, then I'll consider trimming a few roles away.
  4. You can always make a skype and join the EM chat to know when we're playing so :V
  5. Uh, yeah, PM or skype me your aliases.
  6. New thread so that I can edit OP, etc. Rules as stolen and modified from SB as stolen and modified from Elie: No Edits. No Deadposting. Posting in thread and communicating via Outside Contact is fine, just don't spam the thread. No being a jerk. N1 is 48 hours. N2-> are 24 hours. Once I receive all actions, and publically declare it, actions are considered locked and phase ends. If you're going to change actions, send me a new message as opposed to editing earlier messages, this will make action changes harder to miss. Everyone will have one Bullet Proof Vest (BPV) to start. All users have a base factional kill. You will be notified if your BPV has been hit. A BPV will only protect against one hit. If you are targeted by more killing actions than vests that you have during a night, you will still die. No Self-targetting or Dead-targetting unless your role specifically states so. This game uses aliases. Every player is on the playerlist. Aliases: - Backspace - Bulletproof Miller Vigilante - Caesar - Can't Stop Believing - Ceadeus - Doofenschmirtz - Dweeb - EVILBLADEASSASSINLOVERFLOWER2322 - Invidia - Johnny Bravo - Kirk - Locobrickz - Naobyu - Niche - No Name Mouse - O.G. - Roasted Chicken - Robina - Tiger - TotallyNotCiraxis - Tragedy Players BBM Cam Ciraxis Darros Elieson Euklyd Junko Kaoz Kinumi Kirsche Koneko Marth Paperblade PKLucas531 Polydeuces Proto Refa SB Xinnidy Weapons Wen Setup specific stuff: - Selfish roles have been mostly scrapped, contacting people and playing as a team is encouraged if you want to win - The last 3 players alive will be allowed to joint win. Being the last person alive will make you win twice at the cost of being a douche to your friends. - Both OC and posting in this thread are allowed, try to add me to all convos you have with people or send me logs so that I kinda know what's going on. - Flips will work the same way they did in SBs game, dead roles will flip along with dead players, but they'll be in two different lists.
  7. well if so many people want to host and people still want to play I guess I'll start signups today
  8. I have like 20 roles in a notepad for an eimm so if people want to play again I could host one whenever.
  9. Mitsuki and I could make an eimm, I don't have much to do after the mangacon ended anyway. Or maybe I'll do it on my own since I don't really feel like playing another and Mitsuki might want to.
  10. I don't buy the reasons for Prims' sudden switch because the weight of the cases don't even compare, saying that my interactions with Weapons were worse than Poly's because they're "subtle" is just a way to twist "not interacting" into somehow scummy. Like his only points in this regard is how Mitsuki said she found him suspicious right at D2 start which is recycled from what BBM said D2 and I already explained here, and how I didn't answer to some random question weapons made which wasn't even a question as much as it was a remark, answering "does Vhaltz post this much as scum?" with "yes" is a waste of space and the question had already been answered by other people. context goes out the window and the wording is specifically there to make things sound worse than they actually are as it stands I'm pretty certain Prims is scum because coasted through all of D2/D3 on a Poly tunnel only to selectively effort now when lynch options for scum are running out (note that none of Refa/BBM/me were interested in Poly lynch so his lynch this phase would've been entirely impossible) sorry guys I really need to sleep
  11. I really can't do anything right now because I'm in the middle of a three-day mangacon, I have no time and no energy left I feel like Refa/Prims or Proto/Prims is the most likely scumteam off of gut on how the wagon on me formed but I'll give some final reads tomorrow.
  12. okay I see now, fuck my reading skills I'll actually reread properly when I get back, this morning is just literally The Worst time to mafia seriously
  13. because it's still a possibility, if I do die it's with two people dying the same night and having a doc would make sense balance-wise so that whateverloversshinoriwas and me/other dude don't die and halve the playerbase immediately. I also don't know if I stopped the kill tonight but it's a possibility if prims is scum, which is looking likely atm. And you literally just said this "Proto and Shin should fullclaim today because one of them is scum anyways and would already know who stopped the kill if it wasn't Vhaltz." so claiming that you're not relying on roleshens is just denial for the sake of denial
  14. Really disliking Refa asking Shin and Proto to claim. The "one of Shin and Proto is scum anyway" feels like a false dichotomy because it's not necessarily true. If one of them is Actually A Doc then all it does is help scum kill the protective role when they could stop a kill. I pushed Cam hard towards the end of D2 and he only bothered to dismiss my case so I was certain Cam shot me N2 and failed. His PM isn't clear wrt whether he was 1-shot or a full SK so Cam was likely to be gambitting to see if he'd be left alive as harmless third. This is a misrep because I specified that Mitsuki began to suspect Weapons during night phase when she was doing ISOs and reading the thread so that we could switch heads. I agree with BBM that the push on me feels unnatural, mostly because his retracting of his Poly suspicion so suddenly is ??? like it would be okay if he'd wanted to lynch me because he thought Poly/me are buddies but it feels like he just cased me based on that because he saw the opportunity to push Poly/me interactions and then realized that we didn't make literally any sense as buddies outside that so he backtracked and pulled away from his Poly suspicion entirely. Prims' case on me is based entirely on minutiae as opposed to his larger Poly case he pushed hard for two full day phases where he was really solid on his Weapons interactions so the switch in opinions wrt Poly's alignment based on mine doesn't make any sense. Prims why am I scum over Poly and why is Poly no longer scum? I need to reread Refa because I really don't like how he went from dismissing roleshens earlier when it came to having an opinion on me/Poly to relying on them entirely for scumhunting when it came to lynching Proto/Shin. Also need to reread Shin because I think scum miller is Dumb but I can't atm Mitsuki's house is chaos and we should've already left the house long ago. I'll be back in like 6-7 hours, if you're going to lynch me anyway give me a chance to reread and give reads first.
  15. I stop kills if I get targetted while I'm hiding. I hid behind Shin last night, meaning all kills on me would fail, all non-kill actions would get redirected to Shin and I'd die if Shin got killed.
  16. Because I hinted at having a redirecting role as opposed to just being an actionless mason?? I don't get how this is relevant
  17. oh forgot to mention SB told me I'm not weak, which means I can't tell who is scum depending on who I hide behind, this probably also doubled as bastard considering that I could've died if I hid behind Cam
  18. wtf, give me a minute to read through all of this crap I'm a weird hider variant, I can hide behind somebody normally which means I don't die unless my target dies (in which case both of us die) but I also redirect all non-killing actions onto my target so it's also a weird sort of ascetic/redirector. I decided to soft a redirecting role pretty hard when I was getting poly to target me to test his claim to see if I could draw the NK and it probably worked considering that nobody died last night. I crumbed it here reading now
  19. meh w/e, I need to sleep so I can't wait for more Poly posts. I basically made poly's cop land on shin to test his claim, which is why he saw guilty again. His reactions suck hard because they dodged the question instead of giving straight answers but I don't think they make him scum, if anything ragequitting Yet Again doesn't make sense as scum unless the scumteam were already planning on a Very Obvious Bus to happen. more tomorrow
  20. and by ASAP I mean like right away, not whenever you feel like it You had at least one guess as to what I could do yesterday so you might as well out it
  21. This is Important Poly so you should answer ASAP
  22. That's L-1 I think Don't think Poly lynch is happening so Cam should claim
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