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Everything posted by Vhaltz

  1. I don't think I'd like mason/neighbor so much, it'd mean having to discuss reads with another person and influence each other's reads as town, which tends to mess up a lot of unconclusive reads early in the game. I liked being JoaT in Elie's item mafia despite having mostly weak-ish roles, being able to pick a power depending on the situation can be really powerful, otherwise probably day roles like dayvig/daycop or cool roles with limited shots would be nice. Not really true though, the only recent game where we somewhat hydra'd was ITTD, otherwise it's mostly just unimportant game commentary with no reads discussion for the sake of fairness. When she's the one signing up she usually just asks me to not help outside language issues because she wants to improve by her own merits.
  2. Well if it makes you feel any better my first scumgame consisted of replacing in, posting for 24~ hours and then getting shot in the face
  3. I should make a setup that's like, 2 towns, 1 mafia and 20 deathmiller survivors. It will be called "SF's favourite Mafia Game". As for alignment preference I don't really know yet. I really enjoyed being mafia in Healer (sorry about the bus Eury I was dumb and locked myself into it) but I disliked NOCers somewhat because I was a nervous wreck at times, I didn't have the time to properly influence the gamestate and it got significantly worse after I replaced out because I was vouching for my team but things didn't go well and I couldn't really do anything about it. Then again I'm also a nervous wreck when I'm town and I screw up badly like in ITTD D1 but eh. I feel like rolling ITP someday because it will probably mean being forced to drastically change my playstyle, as town I try to look very town and as scum I try to look very town, but that's not a strategy that's gonna work for SK/Cult or whatever.
  4. I remember BT being town ascetic in that recent MotK game where Bard won. Didn't read Mirai Nikki and for the most part I haven't read MotK games at all if I haven't commented on postgame. And yeah after reading all of this it feels like ascetic is mostly just a miller variant for town, I don't think I'd ever put it in a setup because giving people negative utility roles with no redeeming qualities is kind of crappy for the person getting the PM, although I guess it'd be okay if it were linked to some other role like Prims' miller in NOCers I had an uninformed observer chat with Kaoz and Mitsuki that got really lazy past D2 start, I mixed up Euklyd and Refa as SK/Mafia right before the 1v1 and never questioned my dumb early townreads on Shinori and Elie. Goes to show you that actually playing the game and reading it might have a crucial role in playing mafia, scientific research 10/10
  5. I've never even seen ascetic used as a mafia role because it's too powerful though.
  6. Sorry I had IRL things that needed my attention Probably better to pause/stop anyway though, I've been playing all throughout what would normally be my dinnertime and I should eat before it gets too late.
  7. Bear or Elie or somebody join, 1 slot left
  8. Make the 9p whenever you're done and link it over.
  9. I literally just shot somebody as hitman N1 and did nothing all game, I hadn't even touched the keyboard yet when the game said I shot somebody else
  10. let's try this again https://epicmafia.com/game/2965622
  11. https://epicmafia.com/game/2965621 nvm that filled up immediately
  12. oh cool I'm good at reading Poly and Marth are in a game atm but if people want I'll link when I see another sandbox 12p
  13. Remember Mitsuki can't play in SF lobby until Manix wakes up and approves =/
  14. Yep, it's just that each of us managed to fail to join the next game quickly so we played one each
  15. Mitsuki can play as long as it's in sandbox, she needs to get approved at the SF lobby by Manix
  16. Still 8p short apparently e: nvm abandon ship. Link over whenever there's a new game
  17. Both Vhaltz and I want you to join! Vhaltz has said nothing but I decided for him
  18. Hey kids Remember to leave finished games before trying to join new ones, or the VERY GOOD epicmafia software won't allow you to join
  19. Over half the playerlist is afk but everybody should join anyway! https://epicmafia.com/game/2956410
  20. I joined some game in the SForestmafia thing and it's at 6/10 but idk if the people already in are actually active/checking in or what
  21. So does someone want to play epicmafia while Mitsuki and I are actually around to play? :V
  22. -- not playing -- SB your kopfjager/refa part of the votecount is backwards apparently? -- not playing -- e: I think I brainfarted nvm
  23. I'm the best epicmafia player my alias is arcbell e: I only really played Epicmafia for a bit back when I wanted to play forum mafia really badly but didn't have the long-term time to do so. I quit pretty much as soon as I found out that the open setups were very played out and there were preestablished ways to play for many of them.
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