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Everything posted by Vhaltz

  1. I don't think the cult setupspec thing Refa mentioned is particularly telling though. I also thought that Ilerminaty may have been intentionally hinting towards cult from reading the OP but I'll wait for Blitz's take on it before I say why I did. FFM should also do stuff other than claiming miller.
  2. I may have some stuff to say about our role but I still haven't gotten responses from SB or Paper so welp (Also I'm trying to include stuff by both Mitsuki and I so assume we agree on stuff unless I state otherwise) Not seeing Refa's reasons for Proto!town, he spends like a whole paragraph explaining why he's scummy but then handwaves it as "too scummy to be scum". Several people play as scum and have no accurate perception of how legitimate early-game suspicions are going to be in the long run, and if I were to expect to see this from anybody on SF it'd be from somebody who hasn't played in a while. What bugs me the most about this post though is how he twisted the Proto cases into a 1v1 "which of Proto or Weapons is scummier" when Weapons had posted once in barely-out-of-rvs. I can get defending somebody for something that you don't think is scummy but making it into "this other guy is scummier CHOOSE" feels like misdirection intent. ##Vote: Refa Proto is a thing himself but I don't have any strong feelings one way or the other, defending his specific playstyle is something that I could see coming from either alignment in his situation and his #46 is pretty much continuing to do the same thing. Would like to see opinions on who they think is scum now since his content so far amounts to scumhunting theory discussion/playsyle and a sheep on Weapons' Refa case, neither of which help much wrt following his trains of thought on the game. Mitsuki is kind of wary of him. She thinks it's scummy that he only justified what he's already done and talked a lot when none of it was actually scumhunting, since his only serious case/vote is sheeping somebody else after saying that everything else that people said is not relevant. I have strong difficulties understanding Weapons atm and this paragraph in particular is giving me a headache, what's wrong with "continuation cases"? could you reword/explain this? Checking timestamps Blitz's #36 is really weird. I initially thought he was voting Proto for his sheepvote on Refa but there's like 2 minutes between Proto and Blitz's posts and he further justifies his vote right after, so his initial Proto case was pretty much a poke on an RVS post asking somebody to build a case. There were many other people with no serious votes at the time so I don't see why singling Proto out of everybody else makes any sense, it feels opportunistic considering that Proto was starting to get flak for his unpopular opinions. Cut by Proto
  3. ##Vote: Weapons He is clearly plotting to kill somebody with like weapons
  4. Welp, it appears that we fell for something big. I'll probably die tonight because there's too little time to change actions now, but know I talked with SB about my shitty co-driver role. Co-drivers can't drive themselves so they are essentially useless on their own, I told him two fulldrivers who also can't target themselves would've been more fun because they'd have more utility, but he said he would've made full-drivers be able to target themselves. Ergo, if one co-driver dies and the other stays alive they turn into a full-driver (this is part of my role), and considering what SB said, it's very likely that they'll be able to essentially drive themselves for the rest of the game, making landing a kill on them entirely luck-based. Here's the thing that probably only one or two of you knows, Cam isn't the other Co-driver, it's Blitz. Cam was originally the other co-driver but got roleswapped sometime N1 or N2 (probably N1), and Blitz has been trying to get the full drive by telling people to kill Cam and me under the guise of "killing both co-drivers at the same time". Cam or anybody that got driven from bear to Cam or vice-versa last night can confirm he isn't the other driver because my drive on Cam worked N2, where Cam couldn't have sent in a drive action N2 because he didn't log onto SF. So gg guys, see you postgame
  5. made by Mitsuki and me with love
  6. It can't happen because the game starts in D3!
  7. SB edit Paper's post to update with signups, because you can totally do that I think there's like 10/15 signups atm.
  8. SB is clearly lying, everybody should join
  9. Given the progress of the current game I strongly discourage anybody who ever considered checking this out. Maybe not a general thing but some people make it definitely not worth it.
  10. /in hydrain with Mitsuki for great justice
  11. In my opinion Prims deserves a slap on the hand way more than Manix for this game. Even if tunneling like Manix did is bad play, being a prick towards him repeatedly when it was clearly crossing the line was not the way to solve the problem. I specifically don't see why you had to talk to Mitsuki like that as well but it's up to her to talk about the issue. edit: From what I got from SB it apparently wasn't intentional? definitely watch out for this in the future then. gg to everybody else, Shin managed to play quite well despite subbing into a pretty bad situation and I didn't really think he'd be scum until the claim. Props for not giving up.
  12. kirsche should've been a bunch of cherries imo
  13. Wow I'm playing Portal 2 and I thought Glados was very passive-aggressive.
  14. How do you even OC 19 other people in 72 hours and get something out of it? are OC games usually this big? Never played an OC before so I'm kind of limboing in whether I should try it out or not, NOC 20p would take a lot of effort in reading everybody and OC seems like it would take even more.
  15. Well in case the site goes down we can always play right now :V https://epicmafia.com/game/3136522
  16. moar games https://epicmafia.com/game/3103005 Also @ prims, anarchist gets investigated as aligned with anarchist by sane cop, should probably revise dethy
  17. https://epicmafia.com/game/3102870 1 slot for dethy, join
  18. Prims spoiled the scumteam for me before I even began to read the thread and these were my thoughts pretty much. I don't think it was a very good idea to bus both buddies with the SK still alive because the cred boost is just going to make the ITP target you. I was ??? on why Prims did it instead of trying to get the SK lynched first.
  19. Prims is like that gossipy grandma of the mafia community that finds out everything about everybody and nobody knows how or why they would do that.
  20. It's been forever since I played anon and I've never tried to not be painfully obvious about my identity, so idk. I read Eury's posts when I'm playing but skip them over every time when I'm spectating.
  21. Poor Cam, he stated several times in our PM that he thought Eury was mafia =_D I was sold on Junko/Terrador/FFM scumteam at the beginning of D3 and didn't really read very much into the game after that, props for the strategy although I think mentor guidance should've been a little more subtle.
  22. FFM was godfather bus driving roleblocker stalker watcher serial killer vanilla town. gg to whoever wins, I look forward to seeing the newer players here signing up for other future games.
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