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Everything posted by Vhaltz

  1. "brb puppy chewing my wrist" Missed deadline where Mitsuki and I claimed doc, and SB was also doc. I remember being really frustrated at NNR that game because his case on us was the worst, and small game meant his vote actually mattered.
  2. @Prims Imo just dump the rest of the questions you might have had left all at once and people can go responding whenever.
  3. I like forum mafia the best because it generally requires more people skills and less rolepuzzle-solving skills than EM. That said epicmafia with the people here is also very fun, mostly due to the mix of unearthly setups, fooling around like dumbs and actually playing the game. Winning as survivor in Australia is priceless. IRL mafia is more meh, like Mitsuki said people tend to not take it very seriously and barely scratch the surface of mafia logic the way it is usually used in forum mafia. It's fun in the very rare occasions when you gather people who do take it seriously. EDIT: Also since there are no questions around I might as well ask. Aimed at those who dislike rolling vanilla town, why? Is it just rolling vanilla in role madness setups or is it bothersome to not roll some kind of power role in general? (Shadoweh is not required to answer this question for obvious reasons)
  4. I'd really really like to play that game because childhood but I'm just about to start finals =/
  5. Man I felt sorry for GP at some point in the game for having to put up with so much rage. I didn't say anything about chilling out a bit because Shinori could've been scum again pulling off the same rage tactic as last game and I didn't want to potentially influence the game as observer, but yeah, there are other ways you can get your message across that are probably more effective too. Yelling at somebody who is town and isn't going to yell back at you has the side effect of stressing them out a lot, which is probably going to end up hinderìng their play. Would it help the civility of mafia to ban caps lock?
  6. I'd bus SB. Idk I like to keep a variety of interactions with my buddies when I'm mafia so that scum!meta doesn't screw up my teams. Sure, even if you have a bussing scum meta you can still try to WIFOM, but some players don't automatically discard things just because they could be WIFOM and are probably going to catch on eventually.
  7. Friendly reminder that there are around 24 and a half hours left in the phase.
  8. If there's anybody interested we might try to host some skype mafia in 2-3 hours e: there's 4 of us for now
  9. Yo I've been pretty busy with presentations and stuff these days and assumed Vash would contact me if she had any trouble since I told her I was available for any troubles at the beginning of the game, but it appears that she was just like "wtf is this" when reading mafia cases and didn't know what to do at all. I probably should've actively contacted her earlier, welp =_D Anyway I don't have much to say about the game myself atm because I haven't really been keeping up with it much, if push comes to shove I'll read up and post my skim-impressions of the game, but if everything goes alright Vash should be able to post something soon.
  10. Guns don't kill people I kill people with guns
  11. lmfao SF will never escape D1 doc lynches apparently
  12. Strongest: Mimicking town meta well enough, relatively townie play, nothing much else? Weakest: BusdriveVigs Not good at rolegames so will probably pick actions to mimic town play and end up screwed by roles. Locking myself into lynching buddies. Pulling questionable 180ºs sometimes.
  13. "HOW DID WE GET IN HERE WITH THAT ROCK IN THE WAY" Because you're ghosts, the tutorials slowly sapped the life away from you until there was nothing left.
  14. Agree that Semi-open is probably the best, it's what I used to do in spanish forums with newbies and it worked pretty well. If the actual players want to play open or variable it's also fine though. In that case we'd just need to have the mentors shut up about role shenanigans and let the players work it out without having everything handed to them.
  15. idk why people have such a big issue with RVS, RVS posts can be telling by themselves (see Shinori's first post in ITTD) so there's no reason to not scumhunt. Posting in RVS and trying to gather content from it doesn't necessarily frame you for the rest of the game, It's usually the trying too hard and attempting to answer to everybody's concerns that comes after people expressing early suspicion on town that leads to town looking bad right after RVS, just because they're giving people more content to pick apart when everybody else isn't a viable target or has less but decent content (see Shin and somewhat Scarlet in Yume Nikki D1).
  16. Inactives/flakers mostly. Extends to players who sign up while not caring much about the game anymore and purposefully lurk it out or don't care if they do scummy stuff and get lynched for it later. Even if it's just another game for you the mod still went through the trouble of making a balanced, interesting game and they deserve to see the game unfold like it normally would instead of having to deal with modkills/forcesubs/etc.
  17. I'd go for PRs. I don't really mind good players/obvtowns being alive as long as they townread me and keep people from lynching me. I suggested killing Paper over Conq in NOCers because inventor was a very likely role to have a cop/rolecop/some other investigation shot to give out since Prims dislikes regular cops. Killing somebody who wasn't getting lynched was just a bonus. EDIT: If it was a vanilla game I figure I'd end up killing BBM at some point because I'm pretty sure he's the most proficient here at taking off bias glasses when reading new posts and switching reads.
  18. It's pretty much common sense that mentors shouldn't be posting in thread unless absolutely necessary (and I don't even see when this would be the case), you want mentors to be giving advice to the newer players about the many aspects of the game and not playing the game for them. I think everything should be fine if people don't force themselves upon the trainees just for the sake of the win. When it comes to scumhunting tips I'd say use general advice without delving into game-specific territory to avoid giving them cases etc. Also avoid having the mentor claim in place of the trainee.
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