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Everything posted by Vhaltz

  1. Aw man Mitsuki and I totally wanted to hydra for Epicmafia Mitsuki: Well, if you guys are going to play again we'll try to join, unless we're asleep
  2. Hanging out with some friends and playing LAN party games for the laughs always helps with shitty moods, alternatively getting some good sleep (if sleep deprivated), going out and getting some sunlight and/or looking at some green scenery for a while are all good at helping with brain chemistry. not /in atm but might if I manage to get all of my assignments done and Mitsuki doesn't want to play
  3. what the hell is that? e: nvm Kaoz linked me, sounds cool
  4. Btw props to j00 and Refa for all of the images and Prims for encouraging them with the roles and all, made the game pretty fun to read. Also Conq and BBM played a pretty cool game
  5. Apologies to Clipsey because I felt bad about making up the whole fight thing after I closed off and went to bed Also the game was probably going to end up being a loss for the scums after Elie got tracked but I still think Raymond gave up a little too early, effort proved to be a huge factor in winning games for scum in a recent MotK game and I think it's better to get lynched while trying some crazy gambit than just letting the game end. Mitsuki and I wanted to tell him to try harder towards the end in the scum skype convo but that probably counted as influencing the game too much after replacing out + death =/ Cool game guys
  6. Manix is hetero? when did this happen?
  7. It has a limit of 30 spots it seems? idk if we're doing something wrong or what but it won't let us add a point because of w/e pricing plan for the map thing
  8. It's pretty much 11PM so even if I wanted to I don't really have the time to talk about them now, don't think they'll get themselves lynched anyway unless really dumb things happen so eh See you in some other game guys, I learned my lesson to not sign up for a game when I know it's going to get busy, I was just glad I was invited and wanted to participate I guess @Prims Requesting replacement
  9. I should also probably clarify that I don't think Scarlet is scum atm, tbh I only really talked about him just now because I mentioned him as possibly scummy before when I was running on memory but I didn't find him as scummy as I initially thought after rereading and I'd really need to see more from him. I think he should talk more in-depth about other people because I think I'm not the only one who has a muddled read because of the large focus on SB and me, he was seemingly offended that I said his content was mostly tunneling but his other not!SB reads at the time read really bareboned and the later readspost was similar in that aspect I don't think mentioning my townreads is going to affect anything because my replacement doesn't get to take my brain with them so Conq/Paper BBM j00/Refa In that order
  10. I should probably clarify that the reason why Manix's claim may come from scum is because I don't really see Prims giving people zero-utility roles. I don't know if there's some utility to it wrt vanillizers that I'm not understanding so I'll just leave it at that eclipse is a thing, I tried looking at her not!me things to see if I was just being dumb but her #113 and #128 really bug me. She's buddying with Conq and the reasons for the townread on him feel really arbitrary? idk, I didn't have any issues with Conq's posts by then but I didn't think they were indicative of alignment either, treating the claim like it came from town just because he claimed it early and it involved calling votes upon himself by deadline makes no sense. I don't think Conq in particular would've had any problems at all with claiming a role that benefits from grabbing a few votes it as scum (he'd get benefits out of it role-wise and buddies could get away with voting him at deadline) and the way she immediately assumed that he gets some kind of investigation on people voting him and talked about sorting out who goes where at deadline sound like a scum perspective on the role and wanting to control it. I also dislike her reaction to my reply wrt Kaoz because she essentially just talked about unrelated stuff, did nothing with it, and then acted like I didn't reply to her in her last post at deadline. She said she thinks a Kaoz flip would give her a good associative read on me which implies that she thinks we're buddies, but how is that any different from a Manix lynch considering I didn't follow up on my ED1 suspicion on him in-thread either? I don't think town would call for a vig on Kaoz only for the sake of associative reads instead of actually calling it on somebody they considered scummy and it's opportunistic considering that Kaoz said he had no time but would get better next week. Strege and Scarlet mostly pinged me due to activity patterns, they both threw down a serious vote relatively early on in the day and stuck with it throughout the whole phase without giving much on other players. Scarlet only really had opinions on people who suspected him throughout the day and I can't tell if his "I will rek u" style is coming from town assuming that the suspicions on him are BS and tearing into them or if it's scum using it to avoid suspicion. Strege parked on j00 for most of the day and never really updated his read on j00 for a very long time. His posts nearing deadline feel like fluff, in his #245 he calls Manix's out for inconsistency but disregards it right after with "oh well he'll get better let's not lynch him" and other than that he only made a side mention on Eclipse and answered a few questions when there were plenty of newer posts by j00 he could've looked into. There was also SB's #262 that bugged me, Refa was answering why he had been voting SB over what seemed like mere disagreements and SB's reaction was pretty defensive. I didn't get the impression that Refa was pushing him with his restating and Refa claimed to be catching up so SB making a point about Refa not reading his Paper case being scummy feels questionable in that context. I may have been a bit too confident in my ability to read him? idk, I wouldn't have said any of this if I kept playing because his ED1-MidD1 felt really town and I probably wouldn't lynch him, but I'd keep an eye on him, I didn't really get why he suddenly dropped Scarlet, why he tried to push Refa the way he did or why he picked me up over Manix closer to deadline. I wanted to talk about why you shouldn't lynch certain people once I'm gone instead since I feel a lot better about my townreads than my scumreads atm but nightphase posting is a bitch and I don't even know how much longer this is going to go on for
  11. No restriction anymore yesssss Apparently I suck even harder at reading than I thought because apparently I was only supposed to post one video per night phase instead of video per post "contained stuff that carries a pretty stiff penalty" unintentional puns Anyway my schedule was looking bad for D2 onwards due to practicals and I talked to Prims about maybe needing a replacement earlier but I'll definitely need it now. I won't be around a computer for 90% of at least tomorrow, saturday and sunday, and probably monday as well, so take my leaving at 11PM tonight as a queue for switching me out. gotta go get lunch and go to class, I'll try to do what I can with the time I have from 7pm to 11pm
  12. I just got home and I'm really exhausted so this post might not make much sense. I have to post a gachimuchi MAD for every nightpost or I get modkilled and I probably won't be posting much this night phase because 95% of these videos have content questionable enough that it could get me banned, I have to actually go through like a dozen to find one that works. NSFW warning (clipsey edit: video removed as it contained stuff that carries a pretty stiff penalty) I haven't seen Paper play as town before but seeing his response to the wagon I have to agree that he probably would've just given up if he were scum? Idk, when I read his posts the content itself could go either way but the way he stubbornly restated his suspicions and called out everybody on his wagon feels genuine, his posts as scum are a lot more bland and I don't think he's the kind of player who could manage faking emotion like that. Also Manix's claim is ???, idk how people usually go about being vanillized but I figure if somebody suddenly lost their role they would probably claim it eventually? The only potential utility I could see in it is if it worked like my rolecop role in FE6 Mafia and got "vanilla" results on godfathers, and idk if that's a mod thing or a general thing. I don't think he's very likely to be scum outside the claim but I'd really like it if he caught up and started posting actual reads or asked for a replacement if he can't. No time left atm so I'll talk about other people and reread when I've gotten actual obligations out of the way. Off the top of my head Paper and Conq are probably town, Strege feels like scum posting generally agreeable things and laying low, and I didn't like Scarlet or eclipse's posts closer to deadline but idk if I'm just being biased there and basically I need to reread I planned to answer some questions as well but I suck
  13. screw you for appearing right when I leave Conq =/ later
  14. I'm aware I haven't talked about anybody else for a while but I don't think it matters atm because my vote is staying where it is for the night, I'll talk about other people in not too long. Can't really put my finger on why without it sounding really dumb but I like the recent Refa posts, lynch Paper imo. Shutting off now
  15. Actually I have like 40~ minutes before I shut off, can I have an updated case on Manix? I remember Conq's case as the only real instance of weighing scum intent in his posts and even then I'd much rather lynch Paper atm. Refa do you still think SB is likely to be scum? have you read anything since you disappeared and have you gotten any newer reads from it?
  16. If you're going to bring up that thing about Paper as a towntell how is it any different that Manix blatantly admitted to forgetting their reasoning to vote Refa? Manix's posts are just entirely ???, if he continues to play this way in D2 I won't oppose lynching him for it, but at this point he feels like just another crapshoot lynch that's easy for scum to push and I don't feel very good about it considering that the general suspicion on him hasn't dropped at any point throughout the day.
  17. What I mean to say with the "I have no good reads" thing is that it's null. I wouldn't assume somebody is scum for saying it but it would also be bad to assume that they're town based on that either.
  18. The way you're spinning this around is WIFOM though. Just saying "I have no good reads" is more beneficial from a scum perspective because people will usually take it at face value allowing you to coast by on minimal content. whereas town has less reasons to bring it up because it has negative utility, people are going to feel much less pressure from your vote if you say that. @Refa Your reasons to switch off of Manix/Eclipse weren't the problem, the problem was voting SB for what read like just disagreements as opposed to anything you actually found scummy. I'd appreciate it if you caught up and updated your thoughts even if it means condensing your opinions into one-liners.
  19. Also inclined to think j00 is telling the truth about her pseudo-PR in the form of spamposting. Prims is dumb and I have a similar thing that hasn't applied so far but should soon.
  20. Okay here we go Paper’s votes have been weak* and I had been chalking it up to him probably following a method similar to Kaoz’s, but the reasons for his suspicion on me being based entirely on “too many suspects” reads odd to me, I’ve never seen that used as a tell before and it feels like it’s coming from a self-conscious scum mindset. The timing in bringing up the question about ED1 Manix/BBM feels like he wanted something to along with "too many suspects" to justify switching his vote since staying on Manix for any longer than he did may have raised eyebrows. If he actually found my suspicion on BBM/Manix scummy he could’ve asked about it several years ago, it’s essentially “why are you voting along with one of your scumreads” “because he could be bussing” all over again, just because I'm looking at both sides of a fight ED1 and think that both sides have done scummy things doesn't mean that I'm convinced that they're both going to be scum in the grand scheme of things. My big issue with this question is that I don’t get how it was supposed to go anywhere other than attempting to smear suspicion on me. * Vote on Manix was over being overdefensive wrt the Conq role and mentioning that it might be detrimental for town. He kept it for a long while with “his response didn’t sway me” as his only followup. * Vote on me was over suspecting many people and not updating my early Manix suspicion Nothing else he has done is memorable or redeemable, he defended himself from SB’s case, made several empty side comments throughout the game and issued some token questioning in his last contentpost which is fluffy upon reread (specially wrt Strege) On that same post, this other comment strikes me as opportunistic The Refa vote was on his first post after he came back. Paper has clearly been around enough to discern what things had happened when in the thread, somebody who was recently catching up and read all the thread in one sitting could’ve made the mistake, but much like his comment on my ED1 Manix/BBM suspicions this feels like it’s deliberately ignoring the context in which Manix did it just for the sake of keeping his day-long suspicion on him for deadline. Overall it doesn’t feel like Paper is scumhunting at all, and while selectively accusing me of not following up on my early Manix read, his own followups on people not Manix/me are very vague, to the point where he could potentially switch his vote onto any of SB, Manix, j00, Refa or eclipse, all of which are/have been potential end of day wagons, and they could happen with minimal reasoning. ##Unvote ##Vote: Paperblade Don't really want to lynch anybody that isn't Paper atm. I'd consolidate on Refa if it were absolutely necessary but at this point I don't have much conviction left in that case, specially in comparison to Paperblade. I kind of skimmed a few walls in the last few pages to get this out asap so I'll get back to reading now.
  21. I'm not supersonic at typing so my Paperblade case is going to take a little longer, I think what SB brought up applies but isn't the main reason why he's scummy
  22. I'm here, reading now Preemptive warning that I won't stay past 11 PM playing mafia from now on. Going to bed at 3:15 AM and waking up at 8:00 has given me a big headache at times throughout the day and I can't afford having the same happen tomorrow or any other day of this week really.
  23. No time, had to come back home to get lunch because I forgot I had no money left in my wallet, haven't catched up yet Paper is like 10x scummy as anybody else, I'll have time to type it out in 5~ hours Refa is ???, I just glazed over the recent pages and haven't seen any posts from him so I'm concerned that he's lurking it out and letting town slapfight amongst each other. What timezone is he in? Wouldn't really lynch j00 if possible, pretty sure I don't want Manix lynch either. Everybody else is either null or some degree of town. Saving voteswitch for when I post wrt Paperblade but consider my vote on him atm.
  24. Because I'm not actually scumreading Kaoz anymore. I realized a few hours after posting my case that his post makes perfect sense from Kaoz!town perspective because Paper and I are (I'm 90% sure) the two people in this thread that he has the most contact with as of late, and it makes sense for town!Kaoz, who inherently has troubles getting reads as town, to start looking for reads where he knows best. I could've not said it and not commented on Kaoz whatsoever until he came back to see what he did with the general suspicion on him but you guys have to ruin pretty much any chances of me getting better reads on people when it comes to stuff like this. If I say I would rather not talk about somebody, then at least wait until that somebody posts again before you hurry over to me with cattle prods demanding explanations because I'm intentionally withholding information. It's not a matter of whether I can case somebody without using meta or not and your example is just aggressive for no reason other than to keep up an image that I just attacked to be able to keep the integrity of my play (when it comes to this, it is a problem). I can also bullshit all kinds of cases on people based on tells that people generally find acceptable, the thing is in that I'm not going to do it if I don't believe that a case built like that is actually being alignment-telling. I'm leaving for good now, it's way too late.
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