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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Aspertia's only in BW2, so that track that sounds like it'd suit a sylvan hamlet won't be in BW. I knew that'd come up eventually.
  2. See, this is the kind of internet we don't get anymore and more's the pity. Accumula and Aspertia are two different tracks. Would it have a sync skill causing debuffs in enemies from comment spam? Gen 1 protag confirmed? There it is. I have done this That's the resplendent costume. They've done nothing with those since right? Well, time to wait for FE Mars
  3. Can't edit my post and forgot something, so here: The world's not good enough for Tatiana, you're right.
  4. Cynthia being in the "Actual person I've met" category is the surprise here. I expected Shinon in the Social Media category Who the hell was like Rhea? Oh good, Peri isn't out in the world. "Happy Ghast noises" Some fantasy huh? I'd expect more dead people in that context I suppose. Will there be more verses in this song? I'm betting on there being more. I'd believe it.
  5. Are you saying Persona is the Face/Off of JRPGs?
  6. Huh, fascinating, wonder why that is. This guy
  7. I am seeing nothing at all, it's confusing me. And why would I want to make that kind of joke on you? Seems rude for no reason. 1-rounds on 0 Str. Amazing that those 2 hours were functionally for nothing.
  8. @Acacia Sgt This post is showing nothing at all. Give me a bit. Watch the show already dammit
  9. Acacia: managing to post with literally nothing in the post. What happened?
  10. So first off, they're both in the game. Hence why I hadn't planned on them. Second, I assume with the Engage art? Or is this someone else of your preference with Ephraim's hair? The one with the M. Knight film.
  11. On the one hand you're right. On the other hand I was trying to avoid characters who were already in engage and tried to at least go for different colours in the hair too, led to some being harder than I'd like (3H), see if people would catch on to who was who for a laugh (Nobody responding to Azura was saddening). Sothe of course made the former impossible (And to those who'd suggest Sanaki, I considered it and didn't go for it, maybe I should have) (Tangent, what would a saddening difficulty be like?)
  12. *shudder So more detailled that Genealogy? All one map?
  13. We got SoV, nothing is impossible But yeah, This can happen.
  14. Please be Thracia remake, Please be Thracia remake, Please be Thracia remake! I'm concerned about Copes being involved More like Futurum nunc est, senex
  15. Can't even get a positive vote count on Reddit, not worth the trouble.
  16. Panzer Dragoon 2 Remake is getting made by IS? No wonder it took so long!
  17. Clearly not the 90's, it didn't exist then
  18. Sommie is the idol at the end of the cave. Wonder what would chase after you in place of a boulder. Gender lock for barbarian gone forever?
  19. Maybe it does work too but they're so normalised to what is considered norms it doesn't cross her mind. Or I'm just being optimistic. Though the game might not be so kind, you can confirm for me in Chapter 9. You too? Truly I see Teehee is cursed.
  20. Was Roc intended as NB? I have heard some NB can accept using some degree of binary pronouns, but that's a whole other discussion that'll kill me if I have to discuss it with family again. Sounds like the Copening They'd find a way to break casual mode. She needs to expand her enterprise, makes sense.
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